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<br />88~< i l04826 <br /> <br />CONT~ld <br /> <br />0110 or TRUST <br /> <br />Th10 D..d of Tru.' 10 thie 1st . 19~. by .nd ...ang JohR A. Richardson <br />and I hereinarter 'referred to.1 fru.tor. II <br />whOle ..lUna addu.. II e i Arend R. Baack t <br />AttOTll., at Ln. henln.rUI nfernd to all truatee. -..basil .dUns addreafll is P.. 0 I Box 790 <br /> <br />Wi=~c~:!Y~~O~ .:;~~~: .~d:::.T~ ~:~DXN~~:::^~r:::\~~.~~:e~:~:' :::~~~.fter referred to .. <br /> <br />'or conitderat1on, Trulltor irrevocably grants" transfera, conveys and .nIBII. to trustee, in <br />~~U:~~l::h D~O:~ o~::l:f ~~~.~~II t::n~:~~O::8~::~~~~~e:f p::;:~~;:.~~~.~:.:n and .H~~it to the ~:::y7nd <br />Hebn.'ka. to-viti <br />lDts Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9). in Lei"',,... Vnlh.y Tnk.. <br />Subdivision in the South Half of the North..."t Ounrt..,. (~t) <br />of Section '1\\0 (2), Township Nine (9) North. Ran"" T.m (10) <br />West of the 6th P.M.. Hall Countv. Nebraska. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />tOlether vtth ..11 buildings. improvements. fh:tures, streetB, albys, passageway., e8l!lelll!lntll, rights, privi- <br />leles and appurtenance. loeated thereon or in any way pertaining thereto, and tbe: rents ~ i.sues ~ profits. <br />reversions and the rll!lUllnden thereof. including .U l!Iueh personal property that 111 attached to the lmprove- <br />aentll so u to constitute a fixture. all of whiehl Including raplacementll and additions thereto I are hereby <br />declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being aBreed that .11 of the fore- <br />loing llhall be bereinaft~r referred to aa the "Property." <br /> <br />FOR mE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br /> <br />eal tbe pa)'1ll!nt of indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even date herewith in <br />the principal BUll of Fortv Thousand Dollar!'=; &. Nn/100($ 40,000 00 ), together <br />"ith Intere.t at tbe rate or rates provided therein, or tbe principal and interest on any <br />future advance not to exceed the totel pdncip.l SUII. initially secured hereby all evidenced <br />by prca1.slIory Dote. stating they are .ecured hereby, and any .nd aU renewalll" lKIdiflcations <br />and nt.naiana of aucla notas, both pdncipal fUld interest on the notell being payable 10 <br />accordanee with the teras set forth therein, which by th18 reference 18 hereby IIl8de . part <br />hereof; <br /> <br />(b) the perfonnance of agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained i and <br /> <br />(c) the p.)'IIent of any 1IUD1 or .UIlI. of lKI'I1ey whieh may be here.fter or advllllced <br />by Beneficiary under the teraa of this Deed of Trullt, together with interellt thereon at the <br />rate provided in the note. <br /> <br />To protect the lIecurlty of thb Deed of Trullt, Trustor hereby covenant a and agreea aa followa: <br /> <br />1. r.v-nt of Indebtednus. To pay when due, the principal of, and the interest on, the indebted- <br />nen evidenced by the note, chargu, fees IIIId .11 other aUJIII as provided in the loan instruments. <br /> <br />2. Title. Trulltor h the owner of the property and h.a the right and authority to execute thill <br />Deed of tr;;tin reapect to the property. <br /> <br />3. tue. and As.e....nt.. to pay. Yhen duel all taxes, .pecial IIl1lellll.entll .nd all other chargell <br />aadollt the propertYI before the IIIIJIIl! become delinquent, andl in the IlVllnt BeneUd.ry sh.ll 110 require I <br />to .dd to the paYlt8ntll required \Duler the note lIecured hereby, luch aDknmt .11 ..y be .ufficient to en- <br />able Beneficiary to pay such t.xes. allllell81Dentll or other charsell .. they beeoM due. <br /> <br />"'~ ~. To keep the tJDprovellenta now or hereafter located on the real Illltate described <br />herein inaured .Sftinllt daaage by fire and lIoch other hazards as Benef1chry uy require, in aeountll and <br />cOllpaniea acceptable to Beneficiary. and with 101111 pay.ble to Seoenehry. In calle or lo.s under lIuch <br />poUChll, Beneficiary b authorized to adjulltl collect .nd c01lprOllllle, in Itll dillcretion, all elaims <br />thereunder .IIldl at its sDh option. is authorhed to either .pply the proceeds to the. restoration of tbe <br />property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but paymentll required by the note IIhall continue until <br />the s_ ..cured hereby sre paid in full. <br /> <br />5~ Ilepalr. Kaintenance and Use. To promptly restore or rebuild any buildlnS8 or laprove- <br />aenU now Dr hereafter OR the property; to keep the property in 800d eondition .and repair, without V11l1te <br />aDd free frOll aechanics or other Uenll not expresll1Y subordinated to ~he lien hereof; to not aake:, suffer <br />or perait any nub.nce to exillt nor tD dllainbh Dr impair the value of the property by any act or oaf.lldon <br />to act; and to cOIfply.with all requirements of law with respect to the property. <br /> <br />6. Cood_.tion. In the event the property, or any part thenof, IIhl11 be tabn by eDlinent doma1n1 <br />le.neflelary I. entitled to colleet and recei'lN! all coapen..tion which III&Y be paid for any property uken <br />01' for d...g.. to property not taken, and Beneficiary .ha11 .pply aueh eoapenlletlonl at ita option, <br />either to . reduction or the Indebtedness secured hereby or to repair and restore the property ao taken. <br /> <br />1~ Performance by Bendidary. Beneficiary "Y. but shall have no obUglltion tD, do any set which <br />Trulltbr hall agreed but falled to do. and Benefielary ..y alllo do any IIct it del!llUl nece.lIl1l')' to protect <br />the lien her.of.. Trustor agree. to rep.y, upon delMlld. any SUlDII so expended by Benerichry for the <br />.b.,... PUrpoll", and any 8UII ao expended by hneflclary ahan be added to the lndebteclnel!fll _cured here- <br />by aDd. bec~ secured by the lien hereof. Beneficiary sh.!l not incur .ny peuonal liability because of <br />anyth1n1 it -7 do or Ollie to do herelMlder. <br /> <br />8. Aaalardent. of Bent.. Beneficbry shall haw. the right, pover and authority durinB the con- <br />t.lnuaaee of this Deed of Trullt to collect the rent., hllues and proUte of the property and of any per- <br />.oaal property located thereon with 01' without taldnl poallellllion Df the property affected hereby, and <br />Truator henby abllolutely and unconditionally .ssigna aU lIuch Tents, taauell and profits to Beneficiary. <br />Benafleiar'J', hovever. hereby eonsents to Trustor's eolleetion and retention of such rents, l1111ue8 ad <br />profit. .. they accrue and becoae payable. so long aa TlWUlltor 18 nDt. at auch time, in default with re- <br />apect to p.,..ut of any indebtedness secured hereby, or in the perforll8llce of any agrl!lntellt heremder. <br />U 811" event of default described hereafter in n.pect to thill Deed of Trust eh.11 have occurred and b. <br />coatinulDs, len~ftcial'J, al a ..tter of ript and without notice to Trustor or anyone c1&"ing under <br />Truatol', and without resard to the value of the truat eat ate or the intereat Df the TTuator therein. <br />ahall have the rllht to apply to any court having juriSdiction to appoint. Tl!!Iceiver of the property. <br /> <br />9. Iuapec.tionll. B.flllficiarYI or Ite asent.. repreaentatlvea or warkMn. are authori&ed to nter <br />at _, n..ODabh tIM upon or in any part of the prDperty fDr the purp08e or Ins pectins the aa.e and <br />for tM purpo.. Df ptrrfonrin& any of the acta it 1& authorized to perfon under the te~ of 8ny loan <br />iMU_U ..ecutu by Tr-uator. <br /> <br />10. Tranllf.r of PropertY. If all or any part of the property or an.,. intereat Df Truator therein <br /> <br />-1- <br />