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<br />88-104780 <br /> <br />If L~nder reqUiTed mortgage Insurance as a condi1ion of makin~ the loan SCCUTl"CI by this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower !lhall pay the premiums required to maintain the insur.mcc In effecl until such time as the requirement for the <br />insuran..:c h:mlinates in accordance with Borrower's llnd Lender's written ugrcement or applicable lnw. <br />8. Inspection. lender or its agent may make reasonable cntries upon llnd inspections of the Property. Lender <br />shllllgi\'c Borrower notice a1the time of or prior to an insPl"Ction specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemn.lion. The proceeds of any award or chum for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with <br />any condemnation or other laking of any part of the Property. Of for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby <br />nssigned nnd shnll be pnld to lender, <br />In Ihe event of a total laking of the Property, Ihe proceeds shall h~ applied 10 the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial tnking of lhe ProperlY, <br />unless Borrower and lender otherwise agree in wriling. the sum!l secured hy this Security [nstrumenl shall be reduced hy <br />lhe amount of the proceeds multiplied by tht' following fraclton: (ullhe total amounl of the sums secured immediately <br />before the taking, divided by (b) the fair markel value oflhe Property Immediately hefore lhe taking. Any bnhmce shall be <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />If lhe Property IS nhnndoned by Borrower. ur If. after O<lIlt.'e hy Lender III Borrower Ihul the condemnor offcr~ to <br />make an 3W..OO or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fatls In respond to lcnder ""ilhi" 30 days after the date the nolice is <br />given, Lender is nurhonzed 10 collecl and apply Ihe proceeds. alii!'. oplion, clther to restoration or repair of the Property or <br />10 the sums secured by Ihis Set.:urity [nstrumenl. whether or not Ihell due. <br />UnlCS50 Lender and Borrower othcrwise agTt.."e in writing. any lIppllcatHln Ilfpn1ceeds In principal shall nOl cxtend or <br />po!l.lpone lhe due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change: the amount of such pnyments. <br />10, Borrower Not Relessed; Forbearance JJy tender Not a Waher. E.\lension of lhe lime for paymenl or <br />modiii....uion of amortizalion of the sums sl."Cured by Ihis Securily Instrument grunted hy Lender to any successor in <br />Interest of Borrower shall not operah: In release the liability of the llTlgmul BormYo'er nr Borrower.... successors in interest. <br />lender shall 1101 be- required 10 commence proceedings agamsl un)" ~UCL'L'!'.!'.llr 10 Inlercsl nr refuse In c:\lclld time for <br />payment or O1herwlse modify amonimtinn oflhe sums secured h) I hi!'. Se,,:un1) In,lrumcnl hy reason of any demand mndc <br />by the original Borrowc:ror Borrower's successors in 1I1tcrest. All)' fnrheaTiln~e hy Lender In c.l(crclsing any right or remedy <br />shall not be a waiver ofar preclude the exerCise of all}' TIght or remcdy <br />II, Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint Ilnd Seyeral UBbilit).; Cn-siRners. rhl.: 1.'00'CtHlI1ts llnd agreemcnts of <br />tlus Security Instrument shall bind and benefillhe successor.. :lI1d as!'.I~ns t}f I.eoder and BOTnlWc.'r, !'.uhject to Ihe provisions <br />nfpnragrnph 17. Borrower's CO\lenants and agreemenL., shall he JOInt und 'ic\'cral, Any Aorruwer who en-signs Ihis Security <br />Instrumenl but does not CXl.'Cute the NOIc: (a) I~ co,slgmng thiS SecUTII)' 111!'.lrumenl onl}' 10 mortgage. grant and convey <br />that Borrower'~ mlcre!l.t in Ihe Property under the term!'. of I Ill!'. Se,,:urH) Imtrt.l11clll: (h) 1!lllol personally obligaled In PIlY <br />the sum!! secured by Ihl' SCl:unty [nstrumenl; and (('I agree!'.lhal Lendcr and olher Borrower may agrec to eXlemj. <br />modify, forhear or make uny accommodnllulls with regard III Ihc lerm' of 11m Se(,'urlty Imtrumcl1l or Ihe Note wllhuut <br />Ihal Burrower'!'. con!'.ent, <br />12. LoBn CharKe5, If the loan ,ccurcd hy II11s Sel'uT1t)' In!'.lrllmenll\ subject 10 a Inw which ,cis nHl~m1Um Iniln <br />..:hurgL". and Ihat law I!'. finally inlerpreted so Ihat Ihe Hlleres( or other Inan chllrg~ cllllt."Ctcd or 10 he collcctcd in <br />":oIHICl.'lmn wtlh Ihe loan Cl'.cecd the permlllcd limit!!. then (a) any ,uch loan charge !'.hall he reduced hy the iUnllU1I1 <br />ntXeS!lar)' 10 reducc the chargc to Ihe pcrmiued hmit; and (b) an~' 'um!l already collectt."1.1 from Burrower w111ch cAcecded <br />peTnnlled hOIlI!'. Will he rcfundt'd to Borrnwer. Lender may l'hoO\c III !nuke Ihl' rcfund hy redlll:lI1g the PTlIlL'lpal tlwed <br />under Ihe Note or h) makmg a dlf(:cl paymelll tll Bnrnlwt:'r If.a rcfund redut.'t."!'I pnllt.'lplll. the redUi."llOl1 Will he I ft.'alel! i1!'.1l <br />parlllll prepayment wnhout any prepayment charge under Ihe NOh,' <br />13. I.eKhilatinn AlJeC'tinK Lender's RIKhts, If enaL:tmenl nf Cx.plralllHl or applu.'llhll' Iilw, 11lI!'. Ihe dTet.'! llf <br />rendeTlng L11l)' pnl\'I!lUII1 tlflhe: Note or I hi!'. SecUTlly In!'.lrumellt 11llCnfllTl:eahlc aL:t.'{lrdlll~ tl} It' term,. I.clldc.'r. alll!lllpllllll, <br />nUl) rC4um: lI11rnedHllc pa)'lTlent 111 full of all 'um~ ,ecured hy 1111.. SCI..Ufll} IW'tITlHnenl illUJ mil) Ill\llkt.- .my rCll1edlL'" <br />permUted b)' paragraph 19, If Lender e"erci~Clllm (IPIIOll. l.ender ..hall tat..c Iht:' 'Iep" "pel.:llicd III the ..ccond purilgTllph Ill' <br />paragraph 17 <br />14. ~o1iC'cs, Any 110llce 10 Borrm".t:'r prm'ldcd for mlhl!'. Set.'lIr1ly 1"'lrumenl ..hall he gn'C'n hy dellvcrlllg 11 or hy <br />mailing II by finol das!'. mati unle..s applll.'l.lble law n:qUlrcs U!lC of another mClhod_ Thc nollcc ,hall hc dlrccled 10 Ihc <br />ProperlY Addre!ls or UIlY other address deslgllUI~ h) notice III l.ender Any IIllth.'e tll Lender ,hall hc ~1\'CIl hy <br />tirst dass mnil to Lender's addr~s 'italc:d hen.'ln llT an)' other l.lddrc!'.!I Lender de\1gnulc' hy 110tll.:C III JJnrrllwcr An)' 1l1111t.'C <br />proVided for in this SecuTlly Instrumenl ,hull he deemed to ha\-'c ht.'en gl\-el1lll Borrowcr or I.cnder whcn given a, I'rm'ldctl <br />In Ihls paragraph, <br />15. Governing l..awi Se\lcrBbility, Tim S~I..'uTlly In..lrumenl ,hall hc lZ-O\oerncd hy fcdemllaw 1I11l1lhe law of Iht" <br />Junsdlclion III whieh the Property IS located III Ihc e\'ent that any provI\lon nr dau,e Ill" !hl!'. Sct.'tlTll)'lmlrulllclIl UI Ilu: <br />Note confhch w1th applicable law. ,uch C{lntllL:1 ..h,,1I1101 an-eel other pTll\l\lon... of Ihl\ SCl.:Unly In'trumcnt Of Ihe NulC <br />winch can be gi\icn effect without lilt: (,'(lI1tllcllllg pTll\"I"IOIl_ Tn thIS end Ihe prm'I'ItIll' of Ihl' SCCUTlly Instrumcnt amlllw <br />Nole ure declared In be ~c\'erable <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower ....hull he g1\'en one cunformed o.:upy llr Ihc Nole and llr thl" SeClITlly IlhlruUll,'ll1 <br />17, Transfer of the Propert)' or 11 Beneficial Interest in lJorrower. If all or all) pari of Ihc I'TtlpL"r1~ III .111\ <br />IOlere;11O illS \Old or transferred (or If a bcnelkll1l mlere!'.1 In Burro\\'er I' ',old ~Ir IraIl!'.ferrcd and I" 1101 ,llIillul ill <br />per~on) wlthoul Lender., pnor ....rl1lel1 cUllSent. Lcnder may. al it'! oplUltl. require Immcdmtc pa)'menl 111 lull,,!' ,,11'11111'< <br />'L"Cured b) thiS Secunl)' Instrumcnt. Huwc\o'er. thIS OpllOll ~halll1nl he: C"-CII.'I't."d h) Lcndcr If l'.\l.'U"C I" prl1lllhlh~t! h\ <br />federalla",. as of the dote of thiS SecunlY In'lrumel1t <br />If l::nder excrclSC\ th1\ tlplHlIl. Lender ..hull give Bomlwcr notice tlf a~~derallllll The Illllll:C ,hall pn'\'uk ,I pCllIld <br />urnolless than 30 da)'~ from the dale Ihe nollce I!'. dehvered or matled ""11 hill ....ludlllllrrllVt'cf IIImt Pil) all"ul11' 't..Clucd h~ <br />Ihl:'. SecunlY In!!trument. If Borrower fall.... III pay Ihe.e 'ium' pnOT 10 Ihe c"'plrall11nllf It1l'" pemltl, I,clltler l1la~ 111\ I)}.,l' .11I~ <br />remedl~ pcnmncd by Ihl'\ Seeunly Imuumcnl .....lthout rUTlhCf nollcc or dCl1land on Bornl\\{{'f <br />18. BorrOl,er's Riltht to Reinstate. If IJnrrower meets Lertall1t.'llllt.hllllll",. BIJlro....1.:1 ,hall ha\l' the rl~hl III tU1\1.' <br />enrnrccmenl oflhl!! ScCUTlI) In..lrumenl dl\l.:tlnllnUed al an)' lllnc pnur lu thl.' e;.lrllef llf fa! .. dil)"lor 'udlllllwr pt:no\!,t' <br />apphcable law may> fur rem..liltement) hefore "ale:: orthe ProperlY pur..u,ullln al1~ p,met nf'ale l'l1lll.Ulll.d III 1111.. <br />SccUTlI)- In\lTumcuI. lit (hI cnlr) nf 11 Judgment enforCing Ihl' SCl:unty 1n-.lrul11clll 1 hl...e llHldlllllll" .llt. thai Itlllfll"t" <br />Illl fill).'" Lender all 'um.. "Im:h then w'uuld hc: due under Ihl.. '\Cl:UTlI} In..lrUlIll'lll <Jlld lhe "\;1111' h;III,IO' ;llldel.ltll1l1 <br />lJl.:currcd, (h, o.:ur~ ':In~ tJefaullllf all) olher l'O\'CfHll1h Of !I~recmclll\, Il-I POi}" ,1111'\lwn..I'" IllllJlfl'd 111 CUh"l1l1J.! 1/11\ <br />~unt) hl\lrumc-nl. IIlduJlI1~. hul nol 1ll1111cd In. rea"llO~tJk allllrnq'- fl'c", :lnd ldl I.l~t'" ,,,. Ii ,h tH'1l .1" 11."11111'1 fI101~ <br />rea!ollO:ahl) requlrc I" it.....urc lhal Ihe hCII ,If Iht", ~co.:UTlt) In\lrUlllt'lll. LClldcr'.. rl~hl" III lht. pf"pl.'I\ ,11111 1Il,IIII....'.'... <br />Ilhh~;1I1f1fl III pol) lilt: "UlTl.. "'l"l.un"lJ h, lhl.. ","CI.Urlt) II1'TrUlT1enl ..h.d] lnnlllllH' IlllL 11.lllent ,]"," 'c'III..1,111"1Ill:1I1 11\ <br />BllTrl11,, Ilia.. \('I.UIII) Ifl',IIUmCIlI .uullht." l.hh~"IIlII1" \Cllllt'd hl.r('h~ ..h.lll n-m.llll tllll.. dl.., Illl. .1" II fl., ,Il> ,.1.-, .11'.'1l 11,..l <br />''''lLJlrrd ft. '''''('\ ('1_ ,hi" r1i!hl 11'1"111"1011(" ..hall II' .1 ;lrrl~ II1,h(" .I~'-'" ,\.' ,.I1-'.111L ," ..'lIk. 1'.\I.I':'I.lj't,. : : ,./ I' <br />