<br />88-104780
<br />
<br />UNIHIRM CO\'ENASrs norrower and Lender covenant and agree It\ fnllm\....
<br />I. Payment of IJrinclpal and Interest; IJrepa)'ment and I.ate ChaTR,es. Bornm'cr !thull promp!ly puy when due
<br />the pnncipal orand interest on the debl evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and laic charge!'! due under Ihe Nntc
<br />2. Funds for Tales and Insurance. Subject 10 applicable In\\' Of 10 II wriUcn W3I\'cr by lender. Borrower "huJJ pU)'
<br />10 lender on the duy monthly (luymC'nls Ilrc due under the: NOll', ulttillhc Note is paid in full. II sum ("Funds") equal to
<br />one.-twclf'th of: (0) yearly In1.es rmd as"cssmcnls which 013)' anain priorit)' o\'cr Ihi" Security Instrument; (b) year!)
<br />leasehold paymCnl~ or ground rcnts 011 the Property. if uny; (e) yearly hazard insurance premiums: and (d) yearl>
<br />mortBage ins.urunce premiums, lfany, These items. ore called "escrow itcm~," Lender mllY estimale the Fund~ due olllhe
<br />basis of current dato Bnd reasonable eslimores nfruture escrow Item..,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an insritulion Ihe deposits or accounb nfwhich are insured or guafllnteed by a federal or
<br />Slale BBency (including Lender if l.ender is such an instilullon), lender 'ihall apply the Funds 10 pay the escrow i1em~,
<br />Lender may nOl charge for holding and nppl~'ing Ihe Funds, analyzing Ihe accounl nr \'crifying Ihe escrow items, unless
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to muke such a charge, Borrower nnd
<br />Lender may agree in writing thai interest sholl be paid on the Fund... Unles~ nn Ilgrccmet1l is made or applicnhle law
<br />requires intercst 10 he paid, Lender "hall nol be required to pay Borrower any intere..1 or earnings on the Funds, lender
<br />shall gi\'e to Borrower, without charge, un annual accounting nfthe Fund"i showing credlls and debllS in the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit tolhe Funds was mude, The Funds arc plcdged as <IddiIlOl\ll1 !\CcurilY for Ihl' sums secured hy
<br />Ihis SecUnlY Instrument
<br />If Ihe amount of the Funds held hy L~nd~r, together with Ihe future monlhly payments or Funds payahle prinr to
<br />lhe due: daro of the escrow items, !lhull exceed the amounl required 10 pay the escrow ilerns when due, Ihe excess shall he,
<br />ar Borrower',\ option, either promptly repllld to Borrower Of ,:rcdlted 10 Borrower 011 monthly paymenl!\ of Funds, (f Ihe
<br />amount orthe Funds held by Lendcr IS not sufficlenl 10 pu~' the c..crnw IIl'ms when due, Borrower ..hall pay 10 Lcnder any
<br />=-mounl nec~sury 10 make up Ihe defiCIency In one or mure paymenl.. a!. reqUired hy Lender
<br />Upon puymenl in fullllf all sum~ secured by Ihis Se(.'uflt} Inslrument, Lender ..hall promplly refund 10 Borrower
<br />any Funds held by lender Ifunder paragraph Pllhe Property IS ..old or a!.:qlllrcd hy I.ender, Lcnder shllllupply, 110 lalcr
<br />than immedialely pnnr 10 the ..ale of the I)rnperly or lis ilL'qulo;tllon by Lender, ilny funds held hy Lender al the lime of
<br />application as a credit agumsl the sum!. ..ecured hy thl"i SecllT1ly Imtrument
<br />J. Application of Paym~nts, UnlL.-ss applicable law prOVides olherwl'e, all payment.. received hy Lcnder under
<br />paragraphs I and 2 ..hall be applic..od: fir"t, 10 laic churges due under Ihe Nllte; sel.:ond, Itl prepaymenl charges due under the
<br />Note; third, to amount'i payable under paragraph 2; founh, In Inlerest due; und lu!.l, tll pnIH.:ipal due.
<br />4. ChafRes; Liens, Borrower o;hall pay all taxes, as~c.....~ments, charges, fines and impositions llllrihulublc to the
<br />Property which may aUL,in pnumy over Ihls Security hl..trUmL'lIt, and Icasehold payments tlr ground rents, if any.
<br />Borrower shall pay tht."Se u"lligutuln!l1O Ihe manner provided In pllmgmph 2, lir If nul paid mlhat manner, Borrower !>hnll
<br />pay them on time dirc..-clly In Ihe persnn nwc..od payment nl'rnlWer ..hall (lwmplly furm~h lo I.ender all nnllcc.."S or amounts
<br />10 be paid under thl!) p2iugraph, If Borrower makes these paymenl" directl}, Bnrrowl.'r ..hall promplly furnl!lh to lender
<br />recelpt~ cvidenclng lhe paymcnts,
<br />Borrower shall prumptly dlsdmrge any hen which ha.. pnont} over IllIs SeclIT1I)' Imlruml.'lIl unlc......!1 Borrower: (a)
<br />agrt."O In writing 10 the payment uflhe ohhgatlon seclIn:d hy Ihe hen lUll manner ucccplahle 10 L.ender, (ll) conlests In good
<br />faith the hen hy, or defends agamst enforcemenl of the hCl1l1l, legal pmcel.'dUlgs wJUdlln Ihe Lender'.. OpllllUII OpeTllle to
<br />prevenlthe enforcemenl ufthe lien or forfeiture or any pan of Ihe Properly; (Ir (c) sccures fnlm lhl.' 11I)lder of tlw lien all
<br />agreement sallsfactory 10 Lender ..uhordmating the lien 10 Ihl.. Security Inslrument. If Lender determille!llhl1t any parI (If
<br />Ihe Property l'io subjl.-cl In a hen which may attain prlonl)' over Ilns Secunty lm.truJIlenl, Lt'ndc..'r nw) gl\ie BnrrllwL'r iI
<br />nollct' luenufying the lien, Rorrnwer..hall satisfy the hen or lake nne or more of Ihe 1l1.'11on.. !oIel fnrlh llh(we wlllun IOday..
<br />oflhe giVing of nut ice.
<br />5, Haz.ard Insurance, Borrower shall keep Iht' Imprmcmenls no..... eXI..llng or hl'reafler erel.'lcd tin Ihe I)rnpcrty
<br />In!lured againsl hiSS by fire, hal.ards Included Wilhllllhe lenn "exlended l,:'I)\'Cru~l.'" and any llther Ilal.ard!. fllr whlL'h I.ender
<br />requlrt:!'> IIlsurancc. ThiS IIlsumnce ..hall be mall1tallled III Ihe amounls unu for Ihe periods thai Lender reqUIres. The
<br />lI1!oourance carner prn\'ld1l1g the Hl!oourance shall be dlllsen h)' Unrrowl.'r ..uhJel'l tll Lender'.. upprovul Wllldl ..hall 1101 be
<br />unrea.counably withheld,
<br />Allmsurunce puhcI~ and renr:wals ,hall hi: acceptahle lo Lender ami ..hllll ITldude a ~Iandllrd mungage dau!te.
<br />Lender shall have the righl 10 hold lhe policiC'i and renewab, If Lendcr rcqUlrc.., Borrower ..hall promptly give 10 Lender
<br />all rCl.'clpts of paid premiums and renewal nollces. In the e'\o'l:nl of lo..s, Borrower ..hall give prom pi nlltll:e ((llhc il1~uTi1ncc
<br />carrier and Lender, Lender may make proof of 10"'" if l1ul made prom pi I) h) BOI rower
<br />Unh:s.. Lender and Borrowcr othcrwlsc agree 111 wnllng, IIlsurunce proc..'et'd!. ..hall be .Ipplied tll re<;tnmlJOJlllr repair
<br />of lhe I)roperly damaged, If the rolmallon or repair is ecnnonncall} fca!llhlc illlU I.cnder'.. !oIecunly IS lint I~sencd, If Ihe
<br />restorallon IlT rcp:lir I!. nol economically feu.'\lble or Lender''io ..eL'unly would he lC'asellcd, the Insurance proceed.. ..hlll1 be
<br />applied 10 the !.ums 'il'Curcd by tlll~ Secunly In!.lrument, whetber nr ntlt Ihen duct with any eXl;l."SS paid 10 Borrnwer. If
<br />Borrower abandons Ihc ProperlY, or doo nol answer within 30 days a nol1r.:e fnlm Lender thai Ihe Insurance l.'arncr ha~
<br />offered 10 ~ettle a c1U1m, then Lender muy collcel the IIlsurunct:' pn'tCecd.. l.cnder may u~e Ihe pn1cecd.. In repatr nr restore
<br />the Property or to pay sums secured by thl" SeCUril} Instrumenl, whether or 1101 Ihell due, Thl.' _~O.dilY period Will hegin
<br />when the noUce I!J gl\'cn,
<br />Unless Lender and norro~'er OIheN'ise agrec In wntlng, any appllL'allllllllfpnlt:'eed.. III pnnclpal..h.llllIlll e:\lelld l)r
<br />postpone the due-date of the monthl)' pa)'ments referred 10 in paragrnph!ol I and ~ or change the :IrntlUllt llf Ihe payments If
<br />under paragraph I q the ProperlY is acquired by Lender, Borrower'" nght 1<1 uny lIl"uram'e poilcle.. ilnd procL'cd.. re..ulllllg
<br />from damage to the Property prior 10 the acquisllmn shall pas.. 10 Lender 10 Ihe l.'xtenl (If the ..um.. 'aCcurL'J h) tlm Sel:Unly
<br />Instrumenl immedialely prior to the acqUIsition
<br />6. Preservation Bnd !\ofaintenance of PropeTl6"; Leaseholds, Aurro\\w ..halllHII de..lnl), damage Ilr ..uh"liJlllllllly
<br />change the Propeny, allow Ihe Pro~rty to dcteriomte or commll Wasil'. If Ihl.. Set:'Ufll) ImlrUlIIent I" nil a lea..ehnld,
<br />Borrower shall comply wirh the provisions of Ihe Icu!'>C, and if Borrower acqUlre!ol fee Illlc tlllllL' PfIIPCrI}, the lea..ehold and
<br />fee lide shall not merge unless lender agrees to the merger in wrumg,
<br />7, ProltC'tion of Lender's Rights in the Propert}'j MortRSRe Insurance, If Horrt1\\L'r filII.. III perform the
<br />covenants and agreements conlainl.-d in this Security In"itrument. lIT Ihere I.. Illegal pron'ed1f1g thai l1la) "gnllic:lI1tl} alfL'cl
<br />lender's nghls in Ihe Property (such a... a pft.lCL-eding In bankruptt.:Y, prnbatl." for L'liIldenmiltHIII or 10 enlilrL'e 111\\' or
<br />regulaliom~), then Lender may do and pay for whalc~"'cr IS nec~!'.i1r)' In pnlleL.tlhl.' "aJuc III' the: I'rt1pe:rty and I.cnder'.. rlghl"
<br />IT1 the Propeny, Lender'!, actums ma)' mclude pllying: any 'tum!. ..e~ured h) a lIt'n \~llIch h.I' T1I'l11fl1) 11\(." Ilu.. SCl'lInl~
<br />1000trumenl, appc:anng m coun, paymg reasonable attorneys' feC". and enlenn~ Illllhl' Prtlpt"r1) hi f11a~t' rl'palr.. AJlhtlllgh
<br />Lender may take aclion under Ihl~ paragraph 7, lender doe;. not h:l~'r III do "(I
<br />Any aO'loUnlS dlShu~d h)' Lender under I Ills paragraph 7 ..hall neCllml.' ;lddlll1lll,d dl.'hlill !iolrlll"l"r "l"l \lrl'd h\ till"
<br />SccunlY Iniotrument lInlC"!o'io Borro....er and I.ender agrC'C' III olher It:'rm.. of ra~ l11l'nt. thl'''l' i111l.HJlll" ..halllx';il llllt'ft""1 hllln
<br />thc dale of dlU1ur~menl (II lht." !toitltc: raIl:' uud ...ball he ra)ahle. "lIh ITlll'n'..t. UP"1l 111111((' If"1ll 1 ('IHlt" II' Hprrll\~('r
<br />requC!olmg pa)ment
<br />