<br />IIn'll"'"' Oom,," 1..",1.., '. '\'''''l'~ 4U'IJ"l'fl ~'" '''''1''''''4100'' .'"",1\1.1. 11""'"11'" .l"" I1Ull" r"'~I.""'h ", '..10,., "11"1"".,11,,, 1'1." ""11, 1.11 rW"lI'(/IIHI w,lh
<br />. "",ll"""I,..,n 11' n'h... 1"""0 1)llh.. I"np"'l) l" 1'/111 1""'1'111 "I 'fl' r l1nwr~."w..," I",,, "' (onn.."",,u'11I' l "l1lh" \11,1" hlll.nl,lll"1 '" "" npl,on I,., f1111,"nnrl' ,IPIWIlI II' n.HI
<br />r""'p, ..'r.n ,It, o.n "1I""'lIn) "Cl,on 01 PIO((...l1l1l(l" "n,l ~"IIII,ll"o tw ,'''IIIll'(l'n milk!' ""y 'nmp'nm''''IH 11Il1Ilrm,'nl ,n [0"''''[1'''11 "",", "ICh '/110.11111 .,1 ""m.l\lll In In"
<br />...-rn' II". Ilol"on 0111'0" P'opC'.I. " 10 I/lk~n fl' tJ/lnlllQel1 l""flm ,hlll1 hihr II'" 01ll'0" ." ols ~Olll ...nlllll1solull' \J,,.;:rrl,nn '0 .'rply ,.11 !lUnl P,nc'Hld' 111101 I1nuuchno
<br />Ihl""..O....lIco'" ,.no".p..nlr' .nCtlflr.d tly 'I .IlCOnnr.r.I,on "",'h 'ueh plocltltfb uponnny 'n"~l111'''nen ~t'ClI!(\l1I'h""l1y "',Cl m "ueh OHIOII1B LlInlllll mllY dllh'rnlll1C III 10
<br />IIN'" ,II 'urh P,oe....d' IIUrl t.urh dNlocl,on. 10 11'0.. 'rllOlnllon 01 Itlt' Proprrly upon ~ucn (Onl1,"on, <U lI'ndl" m.ly i../f'll'rmml' Any IIpplIC,11,on (11 P'OCIII'r1S lo
<br /><:I) .n.,..hlt'1jnr" ,".n flot cuhlnCl 0' p01llponf'l Ihe duo llllln 01 ...nv p^l'mf'nl'l- "nd"r 'hit Noll! fll cUlr o1n~ dvlllull Iht'lIl''''llf'' ". 1If'lIlUhrlf"
<br />
<br />C't:) 1 P.rfDrmlnc.b,l.ndtlt.lnlhf! l'~f'lnl 01 (JOflOW(\f I Intlulf' 10 PN10,m IIny 01 "'I' cowVnl'n', h('u'm 01 makl' nlly Ilo1l'menlli Il'qUIIl'll hmoby Dr ,I itnl' IICf 1& Illktm 0,
<br />
<br />_ l'- :~~~j~~:::~n:o~O~'::~~:.dll~~':~;:':~~:~~~:III,~~C~~~,tlo:':: 1~~~t'~~:I~;:I~~~~r::'~r~I'A:;yll;~t:~o~~ \~~5B~7,~:;~ ~~~O~~I'~~'~ ~~~~~IIII~~~'~~~~~ I~~~ :I~O~~ :~~~~~~~~~~
<br />~ dN!ml neCOu,lIry 10 prolt'ct 1"\1' ,flcullly 1'101001 BOllow(I' shall Imml!dlAlol1' upon Clomllnd Ih..rl"ol hy leno... pily 10 londm 1111 costs I1nd e.pons!!s IncuHod IInu llums
<br />o f!.pendl'dby Lendt!1 '" connr>ehon wllh .neelerel!'>e by Lendm ollhl'Ioregomg Ilghls 10gt!'hOI w.lh ,nll"I'SI,heIPlln AI 1111' ,alt'prov'dl!Cl '" IhONoll' which ,hall boaCldlld10
<br />lnll Indebledness lecuft'd heleby lender sl1nll nollnculllny pononalllab'ltlV bt'CIlUSO 01 AnylnonQ II may do 01 om'l '0 do hmoundm
<br />..-t 8 E...nll 01 Delhll. Tl1e 101l0wII\g shall COnslllul1l' IIn eWI,nl 0' dolaull undlH Ih,s OOl'll 01 T'"sl
<br />101 FAilure lopoy any Inslallmenl 01 prlntlp~I or mle.eSlor IIny o'h,!1 sum !;e[Uff'd "t'H!lJy .....h('n(1ue 1I.lllIlu.r 'opny whondllollnv Olhar mdot>lodnoS501
<br />Borrower 10 Lender
<br />
<br />\
<br />~
<br />
<br />(bl A breacn 01 01 delllull under IIny prov'Slon conlnmed ,n Ihl.' NOlI' 'h,S O"I'd 01 flu'il ,lny rlnruml'nl .....h'Ch 50CUIl.'5 Iho NOlO Ilnd l1nV other
<br />encumDranCI! upon lho PropOrly
<br />
<br />leI A will 01 eu!cullon or Anachmenl Ol.,nv s,m.I,lr procl'Ss lhall bo 1',,1"'('0 "9"'''~1 U""OWl>f wn'rh ~h,lll ",'c.-mill a rOlln onlho P.operly or any portion
<br />Ihel1:!olor,nlereSllho.e,n
<br />
<br />(d) Thore Sholl be flleel by 0/ IIga'nsl 80Ho.....er an aclton unoor any pff',,'nl 01 '"It",. "'r1.-llIl ~lllh' '" olh"1 Mnlule 'IlW or legulallon ,elll1mg 10
<br />bankruplcy lnSOlvencyor olher .ellt'lfol deblolS o/Ihere !;hllll be Ilppomled IIny 1I'I!;II'I' 1('{',lIVI'1 lH IOQulllalo, III (lollowr, ur 01 all or anI' part ollhePropcrlv. or
<br />Il1e lenls Issues or p.ollls Ihelllol III SOHOWI" 'inall maioI:' .1ny glmeral D!lSlgnmr'n, to. m,. bl'nr'" tlI [o1'f1oI0'<;
<br />
<br />(el TI'll' ~le ,rllnste' O!;Slqnml!nl conVf!'Yllncf' 01 lur'hf" I!llCumtllflnu! n' .'fl' '" ;"'~ "nrl <I' '" .Il'1' "'h!fl'!;l Hl lhl~ P'operty either vohmlllllly or
<br />mvolunlBIII.,. w,lhoullhf> ".p,ess .....,II(>n cons,'nl ollvndl"
<br />
<br />tl) II 80,.owf" 's nOI an "'"1'1"""." 'I'll' sa III! ,..,n~I+'r .:(5S'9nm,'nl con.",;ono.. ," ...."",.,..1".1'''.' "~, "'''''' lIloll>
<br />
<br />pr'.ct'nl ot ('1.1 corpornl.on\ liS
<br />
<br />'ssued anO OulS!llndmg SlOCII. m 1,1" 11II1'n"'5n'11I
<br />
<br />p.l"C..nl<l1 ;);II1I11',<;r,,0 '"1'....<;'\
<br />
<br />9 A.rnecss..; Acc.l.fIIt1on Upon O.I.ull. I" Ih,. e..rnl ola". E .pnl 01 DI.laulllenI1C' m.I, d....I,II" ,II ,nd"nll"'.It.!;~ ~I'I ",..,I ''''.eb" '0 b(' dut.' and payablllllnd Ihe
<br />SlIme sha1l1hereupon become due and p.lyabll" .'lno..I any p.esenlml.'''1 t1emano ,"IlI,'slor n,ll,(!, n' ,lnv Io,ml Thl!lt'.lllf', l,'ndl'l ,.,l<ly
<br />
<br />1111 Demond lI'Ial T'usll!eeUHc,..e lh,. POWER OF SAt [Qlanled nml'''' ""d T.,,!'>II'" shllllllWflHlftl'r I.,l\j!W Bo'.o.....I't 5mll!ll!st mlhe Property to be sold
<br />..nd Ine ploceeds 10 11(' CI$lr,l1ult'd all ,n Iht' mann,., P'Ow,\1,.d ,n It)f' N,'l1'i'ska I 'usl [I1!l;'fl!o A.CI
<br />
<br />tbl Eolhl" ,n pe.son or by .191'nl ""olh or w,lho"l t1''''q'l>q ;ony ilCI'\Jn 0' Olocl'l!rl.nq 0' l"tv il ,..n....... al,po""Pll hv" rou.f <Inri wllhou, legard 10 Ihe
<br />.lId~u.llcy 01 'Is 5eculllv enl'H upon anll 'ake PO!'>5tiS510n nl It", Propf'llv II' ;In" 1',}rllhl""O' jf' '15 o.....n "illT'!' 11' ,1'1 Ihl' I'lanu> al1hE' T,u5lce find do any acls which
<br />II deE'ms necessary o. des'r<lbh:! 10 p'l!..er~.. Ihrt Wilhw milf",lilf}Iill" u' ,,'llla","lv 011111' Plotw'l~ (.1' Pil'l 011''''0' or ,n'e,esllhe'Pln mCfOaS!! 'he Income
<br />Ihlt.elrom or proltoCI lhl' secu"l~ hflll'ol and .....'111 fIl ....m\I}"I I.lk'''q p05!o'~SS'o" :"!I", PH\IWI'y <;"eloo O' nlhelw''''l'cull,!r.1 'hf' fl'nls 1!'>~1l1'5Ilnd plolllslhoreol
<br />oncluOong IhOSf' pasl due ano unpO'd IIna appl~ ,nl' ~Am.. 1r.'SS cnsh.1nO I'.pl.n....~ LJ' "Il""III'[1" anl1colll'<:I".'" ,ncl""'''9 allorneys II>Ils upoflany IIIClobledness
<br />5eCUleo hereby .lIll on !'>uCh ordN as llmOI" m.lv r1e'l'f."'"'' fh\' I'fl'l!flllg "rw" .1'''1 I,,""q 1l05!ol'5SIf\n "I Ihe Plopm'v IIII' collf'cllon 01 such rl'nls 'ssues anCl
<br />p.ollls andtht'appltCahon Ihl"\101 as aIO't'5.1'O !;nall "lIl e,.,,' u' ....il'~O ""y 111~1,."ll ." """CI'ol rlata,,'I ller.."nd... 0' ""'ahaaIO iTnl' acl donI! on ll!sponselO SUCh
<br />oeloull o. pursuanllp such nOI,C" olllftlaull i1no 'HllW'IOl51M'o1'''q '"O COIII,",,,,,,o.,, ,r, I'O\<;"!'>~'()" "I Illl' P.up,,'h (It Ihl' C Illtl!chon ,,'ce,p' IInd appllcallon 01
<br />f(l'nl! ISsues 01 PIO,"IS T'uSlel' 01 l,!nOPI shall bl'fl"\hll"rllo .....,('.." ,'v"'y r,qhlw".,rlp" j,~, ''I .,n, ,-)'11'" l 'J.,n I "",It "",..nt!; 0' tly la.... "pan oCClJlenccolony
<br />''Vl'nl 01 delaull mcluOtng Ihe IIQnllO ".l"ICO~t' !r\{O po....... 01 !oil"~ ,1,,,.1
<br />
<br />ICI Commence an IIchon 10 10',-"CI05" 'n,.. Dt'f'rl "I T,"..I olS ,I '''01IqaQe <IPp,-""o ~ '''' ,. ..... '" ..".., ,t" ,III~ ,."to" j' d"~ 01 lilt' tO~l'nlH'ls hNl!ol
<br />
<br />Noremltdy hl'l",n conlll',,"d UPOf1 o. 'r."Pt\lll'rlIO T',nle.. o'll'''ClI'' '.. 'f1Ii'''rlllrl 'l' b"I'.CI"..,w.' o' ,1".-' ,II,,,, ""'1,.,1. "1'1",,, ," nV'iI'" ",o,v,(l"\l 0' l'..,m,llf'd bulellch shall be
<br />tumulahwe shllll be 11\ IICCl'hon III ev",.y oHle' 'f'm,.ay g,.,'n h....."ntU., ," ",,'" II' h'''f<i1I''.' I" '~I""l .I' '.,.. "". "u",I, 0" I'., ~',Hll'" "",., "l.tV t.... ~.fHC'5Ila ConclJrtenlly
<br />,"de~nctenl1y 01 sun::C\'~loy..'1'
<br />
<br />'0 Trul'''. Ttlf' Tlush'" m"'r "'~'Q" .11 <1". !.,.... ...1.",,,1 ..",,,\.. ,,"'1l,'"''1''' '''d. ..' ". . .,.".. .I",j ....'".,..., I.' ,~I' .'1'1' ,,,~ . ~,..' "~~"'.,, ~"n~"I"". f'"!'>I!!e T'..SI!!1'
<br />'1'1'" noll'll! l,abltt 10' anv 11lt.t. O' Ollm"Q" "'''i<\~ 'J,/>' """ 1,,"'.Ifl". "..q."l""'" " ",,"',.'.' " ,"'1,,, I .,' " '.1'.'" ,,' ,.,. ,,'q ."..." ',10" .1". "I ,,",,'" [onrm,hon w,lh Inl'
<br />,onlolcemanl 01 fh,,, Deea 01 f".., "n"'ss ,"rj"",,,,,,,"l . """'''l ''''., .,!. ..'I.... ',I' "...1'.......". "I',. " '"'.. ~,.. "".' ,III'" ""''''W'!n III .hlo,lm!l T'lIsl!'!' mil.".
<br />bt!come B putchas,e' I' Iny 51111" ot Int' P'Ope'l~ 'I'''''(';II ,., .,,,,,.., I' "1'. ........ ,I ~.,,,. (I' ,'.'11',: "'''''' I' ,~Il' .... 1'". ~., '" " ", . I'.. I" .,. '" "I H..' P".'llI~'I.. .I~ p'O.'C"d Ily IIlW
<br />0' ,~n Int! P.operly as.ll ....nolc O' rn lep....IIl. pan. ill' ,Jf lols
<br />
<br />1 I Future Ach.nc.l. Upon leQua,1 o. 80rro""" 11',...1... '''''' ." ," "I"'"'' "'/lk., ,"1'1,1"'''111 .onrl ,,,I,,,,, ,1<1'0<1'" ,.~ "'''1 """1>,"" l'~ III !l'''''''''''l SU(n advances and
<br />II!'''d~ance'' .....In tnlelll'slll'\I~'eon ..hall he !f(,c"rll'{1 h~ I"'~ PI','::l .,0 r '.,~1 AI",) I,"'.. ,1',111 It"~. pl.,,, 'I'," """.",,, ". 'h,. ,".Io'''h''I''''~\ ..,.. ..,..,1 nv "'0<; [)t.tlll 01 Trllsl. nol lI\-
<br />
<br />CludIMg lIuOlsadvanel!C! 10 p'oleCllhe SI!Curtly 01 I",! 0.....0 \-,1 I, ,\1 ..., ""'1 !h.' ."'Q"'''' :" "', '1,/1' ..",.,,,,>! \1.1""1 '.,.",., .' \ 75.000.00
<br />gleate,
<br />12 MI~laMove Prowl,,","l.
<br />
<br />(a) 80ffO'" Nol A.......d. E.h."..,r,,, .,' th~ I,.r.. "~or p,I."'..". olt "",d.'" .'f",,,, ,.' "". "...., '''' """1 ", ",,\ Df'I'll 01 t't/sl qlilnll.ll hy
<br />lunder 10 any SUl::CMSOI,n ,nll",,,,,1 01 80"0''''''1'1 ~"1I" "'J' '-'1''''<110' ," ,,'lltd~'; ". "", "".""". tt... ",11'.',1. 0,1 t".. ", '""'''.,, B,," '....'0 "'1l1 BUI'Ow('l S 511cce9S0r!'> III
<br />'nt~n!sl lender shall 1'101 bll' 'tl'Qu"l!'rl loc"",mt>nc-,,,,'''' ..,..I'''<J~ "l,lil'''ft' ~'" .. ~,,(, ,.""" ", ,.,f,,~.. 'L' ,'.lr''''1 I,"",.,., "". ",,'.'1 ," '11'''''W'~'~ marl,ly IlmOf!,zal,un
<br />olInI!' sums .e(u.ea by Ihl:> Oiled 01 f'U51 0" "'ol~.'" ,,' .I"~ 11.."","0' "'>ltl" r.. III.. ".'u "", B."",...., ""01 11'''''''''1'' ~ ~"l ~I'''''U'~ "\ ,,,,,"!;'!'>I
<br />
<br />Cbl l.nd.r'.Po,,". W'tnoul allf'CI'''',l '",' 11..Il,"I, "~I >I"" ,.!t.,.. p,,'V", 1',It".. "" 1"'- :,.1. '''I'''' .,f /I'., """ll.""'" ."....,,, "".nt",,".'l ,Iml w,'"olllllllecllng
<br />ll'l" heh 01 chargeolln'l Ol'l'd 0' Tru!il upon ...r'~ PO'I'O" '11 "'" !-""I'IHly "01Inl'" {\. '''I'...",I()I'' ,,,,,,,,~,',l ,I~ ",., ""I~ 'f" n". t,,1I <I'!I'"o''' "I ;111 unpaid Obllga'lons
<br />l!'!nd~r mal' I.om 10mI!' 10 11mI!' ana W'lno,,1 "ot,c.. 0.. '1'""""'" ..n. r>l>'~l>" ...,,1'111>1.. ".; "''''''<1 !!". ",,'lu"', ,,' "Ilt., "," u' In,. ".,,,,\ "I ""y ..uell obl'gill'ons ~"'I
<br />Qlanl Olnef mdutgenc.es \'''1 'e,.ulse 0' ''''CO''w''l' II' '4u"I' In t>.. ,t'I",I!OI'o1 "', ..., "",..,,1<0\ ,,' ,f'.. """'.11 r "'<1.11" \ Ul.lh1.H'~ ;11'.-1\.1" "I pu,\tun [,I all ollnll PrapH'I~
<br />twllake or release an~ O.nl!! O' adOll,onal 5I1'C"..I, If" i1", Oll"Q41'"'' 111'11"" m"I'I','''".,1 ".... "',H.., ""'1'"'''''''''''' '"~ "'h", ''''''''o.l.....,.nh w,1I' dl'b''''5 '" lelahon
<br />Inerelo
<br />
<br />IC I Forbea~. b, lltf1MI NOla Wal"'. All) '0'tll'a'411'.'.' 0, l.....h.. "" ..." ,~,,\tl <1". ' '1"1 '" "...".oy "",,'unl]'" l" "'"f"W'rol' illlolaed by IIppltcable
<br />.aw "hall nOI ~ II wa'~er 01 o. plt'cluClI"It'e e.t.'.Clsl' 01 an" s"r" ',yr'I 0' 'l'rnl,d. f ""IJ"1t ,.'.."'..'.1 .)' '''~u'.I'''"'' C), ",,- p.li,,,..,nl U. ,a.lts UI alhe, "ells 0' chlllqes
<br />tl~ Lelldl!r snail nol De a wa!ve' of lenCll"r Ii IUJ'" '0 aCl,;t'It'ra'I' 'hl' n'"lu',ly 01 lOll' '''Cllm'''d''.'~~ <;etu'p,' h~ Ih'~ Depo1 0' l'lJ!;I
<br />
<br />dl 5uc:ceaaora and "a"na Bound; Jolnland S....r.lll.bllllW'; C.pllonl 1 'I<' to.,'n",,15 ,Ind "gll't;'1n"1l1S here,n f.onliloned shall bind and Ihl' I'ghl!'>
<br />hert!undel "halt Inure 10 lhft le!pecl've SuCCII'S"o', IInc "!o!o'g"~ 01 ll'n(lf" .!nO Bor'u""'i'1 "ilfbjf'f.1 In Ihe plo,'~'un'lo DI pa.agrap" B '1'1 he,eol AI! CO\ll'n/lnlo; and
<br />119ft!'E'Olenlsol Bonower !;hall bt'joml Bnd sevt!./I1 Thecapllons !lnd neACl'ng~ ot ll'l,' llil'.lIq'<1pn5 ,-,I 1",5 Oe~d 0' f,,,,,,, illl! 10' con~enlenceonly and IIIIl nol IQ tll'
<br />..I~ 10 tnlelprel 01 deltne tile proVISions Ile'eol
<br />
<br />leI "equ..1 fClf NoUCea. The parties narf!by '('Queo;lln"I 01 CO"" alanv nlll,ee 0' O"I/lull nl~f1'unll"l ilna iI (UP)' ulanl' f\fll'CH of Sall!h"reurull'l Ill! majlf'alo
<br />e.ch palty 10 Iho~ Deea 01 T'oll allhe add.en 5ello"n iltlO,1' ". 'he mllnne. p'l'~n'h~t1 ny d"l1'o,ahle Ill'" E.( "P"or anv ulnt.'1 nol'ct' 11'QlJIU~0 una"r ItpploUlllll'
<br />I..... to be g,wen '1'1 anOlhe. ma,,"I'" any nOl,ce p'uw,(1e(l '0' .,. !"'5 Ot...t1 (,I T'u!ol shal' b.. g'.I'n l'y mil"'''9 Sutf\ '101''-1' tJ, <.e.l.t'lJd ma,1 i1dd.f'''sO'C\ 10 "'" olh.,.
<br />parlles al II'le add'MS sellarln abowe
<br />
<br />An, nOhclt p.o..'ded lor on In" Qef!1] at T."" snaIl t>t' Oll"llmt'd'n "a~p t.t'<'n Q'.""!'" Bono...". U' Ll'ndl'f ....t'l'n q'wen ,,, Inl' manne' desoQnllh,d h"'f<'"
<br />
<br />III Iftlp.<:llon, lenClI" mil, m",ke Q' caust 'l, 1)0' ",.Hlt' '''II'Uf''Iotll'.. ""!"t'~ "1-''''' 01'''1 ,"S""ll..,"; or 1hl' Plllp..'I~ p'ow.o..,) lnil' l,'nCl.., 5hllll o'~" Bur",.....,
<br />nol.ce p..o. to any sucn ,n!pecl,on spec"y'ng reas.aI1.l1blll C.lluse Ine.elo. .el.lIO!C lU li<nr1... ~ "'1.....51 <II ,nl! Plope'l"
<br />
<br />Ig. AKonNyanc.. Upon p...,.menl 01 all sum' 'loeCult!'d by l",s Deeo 01 T IuSl L+.-"C1el ..nail 'eoul!sl T '''slee 10 'l"Co",,,y 11'11" P,ope.ly anlj "nal\ su..'m"l"
<br />Ih" D_d of Tr,",sl and.1I nolM eVldf!'Tle,ng Indll'blednMS secul~a b~ Ih" Ol!'l!d 0' T.usl 10 flllrolf<'_ T ',;SlfOot> shall It'con.e. Ihe P.optrl," wo'houl.....1..!In.y anti
<br />.rmoul ctlalge 10 ,he pt!llJOn or peospn! legalll' ent,!lt'd Ihell"lo SUCh oer~on o. l.Ie"un~ ..,.,.tot plly at! LoSh 01 'l'co'Oal<on .1 any
<br />
<br />Ii'll PenonM Proptof1.. Securily AII,""",nL As addlllonlll se(.urtl~ lor Ih"I)",~.....nl 01 Ih+.- NOlf' all t, .lwes eQwpmen' and olhill pf'l~onlll p'opf'rly usr~<1
<br />tOCOflflttllon ".lhl1'le le..ler.tale 01 omplovemltnt" 10ealeCllnereon ono nol ol"l!"""O;l' Cl,'C'"I"Cl 0' Cll"t'nlet11u Ill' it pdll 01 II'll! reall'51ltlf''loI'LU'I''O hVll'by Shall Ill'
<br />luDI<<IIO.."~cu"t, mle.e..t on lawOf 01 me Lender ..ndl'rt"e Neblllska UMlto't'T\ Comml'lc,,,1 Codl' 1 n., fn~I,,,m"n' shaH be cor,sl'Ul!C asa SI.cu.'ly Ag'e..mp.nl
<br />unQe' hId Code ..nd Ihe lende' lnall have all tne .Ighl. and ,('meO'e, 0' a weu'I'd p<l.1y ,,1'1("" sa'd Codl"~ .1tltfo!.on '0 Ihe "9MI!'> al10 'l'm"Cl,I'S [roaled <lndl!'
<br />.na .ceo.Oed II\eo LenaI" pUlltl.nllO In., DNld III TrUll
<br />
<br />(,\ ~ I.. tht< t'wt:'nlll'l.t an, pIOV''''On Ollh" Ol'ed 01 T 'u,1 COnl"L I ...,... .lp~l"r ,1tlh' I".. ," ""t' \11'lld.t.{j ""ahO n' 011\1""'''1' ,,"""'0'" I,abll' su!.:h
<br />conl',cl 0' ,nwahdll) \hal' nol..lleel tne olh~1 p.ov".on. 01 If"" Om'O of T lust 0' Int' No,.. ...1", h, d""" f.l""" 1.110'0 I ..."Iho,,' Ih,. (1)1l'",-I<h'l 1)'0'1"\")" iH\d In Ih,s
<br />endlhl' P'OVII.on, Ollfl~ o-t:l pf T'Ulilllhtj the Nole lIe dl:'(:lalea '0 be !tt!'.erab",
<br />
<br />Bonowel h." II'UKulr.<:lln" Deed 01 T'u\lltle dale ","!ltln abu.f>
<br />
<br />t~rt'/<4-..
<br />(Frank Kolar, a/k/a"'''''''''' Frank E, Kolar)
<br />
<br />I."",,.....
<br />