<br />
<br />8tl- 104739
<br />
<br />10IU'0.f". "lAD THII IUO"lllaNING:
<br />Oouo"'I(T'Ullo,.", undersllnCllh.llhe documllnl1tllllheBo.rowet. .ro aboulia oll.culllll II Dood 01 Trul' /lOll nol II mortgago and lhllllhe powor 01111111 prollldod
<br />lor In Iht DMd clTrusl proyu:1f1llubl'lnll.lty dllle'~nl 'Ighlland obligations 10 Ihll Borrowllf,lhan II mor10age '" Ihl! OliO", all dorault 0' tmtlch 01 obuglluon under ltJe
<br />Deed 01 TN.I. lnc:ludlnQ. but no11lmlled 10,Ihe Lende", 'lghlle have 'hll RIlII Proper1y aold bV Ihe TruI11I1I wl1houlllny JulJlcialprocoodmg or IOfllClolUfll Borrowera
<br />fllp,....nt.nd """Inl Iha11nJI acknowledgoment WI. ".ecul&d bV them belore lhll execuUon olltle Deed 0' Trult
<br />
<br />~.J1 ~ /<'d'~
<br />(Frank Kolar, alkla B,,<owe' Frank E. Kolar)
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />COUPLETE thll pol1lon ONLY II Ih. ,..1 property d..crlbed conlllls 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AORICUL TURAL LAND.
<br />U.pplabN, comp'-Ie ONLY ONE eUhe, .... B. 0' C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borfowerls! acknowledge Itlallhey are about 10 e.eculo the 'ollowmg Deed 01 Tr U51 upon Iho lOal estate described Iherem rhe BOfrowerjllo). Bnd each ollhem II
<br />more ltlan one, do tleleby dlscl!lIm Ihllll F1ghlla de!.'9nl1l(' 11 homes lead pIJfsuaol IheIQIO No pari olltle homesload 01 ollherollhe Borrower(!lll!! pre!lenlly or will m Ihe
<br />luturebesrlualed upon 581d real oslale The BOlfowertsf und(!rMIU'ld Ihal "t'llher cslabll!.hes B nom('sll'llCl on llny pllfl 01 saId real o!llaleduronglhetlmolheOeed of rrusl
<br />lemams unuhslted and. 111m upon s''''d real eslale tneleShall be no fl9hllo make II deSlgnnllon 01 homeslelll1 10 tn~cvenl 01 it lontclosure or IrU91elfssato wllh respBello
<br />Slltd Deed 01 T fusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The BOrTowt'rISlllcknowlt'dge ",allt1ey n.oiltboullO e_eClllelhe lollOWlng Dl..'ed 01 TIIISI upon Ihe renltlslalt' deSCribed Iherem The80rrowerts), andeach ollhem It
<br />more than ono. do he,eby wa...m Ihll" r'ghl 10 deSlgnlllr 11 nomeslend IIUlsuanllhelelo 1 hl~ Borrowl',(sl undef!lIand thallhey have Ihe rrghl 10 milke 11 deslgnallon of
<br />homt'sloadand Ihal bV Blecullng In!!. W81VIH lOay arl' wa'v,n!1 rlghlsotherWlseav<'J'lahle 10' In(> PU'P05l' 01 i1!1llrd'"g Ihem Ine opporlunllylo rofa," Ihelrhomeslead lnlhl!
<br />ewenl 01 a delilull upon lhe Deed 01 TrUlll
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuanllo the Fa,m Homeslelld P,oleC!lon A,'I ISl'cl,,;m 16.1901 fll StlQ RI!v'!;I'd Slillllles 01 !he Slale 01 Nebr/Jska) Ihe Borrower(s). dO hereby deSlgnale Ihe real
<br />properfy descnbe(l In !he "Oeslgnahon 01 HomoSleaa nllaclwd herplo ...no Inco.poral(!d hl"(!1tl tly thiS .....mencl!
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />alllrowl..'!
<br />
<br />THIS DEEDO~ TRU!jT ,~rn..'1.' ,I~ \I' Inl' 29th,... ,,I August lq 88 I'r ,In{f ,,,,,ong Ihl' 'r~j510' Fr:~n~3...Q.@r a/k/a
<br />frank E. Kolar. a single man .'"'''' """'''''' ,,,,,,,,.,,,, 1529 Allen Avenu!!~ ,.C.!J!I!iLllil..l!rrd,
<br />HE 68.803-2930 ""'P'" B""".,'" "".,.""". William G. Blackburn, a member of the NE"!H~te Bar .Assn.,
<br />wtlosemalhngaddrcUIS .P.,O. Box 2.~80, Grand Island, NE 68802-2280 ._.lhercm"TlUslue"').
<br />ano 1M Ben(!hClar>; Five Points Bank
<br />
<br />whOSl!ma'hn~lIddreU'1> P.O. Box 1507. Grand Island. NE 68802-1507
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA liON .nCluCllflq Ihl' ,nd,'[]lf.'d",,~~ ,(11."1"1,('/1 fl"""" ,\t'CII'u~I "I'.t.." l "'d!."1 lh.' 'I'( "II,t ,,1 "")>tn "lwrl!O.,. IIchllowledgcd BOlfower
<br />l'lclebYlrtewocably glanl~ II!Jnsler,> (;onvt'~~ ana as!i''J''~ EO l...~I"'" Ir..t TRuST Wl1 H l'nWfR or <;Al[: t,,, Ir", tw,,,,hl /I"rl ~"",,'.I,lJr Ll!lldt'r \,,,(IN nJ1d sublecl 10 the
<br />lelms !In(l condllJonl helOmnllt'r !iel forlh In\: relll DrOP~fty 111'';( rotll..'(1 a~ lollows
<br />Lot Twelve (12), Block One (1), in Continental Gardens, an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />logelher w,lh all buddmgs Imp'o~emenlS I'.lwes !.lrl!I'I& dUeys Piina9l'wa~5 "asempnl~ "9nl$ rr,~oll'ges and appurtellitnce~ lotated Ihe.eon or to anyw,se
<br />pertain,"; Ihefelo. .nd 1he lenl" ."sues and p.ohlS .everslons ilnd n~m.l'naer!. Ihe,eo' ,nCludong tlul nlll hm,ll!d 10 t">e"Irng and c:oolonq eQu'pmenl nnd SUCh personal
<br />properly Ih.IIS.n.Ched IOlhe ImpfOvemenlS soas to cons\lluhHI I.olure and logelher wllh Ii'll! hc,me!.lead :)1 ",il"'31 ,nlE-lesls ,I any WhiCh mlereSls ale nereby released
<br />and waived all of.tuctl mCludmg lepl.cementsandllodlt,ons Ihen'lo IS nc.eby declareCllo Ol!olI pari 01 It">I' ,e.ll "Sl"Il!wcureClllY Ihe 111m 01 tn,!. Ol!l'{j {I. Trust IInd 111101 Ine
<br />fo~omg t/oe'mg rlll~n~ 10 tlc'~m itIlh~ ~fO~"Y
<br />
<br />ThIS Qeed 01 TrUSlstUlllscl:;u'e {.Ilhe pll,menl olllle prlnc,pal sum and ,nlt!'JeSI ev,denced b>; Borrow!!I" nOl.~ allC Of (;H.!CIIlIgU.!l!ml'nl Catl!d
<br />
<br />AuQ.US.1-.29.-...1Jl88 naw-mg a malurlly dell! 01 _E.ebJ:uacy. 25.#__19..8.9 In lhe original P'InL'p/tl ;lmOunl 01 S 75 -,"_Q.OQ _.OQ _ 11M /tny and all
<br />mothhCJIhons., eJ:lenSlona and renew.ls the,eol Of trrerlllo and any and alllulule altllallcesand lellovanl:;es hl're\lnder pursuanl 10 onu or more p'om'!ISO'y note$ or c'ud'l
<br />.gletlmlln1S(hl!1~ncaUC'd "Note' ) Iblll'le paymenlol other Sums adwBnccaby Lende' 10 prolecllhesecuflly 01 IIlI' Noh! (c line> pe,lormane!! all covennnl!.and Bg'eemonl
<br />01 Bonower sel forth hertlln. lInd (d,.1I tnJ;leblednessllnd obhgalJOns 01 BOllowe.lo Lender whelhlH (flleel rndu,",cl <lbsolule or conl'"9('nl and wrw1l11!' auslng by nolI!
<br />guarlntv, overdraft at otnetwlle
<br />
<br />BOfro..~.IO pfOtect Ihtl securrly 01lhr5 Oet!'d 01 TruSI co~enanlS anClll\lll>eS .111> Lf!ndp.r II~ IOllow!;
<br />
<br />1 ".''''''''101 Pl1ncIlNI4 and In"'HI. BOrluwe. snall p,omptly pa, wtlun Ouo In~ pr"'c'jJnl ul ~Ild '''It'lI'sl un anl1 an, h't'~ '-" Ln.lrr,lt'~ I)lO~'CJld ,n lhe Noll:' or ," I"'~
<br />DIed of Trusl
<br />
<br />2 TIIIII.Bonowellstnttowne' ollhePlopefl~ naslne "ohland lullIll"I, 10COn....,. ll1e P/opeJty lInd WIIHanls Ihlll Iholl!!n Cleal.." hlHl!by " .lllrSlllnd pliO/lot''' (In
<br />me Propart,.. f:t:cep'., may oltlef.lf;e be sellor111 ne.eln .nO Inlt e.eC\JIIOn iJf.d dell.e,>; 01 In 15 D~o 01 rtusl dO"s nol .,olnle 11"'1" (;fJf1lr,u:1 <1t Olh." obllglll'on 10 ""h,(:n
<br />Bono.ef .. aublect
<br />
<br />] T..... ~t8. To PI,. w'..n due all la.as SPIICIII ."e..menlS and all olhPI cnaroes lIQIIIn!.! the P'op'IJly IItHl upon ...',110'" '11'man(j tly Lende. In l'.ll\' iii
<br />\.ender lucJ1.mount U nur, be lulhCll!nl to enable the lender 10 pa, IUl:;h taKoI. ilIllenmeJlt. or Olh~r cna.ue, IS Inf'V b~comt! <1""
<br />
<br />. ~. To "H'P the P'oP'!"I, .ntou.p(f agamll d.m.ge by '"e na,.rdl InCluded wllh," Ihe lerm to_Iended cllve.J1qe 11",1 "<l" ""'to, "",,,,,.t. .... ~ r'n<'l~' "'.y
<br />.e-qu.r. In .rnounls.nd wIIl'1 compan,e. .Cceplable 10 l~nd",r Gnd w,t" 10Sl pDViltbllllo Ii'll! L('n~r In C.llSf' 0110~' \lnd!!r I$"cn p<-,l>('r~ I"" ll"""" '~""""",""11,' ".11....1
<br />c.olleclanaCOfftp1DfTt1U III cla,mto Il'1tt'eundt". IIna Ihllll h..1!' tll!'opl,on 01 applYlng.ll O' plI.I ollhl' ms.\j.anCJ!l P'O("l!OOl [,I 10 ilInv ,n(]ptJh.(j',...~ 'f', .,1'''1 h,""I'~ <i",1 ," "" I,
<br />~0f'I' '.leno., mat dele-.m,,.,. 1"110 lilt> Oo..o",&r 10 bl!' uteCJ 10' I"l.!' l..pIII' O' r(ll;IO' 1110<)" Illlhl' P'(ltI'f!fl, lj' . '" I 'OJ' <\". :,....., ",.'1'''''' 'Of "to,.., , ,.~,,~,.., r{',~ 10 I,'n,lo"
<br />.'Ino..rt .tlec''"g '".1.... 01 1"'" Of'eotl of T....t 10' t.... lull .moIJnl "":u".d ne'"br l'>f!ofo... i"C" PilIy",.."1 ...... lu"k 1.'111'" A... .\tJ~"" .1' " I.. .. 1<'r'h',I'..'~' ,,',,'
<br />f1QI ad,M 0.- pot.lloonelh. d..e dale 0' any """,.nll ..nd... Ih.. NOll'." 01 (",.. an. d..f."IIIt.....~"r'dp' nr h...~""111.'
<br />
<br />!. ~............ C~. .1", \...,_ Bouo..... ,""11 k"P In.. J1'oP~.tl 'r" !J(;(}.1 ~ "',,1."'" _lr.J ...1....,. .' I . . I" , "', 'I "1",' r -1",
<br />,....p'tI'fI,.....,wtl.c...""..,nttd.m.\Jt'd 0<' a....I.o.,1l'Cl IllillUnolcomm" Q' PtI'm'I "n~ ..all.. 0' '1.....'.,""".-- '.II,,.,.. P'''l-'I. "'.", .."I ,,,-. '.' "..." ", " ,. I ,',,'" . '. ,.'""
<br />...., pflhlo ,...l'I.er......nl.P"IIl.I>.op..." Inall "nl cumm,' 'un'lt [).p...m,l.ny.cllotl1tdu"..... ", >.It'"'' ",..I""I~'l, '-, ",.,.." ,..1., .... . ,".' .. j ....'
<br />......"Pl'I ..ndpol....p". d'IC'4I'9f' al 80ffo." I tu"l....d..peo".ot alllo,n" .n(;umb'."( n ."" i h.,'J"~"'~ ..'1 "'1-'."" ,"~'"'~'',11\J''''''' "'" I',. 'I " '. , '. I'~" ,
<br />