<br />\
<br />~
<br />
<br />ti (II'IIMol Dom.ln. lI'lIlllll It II!!Why lIUlonl'd 1111 COmrU:'InlllllOn AlIlftltl, 1111m/tDI" ,""l nl"'" /lflVm,'n'ft m rll'IO' 01"'011'1,,1101 P'ocucdo ') III connncllOn wllh
<br />condl'rnnlllDn 01 olh('IIUn'lU O'lht' P'opmlyor ptlflllulIUal Dllorconvoynnc., In 11011 ulconlllllflfllllloll L,lfllh'f ftI\lt1l h" onll!lodlllllll opllon 10 cammonco. npponr lOtiOn
<br />pIO,..cu10 In 111 own OllmeallY Itllon 01 PIOCDfldll'lQI. Bnd !lh81111110 boonllllod 10 mAwn IIny CllmpfOml~J1nl IllfIIf'mnrll In connection wllh such laking or dBmtl(Jo In 1110
<br />('wnl."y pOI'lOn 0' Iho PIOptll1v " 10 lllken Of almllQod, lendol Ihllll hOlltllho oflllon 11\ "1 5011' nllll Allloluto Ih5Clnllon. to apply nllauch Procoodll. Bllor deducting
<br />lho,,,hom 'II cOil. and olpcnltll Incurled t1yll In cconDellon with 'uch procendi "ron Anv Inrtllhlf'dOl'n '"f.Ulftd 110rnllV and m llllCh order /:Ill Lnndor mav dlllormlno, or 10
<br />apptl' .u Such Proc~,. nllol such doduchons. 10 Iho r05Torallon 01 Iho Proporly upon such condlllon' Ila Londnr may dclnrmlno AnV appllcallon of Procoodll 10
<br />1T1lJebladnon shall nol a"lond or pOlilpona Iho duo dalo 01 any paymon1S undcllhn Nolo or CUrt! nny rtolnulllhotoundN or hot(!lmder
<br />
<br />1 Ptrfonn.nc.brL.nd.., In Iho evonl 01 Borrower's falluro 10 perform any of Ihn covenanla hermn or mllkn Dny paymenls reqUlrlld hernbv. or.1 Any nCIIII Inken or
<br />1l!1J.1;1 pmceodlngcommonccd WhiCh malolllllVallDCl1 Londer'slntoreal.n the Properly. LGn!Mr 'nay In lis own dl&ctolltln. bul Wllhoul nbl'IIAhon to dOllO, nnd wlthoul nollco
<br />10 ordem.nd upon Bonower and wllhoul releaSing Borrowerllom any obligallon. do any aCI which Iho Borrowor hilS ngtlled bulllUls 10 do and may alsodo any 01 her Be! II
<br />13eeml neces.sary 10 J'J )Iecllhesocurlly hereol Botfower aholl, Immodlalalv upon domand Ihorolor by Londor, plly 10 Lendot nU cOlli II and oxponsos Incurrod and 'uma
<br />e..pended by Lender 1Il connecllon Wllh Iho o.erClsoby Londer ollhe lor090109 rlghls., logolhor wllh .nlerO!>llhereon a1lhe rIIlo provided in tho Nole. which ahal1 beaddltd to
<br />tho mdeblednass secured hereby Lender shall nOI incur any personal lIablllly becllUSO 01 anylhing II may do or omlllo do hereunder
<br />
<br />e E..1'ltt. 01 o.t.ulL The lollowmg IIhall constllute an evenl of delnull undor thiS Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(a) Fallurelopayany ,nslallmanl 01 pnncipal or 1Illercsl or 8ny olhersum securod hereby whonduc. orlnlluro to pay whon due any othermdeblodnoss 01
<br />BOffower to Lender
<br />
<br />(b) A broach 01 or default under IIny prOVISIOn conlained m Ihe Noto. Ihls Deed 01 Tlusl, any documenl WhiCh socures Iho Nole. IInd any olher
<br />encumbrance upon Iho Propeny.
<br />
<br />(cl A wtllol e..ecUllOn or auaChmenl 01 any s'mllar process shall beonlered IIgalOsl Borrower wlllch shall bocomea hen on Ihe Property or any porllon
<br />Ihereol or 1Illeresllherem:
<br />
<br />ld) There shall be filed bV or aglunsl Borrower an acllon under anV plesenl or luturo Indem!. IIlale or olhor stolule. law or regulallOn rollllmg 10
<br />bankruplCY.lnsolvency or olhor rollol lor deblors: otlhereshall bp nppolnled any Iruslee, recoil/or Of IIQuldalor 01 Borrower or 01 all orany parI ollno Proporty. or
<br />the renls. Inues or prol,ISlhereof. or Borrower shall make any gonernl asslgnmenllor Ihe beneltl 01 credllors
<br />
<br />(el The sale, Iransler, aSSlgnmenl. conveyance or lurther encumbrance 01 all or ilny pnrl 01 or ilny IOlerest 111 Ihe Properly, ellher volunlarlly or
<br />mvolunlaflly. wllhoul the e.press wflllen consenl 01 Lender
<br />
<br />(II If Borrowor 15 n01 an IOdlvldual, Ihe sale 1ranslCl i'Iss'gnmenl conveyance Ot encumbtance 01 more Ihan .___~__ percenl of 1.1 a corporalion)l!s
<br />
<br />Issued and outslandmg Slock or III B partnership) PNcenl 01 parlnershlp mlereSlS
<br />
<br />9 A.nwdl..;Accel.raUan Upon D.I.ul!. In lhr. evenl olllny Ewenl 01 DelaulT Lender may deel,lre alllndebledness secured hereby 10 be due and payable and tho
<br />same shan thereupon become due and payable Wllhout any ptesonlmenl demand, prOlesl or nollce at ilny kmd Therealler lender may
<br />
<br />Is) Demand IhalTrus1ee e.-erClse lhe POWER OF SALE glanled herem IIno TruSleeshalllhereallel cause Borrower.s mlereSI m the Property 10 be sold
<br />and the proceeds 10 be dlslllbuled nil m lhe mAnner prOVIded 111 lhe NebtHSka Trusl Deeds ACI
<br />
<br />lbl E'lher m person or b~ agenl Wllh 01 Wllhout brmglng any aCTion O' proceedtng. or by a recelwer apPolnled by a courl and wllhoul regard 10 Ihe
<br />adequacy ollIS securlly, enler upon and lake possession 0' Ihr'Ploperly or any parllneteol, In lis own name or In Ihe name of Ihe Trustee.and do any aclswhlCh
<br />II deems necessary or deSirable 10 pre"etve Tfle va'ue mlltlO.elablhlV 01 'enlah,llly 01 lhe Properly 01 part lhereol 01 mteresl Ihereln. mcrease Ihe income
<br />Iherefrom orprolectthe secunty hereol and, w.th or wIlhout laking possessIon 01 the Properly sue lor or olherWlse colleCllherenlS, Issues and prolllslnereol.
<br />tncludmg Ihose pasl due and unpaId and npply Ihe samt' less cosls nnd e_penses 01 operation and collection Including allorneys' lees. upon any Indebledness
<br />secured hereby. allm such order as lendel may delermme The en1ellng upon ilnd lilklng possessIon ollhe Ploperly. the collechon 01 such renls, Issues and
<br />prolllsandlheapphcal,on Ihereolllsaloresa.d. shall nOT cu'eol waIve any aelaull or nollce of delaullllereunder or Invalldale any acl done In tesponse losuch
<br />delaull or pursuant 10 such nOllce 01 delaulT and "Olwllhslandmg Ihe conlmULlnce In p05~esslon ollhe Propelly or the collechon. recelpl and apphcallon 01
<br />renlS.lssues or prollls. Trusloe or Lender Shall beenllUel110 elerCIs.e evef~ tight plolllded lor In any ollhe Loan InSlrumenls or by !aw upon occurence 0' any
<br />evenl 01 delault. inCluding Ine rlghllO elerClse lhe power 0' sale and
<br />
<br />(el Commence all Dctlon 10 loreclose IhlS Deed 01 Trusl as a morlgage apPolnl a reCelllel or speclllcillly en'Olce any 01 the covenanls hereof.
<br />
<br />No remedy heremconlorred upon or reservedlo T rusleeor lender IS inlended 10 be e.clus.veol any olhe! rpmedy h~reltl or by law p'ovlded or pelmllled, buleach shall be
<br />cumul.tlwl'. IIhall be III addlhon 10 every olher lemedy given heleundel or n';lW or tHHea!ler e_,slmg at law 01 '" eQUITy or bv slalllle and mLly be elel[;ISed concurrently
<br />Intlepe-ntlenlly or auec:e"'vely
<br />
<br />10 TIU..... The Truslee may reSIgn al any lIme ....'thOul cause and Lenn..' n,av al ilnv t,mt' i'IOO w.l,..""l c.illlsr' appolnl il Sl,ccesso' or subslltule Trustee Trulllee
<br />shall nol be hable lor any loss or damage unless due 10 acllonable neglIgence 01 Wllt',,1 ml5tonrlu{'f and Shitll nOI tIP leQul!le'd lu Takf' any aCllon In connecllQll Wllh Ihe
<br />enlorcemenl Ollhls Deed 01 Trusl unless mdemntlWd In wnllng lut all cosls conlpl.'n~;ttH'" w! e"plo'n<'l'S wnle-II m,IY ble' ilSSOC,a1ea ItwreWllIl In at1l1llton, TruSlee may
<br />becomes purchaser al any saleoltneProperly lJudlclalor undellhe power 01 sale granleo hell'lnl pOSlponelhesalt' of all or any pori Ion o! Ihe property, as prOVided by law
<br />or sell Ihe Property al a ....hole, or In separale parcelll or 1015
<br />
<br />11 Futww Ad..nce.. Upon reQuesl 01 Borrower lendet mll~ allls opllon makt' aaO,llOnal Lind lulutf' advanCl'S ana readvam:es la Borrower SuCh advancos Bnd
<br />roadVlnces. wllh mleresl thereon. shall be socured by IhlS Deed 01 TruSl AI na Ilmt' snail thr;> prll"lC'llill amounl 01 Ill!' melebl('dness secured by Ih.s Deed 0' Trust. nOI m-
<br />
<br />cludmgsums adlranced loprolect Ihe secufltyollhls Deed ot Trusl e_ct'el':llheOllqlllillll""tlpnl ilmo~nt ~lllh'd hell',n 01 S 754 00_0.. _0_0. whichever 15
<br />grelller
<br />
<br />, 2 IIlsc.Uaneoua Pnm.tona.
<br />
<br />......
<br />CQ
<br />1'-
<br />-'O::tI
<br />o
<br />..-4
<br />
<br />la) BOffo_rNol A......d. Elll'nSlon n! Iht' llmt' 1m f1<ll'mlml nr mot1lll!:allan ollln'orlllillton 01 till' sums 5t'ClHl'Q by Ihls Deed 01 Trust granled bV
<br />Lender 10 any successor In Inleresl 0' Borrower Sh,llI not Clperaw 10 1I,II'o'Ise m i1n~ mannel Ih(> Ililb,lily olthe U119>llal BOllower and BOllowe"s successors In
<br />Inlerest Lendershllllnol be requlreello cummencl.' ptOCl'eOmgs ngolnsl !oIJC:h !"".( !'ssm or r.'hl~l.'la 1!.lend lime 1m paymenl or olherwlse modlly amollllDllon
<br />ollhe sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 TruSI by "'"50n 01 any O"m.lnels mild.. hy Ih.' o"qlnal Borro...el ..nO Borrower s Sutcessors 111 mleresl
<br />
<br />Ibl lltndllr'.Pa..rI. Wllhoutallectlng the Iiablllly 01 any olh.'r p..r"tm h,.t!It> tor lht' flayl1H>n! 0' jlny obllgallon hemin menhon'!d, and wllnoulaflecllng
<br />Ihe hen or chargeollh'll Deed olTrusl upon any pOlllon 01 thf' P,olletly nor Inton Of Ihf"Il!IOlo.1.' rt>leu!ot'd LIS ~m:ut'ly lor Ihe lull amount 01 nil unpaldobhgallons.
<br />Lender may. Irom I.me to lime Ilnd wllhoul nollcl' (1llelease any pelSOn so hnhll' III) ('_II'nd Ih" enillurlty or illler any 01 fhe lerms 01 any SUCh obligations. (III)
<br />grlnl olhet Indulgences (I"') ,elease 0' retonvey or C"'~!i(f 10 t>t' fll't'lIlot'd fl' 11'(.0"."1',,0 ..lllnv llm"al Lt:'nder S oploon5 any palcel porl.on 0' aU ollhll Properly,
<br />Iv) I.lkeotreleaseany olher 01 aodltlonal securlly 10' an'( oblegllllon h{'rt'ln m""lf(ll1l'd or 1.'1 mnkt'cornpo~'llons or Olher arrangements wllh debtorSm relallon
<br />Thereto
<br />
<br />lel Forbe.r~ b, Lender Not. W.lnr. .eony lortwalancu by LIo'''elt'1 ,n eu"{ I!.'r.g IInv 'Ight ur ,,~mt!dy hereundUI or olherWlse allorded by apphcable
<br />lsw. shall nolbe8wal...et ot or precludelhee_e,c.se 01 any such fight or remedy 1 he Pl0{U1Umenl 01 IM!.Ufflnct' 0I1he paym~nl olla..as 01 olher hens or charges
<br />by Lender snail not be a walvel 01 Lendel s figi'll 10 acceleralll Ihe malurlly 01 tht' IMdl"blel1nuss '.iUcu.ec by ThiS Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />ldl Succnaarl .nd Assign. Bound; Jolnl.nd 5...r.t Ll.bllll,; C.pUon.. The cowt'nanls and agreeml.'nls herem cOn1amed sMall bllll1. and Ihe fights
<br />hereunder shall mure 10. the respecl.ve successors and aSSigns 01 Lenoe, and BOrlower subteClla the plowlSlons 01 palagraph 8 (el heleol All covenanls onel
<br />agreemenls 01 BorrowelshalJ be /o.nl andsewelill Thecapllons and heaOtngs ollneparagraptlS 0' Ih'lI Deed 01 Trusl ore lor convemence only and are nollobe
<br />used 10 Inlerpret or dahne Ih" prOVl510nll heltlol
<br />
<br />leI R~tlorNaUcetl. The part'esl'lereoy tl'QueSI mal acopy 01 any nOllce 01 de'aull hereunder and a COPv 01 any nollce 0' salettere\Jnder bemalled 10
<br />each party 10 Ints Deed 01 Trustal the adl1ress sellonh abowe mine manner prescribed bV applicable low E_cepllor any otner nollce reQUited undel applicable
<br />la....IO be IjllWen III another manne.. any nOhce prOvleled lor 1M lhl!. Deel1 01 T'uSl shall be glwen t>y rTl'f1hng such notlCl' by curt.hed mall addressed to The Olher
<br />part,es. allhe address sellonh above
<br />
<br />~ny nohef: prOlllde:d lor m Ihls Detld 01 Tlust shalt be doomeO to lllr...e been qlvtc'n to Borrowel or lender when 91wen m the manner deslgnaleo herem
<br />
<br />(II InlJMCllon.lendel ma~ make or cause lobe madt' reasonabl6t!ntlles upon anO Inspecllons 01 tne PIOpefly ptovldtc'O thaI Lender shall give BOIIOWer
<br />nohce pliO!" 10 any SUCh InSpoctlon iipe(:IIYlng reasonable cause merelor relaled 10 lender s mlereslln lhe Properly
<br />
<br />ISIl RKVftdf.fK:., Upon paymenl oj a!lliumssfIl:;ured Oyll1l:!i Deea 91 TI\J$t lena'l' $hall re-quelil TrllllleeTQ rt<convey Ihe P'Opt<tlyand shallsunenoer
<br />It". DIted 01 T'uiil and IU noles eVIdenCing endebledne:ra secutea by Itlts D_d 01 Trusl to Truslee Truslee shall 'tlconwey Ihe Property wIlhoul warranty and
<br />_llhout ch.rge 10 the pel,son 01 pellons legally enltlled Iherelo Such pel$an or persons shall POy all cOSls of lecordallon .1 any
<br />
<br />(hi ~Proptrt"s.curtlJAv,"_L Asaddlhonats.ecunly lor1hepaymenl olthe NOle allll_tules vQulpmenl and olller personal property used
<br />In connertlon WIlli lfIe le.lestale 01lmplovemrml5 localed Thereon. attd nol otherWIse declaled or deemtldlo bp II part at InE! real eSlale secuted nerelly shall be
<br />.ubl8Cltol Hcunly.ntl!!lesl InfallOI ollhe Lender undf"1 the Nebraska Umlorm Commerc,al Code ThiS Insllum"nl shall be conSTrued asa SeCutlly AgleemenT
<br />ull()er Wid C()(Ie. and The lender shall halfI!' aU the nghlS and lemedles 0111 secured pally undt'r salel Code In adl1lhon 10 Ihp. regt>ls llnl1 remel1les crealeD unoer
<br />alld accorded Ihe Lendt.'r pursulnlto thIS Deed 01 Ttusl
<br />
<br />(II s..-.taIIttr. In the rwenllh.l Iny plolflSlon allhls Deed ofTrusl conlllCl""11l applicable la... O' a.,. dt'clllled '''~lIl1a O' oth,.rWlse unenlorceable such
<br />conlhctor InvlJed.ty 'h.n nollllfeCllheolhet P'owls,on,ol IhlsOeed of Trusl or lilt" Nole which t.lln be Illvl'nt'llet t wllhO~r Ihl' conlitt:llng provISion And 10lhlS
<br />ent:! the provll~~on' allne Deed 01 Trust aod Ihe! Nole are decllled 10 be Sellerllble
<br />
<br />Bono_r hsa el.llculttCllhl' Deed 0' T rU511he dale lIl'T1Uen abollto
<br />
<br />7-~~/~
<br />(Frank E. Kolar) Bo...,.,..
<br />
<br />81""""'."
<br />