<br />
<br />88-10t1737
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />aOIUla_nl "fAG ntll "fDfl! .laNINO:
<br />
<br />BO"DWI!~(l'u.ID'11 unlS9nllnd Ihl1tho document thlllhe BorroWtlraareaboullol!lucule II a Deed 01 Tlual and nalll morlgage and thlllho pewltr 01 ulrt prow-Idlld
<br />tor In Ihl o..d 01 Trull prDYtde'lubl'lnlllllr dlllllrenl nghl.and obligation.tathe Borrowara than It monglge In Ino Oll'ent of D dof.ull t.1 bfll.ch 01 obllgallon under Iho
<br />[)eood 01 Trusl.lncludlng, but nolllmllea 10. thlllllndllr'. nghllo have the Real Property lold by lhe TnJllee Wllhou! any ludiclal proceeding or lorecle'IIfD Borrowers
<br />ntp,.Mnllnd Wlrrlnllh.l1hll Icknowledilllmllnl was "llecutad by them before Ihl!! "aleutian of the Deed 01 TrUll
<br />
<br />7~ !!/~
<br />(Frank E. Kolar) em,""",
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE thhi portion ONLT" UMI ,... properly d..c:r1bH conll,l, 0' INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />n .ppllcable. comp"la ONLY ONE allh.r A. B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The BOJTowerls)ack.nowledge Ihallhey are aboulle executelh" 10Uowlng Oood 01 Trusl upon Ihe real estale described Iherem The Borrowerls). and eachol them II
<br />more Ihan ene. de hereby (llsclalm Ihelr nghlTO dCSlgnlle a homeSI!!sd pursuanl thereto No part ollhe homeslead 01 either ot Ihe Borrowerlsl I' presentlv orwm In the
<br />fulure be ,ituated upcnyid real estllle The Borro.....erlsl unjersland Ihlltll "llher eslabllshes a nomeslead on any pari 01 said real eSlale dutlng the time the Deed 01 Trust
<br />I1Imalnsunsaltsfledand a lien upan$.lud lealeslate Inere shall be no IIQtlllo 1Tl1lke II de!ilgnallon d. homestead In Ihee...ent 01 a foreclosure or Irulllaa'ssale .....llh respect 10
<br />saId Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerlslacknowledgelhatlheyafe aboulloeu!rutt* Ine lollow,ng Dt'f'd 01 Trusl upon Ihe realeSlale descflbed thelem The Borrowans). andeachollhem ,f
<br />more Ihan one. dO hereby waive thell flghl to deSIlJnate iJ I'1omeSleiHl pUISllllnT !hPII.'IO Thl' Boftoweqs) undersland Ihat they hllve Iha r'ghllo make a deSlgnatl.on of
<br />homesleadand Ihal byeaecuung Ihl$wa.ver. lhei' are .....a'~Ing I.ghls Olt1l'tWl!otJ lI...allllt!II..lclllhe purpose of allordmg themtheopporlumly 10 relam thelt homestead In the
<br />event el a delaull upon the Deed 01 Tfust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to Ihe Farm Homeslead Protect'on Acll SeCllon 76. 1901 l'I ...I'q Re~I!.1!(1 Slillule!. ollhe Slale 01 Neblaska) Ihe Borrowerls!. (10 hereby deSignate the real
<br />property descnbed In Ihe "DeSlgnahon of Homeslllad atlacnl'<! nf!t~ln and ,nco'pOI;!ll!d t11!fe,n bv HilS .elerencl'"
<br />
<br />BOllowel
<br />
<br />Borro.....el
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ,sm<u11'i1~oll"t'29thelnv()1 August 1988 bVilndllnlongtheTruSIOl _Fr:~rlk_~~~olitl:..,.
<br />-'l..-5ing.le:_.per..son _ l\rH.I'.;" ...,.1<1'''9 luJdlto!>S 's l5Z9 .AlI.en t',,-ven\.4e,..._..Ciran~LJsJAOd,
<br />.NI;.__ _tiJlJl03-2930 1t1(~IO'" BOIIUWl.r tn,. T'u~tl''' William G. Blackburn... a memi;)er of tl1e N.I; _Sta-1~~~Ji~n.,
<br />whose mallmg address IS P.,!-Q_. .~Q~ 2_~80-, Grand Islandr NE 688Q2-_~2~O __(hBrelO"Trustee"',.
<br />and me Benehc.ary Fly_e Points _Bank __.__~___._
<br />whosemalhngaddros!..S P.O. Box 1507, Grand Island, NE 68802-1507 lher\f+n'lendlll-)
<br />
<br />FDR VALUABLE CONStOERA TION tne ludmg I"t. .nO"DI..d"..~~ ,dt'nl,I,!'ell1..".Of-, iH\d', ,,~I ....'".'" ~''''ttt'tl In.. 'f'tl..pll,t ....".et1 ,s herebv i1rkno.....ledged, Borrowel
<br />heTeOV ItreuocablygranlS lIanj,It'I.. (UI1...tJ~~ allel ass'9"" If) T'II<'lH" IN TRUST WiTH POWER or SAl E I". Ih~ blont'M ...nd ~IlC..I,IJI <)1 Lender, under and subJoct 10 the
<br />te""s and conditIons hen'mollel set lOlln I'll! '(lal p'uperly 111'''( IIb..O it" lollow!.
<br />
<br />The Southerly Seventy-Five Feet (S 75') of the East One-Half (EU of Block Eleven (11). in
<br />Pleasant Home Subdivision. in the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together w,lh all bUIlelmgs IlT'.pro~e",enIS '..lUles SlleelS aUevs passage....a~s easemenls t1gtlls pr....tl..ges and ~pjJurl(!ni\fll:O" IOClll(!d lhem"" Of In pnyw.se
<br />perlalnlng thereto. and Ih~ rentlO Issues and p'ollt!> re...mSlon5 and 'ernamderSlherool Includmg, tlul notllmlled 10 heat 109 Ilnd cnolmg I!llulpmonllllld surn pI~r"onlll
<br />property tha11sa1111chedto Ihe ImprOllernDnlS.o as loconallluWa ,..twe andlogelnel w,lI'1 Ihe homeSTead or milrllallnleresls d ItllV wt1u;h mllllllSIS are hl!reby lolea!oed
<br />and waived; aU 01 which. .ncludlng replacllmenlll andBddlllons lhe,elO IS neretly ctec:lilllld to be aparl 01 the .eal ..Slillt'S"Cl,rl!d o~ Ihto !'f'1l 01 Ih.s D(!I.d 01 T,ulIl anel nil 01 Itll'
<br />10regOlng being t11leJTed to hetllm a. the p'operty
<br />
<br />This Deed 01 TfuSlshall secufe (allhe pa~menl 01 Ihl' tmnClplllsum and Inle'csl e...,denceel by Borrowe! s nOli' and 01 lll!dlt ngleclTlent dnll~d
<br />
<br />August 29. 1988 hallmg a malurlly dale clEebJ:ua.ry~_4S.."._J 989 "1 Ihe onglnal ptmt:.pal amuuIlI 01 S 75.... 000_. 00 find nnv ond all
<br />motht.cat,ons. ealenSlonlO and renewalS Iheleol 01 tl1meto and any.!lnd alllulufe ad...ances and reaaunnces 11f!'t'uno&, pUIsuBnl 10 onl! Of '"0ll! PlOml950ry nOll'S Of cmdll
<br />Agreemenlllh~re.n Cllled-NOI~'1 Iblttlepayment 01 ethe. sums advanced bv L~nder fo plolec:lthesec:urllv cllhl' NOLl: It' Ihi' p",lurrn,1nCl-'illI CllVtHlIlIllS ilnO lIgleemlll\l
<br />of Bor'01Itel Stlllorth t1etllln, ..ndldl an mdebledncu and obllgat'ons 01 BOllower 10 l..ndel .....helnel dlfllrl mdlH~cl absolul'~ O' conlmgetll .1nd whl'll1t'1 nllsmg t'ly 11011'
<br />guarani,. overdraft Of other.'H
<br />
<br />BoltOwer, 10 ptolec1the K'cunly 01 thll Deed 01 Trust. covenants and agrees Wlltl Lendel as IOUOWll.
<br />
<br />, ...,.....IDI~M1dI"...,..LBotTow"r.h.U promptly paywhenduelheprmClpal 01 and Inleresl on and any Ille, or chargcspIQ~lct..d In Ih" NOll' Of 10 1111'
<br />0eecI of T 1\111
<br />
<br />2 ,.... BOttowrrl.thll ownef altlle PfOpertr, has Ine ug:nl and aulhOllly locen",erlh"P.epefly InO .-lIrr...nI5 Inallt1I'l+cn (:,,,,,,,,,, h",..b~ '5" 1"., un" '-",.!, "ll" ,I"
<br />the Proprrty. eaC"l!pI oma, OlhefW'Rbe Jellonh hele," and the elecutlon .!nO dell",cf)' ollhls Deed 01 Trusl dOt'!s nul ~.ulllll' any {.(H1h,,( I II' nlllm nbhgllhun I" wt1,Ln
<br />Bor'DwtI'II'lubf8Ct
<br />
<br />3 T....."--"I&. To pay .hen duealllaxes. speClalanessmen1sand alt alhol ChSfQl!S agsmSllhe Propl!rl... IInd upon ..""".. (1""''''1(1 h l ""11", II! 'lily lu
<br />~del 'IUcl1 amounl.. mar be aulllCoent 10 en.ble Ihe Lendl!ll 10 pay lurl1 la.es, au.es.menlll 0' alh,,' chlllgt'S II' t"..v t/"LO"'" l1uI'
<br />
<br />" lMUr8IIC8. TOkHp the Property mluftld against damage by I,ro hazlldll.ncluded '*'Ih," Ihft' lerm ellendllel I:n....,I1\1.. .'''11 ~." " ,'I~"" hIt111.,I, U5 I ."ull" mil...
<br />'aQUlre .n amount. and With campanl" acceplable te L ondor, and w,lh 10.. payablrllo lhe lenel~1 1'1 ta't' 0110". U"",,, ...",., I"'''l 'I'" Ih.. ~ ''''''1'' '. '''I'''''''J''<1I'' IIdl"'l
<br />collectandcompromtse_ aUc;la.mslhetBuflde,andlhaUha'l!'lheopl,UIl 01 ~pply.n'iil.1! a. part Ollh!! .nluranca ,,'ou'mn.,: 1....',1 "1I1,-t,I.,.I' ..,. 'I'" """1 '''''I'h, 11"" ,,, '1.11 .,
<br />o'OIl"IL~' mayO'UlImU'1!I II/I 101M BouoltlTl!I' laCe ulled 10' lno rIlDA" Dr rPSTOlahon 01 Tnll PfOPIHI~.." f''', It" II"~ ,""'" '''''1'''''' ,,, '1'1'" I ,M'.'", "". II. ll'IlL'I"
<br />"'!\oul atl.C1ln';11he ..en 01 tru. DHd 01 TIU>>llo. thl'> l...lllmOI..1Il1 ~I:urtla ""f(!bV t1alOlD lu( t1 paymenl ..1101 Too. pl.'.. A". .1"1"" ...' .' ,,' I" '''l,_llh_..",.~'' ,I'ull
<br />not ...umd O' pas.tpOIle (hi! d.w dll.. 01 an, PArlTlf'nt' uno..' tnll NOlf! 01 CU'r1 .n~ dnl'uft lt1rtreu"O'" 01 nl.."U....nl'.
<br />
<br />!r .....-.....c............ ClNRpMaftce.HtI La.., OOlfO,*'" ,nAil I<eop It... PIlJpefl, I'" Qr>l,ll """',1"" .1'''' 'I',,~, ,'., I
<br />.tnp<~_t .,,,,... ~y t- ".magll'd 0' detllro~ct a,...n nol cemm,t uo poo.m,t any ....le O' dll'1""0'1I1.,,... ;,1 II... l'.",...... ,..".
<br />In, olfroltl1'l"lp'~""," on IhoII P'o~r1y ~U n01 CQmm'l 'ulltu 01 pt'.mllln, aClle bll!' dO"I!!'.n 0' "110'" I".. '....'1...... . . .,1.' . . ...
<br />'NJI ~v a..., ptompll, oj.-.c.......g..I60"o-.f. cOITan-d l!aptollS..lIlten" .."cUmbf.anC"'''d "''''''Q''t. ,,,,,,,<1 '''''1''1'''''1 ~~~.......'. IA .'''.,'
<br />