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<br />I. I t II I <br /> <br />88- 104734 <br /> <br />" All nddlLionnl !Il'Curily. Trulltor hen.'hy Kives to nnd confers ulKlI1 ncnefidnry the riltht, puwer and Iluthorlty, during tho continuance <br />of thCM! Trustll ln rolh:d the n!ntll. iMueR nnd profits of lutid property, n!lIcrvlm: unto Tnlst.or L1llJ rlnht, prinr tll uny defnult by Trustor <br />In p4)'lllClnt of Rny indrhledlllJlUI !let'ured hereby or in perfonnnnce of nn)' agreement IIl'l"l'under, to collect nnd rewln Buch rents, issues <br />Rnd profitll 011 they OOcnml' due nnd paynble. Upon IlnY such de fRuIt, Beneficinry mny ot nny time without notice, either In person, by <br />ngent, or by a ret"C1\'Cr 00 be appointed by n court, nnd without regnrd to the ndequllcy of ony ROCUrity for the indehtedness herehy secured, <br />enh!r upon !lod lake po!l8t!ssion of snld properly or any port thereof, in his own nome tlue for or otherwise coJleet Buch rents, iBsues and <br />prnfita, including thOM(! pOSl due and unpoid, Dnd apply the some upon nny IndebtooneS8 secured hereby, nnd in such order os Dene(iciory <br />moy detenoine. The entering upon nnd tnking pOs8CKllion ofsnld property, the collection of such renls, issueR nnd profits and the oppllcRUon <br />thereof aa ooorelUlid, sholl not cure or waive any defoult or notice of default hereundl!r or invalidnte uny nct dune pursuant to such notice. <br /> <br />5, Upon default h:r Trustor in the payment of any indebtedness secured hl'l'Cb)' or in the perfonnnnce of nny agreement contained heroin, <br />nil 8umfl 8C'CUfT'd hereby IIhall immediately become due and payable at the option of the Beneficiary. In such event and upon written request <br />of Beneficiary, Trustee Aholl sell the trust property, in accordance With the Nebraska Trnst Deeds Act, at public auelion to the highest <br />bidder. Any person except Tnlstee may bid at Trualec'l:I sole, Trnlltce sholl apply the proceeds of the sale os folloWA: (1) tn the expense <br />oCthe !IDle, including n rcnliOnnble Trnstee'R fee; (21 to the obligation secured by tbiN Dt.>cd afTruati !3llhe aurplWl, if any, shall be distrjbuted <br />t.o the pefllOnl entitled therelo. <br /> <br />6. Trustee shall deliver to the purchmo\L'r at the sale its deed, WiUlllUt wotTDnty, which sholl convey to the pUl'Chaser the interest in <br />the property which Trustor had or had the power to convey at the time of his execution of lhiB Deed of Trust, und such aB he may hove <br />acquir-d then!after. TnulH'lI deed ahall reeih! the facts showing that thr sole WDS conducted in compliance with 011 the requirements <br />of In.. and of !hie Deed of Trust, which ~itall'lhall be prima fnde evidence of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor <br />ufbona fide purchaaena and encumhranceMl for value. <br /> <br />7. The power of sale conferred hy thi.s Deed of Trust is not an exclulli\'l' reml'dy. OL'l1l'l1cinry muy cause this Deed of Trust to he foreclosed <br />11811 mortp&~ <br /> <br />H. In the e\'l'nt of Lh~ death, mcapnclty, diRnhility or reSIJ.tnlltllln Ilf Trullh'l', Bem.ficlllry may nppoint in writin~ n Huccessor trustee, <br />and upon the recordln~ of Kuch appumtment in the mortgage rC("IJrllti nf I hI' t'lJunty In which thiH Deed of Trust is rl.'corded, the successor <br />truMtl'l' sholl he veh'led with nil powers nf the onginal tnHIIl't'. Tlw Lrullh.t' IS Tlnl nbh,wd In notify IIny pArty hereto of pending sale under <br />any lither Det.>d IIf Trust or IIf any oction or prnccl'dinJ.t 111 whlt"h Trllstor. Trul"tet> or Beneficinry Kholl he n party unleRs !Iuch action or <br />pmnol'dinR is brouf.tht by the Trustl.>e. <br /> <br />9 Thill Deed of Trust applies tn, inures to the henl.'fit of, IlUU I~ hmdll1J.: not llnly un Ihe partleM hereto, hut un their heirs, deviseeK, <br />legntnell, administrnlors, uccutnrs, succeSllOrll nnd ilfi!llg-nR The It'ml fltml'liCl/lry shall mean tht, holder and owner of the nute securl'd <br />ht.M!by. whetht.'r or not nllmt.'d as Beneficinry hl!reln <br /> <br />10 Ht.'l:IUest for Notice of Default or Noticl' of Snle. It in requl'Mled thut II CIlPy of Ilny Notice of Default fJr Notice of Sole be mlliled to <br />each pe['8CIn who is named in Lhis Trust DM-d lit the mllihng: IIddresll of such pt'rSlln as Net out abo\'(' <br /> <br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: I. Do not sign this paper hefore you read it. 2. You are enlitled to a copy <br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid halance at any time without penalty and may be entitled <br />to receive B refund of unearned charges in accordance with law, <br /> <br />Sib'fl..d this ~ __._ day of ,1\.U9ust . A lJ Hl 88 <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />Hall <br /> <br />, <br />IIIH <br />COUNTY , <br /> <br />~7L I P Jil <br />(;.J..-~--#=;"!, ,. 'tlc;:~'~ ------ <br />k~_K.._ ~_____. <br /> <br />On this _._~~___._ day of AlJglJ~t, ,'.D., HI ~e____, befure me, the undersigned, u Notary Public, dul~ <br />commiSBioned nnd. qualified for and reSiding In suid cuun~y, perHOnully clime ~~llMri ~_~al1fLllebbl_E.L_ . <br />husband and ~~..Le_ to me knu.....n In be the- Hfentlcul pencon 5 whm.e namt' 5 _ uffixed to the foregoing <br />instrument De Trustor 5 und lIcknuwledged !tH.' Harne to he _ _ ~_ vol. <br />untary net and deltd. <br />Witness my hond and Notnriul Selll tht, duy IInd Yl>nr IUllt l 0 <br />My Commit.sian l'Xpln~M thl' 8 duy <br />of _~. February 19.9t <br /> <br />Harris, <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF _._ .. _ _____. . , <br />! 85. <br />County I <br />Entered in Numencal Index llnd filed for record in the ollice of the Register of Deeds of said county, the <br />day of _~_ _H__ _~ ________.__~_ , 19_, at ~__."__ .__._ o'clock and __.__~______ <br />minutes ~~__ _ M., and duly recorded in Book of . ___ <br />Mortgages page ___ __~__~____..________._ ________.... <br /> <br />c <br />j <br /> <br />Register of Deeds <br /> <br />991 E82 INEI <br /> <br />Deputy <br />