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<br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Power of Sale) <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />104734 <br /> <br />Amount Dr First Inl!lUtlmenl $ 187 00 <br />To",1 of PoymenlB $ R976 00 <br />Number or Monthly InstaIments ~_. <br /> <br />Amount or Other InsLnlments $ 187 ~ 00 <br />Fi..tlns"'lmentD".D".. 10/3/88 19_ <br />Finnl Instalmont nUl' Date 9/3/92,19_ <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. mod,. thl, -29 doy of Auaust. 19.J!L. <br />belwee" Merk R Herri s and Deborah K Harris hushand and wife <br />who"" mailin. .dd.... i, 709 S Sycamore Grand I s I and. Ne 68801 <br />.. Tnt,..... .lnhn Cunningham 222 N Cedar Grand Island. Ne. 68801 <br />who"" m.nto. add.... is _ 222 N Cedar Grand I s I an.d......Ne. 68BO 1 <br />as Trustee. nnd Norwest Financial Nebrnskn. Inc., whoRe moiling address is 2337 North Webb Rd. <br />r,rrlnrl T ~ 1 .:Inn Np IiAR03 , os Beneficiary, <br />WITNESSETH. Trustors hereby irrevocnhly, gmnl, bargain,- sell. and convey Lo TrusLee in trust, with power of sale. the following de. <br />scribed property in Hill 1 County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Seven (7), Block Three (3), South Grand Island <br />Ha 11 County. Nebra ska. <br /> <br />Together with tenements, henadiwment.8, nnd nppurtennnces thereunto belonging or In anywise nppertnining nnd the rents, hlflUes and <br />profits thereof. <br /> <br />This conveyance ill intended for the purpose of seeunnA' the payment tn Beneficiary of Trustors' promissory nole of eYen date in the <br />amount stated above IUI "Towl flf PaymenlJl" Said "Total of Payments" i.l repayable in the number of monthly inslalments stated above. <br />The amount of the mlllalment paymenLH due on suid loan is atoted ahove. The UMll and final instalment due dates on said loan are stated <br />aboVE!. Payment may ~ made in advance in any amount at !lny time. Default In mnkinJt nny pllymenl shall, al the BenenclOry's option <br />and without notice or demand, render the enlIre unpaid balance of said lonn III ont'l' due IInd payable, le!UI uny n>quired reMte of charKes. <br /> <br />To protect the security of thia Ikt--d of Trust, Trustor covenunuand awees. <br /> <br />t. To keep the property In J.,ruod condition and repair; to pennit no wasle thereof; to complete any building, structure or improvement <br />being built or about to be built thereon; tu restore promptly nny building, structure or improvement thereon which may be damaged or <br />destroyed; and to comply with ulllaw8, flrdinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and r.!!strictillOll affecting the property. <br /> <br />2. To pay before delinquent ul!luwful tuxetl and aKS(!slImenlB upon the prop4!rty; to keep thl' pnJperty frl't, nnd clear of all other charJ.letl, <br />liens or encumbmncell impairing the Ilt.ocurily ofthitl ne~d ofTrutlt <br /> <br />3. To keep all buildingll nuw or hen!nfier l!rl>cted nn tht! property del'lCrlbed hl'relO contmuoutlly insurl-d uRuintlt 10911 by fire or other <br />hazards in an amount not leHli thun lht! lowl debt liecured by this need of Trullt. All poliCieS 9hall 1M! held by the lJeneficlUry, und be <br />in such companies nH the Beneficiary may approve and have loss payable first to t1w Beneficiary all its intereHI may appear and then <br />to the Trustor. The amount collected und!!r uny inllurnnce policy may be applied upon any indebtednc8lI herehy Ilecured in Rueh order ns <br />the Beneficiary shall detennine. Such upplicution by the Beneficiary shall not cnuse discontinuance of nny proceedings to fOrl'close thili <br />Deed of Trust or cure or waive any default or notice of default or invalidate ony nct done punmnnt to such noticl.'. In the event of fOrloclosure, <br />011 rights of the Trustor in insurance policies then in force shaH pails to the purchaser lit the foreclosure sail' <br /> <br />4. To obtain the written consent of Beneficiary before IM!lIing. conveying or otherwise tranllferring the property or any purt liwrl'uf /Ind <br />any Ruch sale, conveyance or trnnsfer without the Beneficiary's written consent Mhall constitute II default under the terms hereof <br /> <br />5. To defend any action or proceedmg purporting to affect the secunty hf!reof or the rlRhl!l or powers of Beneficlllry or Truswe <br /> <br />6. Should Trustor fail to poy when dut! any taxc6, aSllcssmtmlB, insurnnce premiumll, Iienll. encumhrances nr other chllrJ.les DRUlnsl thl' <br />property hereinabove described, Ueneliciury may pay the !lame. IInd the amuunt 50 paid, with mterest at thl' rate Itl't fnrth In the note <br />secured hereby, shall be added to and become u part of the debt secured in this Deed of Trust as pennltted by 11Iw <br /> <br />ITISMUTUALLY AGREED THAT <br /> <br />1. In the e\'fmt any portion of the property is taken or dnmnged in [III emment domain proceeding, the entire amount of the awnrd <br />or such portion thereof ns may be nt't'eSllnry to fully slltlsfy the obligatIOn !K'cured herl!by, Mhall be paid to Benelielary to bto llpplied to <br />said obligation. <br /> <br />2 By accepting payment of any sum securl'd hereby after Its due date, Beneliclllry does not waive ILN rtA"ht tn require prompt puymtlnt <br />when due of all other sums!Kt st->cured or to dedall~ default for failu~ to ~(I Pll)' <br /> <br />3. The Trustee shall reconvey 1111 or nn). part of lhe property cllvl'n>d by thaI! Deed of Tru!lt to the person cnhtll-d thereto. on wrtttl'n <br />request of the Trustor and the ReneficlIlry, fir upon satisfnction of the obhJtntlOn Bl'cured nnd wrItten request for reconveyance RIndt, hy <br />the Beneliciary or the person entitled thereto <br /> <br />991 G64 (HE I <br />