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<br />88-104717 <br /> <br />" , . I \' l <br /> <br />..., :"',,"uftlitIJniil ~urity, Tnut.or herob)' "iv{'~ to Ilod confl'ra upon Ih.molictnry the ri/otht, power nnd authority, during tho continuance <br />of these Trusts to tolled the feolA, issues nnd pm{iu of'soid property, r'ClIl.!rvlnJ{ unto Trulllnr tho rlRht. prior to any default hy Trustor <br />in payment of any indebtedncss llecUred hereby or in performance of nny 1IJ{T(!f.'menl hereunder, to conm:l nod retain such rcnw, issues <br />ond profila 01 they become due ond poyable. Upon IIny 8uch default. nen{'ncinry mo)' at IIny time without notice. either in person, by <br />agent. or by . realv!!r to be appointed by 0 rourt, nod without reRun! to the adequacy IIf ony BeCUrity for the Indebtedness hereby secured, <br />enter upon and take pos8C8sion of snid property or ony port thereof, in his own nnme Bue for or otherwise collect 8uch rents, issues nnd <br />profits. including th08e past dUl! nnd unpaid, ond apply the some upon nny indehtednlJB9 secured hereby, ond in such order 08 Beneficiary <br />may detennine. The entering upon nnd taking possession orsoid property, thl! collection ofHuch rents. issues and profits nnd tho application <br />thereofns uforesaid, sholl not cure or waive ony default or notice of defoult hereunder or invalidate ony oct done pursuant to such notice. <br /> <br />5. Upon dcfDult by Trustor in the payment IJf any indehtL>c.In~AA setun'tl hereby or in the performance of any agreement contained herein, <br />011 sum!! secured hereby sholl immediately be<:ome due ond poyohle ut the option of the Beneficiary. In such event nnd upon written requ"l:st <br />of Beneficiary. Trustee sholl sell the trust property, in occordonce with the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act, aL public auction to the highest <br />bidder. Any perean except Trostee mny bid at Trustee's sole. Trustee sholl IIpply the proceeds of the sole 08 follows: (1) to the expense <br />oCthe we, including 0 teUlKlnoble Trush.'e'f1 fee; 12) to the obligntion Hecun'd by this Deed of Trust; 131 the llurpluB, if nny. shall be dist.ributed <br />to the persons entitled thereto. <br /> <br />6. TrusWe shall deliver to the purcholWr at the 6ule ita dt."Cd, WIthout warranty. which shall cunvey to the purchafler the inwrcst in <br />the property which Trustor hod or hod the power to cOllvey ot the time of his e.ecution of this Deed of Trust, nnd such 8S he may have <br />acquired thereafter. Trustee's dl>M ahull recite the fncts AhowinR thllt the sole was conducted in compliance with 0.11 the requirements <br />of I.. and of thie Dec..-d of Trullt, which rtocital sholl he primn fncie e'..-idence of Iluch complinnce and concluaive evidence thereof In favor <br />of bona fide pun:haHeI'S nnd encumhmnccl'll for ,'olue. <br /> <br />7. The power of BRie conferred by this Deed of Trust HI noL nn t~xclU!lIve rt'llIedy; Bencficiary may cause thiA Ot.>ed of Trust to be forecloscd <br />as 0 mortgage. <br /> <br />8. In the event of the death, incapacity, dlsnhihty or resiRnatinn of TrusLee, Bt'neficlDry moy IIppoint in writin~ n successor trustee, <br />and upon the recordinR of !luch appointment In the mortRI1J.le rL>('urdt; uf till' county in which this DeL'll of Trust is rerorded, the successor <br />trustee sholl be vested with all powt!l1I of lht' oriJ{inlll trustee Tht. trul4lt'C i~ not ohliRed to notify lmy party hereto of pending sale under <br />any other Deed of TnlBt or of an~' acUnn or ProCt>edlhR '" winch Trustur, Tr\Jstel' or Beneficmr;y sholl be n porty unless .such action or <br />proceeding is brought by the Tn.u;we <br /> <br />9. This Deed of Trust. applies to, lhures to tlw henefit of. nod IS bmrllllJ.l not nnly on the parties hereto, hut on their heirs, devisees, <br />legatees, administratonl, e.~utoNl, ~UCCeK~1'"ll /Ind lUIIIIRT1!l- The h'ml Bl'neficlllry "hnll mean the holder und owner of the note secured <br />hereby, whether or 1I0t nomed as Beneficiary ht>rI~ln <br /> <br />10. Request for Notice of Ilt:!fnult or Nul1et' of Sale It I" re1luellltod lhut II cop)' of any Notice of Default 01'" Notice of Sale be mailed to <br />each pel"5On who 18 named in thl6 Trulll need nt thl' mai1m~ llllrlrt.,,1' IIf Much person IUI Het uutnbove. <br /> <br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign this paper hefore you read il. 2. You are entitled to a copy <br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any lime without penalty and may be entitled <br />to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law. <br /> <br />Signed this <br /> <br />25 <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />!\JA9~_S,t . A,Q, 19Ji~L <br /> <br />~~?; 10 .,~~ _ <br /> <br />~~.( a,l!~,u_< ~-//.. ;ZO~ <br /> <br />.. d <br />On this 25 day of ,August . A Q. 19 88 . hefore me. the understred. a Nolary Puhhc. duly <br />cqmmissio'led apd quftlified fur and rc~ndmg In t1uld county. personally came Rober D. Gustin & Lealatrice Y. <br />Gustln, husoana & Wl fe to me known to be the identical perMon S_ whose nnm~ ~ affixed to the foregoing <br />instrument BB Trustor ~_________.__,__ and acknowledged the same to he thei r vol. <br />untary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Sealthl' day and yeur last <br />My Commission expires the ~___!}____" --- day <br />Df February . t9~L.o <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />Hall <br /> <br />, <br />l88 <br />COUNTY , <br /> <br />v 'tIIlllII'IlJAIIY.S1I1I ,t ';011;. " r <br />INEIIRI Y. WATSON <br />1[':'1 <br />~olary Public <br /> <br /> <br />-::2L~ <br /> <br />-.- ---------,------_.~-----------~-- <br /> <br />STATE OF l <br />I liS. <br />County 1 <br />Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record m the office of the Reb'lster of Deeds of said county. the <br />day of ' 19__ _, at __~__ o'clock and <br />minutes _____ M.. Ilnd duly rccurdl'd in Book --- of -- -,----- <br />Mortgages psge ----------~.,-'-- ,-",------,-------- <br /> <br />c <br />oS <br /> <br />Register of Deeds <br /> <br />991 E82INE~ <br /> <br />Deputy <br />