<br />L-'l ;J
<br />
<br />88-104717
<br />
<br />!With Power of Sale)
<br />
<br />Amount arFirst, In!ltolment $ 281 00
<br />Total orpayrn.oto $ 20232 00
<br />Number ofMonlhly Instalment.!l ----..l2...
<br />
<br />Amount of Other [nfltnlmenls' 281 00
<br />First In!ltnlment Due Dote 9/30/88 19_
<br />Finnllnstalment Due Date 8/30/94 ,19_
<br />
<br />TInS DEED OF TRUST, mod. 'h;, _~ doy or __.Augusi.", . 19~.
<br />bot...... Robert 0 Gustin and Lealatrice Y"Gus1i11-- husband and wife
<br />wh... mailiog odd..... ia _ 115 East 9ttLSi,.Gr:aruLlsld!ld..jle. 68801
<br />as Tnuwn. John Cunn i Tl!lhillll_ ,_Jltt.oJ:ney, ____
<br />who.. mailing odd",.. i. _222..ILCe.dilr _ ,Gr:and_Jslarul~,1le... 6B80 1
<br />as Trustee, nnd Norwest Financial Nehraflkn, Inc, who~' nllulm" IIddn'fls is .P.!L.Box 1373
<br />?337 North Wehh,Jl<L..JJr,llruLJsJand.,lle. .68803 . o. B.oeftda",.
<br />WITNESSETH, TnlAtors h('f~by Irr't,\,t~hly, ..:rnnt, hllrRum, fW..n, Ilnd ('OI\\lt!Y l.n Trufl~ In trust, with power of !'Iale, the ronawing de.
<br />scribed property in Ha U___.no_~__.__.,,__~___ _____ __ County, Nebraskn:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), in 8lock One Hundred-thirty-six (136) in Union Pacific
<br />Railways Company Second (2nd) addition to Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Tot;t'ther with tt'nements, heredllamt'ntll, nnd appurtennncl's thl'n-ounln tK"lnn~lnJ: or III nn.vwlllt' nppm1JumnK and the rents, iIWues nnd
<br />profits thNl."Of
<br />
<br />This coo1leyance 111 Intended for the- purpol4l.' of se<'Un~ tht' payment 10 Brlll'lirlllry uf Trulltonl' pmmu18ury note of even date in the
<br />~mount fltoted abo'le as lolal of l'nymentll" Said lolDl of l'nyml'nlJl" III rt'pu}'nhle In tht' numlwr of monthly illslalments lltated above,
<br />The amount of the 11UItalment payment!! due on BOld lonn II; !lllltl'rl nhnvt' TIlt' fint alld final ,"II1alml'nl due dates on 118id loan are slated
<br />IIbO\'e Payment ma)' be mad~ in nd1lance in llhY amount Dt Dny tlml' IHofnul1 In mnklllA" any payment IIhall. at the Beneficiary's option
<br />Ilnd wlthllut notice or demand, render the entire unpaid blllant"t' of fUud Inan III nnN' diU' Illtd pnyohl.., 1t'1I11 ony n-qulrM rehate of charges.
<br />
<br />To protect the lM'Cunty of this D~ ofTrusl. Trwltor covenantJI nnd nR"n't~fI
<br />
<br />I To keep tht' property m good rondlbon ftnd repnir; to pemut no WDlltt' thl'rt'flf, 10 rompll'te any hualdlhR, Iltructure or improvement
<br />t"lt'lnK bull1 IJr about to be.- bUilt thl'n"On; to Te.lltort' promptly any bUllrhnR". structun' or ImpnlVf'ml'nt thereon which may he damaged or
<br />dl'1ltroYI>d; ond t{l comply WIth alllawtI, ordinances, rt'RUlation!l, CII\'t'nUlIlII, r:nndlbonll nnd rl'!ItrlctlOnllufTl'ctillg the propt.'rty
<br />
<br />2 To p"y lJf'lol'1" df'hnquent alllllwfullllXI'!1 !lnd lI!\"'I'lIftmcnt.r. UrKlII thl' (I"'flt'rh, In kt'l'p Ihl' prort~rt.\" fn't' nnd c1ellr nf 011 olher rhl!rRell,
<br />Ilt'nM ur ,'nO.lmbrnnn'.. ImpUlnn.:: till' ,,"'Cunly uftltllt lJl"l-d uf1'ru1'l1
<br />
<br />3 To bt,p nil hUlldlnJ;J1 no\,.. or hl'rt'llfWr l'l'ffted on th~ property deRCrlbed herein continuously insured againat loss by fire or other
<br />hounJ. 10 an amuunt nul It'lts thlln the tutal debt fil'eUn-d by thlll Ilrtod of Tnut All pohcJes Ilhall be held by the Beneficiary, and be
<br />10 ..uch rompahlt'. ntt tht' fwnl'fi{,III~' mil)' IIppnlVl' and hay.. lU!lB payablt' firllt 10 the &neficiary llS iUi intert'st may appear and then
<br />to lheo Trul'tur Thr- amounl mllt'Ctlod undt!r any InllUrnnce polley may hi' upphf'd upon any Indebtedness hereby Ilecured in such order as
<br />tht' Bt'nt'lit'llIl)' shall dt'tt'nnmt' Huch IIppltc.lltlOn by the Beneficlllry shull not ('IIU!le di&Continuan~ of Rny proceedinHs l.o roredose this
<br />Iln-d uf Tru~1 or t'Urt' ur ""01\'1' on)' default nr notice or d~fault or invalidate any art done pursuant to such notice_ In the e1lent of foreclosure,
<br />nil n.:hUl of the Tru!ltor In 1n6Urnnct' pollclt'1I then In foroo shall paM to th~ purchn."ler lit tht' roreclosure snit'
<br />
<br />4. To obtAIn the wrlU.en colUlt!lIl of BenefiCIary before Mlhng, roftveYlftg or otht'f"W11Iot' tranllfl'rrmg the property or any part then'of and
<br />any lluch MIl!, conveyance or tranHfer WIthOut the Rent'liciary's WTltlf'n N:m!lot'nt flhull CllOlltltUte 0 derau!l under the t.enns hereof
<br />
<br />5 To dl'{t"l1d any action or pTO<'t-"t'lhnJ: purpurtlnJ: lu nITt'Ct the M'rurH)' herellf or thE' nghtR or pawl'Mlllf Beneficiary or Trustee
<br />
<br />6 Should Tnutor rail to p8}' when due uny In_es, UKSL~!Imt:'ntll, 1n6Uranct' pfl.'mlUmll, lIt'nl>, encumbrance!! or other chllrRt:'8 against the
<br />propert)-' herelnabtJ1ll' dt'SCTibed, neneficlOl')' mil)' pay the !>(lillI', /Ind Ihl' n"Oounl Iffi paid, with Interest at lhe roll' !It'l forth in thE' note
<br />M'CUn-d h..reb)', shall be addPd to nnd bt-coml' u part of the dt'hl !'ol'{"uTf'd In thlll llt'l-d of Trust 1111 penmtted by luw
<br />
<br />
<br />1. In the e'1Ient any portIon of the propt'rt)' II> tnk~n or dnmllJl:t'd 10 an emlOt'nt domain pmceedmJ!:. the <!nliro amount of Ihe award
<br />or !Iuch ponlOn theTt'Of as may he nt"Ct'51I1lt)' to full}' sallsfy Ihlt' ulthj:lBUtlh lIt'Cured hereb)', flhull be Pllld 111 nenelicJary to be applied w
<br />IL3ld obhgnt.Jon.
<br />
<br />2 By acaopting pa}'1T1t'nl of on.\' sum 5t'curt'd hereby nftt-r 11.5 dut' date, Bcnt'ficlnry dOt's not wnlH~ 115 right to R'qulre prompt payment
<br />.'hen dul' of all other lIums IiO ~ul't'd or 10 dt'Clofl.' defoull for fnllurt' t.o ~l PllY
<br />
<br />J. The Tnull>e shall l"rCOO\'t"). 811 or any p.3n of tht' pro~rty ClI\'t'n-d b:. thll~ l)e.ffi of Trull1 to tht" penKIn entItled lheretll, on wntten
<br />nqUefit of tilt! Trufltor nnd the Bl'neficlOry:, ur upon !W.tll>fnc1lon of tht' ohhR"utlQn IOl'('Urt.'d und written requellt for rtoron1lI'yanCt' mad.. by
<br />the BenefiCIary or the pt'l'I'lOn entitled thert'ln
<br />
<br />;gol G&-4 {"lEI
<br />