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<br />88- 104699 <br /> <br />event of loss Borrower will give immediate nolice by mail to the <br />Lender. who may make proof of loss if nol made promptly by <br />Borrower. and each insurance company concc:rned is hereby <br />aulhoriled and directed 10 make: payment for such loss directly to <br />the: Lender instead of to the Borrower and the lender joinll)', and <br />the insurance proceeds. or any pan thereof. may be applied by the <br />lender at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness <br />hereby secured or 10 the restoration or repair of the propeny <br />daml8ed. In evenl of foreclosure of Ibis instrument or olher ~ran5fer <br />of title to the mongaged property in extinguishment of the <br />indebtednCS!l !>CCurcd hereby. all fight.., title and interest of the <br />Borrower in and 10 any insurance pohcies tben in force shall pass In <br />the purchaser or grantee. <br /> <br />9. That as additional and collateral security for the payment of the <br />nole described. and all sums to become due under thi!. instrument. <br />the Borrower hereby assigns to the lender all profits. revenues, <br />royahies, rights and bene:fil'o accrumg to the: Borrower under any and <br />all oil and gas leases on said premiso. with Ihe nght 10 receive and <br />receipt for the same and apply them to said indebtedness as well <br />before as aftcr dcfauh in the conditions of lhis instrument and the <br />Lender may demand.. sue for and recover any such payment&, when <br />due and payable.. but shan nol he required so to do. TIus asslgnmenl <br />is to terminale: and become null and ...OId upon reJ~ of Ihl!. <br />Inslrument. <br /> <br />10. Thai the Borrower will keep the building!! upcln ~"lId prcmN...~ <br />In good repair. and nclther commit nur permn waste upon ~Id land. <br />nor suffer the said prcml!>eS to be IL'>ed for any unlawful purpo~ <br /> <br />II. That If the premncs. or any parI thereof. be: condemned under <br />the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a pubhc lI.!.C. the <br />damqes awarded. the procc:cds for the taking of. or the <br />consideration for such acqul5iuon. to the extenl of the tull amount 01 <br />indebtedness upon this instrument and the nOle which itlS given tn <br />!iCCure remainin, unpaid, arc hereby assigned by the: 8<mower to Ihe <br />Lender. ilnd shall be: paid forthwuh to !laid Lender to be: apphed hy <br />the latter on account of the next matunng IDstallmenu of such <br />indebtedness. <br /> <br />12. The Borrower funher agrc:o that should thL'IID!.lrumenlaml <br />the nole secured hereby not be: eligible for lDsurance under the <br />National Housing Act wlthm C1ght months from the date hcn'of <br />(wnllen stalemenl of any officer of the Dcpanment of Housmg and <br />Urban Development or authonzed agent of the Secretary of HOlL'img <br />and Urban Developmcol daled subsequent to the ctght monlru.' IImt' <br />from the dale of thu instrument, declinmg to 1D5Ure !.aId note: and <br />this mortpgc.. being deemed conclusivc proof of such mdlglbihty). <br />lhc L.endB Of holder of the: nOle may. at il5 option. declarc all !.um~ <br />secured hereby Immedialely due and payable. NOIwnhslanding the <br />foregomg, thl5 option mDy not be: exercised by the Lender nr the <br />holder of the nole when the incJigibihl)' for Insurance under the <br />NaLional Housing Act is due to the Lender's failure to remilthe <br />mortpBe insurance premium to the Department of Housmg and <br />Urban Development. <br /> <br />1.3. ThaI if the Borrower fails to make any paymenL!l of mont:") <br />when the same become due. or fail!. to conform to and Lumpl)' .....llh <br /> <br />any nf lht cunditions or agreement" contained in Ihis instrumenl. or <br />Ihe note which it secures. then the entire principal sum and accrued <br />inlerest shall al nnce becume due and payable. at the electlo", of the <br />lender <br /> <br />Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior tn acceleralion <br />follOWing Borrowcr\ breach of any cnvenant or agrL'Cmenl in this <br />mstrumenllhul not prior 10 accelerallon under paragraph IZ unlt-'i!. <br />applicable law prnvldes otherWise). The nolice ~hall !.recify: (a) the <br />default; (b) the actum required to CUll' the default; leI a date. notle~ <br />than 30 day!> from the: datc the notice i!> gl\len In Horrower. by which <br />the default must be cured: and Id) Ihal failure In cure the default on <br />or before Ihe: date specified in the notice may re!'iul1 in acceleration <br />of the sums !.ecured by Ihis mstrumenl and sale of the Propeny. The <br />notice shnll funher inform Borrower of the: right tn remstate after <br />acceleration and Ihe nghtto bring a cnurl action 10 asscrt the non. <br />eXlstencc of a default or any other defense of Borrower to <br />acceleratIOn and sale. If the default t'i not cured on or before the date <br />Specified 10 the notice. Lender al its option may require immediate <br />payment In full of all sums secured by this instrument without <br />further demand and may In\'ob~ Ihe power of sale and any olher <br />remedies permllted by applicable bw. Lender shall be entitled to <br />collect all Cllpenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in <br />thiS paragraph 13, includmg. hut nol limiled 10. r~sonable <br />allumeys' fees and cost'i {If Iltle c\'ldence. <br /> <br />If the power of sale i~ in\luked. Tru!>tcc shall record a notice of <br />default In each county in which any pilrt of the Propeny is located <br />and shall mail COpIC!. of such notl(..'C In the manner prest:ribed by <br />applicable law IU Borrower and to the uther person~ prescribed by <br />apphcable law. After the lime reqUired by applicable law, Trustee <br />shall give public nollce of sale to the pe~ons and In the manncr <br />pre.cribed by apphcable law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. <br />shall ~lIthe Propeny al public aucllon to the highest bidder at the <br />time and plact and under the terms designated In Ihe nOlice of sale <br />In one tlT more parcel!> and In any order Trustee determine!. TrU!;tee <br />may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property hy public <br />announcement at lhe time and place of any prevlou!>ly scheduled <br />sale. Lender or IL'I designee may purchase the Prnperty nInny sale <br /> <br />Upon realpl of payment of the prier hid. Tru.'itet shall deliver to <br />the purch~r Trustee's deed conveymg the Property. The recital!. in <br />the: Truslee's deed sball be prima raclC: evidence of the truth of Ihe <br />stalements made lherein. Truslee !.hall apply the proceed.. uf the sale <br />ID the following order' (a liD all expen!'c'!' of the sale. Indudin~, bUI <br />nOllimlted to, Truslcc'!> feo ~ permlUcd by applicable law and <br />rea!lunable attornev!.' f~; Ih, III all sums secured hv thl!. SecurilV <br />Jnslrumen~ and Ie') any ekces.~ to the per!>un or pcr.:c)Jl~ Jegally - <br />enlltled tn It <br /> <br />14. Upon ac.cele...uon under paragraph 13 lIT abandonmenl of thl" <br />Propeny. Lender (in person. by agent or b; judicially appomted <br />receiver J shall be entitled to entcr upon, take JXb.'oC!l..'1lOn of and <br />manage the Prupcrt; and to collect thc renu of the Jlroperty <br />mduding thO!.C JUSt due. Any rcnt'i l:ol1ected by Lender ur the <br />recel\ler shall be apphed finl 10 paymenl of the cnsb nf man8[!emenl <br />of the Properly and oollecuon of n:nL'l. mcludmg, hUI nul hmlled tll. <br />recel\ler's f~. premiums on rccclvcr\ bond!. and reasonable <br />auomey'!> fe~, and then tu lht: !.um!. !iel.:urcd by Ihi!. InSlrument <br /> <br />-;;-".~oi-& i! . <br /> <br />HUD-1I21UDT.1 <br />
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