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<br />Borro',\,'t'r and l.rndt'r ro\'('oa"1 and aRrl'C' ... followlO.: <br /> <br />88-.1(14699 <br /> <br />1 That Borrower will pay Ihe indc:htcdnCS5. liS hCfeinbdorl.' <br />pm\.idcd, PO\o'del1c U. r~r\.'cd 10 pay the debl in whole or in part on <br />IIn\" lO!\.tllllmcnl due date <br /> <br />2. That, together with. and in ndditiun In, Ihe munthly paymcnl" <br />uf prinC1palllnd inlerest payable under the terms of the note secured <br />herehy. Ihe: Borrower will pay III the lemler. on the day uf each <br />munth unlillhe said nute is fully paid. Ihe foUnwin!! sum!\.: <br /> <br />(al A !roum equal to 1he grnund rcn~, if any. nexl due. plu..the <br />premium!\. that will nel.t become due and payahle on polici~ nf fire <br />and nlher hal.ard in...urance covering the property, plu.. lIUe!. and <br />~"'menl" next due on the property (all as r'slimalt'd 11)' Iht' /.('ndf'fj <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of munths <br />10 elapse before one ( II month pnor to the dale when such ground <br />rents. premium!.. laxes and B'-Sessmenl" will become dehqucnt. such <br />suem. to be held h~' Lender in trust to pay !laid ground rent!to. <br />premium!>, tut:!. and !"Clal a.'\St.'Ssmenl"i; and <br /> <br />(bl All paymenl" menllnned In the precedmg ..uhseclion 01 Ihl~ <br />paragraph and all payments 10 be made under th\: note sccun.-d <br />hereby shall be added tngether. and Ihe aggregale amnunl therL'of <br />shall be paid by the each month In a ~lngJc paymenl to he <br />applied by the Lender to the itemfo in the order ..el rnrlh: <br /> <br />(I) ground renl... taxes. ass~mcnl". firc and olhcr hanud insur- <br />ance premIUms: <br />(11) inlerest (In lhe nnte' sccuret.l hereby. <br />(III) amortu.atioo or thc prlnctpal of said nllle; and <br />ITV) late ~harl!c" <br />Any defiL,enq In the amount or ,uch aggrcgate mumhly paymenl <br />!\.hall, unlcss made guud by lhc Borrnwer pour III the due date nr the <br />nel.1 such payment. comlllute an c\.'Cnl Dr ddault under this <br />mungagc. The Lcnder may cnllect a "'ate chargc.' nul hI exceed rour <br />cent!. 14C:) 1m each dollar (Sll of each pa~'mcnl mure than fifteen <br />115) day!\. In arrear!\. III CUller the extra expen!.c mmllled m handhn!! <br />dehOl.~uenl paymenl" <br /> <br />3. That if Ihe lotal of the paymenls made by the Borrower under <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall cxcl.oed Ihe amounl of paymcnt!!. <br />actuall~' made by Ihc Lender lor ground renl!.. Ial.CS and as....e!.!tomcnl'< <br />or insurance premium!>.. a.. the L:a.Sl' may be. !<ouch exL'C...... If the Inan I" <br />current. althe optlun or the Borrower. shall 00.: credited by Ihe <br />Lender on subsequenl payment.. to be made by the Borrower. nr <br />refunded to the Borrower, If. hm\.'eller. the mtlnthl~' paymenl" madc <br />by the Burrower under la lof paragraph 2 prct.1:dmg shall nol he <br />5ulTicienl to pay f:!round rcn~. lal.~ and ~\!!menl\ or tn!luranct <br />premium!!.. as Ihl.' case ma) be, when the same ~hall become due and <br />payable, then the shall pa~ to Ihe Lendcr an)' amount <br />necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency. on (If beforc the date when <br />payment or such ground renl... 1aXl'!<o. a!oScs~mcn1!-.. or In!!.urance <br />premium!. shall be due If al llny lime the Bono\Alcr ..halllcnder 10 <br />the Lender. in accordance with the prm'l~llmS 01 the null.. .....cured <br />hereby, full payment of the enUre mdebtednCS3 repr~enlcd therehy. <br />the: Lender shall. m computing the amount of o;uch mdebtednl...... <br />credilto Ihe tlccnunl of lhe Borrower any balancc remaining 10 the <br />fund.!. accumulaled under the prm'lslons oflal ul paragraph 2 hereof <br />If there shall be a defaull under any of the pro\.'tSlLlm of thi.!. <br />instrument re!.ulting in a public sale of the premi!lc!l cOII...rcd hereby. <br /> <br />or if thl.' lender 3L:ljUlrel; the prnrcrt~ (nhcrwl!'.e after default, the <br />Lender ..hllllllpply. allhl.' lime tlf Ihe cnm,lU'ncemenl of !lllch <br />prncecding!i. IIr Ilt the time Ihe properlY is otherwise acqUired. the <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under (II) of <br />paragraph 2 prcL"t~dmg. 3!i a credil against the amuunt of principal <br />then remammg unpnld under \aid nnle. <br /> <br />4. Thai the Burrower will pay ground rents, taxe.'i, assessmenl... <br />water ratC!t, and other g(lI/crnmental or municipal charges, fines, or <br />imJH)!.lllnn~. fur which provision has nol been made hereinbefore. <br />and 10 default therenf the Lender may pay the same; and that the <br />Borrower will promplly deliller the official receiplS Iherefor to the <br />Lender <br /> <br />5 The BormYo'er will pay alltaxe.1; which may be levied upon the <br />Lender'.. mterest In saId real estate and improvement.., and which <br />may he levied upon Ihis instrument or the debl secured hereby (but <br />only In the exlenl thai such is not prohibited by law and only to the <br />extentlhat such Will nol make this loan usurious), but excluding any <br />IOcome lal.. Stale or Federal. imposed on L..cnder, and will file the <br />ufficlal receipl ~hl'WlRg such payment with the lender. Upon <br />vinlallnn nf Ihi!. undertaking, or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law nn..... ur hereafter existing from paying the whole or any portion <br />of Ihe nfore!Wild taxe!\.. or uJHm Ihe rendering of any court decree <br />prohlbltmg the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes, or if <br />such In.... (If decree provides that any amount so paid by Ihe <br />Borrower ..hall be credited on the debt. the L..cnder shall have the <br />nght In give nmely days' wrincn notice to the owner of the premises. <br />re4umng the payment of the debt. H such notice be given. Ihe said <br />dehl ..hall hCl"omc due. payable and collectible al the expiration uf <br />!.ald mncl\' dav.. <br /> <br />b Thai ..hnuld the Borrower rail 10 pay any !<oum or keep any <br />cu\-'cnanl prnvldcd for In Ihls IOstrument, then Ihe Lender, at it!! <br />opllon. may pa~' (If perhum lhe !<oame. and all elpcnditur~ ~o made <br />shall be added 10 Ihe principal sum owing on Ihe said note. shall <br />ht.. "cL'ured hereby. and shall hear inlerest at the rate !\.et forth in the <br />!o.Illd nlllc. unlll paid <br /> <br />7 That Ihe Bllrrnwcr hereby aS3lgm. transfers and sets. over to the <br />L.cnder, 10 be applied toward the payment of the note and all sums <br />!oecurcd hereby 10 cas.c of a default in the performance of any of the <br />tcnm and condilion.!. of this instrument or 1he said note, aU the renl\, <br />revenuc.o; and incume to be derived from the said premises during <br />such time as the mdcbtedne.'1;3 shall remain unpaid. and the Lender <br />..hall ha\'C' ruwer 10 appoinl any agent or agent... il may desire rot Ihe <br />purposc ul repainng said premLScs and of renting the same and <br />cullectlng the relll'<. revenue!'. and IOcomc. and it may payout of said <br />1OL:(lmc!o all npens~ of repainng ~aid premi!!C!t and necessary <br />t:omnm~IIIII" and expenses Incurred In renting and managing the <br />~me and 01 cullectlng rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if <br />an~'. III be apphed toward the discharge of said indebtedness. <br /> <br />k Thallhe Burrowcr will keep the improvement.s now existing or <br />hereafter erected no Ihe property. lRsurcd as may be required from <br />lIm\: to lime b~' Ihe Lender agamst lus~ by fire and oLher hazards. <br />Ol!\.uahie~ and conllngeoclC.'l in such amounts and for such periods a... <br />may be required by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due. <br />any premiums on such insurance. provision for payment of which <br />ha... not been made herelRbcrore, All msurance shall be earned m <br />com paRIes apprm'cd by the lender Bnd the policie.<o and renewal!! <br />Ihercohhall he held bv Ihe Lender and halll: attached thereto IDS!> <br />pa~'ahk dauses in ra".~r (If and In rorm acceptable In the Lender. In <br /> <br />Pege 2 01 5 <br /> <br />HUD-i2u'3DT ., <br /> <br />!U'H!i:l; <br />
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