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<br />88-104163 <br /> <br />If I wall1 to exercise the Con....ersion Option. I mUM first meet i:crtain I.:ondilion!o.. Those conditions arc thai: (i) <br />I IUU!o[ give the NOle Holder notice that I wanl to do so; OJ) on the COn\'crsion DUIC, I must not be in default under <br />the Note or the Sccllrily Instrument; (iii) by a date specilied by the Note Holder, I must pay the Nole Holder a eOllversioll <br />fee of U.S. $ 250.00 ; and (iv) I must sign IInd give Ihe NOle Holder any doeumellls the <br />Note Holder requires to effect the conversion. <br /> <br />(Bl Calcnlalion of Fixed Rate <br />My lie\\'. fixed interest rale will be equal to the Federal Natiollal Mortgage Association's required net yield as <br />of a date and lime of "ay specilied by the Note Holder for (I) if Ihe original term of this Note is grealer than 15 years, <br />3().year fixed rate mortgages covered by applicable malldatory delivery commitments, pillS live-eighths of one <br />percentage poi III (0.625%), rOllnded to Ihe lleareS! olle-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%), or (ii) if the original <br />term of this Note is 15 years or less. IS-year fixed rate mortgages covered by applicahle 60-day malldalory delivery <br />commitments. plus fi\'c-cighlhs of one pcrccmoge point (0.625 %)~ rounded to the nearest onc-eighth or one percentage <br />point (0.125 '!'oj. If this required llet yield callnot be determined because the applicable commitments are 1l0t available, <br />the Note Holder will detcrmine m)' iTlll'rCSl rale by using comparable inforrnalion. My new nllL' calculated under this <br />Section 5(B) will not bc grCnlcr than the l\1aximuITI RUle 'lUtcd in Scction 4(DI abo\'e. <br />(C) New Payment Amounl and Effective Dale <br />If I choose to exercise the Conversion Option. the Note Holder will determille the amOllnl of the monthly pa~ment <br />that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal I am expected to owe on the Conversion Date in rull on the <br />maturity date at my new fixed interest rate ill substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will he the <br />llew amOUlll of my mOllthly paymelll. Beginnillg with my IirS! mOllthly payment after the COllversion Date, I will <br />pay the new amount as my monthly payment until the maturity date. <br /> <br />C. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER <br /> <br />l. Until Borrower exercises the Conversion Option under the conditions stBted in Section B of this Adjustable <br />Rate Rider, Uniform Covenant 11 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />Trunsrer of (hI:' Pro pert, or a Heneficiallnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the ProperlY or any interest <br />ill \I i!J sold or transfCff".:'d (Of if a beneficial inlere!ot ill Borrower I~ ,old or lransferred and Borrower is not a natural <br />pcr~on) \\.ilhout Lender'!! prior written ":l1n~cnt, Lender may, al it~ option, require immediate paymenl in full of all <br />!\ums sl.'Curcd by this SecurllY In~lTument. Howc:ver, Ihis option ~hl.lll not be c"en.:ised by Lender if exercise is prohibited <br />by federal law i1~ of the date llf Ihl!\ SeL:UrilY Imcrul1lcnl. Lender al~ll ~hall not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower <br />causes to be submitted 10 I.ender information required by Lender to e\'aluatc Ihe intended transferee as if a new loan <br />\'t~re being made co the trllllsferce: and (b) Lender reasonably dclerminc!'Ithal Lender's security will not be impaired <br />by the loan assumption and that the T1\~ (If u hreach of any cO\:cnant or agn:c:mcnt in Ihis Security Instrument is acceptable <br />to lender. <br /> <br />To the exlellt permitted by applicable IIIW, Lender may charge a rea, on able fee as a condition to Lender's consent <br />to the loan assumption. Lender al,o 013)' require the uan!lferec to sign an assumption agreement that is acceptable <br />to Lender and thaI obligatcs the transferee to keep alllhe promises and agreements made in the NOle and ill this Security <br />Instrument. Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and this Security Instrument unless Lender release~ <br />Borrower in writing. <br /> <br />lr Lender exc:rcises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender shall give Borrower notice of <br />acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of 1l0t less thall 30 days from the dale the notice is delivered or mailed <br />within which Borrower must !lay all sums secured by this Secllrity Insllumellt. If Borrower fails to pay these sums <br />prior to the: expiration of Ihis period, lender may invoke any remedies permiued by this Security Instrument without <br />further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> <br />2. If Borrower exercises the Conversion Opt iOll ullder the cOlldition, stated ill Seclioa B of this Adjustable Rate <br />Rider, the amelldmentto Uniform Covenalll 17 of the SecurilY Instrument contained in SectiOll C I above shall then <br />cease to be in effect, and the provisions of Uniform ('ovellant 17 of Ihe Security lostrumelll shall instead be ill effeel. <br />as follows: <br /> <br />Traasfer of the Properly or a Benend.llnter..IID Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any illterest <br />in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a DaLUra) <br />person) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may. at tls option, requite immediate payment in full of all <br />sums secured by this Security Instrument. However. I his. option ~hall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited <br />by federal law as of the date of this SecurilY Imlrument. <br /> <br />If Lender exercises this option, lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period <br />of not less than 30 days from the date Ihe notice is delivered or mailed within which Bnrrower must pay all sums <br />seeured by this Serority Instrument_ If Borrower fails 10 pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lellder <br />may l"voke any remedie!l permitted by thi!> Security In~1rument \\ithout further nOlice or demand on Borrower. <br /> <br />~ <br />\~ <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BElO\\', Borrower accepts and agree' to the lerrn~ anu "':lJ\'cnalll~ contained ill lhi" Adjustable <br />Rate Rider. <br /> <br />Q~ <br />~cM V) <br />8 t M -:;. , <br />-=~ :"\4) <br />lr ~J ~" <br />Ai f ~~~ <br />lea c,t:J",\~J <br />00 <br /> <br />f"_! <br />~, <br /> <br />Q~ <br />.' (Seal) <br /> <br />--~:h\~: ^~",,;. ~"" ,;, ~::: <br /> <br />D. Andrea Lavoie Fannin nllrrn~er <br /> <br />U <br />it <br />W. <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />" <br />c <br />, <br /> <br /><'. <br />'" <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />RnnlV'\l"1 <br /> <br />.; <br /> <br />~.; <br /> <br />d <br /> <br />"- <br /> <br />{S~illl <br />1l.111I'....l.1 <br />