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<br />'1 <br /> <br />RE.RECORDED 88- 104632 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 88-104163,,, ~ <br />""ill" t\: <br />(I Year Treasuf)' Index-Rale Caps-Fixed Rale Con.erslon OpUonl 'b'" 'b\ <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 29th dayof -tmp;ot.." July ciii-, ~ ut.l..r <br />19 88 , and is incorporaled illtO and shall be deemed to amend and supplemem the MOrlgage, Deed of Trust <br />or SecurilY Deed (Ihe "Securily Instrument") of Ihe same dale gi.en by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to seCure <br />Borrower's Adjustable Rille Note (I he "Note") to <br />Central Mortgage Corporation (the "Lellder") of the <br />same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />4355 Cambridge, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br /> <br />(Property Addrc!.s] <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM <br />RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. THE NOTE ALSO CONTAINS THE OPTION TO CONVERT <br />THE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> <br />ADDITIONA.L COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security InSlrumcnt~ <br />Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. AD.JUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The NOle provides for an initial imeresl rate of 7.75 <br />ill the adjustable imerest rule and the monthly payments. as follows: <br /> <br />4. ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLl' PA\'Mt:NT CIIANGt:S <br /> <br />%. The Note providc5 for changes <br /> <br />IAI Chaale Daln <br />The adjuslahle intereSl rate I will pay may change on thc first day of Augus t . <br />19 89, and on that day every 12th month thereafler. Each date on which my adjustable interest rate could change <br />is called a "Change Date." <br /> <br />IBI Th. Ind.. <br />Beginning with the first Change DalC'. my adju!tlablc interest ralc will be un an hide" The "'nde," i~ lhe <br />weekly overage yield on United Stale!!. Treasury ~ecuritie!J adju~lcd III a cUfI!'llant maturity of I year, 1I!r1 made a\'uilablc <br />by Ihe Fcdtrlll Reserve Board. The mO!il recent Index figure avuilable: u!\ of lhe dOle.a:'i day' hl-fore each Chunge Dale <br />i!l called the ltCurrcnt Index'" <br />If the Index i~ no longer available. (he NOlC Holder "'ill I,:hoo,e it nc\\ inde, \\'llIl,:h 1\ ha"lcu upon ,:olnpurahk' <br />information. The Nou: Holder will give me notice uf lhi\ ~hOIl':L', <br /> <br />(CI CaI""I..loD or Cbaaln <br />Before each Change Dale,lhe Note Holder will calculate my new illleres. rate by adding two and seventy- <br />five hundredths percentage POillt. ( 2.75 %) to the Currellt Inde,. <br />The Note Holder will.hen round the re.ull oflhis addilion 10 the nearesl one-cighlh of Olle percentage point (O.12S%). <br />Subjec'lo Ihe limi.. stated in Sec1ioll 4(0) below, .his rounded amount will be my new illlerest rale ulllillhe ne't <br />Change Dale. <br />The NOle Holder willlhen determine the amoulll of the mOlllhly payment thaI would he sufficielll 10 repay the <br />unpaid principal thaI I am e,pected '0 owe at the Challge Date in full on the maturity date al my lleW interest rate <br />in substantially equal paymenlS. The result of this calculatioll will he the new amOUlll of my monthly payment. <br />(Dl Limits oa lalem. 1bI1. Chaal" <br />The interest rate I am rl"Quirc.-d to pay llllhe first Change Dale will nol be grealer Ihan 9.75 q'.j, <br />or less than S.7S %. Thereafter. my adju\tablc interest rate \\ill nc\<cr he increased or decreased <br />on any single Change Date by more than two percenlage points 1:!.Oo/D) from Ihe rate of interest I have been paying <br />for the preceding 12 month!!.. My interc'il rale will never be gremcr Ihan 13 - 75 %. which i!ol L:alled <br />the "Maximum Ratc", <br />(EI Erf<<U.e DI.. or ChanK" <br />My new interest rate will becomc effectivc on C'ad1 Change Dale, I \..'ilI pay the amounl of my ncYt momhh' payment <br />beginning on the first monthly paymcm dall: after Ihc Clmngc Dale umillhe amoum of my monlhly paymenl changes <br />again. <br />(F) Notice or ChanK" <br />The NOle Holder will deliver or mnillO me a nOlke of any ..:hange~ in my adjuMablc imcrc...t rate and the amounl <br />of my monthly payment before the dfeclh'c date of a"~ ..:hangc. Tilt.' nul i..:c VI ill indudc information ft.'4uircd by law <br />10 be given me and also the title and telephone numrll:r of a pcr"oll \\ 110 \\ III alh\' l'f i.Hl~ 4Ul....1 ion I 11I01~ h.." l' r-l'gar-Jillg <br />Ihe nOlice. <br />B. fiXED INTEREST RATE OPTION <br /> <br />The Note provides for lhe Borrower.s option to convert from an adjustable interc\t rate wilh intcrcsl raIe Iimils <br />to a filled interest rate, as follows: <br /> <br />5. nXED INTEKF.sT RATE CONVERSION OPTION <br />IAI Option In Coa..rt 10 Fixed Rale <br />I haVE: a Conversion Option that J can exercise unless I am in default or thi\ SC';lioll 5(1\1 \\ill nol permit TIll' <br />to do so. The "Conversion Option" is my oplion to convert the int.:rc'l rule I am requirl-d III P"'~ \1) lhi\ NOll' from <br />an adjustable rale with interest ralC limit!! 10 Ihe fixed rme cakulaled under SC":lion 5(14) hclll\\ <br />The con\'crsion can onlv lale place on a dale(~~ \pcdfied b\' the Note I-Iolder during Ihe 1ll"lh1d hcglJ1ll1l1g 111\ <br />the nnt Change Dale nnd ending on lhe fiflh Change Datl,,-, Each d.all; l,)n which m~ adjw.tuhh: Inll'll,'q I all' (;lll \,:~lll\ \.'1' <br />10 the new fi"nJ rate i'.io called the '.ConvcT!.ion Dalc. ,. <br /> <br />MUlTIITATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER-. ARM PlAN 51- Slngln r "....,,1.. Fannie M... Uniform ' <br />4C?... 84SA 1"'/ ...."M;)R'G.....I'nIlLl... "1]"'11""'. 11'.-', <br /> <br />~1l"t1 :1' lH ,:Z R 1 <br />