<br />Ii EmlMnl Domlln. Ll'ndt>1 III hcrebv BSSIQnod /III compenllBllon /lwnrl1' II""'''Q!'~ ,,,ul oll1l'! pnVmtlnls 01 fUlutl (hClOlnllIlCl Pruceods 1 In corrnl'cllOn Wlltl
<br />l.on(lttmnnllOn or olherlalung ollh" ProporlV or pari IIlfHltOI 01101 con..eVllncp In hl'\~l)l tDndum'1.11Ion Londor lihnll be onlllled allls opllOn 10 commonco, appltlH In nnd
<br />prOllecule In It II own name an.,. acllon or prOCee[llngll llnd ~hatl alllo be enlltlcd 10 m"~n IIn.- comp,olrllso or Iiollloment In connecllon Wllh lIuch lakmg or damago In tho
<br />l1yfJnlanv porllon ollhe Pfoperty IS so laken ('Ir damagod. Londer shBlI havp ItID opllun In liS solo and absoluto dlllCrollOn. to applv all such Proceeds. ollor deducting
<br />Ihorohomllllcoslsand exponselllncurred by II inconnoctlOn wllh such OJroceods upon IInV mdoblodncnsecured herebv ond In such ardor as Londermay delermlne. or 10
<br />apply all 'uch Proceeds. all~r such deductIon!!. 10 1t1O feslorallOn of Ihe Plopelty upon such condlllon!l liS Lender mnV dolormme AnV appllcollon 01 Proceeds to
<br />Indebtedness shall nol extend or postpone Ihe due dale of any paVmenls under Ihe Nole, or cum an,!, doloullthercunder or hereunder
<br />
<br />7 Performanee-brlendtf.ln Ihoovenl of Borrowe"S Ie.llure 10 perform BnV ollheco..enenls herem 01 make any payments laqulred herebv, or Ilanv nclls laken Of
<br />legll proceedIng commenced WhiCh meterlBllyallects Lender"Slntere!l11n Ihe Property Lendermay In lis own drscrellon, bul wllhoul obligation lodo so, and wllhout noUce
<br />tocrdemand upon Borrownrlnd WIlhoulloleaslng Borrower 110m any obllgallon, do an.,. acl which Ihe Borrower has agreed but lallstodo and ma.,. also doanv olher act II
<br />de-ems necosslry to prolecllhe ,ecurlly hereol Borrower sholl Immedlatelv upon demlno Ihemfor by Lender pay 10 Lender aU costa end expenseslllcurred and sums
<br />expended by Lender lR connectIOn wllh lhee_erClsebV Lendorollheforl:lgOlng rtghts. together With Interesllhereon nllhe rete pfo..ided inlhe Note. which shall be added 10
<br />the mdebtedness secured hereby Lender shall not lOcur any per!lonal hablllly because 01 nnvthmg II may do or omll to do hereunder
<br />
<br />8 Enn'" of o.l.ul1. The lolluwing !lhllll conslllule an evanl 01 delaull under lhls Deed 01 Trusl'
<br />
<br />(a) Fa.lure to pay anYlR!llallmenl 01 punclpal or mlorest 01 any other sum secured herebv when due. or lalluretopav when due anyotherindehtedneuol
<br />Borrower to Lender
<br />
<br />(b) A breach alar delaull under anv prOVISIon contained In Ihe Nole thiS Deed 01 Trust. any dacumenl which secures 1he Nole. and any olher
<br />encumbrance upon Ihe Propertv
<br />
<br />Ic) A Wilt otellecullon or altachmenl or any Similar process shall be entered against Borrowerwhich shall become a hen on the Property or any portlon
<br />thElreol or mleresl the rem.
<br />
<br />I,
<br />
<br />lQ
<br />C\!
<br />~
<br />'l:It
<br />Q
<br />'P"f
<br />
<br />Id) There shall be hIed bV or agamst Borrower an aclnn undel any present or fulure federaL state or olher slatute. law or regulation relallng to
<br />bllnllruplC'/. Insolvency or other rehet fordeblors, or lhere shallbe appomledanV Iruslee, receIver or liqUidator 01 Borrower or 01 all or any part 01 IhePropertv.or
<br />Ihe renl~ Is!!ues or profllSlhereol, or Borrower shall make any general assignment lor tho benefit of crodllors
<br />
<br />lei The sale. Iransler assIgnment. conlle.,.ance or further encumbrance 01 All or any pari of or <lnv mleresl In Ihe Property. eIther voluntarily or
<br />m..olunllmly, '1f1l1thoulthe express wllllen consenl ul Lender
<br />
<br />III I~ Borrower l!l nol an uldlllldual Ihe sale. transfer asslgnmenl conllevancc or encumbrance 01 more thlln __ __ _ percent of III a corporation I Its
<br />
<br />Is!!ued and outstanding stoc~ or 111 B parlnershlpl _.__ _ percent 01 parlncnhlp mleresls
<br />
<br />9 A.rMdlet,: AeceieraUon Upon Delault In the event of Bny Ellent nl DelaulT Lender may declare all mdebTedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the
<br />same lihallthereupon become due and payable ",III'IOUI any presenlment demand prolesl or notIce 01 any kind Theroatter Lender may
<br />
<br />lal Demand thai TrusTee ellerCISO The POWER OF SALE granled l'1ewm and Truslee shall tnercatlel cause Borrower s mleraSI In the Property lobesold
<br />and the proceeds 10 be dlslllbuled. all ,n Ihe manner ptO"lded ,n the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
<br />
<br />Ibl Either In parson 01 bV ~genl wllh or wllhoul brmgmg any acllon 01 procecd!Og or b.,. II mce,ViH appOinted by a court and Wit bout regard 10 the
<br />adequacy ollis aecunly enler upon and lakepossaUlon ollhC P,operlv or anv parllhelcot In IT!. own name or tIl the name 01 the Trustee, and do anv acts wl'llch
<br />It deems necessary or dosHableo 10 pre..ervc It'leo lIalul~ malkelablhty 01 'enlabllltv 01 11'11} Ploperlv or parI tnelsol or Intereslthefcm. mcrease lhe mcome
<br />tl'1erelrom or protect the sccurllY herool and Wlll'1 or wllhoutllJ~lng P051it'5S10n ollne Propefly sue 101 or olherwlse collecllhe rnnlS. Issuelland prollts thereol.
<br />mcludmglhose past due and unpaId and apply Ihesame less cosls and elpcnses (It opelAhon and collechon Includlngallorneys' lees. upon 8n.,. indebledness
<br />secured hereby. all 1M !luch order as Lender may detelmlne The ('nlarlng upon illla taking pOliSeSSIUl1 olll'1e Property the collecllon 01 such ronlS. Issues and
<br />ptollts and the Ipphcatlon Thl!'mot as Itoresald st'lall nol cute or w.11~eany oolnull O' nohce 01 delaull hereunder Ollll..alldale any act done III rosponselo such
<br />delault or pUl'5u.nllo !luth nollce 01 detault and nOI",ltnstnndlllg me cOIlIllluanc~ m po..sesslon ot lhp. ProDerly 01 Ihe collechon recelpl and appllcatton 01
<br />lentil. Issue!l or prolll!!. Tru!.tee 01 lenaer 51'1all bl" f"nl.llcd 10 afltl'CISe (O...erV l,ql"l1 plovllle-o lor ,n an". ot Ihe Loan InSllum!""ls 01 by law upon occuronce 01 any
<br />event 01 delaull. 1I1Cludlllg IMe "OhIIO e.lJrCIS~ Ihu power 01 sale and
<br />
<br />Icl Commence on acllon 10 10recloII6 II'1IS Deed ot TrU!lllIS It morlgagE appOlnl is rl'CCIVel 01 specllle.111y enlOlcc any 01 the co..enants hereol
<br />
<br />No lemedv herem conlclled upon Ollescrv,.d 10 Tnllrlne 01 L..ndor'!1 mlendnd lu be l'lCluSIV!! 01 any Olht" ,pmp,Jy h..,eln 0' bv In"" prOVided or permItted. bul each shall be
<br />cumulllllle, shill DO m addition to every OII'1,.r temltd.,. gillen hf:l"!lmdl!f or nuliii' 01 he.eallf" ""'S1<rlg ill 1.1W 01 ,n l~q",ly 01 by SUllule ilnd may be e.OICISPO conculfonlly
<br />mdependenlly 01 successlvelv
<br />
<br />10 Tru..... The TruS10f' mly reslon alllny I,m... wllhoul CAuse "nd lena!'r moty tll .lny Ilmll ilnd wlll'1oul cnllSl' aPPOlnl iI succelisor at subshtute T luslee Truslee
<br />sn.n nol be lIable lOt .ny 10S!! or damllg~ unlu~s due If) iu:tounabltl nt'Qhgencc pf .....,1111'1 "1'5conr1uCl nnd 5111.111 nOloI' r"QUHf'O 10 liI~e lInV ilchon 1M con nee lion With Ihe
<br />entOtcemenl ollhls Deed 01 Trusl unless IndemlllllflO <11 ....r'I<I19 '0' nil cosl" camp!"nsal".m or p.pen5e~ whIch milY be 115!o(}u.lted lhelewllh In IIddlllOn TrU5teo may
<br />become II purchasel III any !lal~ot lh~ P,operlylJudlcull 01 undr!/ Ihl' po.....,!' ol5ale9'lInll!O here'" f poslpDn~ Ihe !ltlle 01 all or any pOIllon ollhe proporlv BS p!OlIlded by law
<br />or sell the Property as. whole. or en lopaflle pall;ol!l (j' lol!
<br />
<br />11 FuIun'Achancea. Upon reQuelt 01 BorrOW!!1 LendUI may nllts opllon mll~e ..ddll.on"l and IUIUIl' .d"lInte!lllnd ,eltd..ances to BorrOllW!r Sucn advances and
<br />ro:ldvlnces wllh mterell thereon ~11I bo Mcured bv Ih,s Deud 01 Trulil Al no lime !onall Ihl' pl,nclpal amounl olthe <I1t1obtedno5S secured by Ihls DeAd 01 Trusl. not m.
<br />
<br />cludlngsumslldvancedloprolectlhl'!$ecu'llYOI Ihls DI>tl(] olll"SI eflcfledlheanQlnnl p.,rH ,plIllIm(Junl slnll'd hel!!I" 0' 5 10 * 000.00 wtJ,chellllr IS
<br />glellel
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />CO
<br />CO
<br />
<br />12 Mlacea.n.oua Prowlliona.
<br />
<br />lal Bonow.r Nat A....Md. E.UlRs,on ollhe tlmco '01 I'ilymenl (II "'fl.1,1'llthon 0' ~m()'1I11l110n ollnp ~U!l1S !o"c(lIed by Ihls Doed 01 Trusl gronled by
<br />lende' toanv $Ucce..or In IIllelesl 01 BOIIDwef Shall nOI upelall' 10 ,elelu,c ," ilny mAn,,(!> !ht! hablllly 011he 0119'"111 Borrower and Borrower S IiUccessors III
<br />mtere,t Lender $hall nol be reQUlrod 10 commellce p!ocutldIIJg!> "galn!ll SUl.-I"I ,>uc(."",,,"O' '-', fell"!;! 10 ".Ieno lime tor paVmnnl or olherwlSB modlly amorllzahan
<br />of the aums MCured bylhlS Deed at Trust [1\ reason 0' any t1emanO'l m~(]1' rly Ih(. ully",,,l Borrowf!"' allCl BOHowpr S succeSSOI!! In Inleresl
<br />
<br />(b) Lander"aPowen.. Wllhout Bltectll1g Ihe lIablllly 01 any olnor II"tSD" lratlltllrH U.,.. plI".menl 01 any obllgallon herllln mflnhoned and w.thout alleclmg
<br />lhe hen or charge 01 thl$ Deed 01 Trust upon any portion ollhe P,opprly nollhl!f1 01 ''''''1'1,,1011' ,eleastld a~ !leC-u'lly lor the lull ilmuunl 01 all unpaId obllgallons
<br />Lender may, Irom lime to tIme and Wllnout nollce l'llflICAf>(! IIn~ per!lon so habl!' 11'1 f!alel1(] Ine malulllv '-"illler any ollno terms 01 any such obllgallons.l'll)
<br />gr.", OTher II1dutgence.s 11,,1 ,elo.,eor leConvl'V Of CAU!:lI'tO bo releawd 0' 1"( O"v!'Yl'd ill any lime at Lende. s ophons an". palcoI pOlllon 01 all ollhe Property
<br />(vlla.eor release llnV 011"10'1 01 addItional SOCIHlly tor any obhQilllon nelL'ln ml'nl,onlla fJT 1'0'11 ma"e lompO!l.llun!lo or OlllellUllilloementli "'111'1 dcblorSIl1 relahon
<br />there1L1
<br />
<br />lcl Fo....rane. b, Len4rlf NollI ..lYef. Any IOltu~alanct! t'ly Lt<llo"1 ,n efltHCl!oIlHJ any IIghl or f1'",l:'dl' hlHEulldel or olherwISIl allolded by applicable
<br />law, shaH nol be. walvel 01 or precludelhe exercllie ot any 5Ulh Ilgrll or lemelll' T 11f:l plOC uremf'nl UI1l15U'anCt! 0' the pllymunt ollallcs or olher hens or cl'1a'ges
<br />by \..undelllhall not be. walV~!l 01 Lender's ngl'1llo accelerate Ihe malurrly ollhe .ndebl~dnf!!l8 ~eC"uli>d by ml!lo Deed 01 Tru51
<br />
<br />{dl Succason and AasigM Bound: JDlnt and Sewer.' L~bllllY. C.pllona_ Thll covenanTs and agmemt'nl!\ h("I',n conla!l1ed shall bmd Bnd the rlgl'IlS
<br />hereunder shalllnule 10. U\e respecl...e successors and ar.srgr1s allender and Bo,row!'H 5ubjecllo mt" pro..I!;lons oll'al8grapl'1 a lell'1ereol All eovenanls Ind
<br />agreemenls ot Borrower shan be 10lnl and Iieveral The ClIpllons lInd heAdings ollhe pa,agraph, ollhls Oto,'d 01 Trusl are 101 conllenlence only and ate nollo be
<br />uaed to lnlerp,el or :Jellne the prOVISIon!l hereol
<br />
<br />lei A~ue-atforNoticel.. Tnep.artles l1eleby IOQUll,llhllla copy 01 olnv nOIlCIt' 0' delault hC!lt:!unoel and a copy DIII"V nolice 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10
<br />each party to Ihl!! Deed otTrulItallheadtlress sel tallh I1bove In {he manne' prMcflbed byl1Dphcable law E:r.Cl'pIIOI any OThlH nollce reQUIred under applicable
<br />I.wlo be given In another mannel, Any nollce plolI.dod 10' on thl5 Dl;Hld 01 T 'Ulll 51"11111 be gl"en b.,. mall<l1g such nol.CI! by ctH1111ed mall addressetllo the olher
<br />parties. at the address sel lorth above
<br />
<br />Any notice prOVided fat lO Ihls Deed 01 TfUslsball De deemed 10 have Deen g'lIen 10 BOllowel or Lender when glllf!!n In the manner de'lgnaled n81em
<br />
<br />III l..".ction. Lender may make 01 causa to be made rellsonable enllles upon and Insflecllons ollhe Propel'", prowlded Ihal Lendershall give Borrower
<br />notice pnor to anV such mspecllon SpeCltYlOg leasonable caulle therelor related to Lender!l ,l1letest In Iho Proport".
<br />
<br />(0) R.conn,.nee. Upon payment ot ell sums s.ecUled b,!, th.s Deed 01 T 'ust Lender .hall r..qu"s,1 Tru!llee 10 leconwey lI1e Properly and shall !lurrender
<br />Ihlll Deed 01 Trulllan~ an noles eVldencmg Indebtedness seculed b". II1IS Della 01 T 'uSIIO 1 ,,-,,"1"" 1Iu!lltlt! sholl 'e(Onvf'~ II'1I! P,operly wltl'10ul warranty and
<br />Without cbargelo the person or persons legally enlltled Iherela Such person 01 perloon" 5nlll1 11iIy 011 (osl~ oj f!!uJ,dahon ,I any
<br />
<br />Ih) "rsonaiPropert" s.curlly Ag....ment. Asaddlllonal ~ot:uflly tor Ine pa,.ml!l1l ollht< Nol,. /IJ1IIf1IU1eli eqUIp men I and olber pelsOnal property usod
<br />In c.onn&ellon.....llh Ine relleslafe or Improvement.localed thereon, Ilnd nol otnlllWI!UJ dllclared 01 dtftmmd l{J be allBr1 01 the reill f,\'slllte !Wcurad hereby_ shall be
<br />subJect to . security Intere:sIIf'lfallorotthe lender undpr IhpNebraslla Unllolm Com"lIHClal CadI! Th'SIR5Ilum.,nl snail 00 conlltued liS .II Secullly Agle'Cment
<br />under said Code. and Ihe Lender lball have allth!' nghta and remedies 01 .II secu.ed PArt~ undil" uld Code ," add III on 10 Ihe fights ana fil'medl8S croaled under
<br />and .ccorded the lender pursuanl to thIS Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />III ........,.In the eventlhat anv prOVISIOn ofthlS Deed 01 Trusl cOlllhcl wltl'1apphcable law 01 are declllrl'd lR..alld ur olherwIst' unenforceable such
<br />conflict or mvaUdltv sh.1I notalfecllheothe' prOVIsions 01 UIlS Deed 01 TfUlII ollhe NOltr whlcn C.IIn be 9Iw,," ('lllKI wlll10ul Ihl!! conlllctlng plov"\lOn and 10 Ih.s
<br />end the provlllona of the Deed 01 Trust and lhe Nole ale declared 10 be s.evl!'lable
<br />
<br />-/' /,- ./ / ~
<br />~CJ c;7L~A/'
<br />/ (~ffO fl.,.. .g;,~n ahl. :ouow,,," H~5band)
<br />A' &!.t;, _ rdall{/
<br />BIl"oon"
<br />(Deld F. Lln ahl, Wlfp)
<br />
<br />Bono-..r hal eaKuted thl' Deed ot 1 fust the aale "linen abOve
<br />
<br />L
<br />