<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />104625
<br />
<br />
<br />Borronl'll (Trustorl) undll1'11and thllth. documentth.l1he Borrowers.mabout to oxecule II a Deed 01 Trusland nat a martgaGoaRd thallhe power 01 aale provided
<br />lor In Ihe 0Nd 01 Trult provides aubll.nUallvdllferonl rightl and obligations to the Borrower. than I mortgage In lhellvenl of ~ default or breach 01 obllgallon under Ihe
<br />Deed of Trull. Including. but nollimlted to. thlllendar'. right to hay. thlt Real Property lold by the Trullee wllhoutanv judicill proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />reprnenllnd WI..,."r Ihallhi. Icknowredgemenl WI' executed by them before Ihlllllt8Cution 0' the Deed 0' Tr~"
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />Wife)
<br />
<br />(Deta F. Lindahl,
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE "'II portion ONLY II Use real propmW delCrtbM con,111I 01 INDIVIDUAllY OWNED AORICULTURAL LAND.
<br />Uappllcable, com.... ONLY ONE ......rA. H, arC:
<br />
<br />
<br />TheBonowerts) alchnowlDdge Ihalthey are aboul1oellecule the lollowing Deed 011 rust upon Ihe real eslale descrIbed therein. The Borrower{s). and each 01 them II
<br />mor.lhan one. do hereby disclaim their nght 10 d:!slgnale a homeslead pursuanllheleto No parl 01 the homeslead 01 either of the Borrower(s) Is presently or will in Ihe
<br />futunt be sllualed upon did re.lestale The Bonowerls, understand1hal iI ellhereslabllshes a homestead on Imy pari 01 said realestaleduring IhetlmetheO"d 01 Trust
<br />rem,in. unsallsfledandl hen upon Slid real estale.thereshall be no nghllo make a delugnalton 01 homesload m theovenl 01 a 10leclosure ortruslee'ssalewllh respecllo
<br />lUIld Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerls) achnowledgelhallhey areabout loell8Culelhe lollowlng Deed 01 Trust upon Ihe real eslaledescrlbed Ihereln The Borrower!s). and eachofthem if
<br />moro lhan ono, dO hereby w.iye Ihelr light 10 de'lgnale a homeslead pursuanllhorelo The Borrowerls} undorsland Ihat lhey have Ihe right 10 mahe a deslgnallon 01
<br />homeslead and thai byellecullnglhlswalYer.lhey lIIe wIIYlng IIghl, olherwlse available lor Ihe purposo ollltlordlng them Iho oppOr1unlty 10 relaln their homelltead In the
<br />eyenl of a delault upon the Deed 01 Trull
<br />
<br />
<br />Pu,.uanlto Ihe Farm Homeslead Prolectlon Acl[SeClmn 76-1901 elscq ReVised Slalules ollhe SlaW 01 NebflUlkal. Ihe Borrowerls), do hereby deslgnr!1e the rea'
<br />proper1y desc:nbed In the "Oeslgnltlon 01 Homestead" allached helf.l1o and Incorporated herOin by Ihls ro'erence
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST,s fTllld" II' ollTll'! 25 dll'llll Augus,t. ,lj3B by ilnd amung Ihf lrLl~IOI. L);;O__1\.__ Li.ru:!a.b.l_.and
<br />-De.t.a...~ahl.._ liusband 61 Wife~ each in his ...~:%~ In~'~~I~~dl~U ~s BIT~Iew~sL l'tE.b o~t.:; .Grand_.I.sland. NE
<br />
<br />____ n_ lholt'1n Borrower I the Tru5ltm W.1.11i.c;lfl.l G... ~l.aQ.IiQ),J~.lh _~_ Me~pgr_ OJ .!-1!!L NE St.ate Bar Assn.
<br />
<br />IIlIhOH mailing address IS 1-:'.,.0___ ,?qx _?~BO.. G~and I!?land, NE .. .__ lherein ~Truslee").
<br />and theBenellclary. __:r:.!.y_~_.~o.ints Bank __._~.__~__._._
<br />
<br />whOse mailing addlen IS ._ __ ~ _.0.. _ J~.Q~_1 ?07. G~and Is)..and, NE.. 68802 __ (herem' L6nder'")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION 'ncludlnglne .ndebleClrws\ ,d",nl,I,t!d 1\l'.t"IM I'lnClIIU'llrlt!IE'lt'I Cfoaled "11' ,eColpt 01 wh.cn 'f> hl:lloby acknowlodgod. Borrowel
<br />hereby IIIBvDCablygranl!l.lranslcrs conveys andil!l51gns 10 T'U!iICt! IN T~UST WITH POWER OF SALE lQllhl' bOlle"! lIod Imt:UI'ly 01 LenCl!.'r. IJnderand SUblE'el TO lhe
<br />terms and conditions helornaller sellorth. the real plOpert~ dE'sCnDed as follows
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3), in Block Slxteen (16) in Wallich's I\dditlon to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Togelher Wllh all bUlldmgs. Improve menu,. 'I...tutes,. Sir €lets allcl'S. palSBgewBV5. aasemenls. rlghls priVileges and appurleno/lnCes localed thereon or 10 anVlllHS8
<br />perta.mng Ihereto. .nd lhe I"IInll. IUuel and ~rollll. reversions and fCmal~ders therool Includ1Og, bul nolllmlled 10 henlln;:! and coolmg eqUlpmellT and such personal
<br />property thatlsaU.chedtothe Improvemenl. so..locon!llllutea fixture. andtogelhor wllh Ihe homes lead 01 manlal mlete'Sts. II any which mlcrOSI! are hereby released
<br />andwlnwed;aUofwhich.lncludlng rep'acementlandaddlllonslherelo. IS hereby declared to be a par1 of the real osune secured by Ihe hen ollhlS D~d 01 Trusl and all ollhe
<br />foregOing being referred 10 herem as the MpropertyM
<br />
<br />Thil DMd 01 Trusl shall Heure 1_llhe payment ollhe pttnc.pal !lum and Inlerost eWldenced bv Borrower 5 nole and/or cted.l agleemenl dated _ _ ___.
<br />
<br />_..a.L.2.5/88 . hawing.. malullty dale 01 _Y..1.l.!JL_.._ 1M Ihe or'l,;(,nal p.,nClpal amount 01 S 10.000.00 and a.,.., and all
<br />modlhc.tlon.. ulenllOnland renew.t.lhetll'Ol or theleto and any and all future advances and leadvBnces hereunder pursuanllo one or more promissory noles or credll
<br />agrHmenlJi ther.in c.lled~Nol."), lbl the payment of olher sumsadv-anced by Lender 10 prolec:lthe seeuIl1y 01 the NOla.lcjlhe perlormance all covenantsand.gleemenl
<br />0' Borrower sol rorth herein; and td) all indeblfifne..and obhgalionsor Bonower 10 Lender whetner dllecl mdlracl. ab!lolute or conllngent and whelhel BrlSlng by nole.
<br />guaranlV. owtrdr.h or otherwise
<br />
<br />Borrower. 10 prt;041lC1 the security of IhlS Deed or Trust, cUllenanlS and agrees Wllh Lender as 101l0Wli
<br />
<br />1. ~'DI~Md In""''' Borrower.hall promptly pay when due lhe pI/nelpal 01 and Inler8S! on. and an.., leu9 orchalgtls p.ov.ded ,n Ihe Nole or '" m'll
<br />o..d 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />2 Tale. Borrower ISlheownerol tne Ptoper1y. h.. Itle light 21nd authonly 10 convey the Property. and walfanls ttlilllhe hen cre.slltd hereby IS 1111~1 and prtor I.en on
<br />the Property. .a~t a. m.y Oltterwlse bII "1lanh her.m. and the e.~ullon and d"hvery ollhlS O~d 01 Trusl does nollllolale any conllllcl at oTher obllgallon 10 which
<br />Bona.-r i. ~bJKI
<br />
<br />3 T..... ~... To pay ..-hen due alll.lllfs, specla'auessmentsand.1I olher charges aoamsl the Property and. upon wnlton demand b)' Lender 10 pB)' 10
<br />L~ SUCh amount a. m.y ~ '\lUlcl,,"110 enablalhe LenOe, to ply such lilies. ...es2omenla or olhor chalges a. 1hey become Due
<br />
<br />. ........... TolI...p Ihe Proper..,. m.uredag.III" d.ma'l8 by file. hazardllncluOed lli'lthln Ihe lorm "e.trmded cowf\lrage' . and sucn olha, hlllllrd5 as LenClo, may
<br />requua. In IImounl.ahd with compame. acceplable 10 Lender, .nd With Iou pay-able 10 Ihlllendel In case 01 loss under SUCh pOhCI(]!l Ihlt L(1ndlll IS aulhoflJ'lld 10 ad/us I
<br />collecl.nctcomp'oml....llcl.lm.lh.reundllr Ind,hallhaVII Ihoophon 01 applYing all or par1 otlhOlnsuranee procoodsll} lO."'Y 'ndeblednc5lSl'Cull.'d heteby and In !ouch
<br />order.. Lande' .'".Y determine, 1111 to Ihe Borro..rlo be uled 101 the rop'Ir 01 rC510rlllon 01 the Proporly or (<111101 any olher PUrP05U or objecl 5l'1hsfJlc.l0r)' 10 Lf'ndlH
<br />_11hOUlaltedlng lhO hen of :hl,Oeed 01 , lUlllurl"" full .mounl soculed hon!by before wch p.ymenl ever loOt. pl;lCC AnI' appllCIII.on 0' p.octol'd'110 "'111!l'llflO""5r. 'Ih,ll'
<br />not ..lend 01 DQIlpon.lhe due dale 01 .n, pIJVmenl. undl!'r tho NollP or cure anv derauU Ihllu~undel Of he.eundDr
<br />
<br />!t .....1eMftcII........... C~MCe..1ft La... Borrowe' Ihellltetlp tn. Property ,n good cOndlhc", Ind ""p.1" ""illl ("""'1"" ".\',1"
<br />ImprD\'CIlnll"t -"leh "'a., be 41rnag." 01 d.'110lttlO, sn.11 nOI commll or permltao, .a.le or delenorallon ollh(l PIOPClr1Y 'lnilll "01 r(>"'<,,~" ,If''''' " -' ." .."",1,"'1"",. 11'1..,
<br />.".,.oIl~Imp'OIl."..nl'OntheP'Optllt.,.. IhlUnolcommll, .uU" orpefmlt.ny acllobedonelnorupon IhePropfO'!V ," ~",lll")n 0110'1.1>1'" '.'<.1"'.1'"'' ., '..~.,I'll,.'" 11",1
<br />"'..lIpa.,..nd p.omC'lIlV (fIKha'Q41al BOllow.,'.co.t and ..penH an flanl. enc:urnbl.nc:.."ndch.rgl'!slfl..,pd .mpllS..d 01 .1'1""'l.....d 11\1,1,..,1 Ihr P'll<""'" ' ' ,U', 1,,,,1 I"""""
<br />