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<br />My payment schedule will be: <br />Numhc:r of Paymenu Amuunl uf Pl1ymc:nt~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Security: I um giving u security interesl in: <br />I. the goods. services and prnpeny being purchns~d. and <br />2. my real estate and improvemenlS. including my <br />house. aU at my "Address" designated above. <br /> <br />Filing/Recording rees ~ 00.0 0 <br />Lale Cbarge: If a paymenl is more than ten (0) days <br />laIC. I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of 'he late pay- <br />menlS. whichever is less. - <br />Prepayment: If I payoff early. I will not have to pay <br />a penalty. and J may be entitled 10 a refund of part of <br />the finance charge. <br /> <br />---+- I will review other portions of this contract <br />for additional infomlation about non-payment. default. <br />any required repayment in full before the scheduled date. <br />and prepayrnenl refunds and penalties. <br /> <br />1st Payment <br /> <br />$ IOJ.'37 <br />$ IO~. '37 <br /> <br />When Pnymenl~ are Due H rI J <br />Estimated to be ---5!- days after the date <br />of the Completion Certificate. <br />All subsequent in~tanrnents on the same day of <br />each consecutive month until pilid in full. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />rl <br />I <br />i <br />I' <br />f: <br />I <br />l <br />i <br />I <br />j <br />i <br />I <br />! <br /> <br />,I:; '4-7"; <br /> <br />Insunnce <br />Credit life insurance and credit disabiiily insurance are nol required to obtain credit. and will <br />not be p'fOvided unless I sign and agree to pay the additional cost. <br /> <br />Tyl'" Premium .r~ Signllture <br />Credit Ufe 1 wanl credit life <br /> insurunce. IgnlllUn: - uuyer <br /> $ OQCP 0 - <br /> SlgnatUfC - LD-Uuyer <br />Credit Accident I want credit accident - <br />& Heallb and health insurance. S"Ignatun: - uuyer <br /> $ 00. D6 (;I' <br /> <br />e means an estimate. <br />Property Insurance is required, and I may obtain 5uch insurance from anyone 1 w8nt who is acceptable to you or I may provide it through <br />an existing policy. If I obtai.. this insurance through you, I will pay $ l'9fJ.lJ D for -0- months of coverage. <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CIIARGE: The finance c~e (inleresl) is estimated to sian on '8'':' f-,-?O <br />t:::.~~ ~~~1 :I;~ ~~~~le~i;~tJ~~\(,c~':.~Th~I~~':::~ti~r'i1~~~~~ ~~:;e ~in!l::.,::;d m~~~~~r;.a~~'~~ ~~~~'I~~':U~~n~~~o~~~~~~i~:t~:~~e ~~':.I'';,.'': y~ <br />and my tl~liness to making payments. <br />PREPAYMENTd may ",oluntlnil)' pn:pay the amount) owe you. in rull or In pan. ul any lime. If 1 make II partial prepayment. I mU!>l ~ominue 10 m;lkc my rrguLar Jl3yments Z <br />until I have paid all amounts owed. 0 <br />:~~:'~~~a~t::~I~;Jfb~ 1~:~~~r~h~~~n~~i ~~:::u di;'~:~al'a\~~t~n~:el~:,d:~~~~'1.:'~~~~a,\,~b~':~:.;'i ~:e~i~~.;.J l.~: inle"" on tbat "",nunt 5 <br />~~~~?~~~~ 1~~u~~~::,~~~~I~I~:~~~s~r:':~la~~n:~~~~~~:'~ ~~~ r:~;~'i~c~~e2~~~u~~~h~f,:':r~.~~':.i~:'~:da::,o~~r'::';'~I::;,n:"t~y ~~~~menl ~ <br />~m';~~'~ ~~:rl)'g;:;lIbo~~~i, ';'j~~ t~O;~~Yu~g~r ili~~f~f~ll::'ln~aso~;.~~~f~~~.e. my ",al "lalC and hoa" located at my "Addre.,' d"lgnaled on Ibe top poRinn ~ <br />>- REVERSE SlOE: I UIDERSTAIID THAT TRE ADDITIONAL TERIIS AIID PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTAWlEIIT SALES ClIITRACT ARE A ~ <br />z PART OF THIS INSTAWlEIIT SALES CONTRACT AIID THAT I AM 1I0UND BY THEM IN THE SAllE MAIINER AS IF THEY WERE PRIIITEII ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY 0 <br />o INSTAWlENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COIlPRISE AIlDITIDNAL TERIIS UIIITIN& SEUER'S WARUIRY OBU&ATlON. ~ <br />-' NOTICE TO BUYER Z <br />~ I. I do not have to sign this oonlflld before I ruel II or if any or the ipa,m Intended for the agreed terms to the extent or then a'VIn... lnformadoo ~ <br />~ ~:e~k;.ld:",~ml e~~-:'I:"~IIf:.f);"~ 1~T..~n~~~:~,::~ n~::'~ ~~ll~~a...~ 1'Clfr~~ ~ :=.=~ :~~I :rr::a:..:r. ~ <br />c II _ upon a home soIldlaUon ..Ie and 'hal Ibl. IDltrummt Is not nqotlable. 5. .. .boJl not ~ lepI 10r you 10 mlfr my p..m.... unlawfuDy Z <br />u: or commll any b..acb of !be PO'" 10 ~ aooob pun:ba.... under Ibis conlracl. 15 <br />z BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL ;;; <br />8 I lilY cAllen THIS AGREEMENT AT AllY TillE PRIOR TO IIIDNI&HT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AnER THE DATE OF THIS TRAIISACTlON. U HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCDIIPAllYlN& NOTICE OF R!&HT TO CAIICEL FORII FOR All EXPWATlON OF THIS RI&HT.) <br />cop\, RECEIVED: I &aCknowledge receipl uf u cnmplclcly filled in copy of thi" contreet along with two en copie!l of lhe NUlicc of Righi 10 Cancel fonn <br />IN WITN~ WHEREOF. this Installment Sale. Cnntra" and Mortgage h.. been 'icned nn Ihis 6 day of ,r;,)~ .19~ . <br />al Ccily) C::1.,t'A.....t I~ JA",..j . S'a'e nf Nehra.ka. i <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION <'UUK 'luRn"'iI'" <br />fJ. <br /> <br />f~, <br /> <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />County .of <br /> <br />My commission clpin::!I: <br /> <br />~':~6k~/ -u-: (l~ <br />~ C\' . ~"CcC2P'2' i <br />. ~,~I{,^G< K ..It, ~ <br /> <br />~fnrecni ;;/7"nen, w"' ac~nnwledced ~ on Ibis ~.daY of ::E <br />__ ''*1 .19~~ ~ .bb~yt vcdcslgnllted 0 <br />Buye,"'.S ,"c_ac~.. /7 ~ <br /> <br />Nnl~1) Puhh..: _ ~~- ------ <br />