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<br />THII IPACE. REJERVEO FOR COUNTY RECORDER ..... <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />1. L <br /> <br />88-104430 <br /> <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ANO MORTGAGE <br />THE PACESmER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />(THE SEUfRIl:REDITDRI <br /> <br />2550 NORTH DIERS AYE., SUITE F OMA~Ni;:r~:.r 88127 ~ /J/j td. If II.. <br />GRANO ~~~=I~SKA 68801 FOR METROPOLfT':~~::'~CE CAU. 3'''''277 CD "'A""/ IS /,4~ Ale. <br /> <br />Sold To GU2ykJ. p' P~uI;'ne.. I( Balles DuteOfThi, 7-{y-j'rf <br />rFULL LEGAl- :"i^Mf OF MJ. nUYF.RSl ~oJ' <br />"" 7/5" PJ'M;M4-I/';.,_ All Cilya,('A.....J ::r<lA-J . Slale pet/It. Zip ht'~OI Telephooe No. 7N o7~3 <br /> <br />we anJn :iS~::B:~mf~ ~:~i;r C~dlra~~;h:I~O~~t :nb~~do:n~lh~:efi~~~~1 Bi~~:i~u~i~~ ~ti~u6~;s(i[hi5n~~~:f:~~gl}hii~ dc:.~:. :tile ~m:~~o;a~~~~u~~ <br />it. Under the Monga~e statules. I am also known as the "MonglJgor." und you are referred 10 as the "Mongagee". I undcl'!otand that if more (h~ one "Buycr- <br />~~c5rs be~~wp~~~a:c of ~~n:.rn~~:r~u~~~ ~~ ~~:C:5::t~~e C~n~I~~itnlJ.y:;d/~~re si~~r~~~~5~u:~ f~~~ 1~~aI~:a b;I~~ -~:::t!~~eC:;.iiio~iy:n~~ <br />quoted me a Cash Price and a TOlD! Sa'e Price. The TOlDl Sale Price j" (he lotu' cmt of (he pmducb and services if I buy on credit. <br />I now choo~ 10 buy. and )'ou as!= 10 sell. for Ihe TOlal Snlt= Price. !oC'1 ronh below. the producls and scrvit'CS described below. I a~ree to pay <br />you the amount finnnced In accordaiu:e wllh the payment schedule ~I [orth below. IUj;elher wilh mlere!.' .h~n ul the annual percentage me which 15 diKlosed <br />'below. I also agree 10 all of lhe other terms on both sides of this conlmcl. Only produd5 m.nuf.durcd Ii,. The P~er Corporation .re C'OVUfd <br />l:J\oar 10 ur Llmlred WllITaIIly. No, eslerio~ or In~r IrIm. nllng or s~nlilK. \li ~ be pro\'lded unless ~~ In 9-15 Conlnd,.. <br />/11 ( ../ d /0\ f', 3 .L L E' b ,~ 0 j, 'I1J1,q Vel "" <br />F:-.lla",' bEo, hov ~d..,:> Sk~.... <br />c 1. " .;1 w'o .... :J . <br />t.' ~. l,nA/W.B.!S',. <br />, PDWQ '.. Co%l t.uv E .." /..... In (It?.s, <br />lEGAL DESCRIPTI N: The above d~spibed..tO<~, uOO ~ic"" we '0 f"\'n,'alled and cr;:;4'"Vi .Md~"" deirlr a:;e. and .he lepl de"'riplioo <br />for .oeh ..Add....... i" I 0-1- I ~ [d [0(' n ;:l :t::: Ie QS&\4.,J -h 0 n <br /> <br />~~I~. <br /> <br />TO BE RECORDED IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />~~~ACTNO. 81818 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Buyen admo"ltdp thai if Legal Description j" nol available ul the lime Ihl!> L'nnlnlL.t I" e.ecuted, Seller hu!l. (he right 10 01>l3in and insert the Lcgllll>e!.cription <br />al a laler, <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: B= cash price S ~ . I.' QQ..Q,Q , addlllllll.1 "'aw.nlll",,,,ce coverage OD.OO ~ S If 10 ~h.DO <br />Total cash price S 1/ ~ 9'6.00 - Cash f'olal) dllwnp31'll1cnl ~ __~t.2~__ L:opald halan"" of S J 500.00 . <br />ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOUNT RNANCEO OF S .?SOO.QJl_: <br /> <br />S 3..)00.DO Amoum credited 10 this conlmct (Same amount il!o Ihe "Un('l.l1l.1 Ualancc,-' <br />S ~ DI".l(JD Amounl paid on net balance from prinr L'ontruct with u!o <br />Amoun~id 10 olht:1'S on my behulf: S CJfl.OO <br />s DO 10 insurance compan}' for Crettil Lifc.- im,uranC'C' S fY). no <br />s 0000 10 insurancc: company forAL"Cldenlund HcalthinsurancC' 5. IJD.DO <br /> <br />to insurance compan) for Propeny Damage insurance: <br />10 public officials for filing/recording fees <br />'0 ISpecify) No vI: <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Totalo' Total Sale Price <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Flnanced Payments ThelOlaf <usl of my pun:/II>e <br />RATE Thedollaramoonlthe 1be amoun! (If crrdit 1beamounllv.'i11 on credit. including my <br />TbeCOSlofmycredil as credit will cost me. Provided tome ornn have paid after I downpaymmlof <br />ayearlym.. mybehall, ha\'e made all paymcnli S /196.00 <br /> ..",hedoled. <br />17. 7" % $ 1'111.7b $ 3500.00 $ 1../ 't/3. 76 $ 6109.'lb <br /> e e e <br />