<br />t,' vi \J 1- c"~ AOOlnONAl PROVISIONS PJ-/tJ ~S/ -
<br />
<br />ntl"o1r *ARRXNTS-"~ :COVENANTS: (1) That except for the 5rcuritr. interest I'ranted hereby Debtor ia, 01' to the extent thAt this ..rrtrn!'t\t etatu
<br />that the Collateral i. to be acquired aher the- date hefC:of. will be, the OW'D~ of the Col .teral r~e from ....ny ad",cnc lien. RaIne)' internt or cncumbrancr. and that
<br />Debtor will ddmcl the eoUaln-al apinll aU claims and demandll o( an ~nonl .at any time eJaimini" the aame or an)' intercat .huein. (2) Jfbt no financinl' ,talnnCJ1t
<br />coventlC'tbe Con.it:r.1 or I1D)' pmcttdl thcrtol i. on liIe In tin)' P'Ahlk: oUice and thAt .at the reql,lell of Sct;:ured Pany. Debtor will/'oin with kuml P.rt)' in cucut!nl
<br />one or morc rin.nanJ' I.atements punuant to the Nebra.ka Uniform Commercial Code in-form. llati.tac.lory fo Secured Party and wi I P@)' the COlt or (iline ..ucb financma
<br />Iltatenxnt, this lCCunt,y ..rccmmt and any cont_inu.tlon or trrmination 1t.A1ement, in all public omctl wherever rilina i. d~cd b,f Sec-urrd Part)' '0 be- necrllsny ot'
<br />desirable; and if t....e Collaler'Q1 is aUac:htd to re.iJ: estate prior to 1h~ ~fection of the ltCuritr inteTe51 .rante] l1e~by or if the Collatrra] include. crop. or oil, ps or
<br />minen.l. to be extracted or tirl1Mr to be cut, DebtoT will. on demand of Srcund Part)', fumlab Sec;\lfed Party with a disclaimer or diICIBiIU.,;p or .ubOmination aarec.
<br />
<br />(i)'N~r1O_ 1 ::fr;:~ ~:~~ a,;r ~h~c,&\~~c~~~ :,a~ ~:~~t;h:i=::~n;::~tr:U:~~:~k~i~e.::mi~1~:i t~e t=u~~~I~h~~ k~~~ha~'at:~~ ~a~~,i:!=lD:b~~ :~.;;
<br />:~':J~; ~ri,~aiZ~re(s~) J~::mt!~a~a~c~h~~':::~I~:~' ~~ C:r't~~ir:n~b~~~ :a~!~~i~ :m~:~ :~:h~t~~ ~~~~ (11) N~~Ot e - ~?:
<br />in Rued condit on, and that hI' will at hil own ,rxpenllC, keep the ymc in aood candiden Rnd from time 10 lime, forthwith, replace and repair all IUch pan. of the tcral
<br />~~::':7 ~ ~~~e.-:~ ?::~t d~~~ta~~~I~~ ~~o-:r:c~":h~,":: l:c:tr:d.ti7)'Tnh:t~eC:Uj~tn~i,0:.~:=:rk=~btb:~i~::l r:aur:fi:'. a:.dm=,tT ~tiaf.ct:;
<br />t<a stcured Pan)' rtain.t Jon. ... appropriatl'l b,. ther.,. colli.lon, fif"C aDd u.tmded coY~raae,. with lop payable to Secured Party aI ita interal IDaY appear. aDd will on
<br />=~ie~~i~~r ~ril;'li:t~~~;n:::~ ~:~n:;:O:t o1n~U~~t~:r:d~~rto I~~~dr:l rhD:tt'oIl~~~ra1~~t3 :~o~~jo~n:~f:P~-;:ir~r" a:~::'::=:r ii:ju~' ~~~~~
<br />pUR'rvation .and maintenance of the Con.reral. Debtor qrcrl II) rt'lmbunr ~ecured Party on dc-maud for an7 payment or expenlC incurred by Secured ~arty pursuant
<br />to the (or-qrolnl" authamation. Uati1.1iUCh mmburRment, the amounl of any luch payment, with intcreat at the rate' o( 9% per annum from the: date of payment untll
<br />rclmbunemrnt, .hall be added to the indebtrdneu owftl by Dc-blor and Ihall he seeurcd hy this al"rerme:nL (9) That he will not ule'the Collateral in violation of any
<br />applicable .tatute, replation or ordinance .and if any of the' Colllllcoral i. motor vehicle'a tht" lamt" will not be! rented. uled in rental KrVie~ nor'in auJ' .pcrd or endur.aDa
<br />~~:;ap~~D::elo:a~lI":fJ ::=U~~ar:: t'hi: =:J:1 ~::~n~rlCpen'u incurred in rretJ\"r'ring poueuion of .the Collateral and incurmt in mforcin. this KCUrity
<br />UNTiL nEF A UL T Ikbtor may have ~"ttuion or the CollateTal and UIe it in any lawful manner not inc:onsi.tent wit'h thi. aarHmnt aDd not inconli.tent ..ith
<br />any ~~WTCSA~~W~f:I.,thB&ht~Eu~l.,tTa':!~d~rc~hr.' ,,~~~;~:I~~~el~~th~-:;~:!~.~ro1Iat;:y t~/~hlf~~btn o:V~~els C~~I~~li'tions: (1) ddaull in the ,paflDall of
<br />
<br />lJt'rl:ormance of .nJ' obllR.tion~CQvmant 01' liability contained or rdrrr~ 10 hrreln or m any note evidenclna t(, !lame; (2) any warn.nty. ftPftlmLatioaor,tatcmcnl
<br />made or furnished to ~rrd 1"'.art7 by or OD behalf a. Debtor prnvo 10 hay" bren flllM' in any material respecl whcn madr or furni.hed; U) an)' evrnt which nRllta in
<br />
<br />~~~~~~-: ~ ~'r.~~,riM= otoW:,;~t~:C:h:-:":L,~;~r~~~ rrl~,r..~~~:: :::t:::=~\h~~~'ut:e:~I;'(:)-:S~:;h,(~I.~:'io~~e~~~-=., o1~==. r~lC:
<br />:V'.;:.=eu f.:;~,.:~inti::~ , ~e::i:~t ob:bfo~~ :~/h~f:~::)'o:f~u~,::;aror:.'~~~~~r~hr benefit of cndltofl br, or the- commmcanmt 0' any prnctedina uncIn
<br />UPO~CH DEPAUL T .nd at an1' timr tht'ruftt'I', or ir it dtem. it.lf inJ<<:urc. Secured Party may drclan all Obliption. aec:urecl hc",hy iannrdia~1 doe
<br />aDd p:l)'l.ble and IbaII haft the remedies of a aecurt'd pain)' undu thr Nebraska Uniform Commercia] Code. Seeut"ed Piny may require Debtor to aunll~ the
<br />CoI..~t aacl dcliver or ...ke' it ...ilabar to ,StocUM Part)' at . pl.c~ to be desl.natnt by Securrd Party whicb I. reuonably connnicnt 10 both ~rtiu. LTnloa ,he
<br />~::::~Iti:e ~-=; ~~b~~:a ':bl1ced:.: :C=r o~n ora~;:: ti~~ af~r~ !:Cic~a~~r;a;~~tcm~1e o:r :n~Crur:t~rbJi-=~= t~:r~f ~i~ ..:e~d~toTh-:-=~
<br />menta of rUlOllablr notice lhall be met If such notic... il mailrd. poSIa8'-e prrpaid. to the addU's. of Inblor .hown .t the bc~nnin. 0' fhi. qt'ft'IDmt at lall fin da)'1l
<br />bdOft the lime of thr ..le or dil:pOlltion.
<br />No ..inr b, Secuned Party of au,. drfault ahaJl o~ratt' a. a .aiyft of anJ' othu defauh or of Ihe lame default aD a future occaaion. The taki".. of this I<<urity
<br />afl'CClDCllt IItaIl aot waift or Impair any otber security ..id Security Party mat h. vr 01' Icrcaftrr IIcquire for the 1JaJmml of the aboft indrbtcdneu, nor wll t'hr takm.
<br />:ndanlo:rie&.:~~~n~~~~~~~'::. ha;rt,. ~~i:.t lt~U~Il~:: ~e~rI ~.~~a~e~:~ to an,. aecurit,. it ma,. haw ill thr order it 111&7 dean proper.
<br />An !jabt. of secured Pan, hc,"nder IhaJI inure to t'e beadit of it. .uccnlOn IInd aal~!.: and .n promi..... .nd duties of Debtor .ahaD hiad hi, han. eucutDn
<br />or adminiSintors or bLli or it. &UCCdIIOn or auips. If thne be 1IIOft' than onc Inbtor. theirii~biJitia hereunder -..11 be joint and .-nnL
<br />TIIIo _, IIW1 become 0/-...._ 1'.lLtipcd by nd>lar__
<br />