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<br />Debtors (last namsllrat) and addressee <br /> <br />B~ter, Elizabeth L. & Thomas , <br /> <br />aka Tom, W & H, <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Debtor, whether r,no or more. tor con.!llderatlon. hereby grants to St.>cur(.d Pllrt~ 0. securUy Interest In the following property checked below and any <br /> <br />and B.llnC~F~~:- ~gl~~f?:'lv~i~:tlon!J and 8UbBtltU110hd ~"~~Oth~ W;'b:~~I~e t~e3ri~~if~:~~~ed the Collateral): 0 All Ole the Debtor's crops <br /> <br />AU or th~ Debtor'l! tarm and ranch machlner)" and equJpment ~ Other: (DescrIbe and aUaell separate 11st if neceasary) <br /> <br />2 WLR 8" Turbine Pumps-f/456138 & KB74208 <br /> <br />It marked here ~Debtor ,lr.ants a security IRterell h. all similar llfoperty owned by Debtor during the time the obllgaUon8 are outBtandlng. <br />althouah 8uch propefft may be ~cqulred or be nalural lncrt'ase after thl' datu hereof. <br />sale ~) :~l~r::.f.l the security IntereBt shan attach to all]Jroduct Rnd JITOceedll at Collaleral, but Se-cured party doea not hereb). consent to the <br /> <br />lnve~fo~:'''3 r.~r:. Or~:~: :~r~~' ~::t I~~: ::C:~lte;~~~e~~dt~~~\ ~~~a~gc~~r:fl' I~ra:.d~~rea~~~~~~ ~~rrc~W::~:':l bueIneas. to process and sen <br />It any of the CoG.ten. ha. been attached to or Is to be attached to renl eSlate, or It the Collateral Includ~a croPJI or aU. PII or mineral. to be <br />extracted or timber to be cut, a d."""lpllon of the r.alestate.s.. follows: NW/4 & W/2 NE/4 of Section 27, Twp. 11 N. <br />Rge. 10 W of the 6th P.M., Hall Co.Nebraska, B & Th Baxt ka T B t <br />and tbe name of tbs record """.r of the estale Is ..Eli.zabeth..Ly....!'!JCt~r .,.., Olllll.S.........!'!.r.!...a..._ ___.O.lII....~..f!:~.!...... <br />wU.~..?,mLtm~\l.;m4L...._............... ._,...._... .___........... ._ . _ .........................._.............. <br />Debtor ,,"uranu tbat unleaa marked otherwfl'le the Collahora) Is u8~d or belnt: bought primarily for personal, family or hOUR-hOld purposes; <br />~~: ~~-=~r:~ 'o~:r o~~~: ~~tt1S~U~dm:~~t: ~:;e Jill'I~~~s~udtl~=~~I:J~t>:I~~~":~lre':-d o~ Ih:r~~a~~P the Collaleral1a being acquired wIth <br /> <br /> <br />Secured Party (lea) and addre88e8 <br />The Equ1table Life Assurance <br /> <br />Society of the United States <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />FINANCING STATEMENT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT Loan F-1911l0 <br /> <br />For flllng om... <br />88- 104251 <br /> <br />Thf. anI! aU allied Inatrumenll arc executed to secure JIAyment ot the tndeblednlt'ss by.... .a..... . .certaIn Jlromlssory note. _ _. of even 4ate <br /> <br />~AM.t;ii;~~ toarXijd i5%.~Adj~i~br;WtE~r~&ga~~il~Ar 1 ger&~~f~;{;W!l~S t~~~i~r M' ~50. <br />'~an""s .. ~hl}.V~ m~de t ;:!:JJl';.~; U:.!<~h::' !~.i.~*~ t;,~~I:CI~~~?lh~n~~llil<>",.ati;r: and a\l:~~r am~t.o ~hall t !e: <br /> <br />~ :r:w ~~~:rt~ie~fnu:e:el~ar~~I~~IVa~N c:fie:~~e e~~*c::l'ol~~urred In the collection of same Rnd entorcement ot rls;bts or Secured <br /> <br />.AGREES THAT HE HAS ~EAn THllf AGREEMENT A ND THAT THIS AflREEMEr..--r INCLUDES AND IS SUBSECr TO THE <br />AD AL PROVISIONS SET FORTH BELOW tfD ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. THE SMoIE BEL'I;G INCORPORATED HEREIN <br /> <br /> <br />r:: E;'i!:~:--Lif~1~~~~iiceday of ~~. ..,. ":d/...19.$.:~ L ~ LL7/] / <br />SJ)~~t.. . ... .. -LLU&:dic!/. ..aa~tc mm <br />? p.~ Ud:Z~th L Debtor <br /> <br />B ~Ies ~. r- "c'e'" .... t:<:" lover) ........m.__..___ <br />Thomas Baxter, <br />Tom Baxter <br />Form I~ R... UC(; <For .'lrirulturel ORIGINAL <br /> <br />