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<br />7. Coadenmatlon. In the event the Property, onny part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain,the Mortpgee'
<br />is empowered to collect and receive all compensation which may be paid for any property taken or for daInlIIft to property
<br />not taken, and Mortpgee shill apply such compelllltlon, at Its option, either to a reduction of the IndebtellnellMcuied
<br />bereby or to repair and restore the property so damaRed. '
<br />
<br />a.Perlonaanee by Mortp&ee. Mortgagee may, but shill bave no obllptlon, to do anyact~chtt'e,Mo~oF ,
<br />baa apeed but faill to do, and Mortpcee may a1ao do any act It deems necellA!y top'rotect~~ Ilea bereof. MortpJor' ,.
<br />apeea to repay, upon demand, any luma 10 expended by the Mortgagee for the above P'npclIeI, Odll\)'l\l1III sO exptiaded
<br />by the Mortpgee Ihall be added to the ladebtedaHl secured bereby and become aub)ettto tbe U.nhe~f. Mort~,
<br />aball not iIlcur any penonal liability becall5e of anythlnllt may do or omit to do hereundi!r. '. ",
<br />
<br />9. Default; Alllpmeat of Rents. Time is of the ellence bereof, and upon Mortpgor'l defaUlt InanYCo?eaant
<br />ti: Ip'Mment of this Mortp&e, IncludlnB covenants to pay when due the IUms seeured by thli Mortgage, the "MortPiee'.ahi1l
<br />be entitled, at Its aole option and without notice, to declare a1llums secured by thil Mortpp to be Immediately due and
<br />payable and may commence forecJOIIUre of thil Mortp. by judicial proceedlnp; and, provided further, that uPcm'1Iich
<br />default the Mortpgee, or a receiver appointed by a court, IIIIY at Ita option and without reprd to tM adequacy ,oftbe
<br />IeCtIIlty. ,ater upt'll and take poaeIIion of the Property and collect the renta, laues and profits thereCrom and apply them
<br />tint to the COlt of collection and operation of the Property and thtnupoa the Indebtednl!ll secured by lbil MoztIqee;
<br />llid renta, laUel and proflta belnl UlilDed to the Mortp&ee u further security for the payment of the indebtedllesa
<br />aecured hereby. -
<br />
<br />10. TranIler of Property. If all or any part of the Property is sold or transferred without the expreu written con.
<br />lint of the Mortga.... MortPlee may at Its sole option, declare III sums secured by this Monpge to be Immediately due
<br />and payable.
<br />
<br />11. Future AdYanCH. Upon request of MortPlor. Mortlllee may make additional and future advances to
<br />Mortglllor. Such advances, with interest thereon, shall be 6l!cured by this Mortellle when evidenced by promissory notes
<br />statlnl that llid notes are seeured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the indebtednes.a secu~d by this
<br />M011lllle, not Indudlnlluma adnnced to protect the aecurity of thla Mortpp, exceed the origlnal Note.
<br />
<br />12. MilceUaneous Prmillona.
<br />
<br />'al Any forebeannce in exerclsinllany rillht or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br />
<br />(b I All remedies provided herein In! distinct Ind cumulative to any other rilht afCorded by law or equity,
<br />and may be exercised eon currently , Independently or Iuceesslvely.
<br />
<br />~(cl Th, coveltllnll and qreements contained herein Ihall bind, and the rilhts inure to. the respective
<br />lut:CI!IIOl'Iand _11M of the Mortlllor and the MonPIH.
<br />
<br />(d) All covenanta and qreemenlll of the MonpgOT are joint and II!venl.
<br />
<br />(e) The headinp of the PIrBlrBPhs of this Mortpp are for convenience only and shall not be used to inter-
<br />pret or define the pro,jllonl hereor.
<br />
<br />13. 1lI1e.ue. Upon payment oC all lum5 aecul'l'd by thll Monpllt', Mortp1l\'t' Ihall dilchUlt' this Mortp1ll! and
<br />IhaIJ execute ADd deliver I YUafactory relelll! therefor.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Mortpeor hIS expcut.ed this Morteaee on the...2Z1hclay of J II Iy
<br />
<br />~Q,~
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<br />{.: I \\ Slaw of Nebnaka,
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<br />~ ~'~(.. , ..... 01} this 27th day or IlIly 19.JUL. berore me, the undeni1lJll!d, a Notary Public
<br />t' :'-0'1 - "
<br />~x y commillloned and qualified Cor IBid county, pelJOnally came Kenneth J. Blue and Jeanne L Blue,
<br />~ ' ~(,\
<br />~ ,'l'., . to me known to be the
<br />t'~\ ""r" ' ntical penonll) wbOll! Itllme(l) are lublcrlbed to the foreeolnl instrument and Icknowledted the expcution thereor
<br />t--, \.:''''
<br />~ ~ c: ~ a. their voluntary act and deed.
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<br />'~~'i WIIMII my band and aotarialll!a1at
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