<br />'lblI Mortgqe II enteledlnto ~tween '
<br />and wifit
<br />
<br />Five Points Bank. Grand Island. Nebraska
<br />
<br />88-
<br />Kenneth J. Blue and Jeanne L. Blue
<br />
<br />
<br />104135
<br />
<br />husband
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortgqor") and
<br />(herein "Mortpgee").
<br />
<br />MortpICW II Indebted to Mortppe in the principal eum of $ 49 r 500.00 , evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />
<br />daWdJu1y 27 r 19aa (herein "Note") providln. for plyments of principII and Interest, with the bllance of the
<br />
<br />IndebtedDaa. If not lOOI1er paid. due and llIyable on January 23. 19a9
<br />
<br />ToRCllre the llIyment of the Note, with Interest II provided therein. the llIyment of all other sums. with interest,
<br />Idvanced by Mortgqee to protect the IKUrity of thll Mortpp. and the performlnce of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortpgor contained herein, Mortpgor does heRby mortplll Ind conny to MortPlfll the following described
<br />
<br />property loated In Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot One (1), Block One (1), in Pleasant View Seventh Subdivision, to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Tcw!ther with all buUdlnp, Improvemenu. nxtures, Itreeu. alleYl, PUUPWIYI, easements, rights, privlleies and
<br />appurtenances loated thereon or In anywise pertalnlni thereto, and the rentl,luues and prontl,rev:enlo~ and remainders
<br />there,r; Indudlnl, but not limited to, helUnl and cooIlnl equipment and such penonal property that II attached to the
<br />improyementllO II to consUtute I flxture: all of wblcb, Inciudlnl repllcernentl and addlUons thereto, Is bereby declared
<br />to be I JIIri of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortellll Ind all of lhe forelolnl JMolnl refened to herein .. the
<br />"Property" .
<br />
<br />Mor'Pllor hull.... cuu....<lJ... iIlI1d iigf1!es, with MonPiee, II folio.."":
<br />
<br />1. PaymenL To pay the Indebtednesa and the Interell thereon as providpd In thll Mortpge and the Note.
<br />
<br />2. Title. MortPlor II the owner of the Property. has the ript and luthority to mortJlle the Property, and
<br />wurantl that the lien crelted hereby II a flnt and prior lien on the Propel1Y. except II may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />o The Propel1y Is lubJec:1 to a MortPI' whelt!in
<br />
<br />\I the Mo~. NCOrded It Book . Pqe of the Morte. Recorda of
<br />Nebrulll. which Mortp&e II I lien prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />
<br />County .
<br />
<br />o Other prior liens or e.,cumbnnces:
<br />
<br />3. T.... ~IL To pay when due all tues, lpedal _ments and all other ciIarJes apInst the Proptl1y
<br />and, upon Wlittan demand by Mortptee. to Idd to the peymenta required under the Note secured hereby, sudI amount as
<br />may bllUftIclent to enalm the Mortpeee to illY such tues. _menta or other chUllllIS they become due.
<br />
<br />.t. IUannce. To keep the Impnnements now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein Insured
<br />!IPInIt cIamaIt by rlre' and such other bazanIs . M~ may require, In amounta and with companies aceeptable to the
<br />MonIqIe. and with Iu. payable to the MortpaH. In _ of Iou under luch policies the MortpIH Is authorlRCI to
<br />adjllat. collect and compromise. In ItI diKnUon, all claims thereunder It ItllOle option, luthorlzed 10 either apply the
<br />proeeedI to &N I'II&OJIlion of Ul. I'roperiy or upoIl the ~debieciDesl ~ hereby. bul. paymenta Iiereunder sIIall con-
<br />tlnlll' fIIIW the IWIII aeciInd hlnby 1ft paid In tuU. '
<br />
<br />.. 0 Eacrow For T_ IIMII~. Notwithstandllll anythlna contained In parqrapbl 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />coalrlrY, Kortpaor shall pay to the MDrtpaee It the UIII4I of paylnl the monthly Installmenta of prindpallnd Interest.
<br />one-twelfth of tha yearly taxH. _ta, huard InsunnCf premiums, and pound renta (If any I which mlY It\.l1n a
<br />prioI1ty Oft, thiI Monpp, 111 . lftIOftIbIy tillmated from time to time by the Mortp&H. The ImountllO paid Ihall be
<br />bIkl by UIe MortI\tItt without Intel'llt and applied to the payment of the Items in respect to which IUch Imountl wert'
<br />....ttct. '11wt SUIIII paid to McwtpJte haftunder an p1ed.d as Iddltlonal security for tht' Indebtedneu securt'd by this
<br />MorttaIt. Morlptor..... pay to MortIII" the amount of any dtflclt'ncy bt'tween the Idual tues, _mentl. Imunnt't'
<br />pftllllulIII and pound nnta Ind the depoalts hereunder within 10 days lner demand Is made upon Morlllior rt'Cjuesllnl
<br />PlyJlMtlt thmof.
<br />
<br />I, ..-, Mllataaanol aDd U.. To promFtI" repair, restore or rebuild any bulldlnp or impro\'ementl now or
<br />!:Area"" 011 the Property; to keep the Property In lood condition and repair, without wasle, and rree from mtlchanic'& or
<br />other 1!e1lS not npnaly lubonllnaLtd to th, lien h,reor; 1I0t to make. luffer or permit Iny nlllaance to nisI., nor to dlmln.
<br />WI or Impair the aI. of the Property by Iny act or omlslllon lo act; and to comply with all requIrements of law ..11.h
<br />mped lo tIltt Proptrty.
<br />