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<br />C>> <br />0) <br />o <br />..."'d' <br />o <br />" <br />, <br />CO <br />CO <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domlln. Lender IS hereby assigned all compensation. awards, damages and other payments or rchol (herclnsfler "Proceeds"lm connecllon with <br />condemnation or other taking 01 the Properly or pari thereol, or for conveyance In lieu 0' condemnatIon Lender shall be enlltled at lis option to commence. appear In and <br />p~o!!lecute in lis own name any aclion or proceedings. and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement In connection with such taking or damage. In the <br />evenl any portion at the Property is so laken or damaged. Lender shall have the Its sole and absolute discretion. 10 apply all such Proceeds, after deducting <br />therehom all cosls lod expenses incurred by 11m conn~cllon with such proceeds, upon any Indebledness secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine, or to <br />&pply all such Proceeds. afler such deductions. 10 the restoration at the Properly upon such conditions as lender may delermlne. Any application 01 Proceeds to <br />Indebtedness shall not BKtend or postpone the due date 01 any payments under the Note. or cure any deflsult thereunder or hereunder <br />1, "'rfOnllllnc.b~ Lender. In the event 01 Borrower's failure to perform any of the covenants herein or make any payments required hereby. or if any act Is taken or <br />legal proceeding commenced which materially aUects Lender's Interest in the Property. Lender may in ils own discretion. but without obligation to do so. and without notice <br />to or demand upon Borrower and wl1hout releasing Borrower from any obligation, do any act which the Borrower has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other acl it <br />deems necess.ry to protect the securl1y hereol. Borrower shall. immedialely upon demand Iherefor by Lender, pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by Lender in connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregoing rlghls. togelherwith Interesl thereon at the rale prOVided in the Note. which shall be added to <br />the indebtedness secured hereby, Lender shall not incur any personal liability because of anything it may do or omit 10 do hereunder. <br />8 EftfltI of o.tlull. The 'ollowlng shall conslltute an event of delault under this Deed of Trusl. <br />(8t Failure to pay any installment of principal arinleresl or any other sum secured hereby when due. or failure to pay when due any other indebtednessol <br />Borrower to lender: <br />lb) A breach of or de'ault under any proYislon contained in the Note. this Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note. and any other <br />encumbrance upon Ihe Properly; <br />tel A writ of execution or aUschmenl or any similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall become a lien on the Property or any portion <br />thereof or !l1Iere!1 therein; <br />(d) There shall be tiled by or agamst Borrower an Bcllon under any present or future federal, state or other statu Ie. law or regulation relating'to <br />bankruptcy. Insolvency or other relief for debtors; orthere shall be appointed any trustee. rpcelyer or liquidator of Borrower or of all or any pari 01 the Properly. or <br />the renIn. issues or profns thereol. or Borrower shall make any general assignment lor the benerit 01 creditors <br />(8) The sale, transfer. assignment. conveyance or lurlher encumbrance of all or any pari 01 or any Interest 10 the Property, either voluntarily or <br />involuntarily. without the express written consent of lender <br />(I) It Borrower IS not an Individual. Ihe sale. transfer assIgnment. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more than __ _____ percent 01 (It a corporation) its <br />iSlUCld and outstanding stock or (It a partnerShip) ___ percent of part.nershlp In leresis <br />9 Rimed".; AcaI.....IDn Upon D.'lull. In the event of any Evenl 01 Delault lender may declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due Bnd payable and the <br />same shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentment demand, protest or noUce of any kind, Thereafter Lender may' <br />lal Demand that Trustee 8J1lerCISe the POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Trustee shall thereafter cause Borrower's interesl in the Property to be sold <br />and the proceeds to be dislrlbuled. allm the manner proVided In tho Nebraska Trust Deeds Act <br />(bl Either In person or by agent. with or Without bnnglng any aclion or proceeding. or by a receIver apPOinted by a court and Without regard to the <br />adequacy 01 it, security. enler upon and take possession 01 the Property. or any part the real . In 11s own name or In the name of the Trustee, and do any acts which <br />It deems ne<:essary or deSirable 10 pre!'ierve the value. marketablllly or rentability ollhe Properly_ or part thereof or interest therein. increase the income <br />Iherefrom or protect the security hereol and. With or WIthout laking possession 01 the Properly, sue fat or otherWise collect the rents. issue.., and profits thereol. <br />Including those past due and unpaid. and apply the same. less costs and eltpenses 01 operation and collection Including atlorneys' fees. upon any indebtedness <br />secured hereby. allm such ordet as lender may delermlne The entering upon and taklOY possessIOn of the Property. Ihe collection of such rents. issues and <br />prolits and the application thereor as aroresald. 5hall not cure or waIve any delault or nollce of delault horeunder or Invalidate any Bel done In response to such <br />del au II or pursuant 10 such nollce of delault and. not with sIan ding Ihe continuance 10 pO'5sesslon 01 the Property or 1he collection. recelpl and application or <br />rents. Issues or prohts, Trustee or Lender shall be enlltled 10 e..erclse every rIght proVIded lor 10 any 01 the Loan Inslruments or by law upon occurence or any <br />evenl 01 default. Including Ihe flghl to OJlsrcise the power of sale. and <br />(c) Commence an action 10 foreclose Ihls Deed of Trust as a mortgage. appoint a teCelllet or speclllcally enlorce any of the covenants hereor, <br />No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender IS Inlended 10 be er-eluslve 01.1ny other remedy herein or by law proVIded or permlUed. but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be In addllton 10 every olher remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter elllstlng allaw or In equIty or by 5otelule. and may be ekercIsed concurrently. <br />Independently or successively <br />to Tru..... The Trustee may resign at any limB Wllhout cause and Lender may Ell any lime and Wllhoul cause apPoint a successor or substllute Trustee. Trustee <br />shall not be liable for IIny losl or damage unless due to acllonable neglIgence or wIlIlul mIsconduct. and shall not be reqUired to take any acllon In connection with the <br />enforcement of Ihll Deed of Trust untess Indemnified. In writing. lor all costs. compensation or expenses which may be assOCIated therewllh In addlllon. Trustee may <br />become 8 purchaser at any slIle 01 the Property (Iudlclal or under Ihe power 01 sale granted heJetn t postpone Ihe sale 01 all or any portion of the property. as prOVided by law; <br />or sell the Property as 8 whole. or In separate parcels or lols <br />, 1, Fu1ure Ad..ftCH. Upon request of Borrower, lendet may iltlls option. make addItional and fulure advances and readvances 10 Borrower SUCh advances and <br />readYlnces. with Interest thereon. Shill be securod by this Deed 01 Trust At no lime shall the pnnclpalamounl of the IOdeblednes5 secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust. not tn. <br />clucfmQ sum.advlnced to prolect the secun1y of thiS Deed 01 Trust. e_ceod the original pnnclpal BOlount stated herein, or S _____2-6 _tlO_a. ..OJl_. _ _n . whichever IS <br />greater <br />12 MI_.......... Pra....on., <br />(a) Borrower No' A......d. ExtenSion 01 the lime lor paymenl or modIfication 01 amortlzalton at the sums secured by Ihls Deed of Trust granted by <br />Lender to any successor In lnlerest 01 Borrower shall not operale 10 release, In any manner. lhe liability 01 the orlglOal Borrower and Borrower's SUCC6!l.sorS In <br />Interell Lender shall not be reqUired to commence proceedlng5 agalnslsueh successOf or reluso to eklend lIme lor pay men I or olherwisemodlty amor1lzatlon <br />of Ihe sums secured by thiS Deed at Trust by reason 01 any demands made bV Ihe orlglOal Borrower and Borrower's successors In Inlerest <br />(b) Lencler"aPo.e". Wllhoul arreellng the liability 01 any othot porson liable for the paymenl olanv obhgatlon herem menltoned. and wllhoul aUectmg <br />the lien or chllrge of Ihlll Deed 01 Trus1 upon any portion 01 the Property nol thon 01 Iherololore released as securIty for the full amount of all unpAid obligations. <br />Lender may. from lime to lime and Without nollce (II retease any pelson 50 Ilabte Ill) e_tend the maturlly or aller any of Ihe terms of any such obligations. (Ill) <br />granl othermdulgenc81.IIVI relelle or reconvey or caus" to be released or Icconveyed al anv tIme at Lender's ophons any parcel. parllon or all of the Property, <br />(v) lake or retease any otner or additIOnal S8CUIlly for any obhnalton hetulO menllon6d or (VI) make compOSitions or olher arrangements With debtors In relall"'n <br />thereto <br />te) Forbe.ranee b, Lender Noll WII..r. Any fo,bealllncn b., LendeJ 10 (lll(~IC !Slng any right or remedy hereunder. or olherwlse afforded by applicable <br />law, shall not be II Wlllver of or preclude the ekerClle 01 IIny such right or remedy The ptocuremenl of Insurance or Ihe paymenl of taxes or other liens or charges <br />by lender ahall not be. waiver of lender's rlgnllo acceleral'9 lhe maturity 01 Ihe U1delJtednes& secured by thiS Deed of Tru51 <br />td) Succeuon.ftd Au&lna Bound; Jolnl.nd S..Dr.1 LI.blllt,; Clpllon.. The covenants Gnd agreements hereIn contained shall bind. and the rlghls <br />hereunder shalllnurB to, the respecllve successors and aSSigns of lender and Borrower sublecl to the prOVISions 01 paragraph 8 (e) hereof All covenant !I and <br />IlGreement. 01 Borrower shill beJolnt andlevllfsl The captlona and headings 011he paragraphs of thiS Deed of Trusl are lor conwenlonce only and ar6 nol fo be <br />used to interpret or dellne the provuaons hereof <br />Ie) Req..... 'orNo~ The parties hereby requesl that 8 copy 01 any nollce 01 delault t1ereunder and a copy of any nOllce ot sale hereunder be mailed 10 <br />each party to thil Deed of Trultat the address sel forth above In Ihe mannor preSCribed by applicable law Excepl for any other notice reqUired under apphcable <br />IlIw to be given in InQlher manner. any notice provided for In thiS Deed of Trust shall be gIven by malhng such nollce by certihed mall addressed 10 the other <br />par1ies, at Ihe address set 'onh above. <br />Any nolJce provided tor 10 this Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower or lender when given in the manner deSignated herem <br />HI lnapactlon.lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enlrles upon and InSpeCIIons 01 the Property. prOVided that lender shill give Borrowe, <br />noUee prior 10 any such inspection speclfVlng ,easonable ca,:,se therefor rela1ed to Lender's mterest in the Properly <br />(g) Reconn,anc.. Upon payment of all sums secured by thiS Deed 01 Trusl.lender shall request Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender <br />this Deed 01 Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by Ihls Deed of Truslto Trustee Truslee shall reconvey ttle Property wilhout warranty and <br />without ehlrge to the person or p8r3ons leglllly entitled thereto SUCh person or persons shall pay all cost, 01 recordation. I' any <br />(h) Penon.aI Property. Security Ag...ment As additional security tor the payment 01 the Note allll1l1uros. equipment and other personsl property used <br />In connection with the real estllle or Improvements located Ihereon. and not otherWise dectored or deemed 10 be B parl ot the real estale secured hereby. shall be <br />lubject toaaecurilv interest In lavor of the Lender undpr the Nebraska UOlform CommprCllJI Code ThIS mslrum'ml shall be con$1rV8d l!l~ II Security Agreement <br />under Hid Code, ami the Lender shan nllve 1111 the righttr and remedies or a secured party under said Code m addihon to the rights and remedies created under <br />IInd accorded the lender purSUIlnt lc. this Deed ot Trult. <br />(i) ............ In lhe event Ihat any provision of thiS Deed of Trusl contJicr wl1h Bppllcablulaw at are declared Invalid or OlherWIse unenlorceable. such <br />conflicl or invalidity ,hall not IIffect the other provisions 01 thl' Deed 01 Trust or the Nole which CBn be given ellecl Without fhe conrllcling proVISion. IInd to thIS <br />end Ihe proviSions of the Deed of Trult and the Nole are declared to be severable <br /> <br />Borrower ha' ekecuted thiS Deed of Trull the dllle wrltlon above <br /> <br />(J"~'~- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />(i' <br />
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