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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />I <'-0II110wnl1lEAD THII mOIlE IllINING: 88- 104099 <br />Borra..,. (Tru..ora) undefltand that the documentthl' the BorroWllrw;areabouttoexecute Ila Deed of TrUlltand not II mortgage end thai the power of nle provided <br />for In the Deed of Trusl provJdl!tllubltanlially dlrferent rights and obllgaUons to 'he Borrowers than II mortgage In theavenl 0' a der.ull or brellch 01 obllglltlon under the <br />Dnd 01 'fruit. including. bul notllmllod 10. lhe L.nd...s right to hive thl R.II Property sold by lhe Trusl.. wllhoul sny Judlclll proceeding or loroclolur., Borrowers <br /> <br />----'~'~_.~-'~._~~~.-~~~i ~~ <br /> <br />jf~. <br />f~ <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />f~: <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />e, <br /><, <br />., ~ <br />l'.c <br />F~ <br /> <br />COIIPLETE tIIlI poolJon ONLY lithe .... p~ dncrtbed camilli D1INDIYIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND, <br />.. _ppOcatIht, comple" ONLY ONE eltlMr A, B, 0' c: <br /> <br />o A, DIICLAlilER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOIIESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Ceed of Trust upon the rB11 estate described therein. The BDrrower(s~.lIndeBch ofthem if <br />more than on.; do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower(s) is presently or willi" the <br />future be situated upon old real estate_ The Borrower(s) understand that If either establllshes 1:1 homestead on any pan of said real estate during IheUme the Deed of Trust <br />remllnsunaati,fjed and II Uen upon said rBal estate, there shall be no right to make a deSignation of homestead in theevenl ola foreclosure or trustee"aale with respect to <br />uld Deed 01 Trull <br /> <br />o B, WAIY1!1l OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOIlt:STEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(l) acknowledge Ihat they arB about to execute the follOWing Deed 01 Trust upon the real eslate described therein The 80rrower(I),and BIICh oflham If <br />more than one. do hereby wlllve their right to deSIgnate I homestead pursuanl thereto The Borrower(s) understand Ihal they have Ihe right 10 make II designation of <br />homestelld and Ihal bye.ecullng this waIver, they are waiving rights otherWISe 1lt/811able lor Ihe purpose 01 at'ording Ihem the opportunity 10 retain their homeslead in the <br />evenl 0' a de'ault upon Ihe Deed at Trult. <br /> <br />o C DESlGNAnON OF HOIIESTEAD: <br /> <br />Purlulnl 10 the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76--1901 et seq ReVised Stalutes 01 the State 01 Nebraskal. the Borrower(sl, do hereby deJignate the real <br />property de&cribed In Ihe .'Designellon of Homestead.. attached her'!to and incorporaled herein by nus reference <br /> <br />f- <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST.. mad..s ollhe 20th:l.v 01 luly, Ig .8.8" bV and among Ihe Trustor. ..Joan L. Hewlett, <br />~---..--,-,-..,---,- -.. who.ema,hngaddms... ....l5.J7 Pioneer Blvd., Grand <br />Island. NE 6BB01lher.,nBorrowe,.),lhe Truslee WllJiam..G.., B1ackbucn..__a..mem.beJ:-Df the NE State Bar Assoc. <br />whose mslllng Iddres. is ,.e...o.~_aox.._.228D..., ,Grand ,island.... NE, 6B8D.2.- 22.8.0, _.....,.._ _ ..__ __ _ ____ ___ ( ..Trust....), <br />snd thl B.n.ficlary, Five .P.2!!1~__..1!~-'1~_ ,,_ ....._.._ , __n.. ,_____.., <br />whose meiling IS .p. 0 ,.~Q.~, J~.Q7, G.r~l1d Jslang,..fI!!;_ _6..1189~-1 ~l!1.. ' n__"______,..___ ( "Lend.r") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA TlON. including ,tw Indebledness Identllled herem and Irusl herem clealed nle receipt 01 which IS hereby aCknowledged. Borrower <br />hereby irrevocably grants. translers. conlt/8y5 and 855lgn510 Truslee. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE 'ortha benelltand security of Lender, under and sublecllo the <br />terms and COnditions- hereinafter set torth. Iho 'eal pro~rly described as tallows <br /> <br />LEGAL: Lot Fourteen (14), Block E in Park View Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />Togelher wilh all buildings, Improvemenls, hl(lu,es, slreets. alleys, passageways. easements. nghts. pnvlleges and appurlenances localed Ihereon or 10 anywise <br />pertaining there1o, and the rents, illu," and prof lis, reverSions and remainders Ihereot; including, but not limited 10. heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />property thltllanlched loth.lmprovementllo Isla conslltute a tixlure:'and logetherwlth the homealead or maritallntersst!, It any, whiCh lnler.,tsare hereby released <br />and waived;all 0' whk:h, including replacementlllnd IIddltions therelo. II herebvdeclared to be a part of the real estate secu)'ed by Ihe lien ot Ihis Deed 01 Trust and.II of the <br />10I'8Qoing being re'e"ed 10 herem as the ..plOperty <br /> <br />Thll Deed of Trust shan secu'. eal the paymenl ot the prinCipal sum and Interesl ellldenced by Borrower's nole aneVoI credll ag,eement da1ed _ ___~~__ <br /> <br />July 20. 1988 ,having s mlluro'y dal. 01 July 26. 1993 ,In Ih. orog,nal pronc'pal amounl 01 $ 2,800.00 ... and any and all <br />modl'IClltlonl, e.tenllonl and renewallthe,eof or thereto and any and all fulule advances and resdl/ances hereunder pursuant 10 one or more promiSSOry noles or credit <br />agreement. (herein called "NOIs").(bl the payment ot o1her sums Bdlt/8nced by Lender to prolect Ihe security ot the Note. (C) the performance all covenanls and agreement <br />of Borrower set forth herein: and (d~ alllndebted'nBII end obligations of Borrower 10 Lender whether dl,ect. Indirect, absolule or conhngonl and whether arlsmg by note, <br />guaranty, overdraft or otherwise. <br /> <br />Borrower, to protectlhG securily ot IhlS Deed or Trust. C'ovenantsand aglees wilh Lender as follow~ <br /> <br />1. Pa"..,.tofPrfnclpalMCIlntev..t. Borrower Ihall promptly par when due Ihe prinCIpal 01 Dnd Interest on. Bnd any lees 0' charges prolt/lded In.lhe Noleor In Ihl' <br />Deed 01 TrUll. <br /> <br />2. ,..... BorrO\lr8r It the owner 0' the Property. h.. Ihe flghl and luthority 10 convey the P,operty. Bnd warrants that the lien created hereby 1511 '''-Sl and prio' hen on <br />the PrCif)lrtyo, ..ceptl, may otherwlH be ..t torth herein. andlhe execullon and delivery 0' Ihis Deed 01 Trust does nol violate any contract or olhor obligation 10 which <br />BorrOHr il aubject. <br /> <br />3. T..... *tllll ..."... To ply when due 811 laxBI. special 'SHllsments and III olher cherges 898m!llhe P'oper1y and. upon wnllcn demand by Lender. to pay 10 <br />l.nd~r lueh .mount as mly be lufflclent to enlbl. the lender 10 pay such tlX8I. useSSlments or other cha'ges as they become due <br /> <br />.t, IMIanftCe. To keep the Prope,lv Insured .Ollnlt damlge by fire, halllrds included withIn the lerm "extended coverage". and 5uch other hazard, III Lender may <br />r.qul,., in lmount.and with companies. acceptlble 10 lander. .nd with 1011 pa,able to the Lender In caae of loss under ,uch poliCies. the Lendor 15 nuthonzed to ad/uSI <br />CoIIK1 Ind compromlae, III clllm.thereunder and shall have the opUon at applYing all or pllr1 01 Ihe ,"sursnce proceedsll) 10 any Indt'btedness secured heroby Rnd In sur:h <br />ord.r as Lend., may determine. (II) to tho Sorrowor to be UNd for Ihe repalf or resloratlon ot tho Proper1y or (Iii) to' any other purpO'!i{t or oblect ,,,,,.taclory 10 LondO! <br />wllhout Inecling the han ot thi, DMd of Trul~ for lhe fulllmount secured hereby before luch p1vmenl (!VP' look plaCE! Any l'JPphcallon 01 pfocr(l(1!\ to Inc1C!blndn~n ~hall <br />nol exlend or pQSlpone the dUll dat5 01 any Plymentl under Iho NOle. or cu,e any deflullthoreunde, ::Ir hftrellndl'r <br /> <br />~ ......trIMtIeIt......,.iIM COMpM8nc...... Linn. BOrrO'tlrllr IhaUllHP Ihe Property," good condltu:m nnlj 'UPBt' ,111111 lllllrTll-11I" '1'(1;\11 or fopll!tCO "",. <br />ImprOVlment whkn mlY te d.r.1a~ or MltrOred: l"ln nol commit or Plrmlt In.,. "'llle 0' deterioration of It,., Properly !lhAII nnl r"'l'1m'O'" "I'llli~l, '." ," ,ulHllnnlllllly ,,11f\! <br />anyeltheimprovementlonth.PrOperty; Ihallne'commJt, luffer Orpermltlnyacltobedon8'n 01 upon thip P'Qperty In It/Iolllllcn n'/'l")' Illft (l'd,"."" " . I' '''glll",III'''' l"j"d <br />Ihal'p.sVand pfomptlyditthl'ga It BofrD..r', COlt Ind ..pcmM aU lien.. encumbUlnC8s.nd cha'oo!llplttad 'mpOCt'ld 01 4.n,.1o! "!Jilln,t I".. p,: 11'1"1, ." "" v pR'llhr'''\11 <br />