<br />6 Emlnen' I')om.ln. Lender IS ne,ebV assigned .111 compensallon awards, damages and other payments or rei lei lherelnnltel Proceeds') In connecllon wllh
<br />condemnation Of other 1stong ollhe Property 01 pafllhereol ollar con\loyance In lieu 01 condemnation Lender shall be enlltled at lis option to commence, appear In and
<br />prosecute In Its own name any acllon or prOceedings. and llhall also be entllled to make any compromise or saUlernenl'" connectiOn wllh such taking or damage In the
<br />event any parllon of the Property IS 50 taken or damaged, Lender shall ha....e Ihe opl10n: In lis sole and absolute discretIOn. 10 apply all such Proceeds, after deducting
<br />W Iherefrom all costs and expAl1o:.es Incurred by l'ln connectIon With such proceeds, upon any tndebledness secured hereby and tn such order as Lender may determIne, or 10
<br />
<br />CI) ~::~~I:~nS:5~h5:~~~~d:~t:~:r O~U;:SI~~~~c;~~n~~~od~: ~~~I~;~~o;~~~~:~:~:i~h~y NU~~~ o~ucc~ec~~:I~I;f~~I~~h;~~~~~e~: ~::::;;e~ Any application of Proceeds to
<br />
<br />Q 1 P.rtormanc. bV L.nder. In rhe evant of Borrower's fallura 10 par'orm any oltha covenents herein or make any payments reqUIred hereby, or If any act IS taken or
<br />~ legal proceeding commenced which maferlally allects Lender'S IOteresllO the Property. lender may In Its own discretion. but wllhout obligation to do so. and withoul notice
<br />
<br />o ~~:~se~~~~~:~~:~;~~:c~rl~~~:~~~~~t~:::~:I~~?,~r~~,:,:~~~~~~~~I~~I:I~t~opn~~~:~~~~t t~~~~~~rh~yB~;~~~~.r ;:: :~~:~~:~~~~~~~~sd~n~:K;:~:~:~:CoU~~:d o~~~r s:C~~
<br />
<br />....... expended by Lender 10 conneclion with the exercise by Lender olthe foregoing rights. together wllh Interest Ihereon at the rate provided in the Nole, which shall be added to
<br />I the mdettedness secured hereby. Lender shall nollncur An.,. personal habihty because of anythmg II may do or omit 10 do hereunder
<br />
<br />Eft"tt of D.fault, The following shall constitulo on evenl 0' de'ault under thiS Deed 01 Trusl'
<br />
<br />ex) ~a) Failure to pay any Installmonl 01 pnnclpal or mlerast or any other sum secured hereby when due, or failure to pay when due any other Indebtedness of
<br />cc>> Borrower to Lender:
<br />
<br />lb) A breach 01 or default under any prO\lISIOn contained In tho Note. thts Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note. and any 01 her
<br />encumbrance upon the Property,
<br />
<br />tel A wrl1 of execution or a~tachment or any similar process shall be enlered againsl Borrower whIch shall become a hen on the Property or any portion
<br />thereof or Interest therein.
<br />
<br />(dl There shall be filed by or BgBlnst Borrower an aellon under any present or future tederal. slale or olhor sl.1lule, law or regulation relellng to
<br />bankruptcy, Insolvency or olher relief for debtors; or t"ere shall be apPOinted any trustee. receIver or lIqUidator 01 Borrower or of all or any part 01 the Property, or
<br />the rents, issues or protlts thereol. or Borrower shall make any general assI9nmenl for the benellt of credItors
<br />
<br />(el The sale, transter. assignment. conl/eyance Or further encumbrance of all or any pari ot or any rnlerest In the Propeny. eIther voluntaflly or
<br />Inl/olunIBnly. WIthout the eKpress written consenl 01 Lender
<br />
<br />(f) II Borrower IS not an IOdlvldual, the sale, lransler. asslgnmenl conveyance or encumbrance 01 mor~ Ihiln pefcenl of (It a corporation) Its
<br />
<br />Issued and outslandlng stock or (tt a partnership) __ percent of parlnershlp InlArosts
<br />
<br />9 Renwd;e.; Acc."rIUon Upon a.flu.t. In the el/enl of any Evenl of Default Lender may declare alllndebledne~s sllcured hereby to be duc and payable and Ihe
<br />5ame shall thereupon become due and payable wlthoul any presentmenl, demand. protesl or oolice at any kind ThoreaU"r Lender may
<br />
<br />(a) Demand that Truslee e.erClse Ihe POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall therenflor c.luse BOIrowe' 90 Inl0resl1n the Property to be sold
<br />and lhe proceeds to be distributed. all In the manner prolllded .n Ihe Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act
<br />
<br />(bl Either In person or by agonl With or Wllhout brlngmg any acllon or proceeding 01 bV a reCfHvtH apPolnled by a courl and wlthoul regard 10 the
<br />adequacy 01 Its securllv. enter upon and lake possession ollhe Properly or an.,. part Ihereof, In 115 own namo or In the nnmo at Ihe Truslee, and do any acts whIch
<br />II deems necessary or desirable 10 pre~erve the I/aIUIJ marketability or renlablllty 0' the Property 01 pa,tlhlHeof 01 mleresl Iherem. Increase lhe Income
<br />Iherelrom or protect the secunty hereof and wllh or wlthoul taking possessIon ollhe Properly sue lor or olt1l'rWllill collect the rents. 15suesand prolltslhereol.
<br />Including those pasl due and unpaid. and appty the same_lesseosls and expenses 01 oporatlon and colleCIIOIlIOl:IUdlng lIttorney'5 lees. upon any Indebtedness
<br />secured hereb)'_ all 10 such order as londer moy deternllne The entertng upon and laking possession ollhe PrOpMly the collection ot such rents, Issues and
<br />plOfllsond lheappllcallon 1horeol BS aforesaId, shall nol cure or waive any delaull or nollce 01 delaul1 heleumle' or In\l,llldale any act done In response to such
<br />default or pursuant 10 such nollCo 01 dclBUIl and, nolwllhstandmg Ihe continuance .n pO'i5eS!Uon 01 the P,UPl',fy 01 thl! collectIOn receipt and appllcallon of
<br />rents. Issues or profits. Truslee or lender shalt be entl1led to ellerClse el/cry rtghl prOVided lor In any 01 lhn loan Instruments or hy law upon occurence of any
<br />event or delaulI, Including the fight to e.erclso Ihe power 01 sale. dnd
<br />
<br />(cl Commenc:e an achon 10 loreclose thiS Deed 01 Tru51 as a mortgage apPolnl 8 reCOIlo'er 01 spl'crltcally cnlorce any 01 the co-wenants hereof.
<br />
<br />No remodV herOin conferred upon or reserved to Trus.tee or Lender 15 Intended to be QllclUSl\le 01 any other IPmf..'tJ)' rlCrt'Hl 0' tlV law plO\lldod or permllled. buleach shall be
<br />cumulative, shall be In addition to al/ery other remedy gIven hereunder or now or tlerenttE!r e..lsllng at law or rn HQUlly 01 Dy 511!tute and may he ellerelsed concurrently,
<br />Independently or succe!5lvoly
<br />
<br />10 Trut,", The Tru&leo may re5lgn at any lime Wllhout cause {Jnd Lender mOly at any Irme and Without cau5C appomt Ii successor Of subshtute Trustee Trustee
<br />shall not be liable lor any loss or damago unles'J due 10 actIonable negligence or wIlllul misconduct and shall nol tH! reqUIred to take any actIOn In connection with the
<br />enforcement 01 thiS Deed 01 Trusl unless Indemnified In wrltmg, lor all Cosls compenslItuJO or Bllpenses which may he ilSsoculled nlcrewllh In addition Truslee may
<br />become a purchSHr at any sale 01 the Properly (JUdtCH)1 or undm the poymr 01 !Hllo gl antud nereln I poslponff Ihe salp ot all 01 on'll porllon ollhe properly as. pro-wlded by law
<br />or &ell the Properly as I whole, or In separate parcels or lols
<br />
<br />11 Fulu... AdYanc.t, Upon request of Borrower londo/ may at II!> opllon malot! addlllonal and lulure ad'W.lnc'~5 and ru.ld\lanecs to Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvancas. with mteres1lhereon, shall bo secured by Ihls Deml 01 Trust Al no time shall the prmcrpal amounl ollhe mdebledlless secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust. not '"~
<br />
<br />52,000.00
<br />
<br />whichever 15
<br />
<br />cludlng sums advanced to protecl the securrty 01 thiS Doed all Ill!!l [!xceed Itlp. or'glnal prln(;lplll amounl slated rleU!ln or S
<br />greater
<br />, 2 "1~"necKR Pro"'lIon..
<br />
<br />tal Borrow.' Ho' A.I....d, ExlenSlon ollhe IIntO for paymenl or modIfication 01 amorllzallOn 01 the sum!> !IN:Ure{j ny IhlS Deed 01 Trusl glanted by
<br />Lender to any SUCCB150r In IOloreal 01 BorlOwef snail nol oport\la to release, In dny manner Ihe hablllly ollh!:! oftgtnal Borrower and Borrower's successors.n
<br />Inlere.l Lendo! shall not beloQuuo() 10 commence proLeedmgs ilgnrn'5t such ~uccesso' or refuse 1u ulltend time 101 paynmnl 01 otherWise mOdlfv amorhzalton
<br />of the sums lIocured by Ihl' DfWd of T ru,t by rea~on of any demands made by the onglOal BOHo.....er and Borrower s succe'!isors In Interest
<br />lbl Lender'. po..r.. Without altocllnglhc Il8bllllY of any olher per'!ion ltable lor the paymenl 01 any obligation herein menlloned, and wltnoul affecting
<br />the lien 01 chlrge of Hut Deod 01 Trust upon any portion 01 the Propertv nolthen or therotolOfe ,classed as secuflty for the lull amounl 01 all unpa.d obllgahons
<br />Lende, may. lrom tlmelo limo Gnd wltnoul nollce (II release any pelson 50 liable (II) extend the mahJflty or al1er ani ollhe terms of any such obligations (ull
<br />grant olhe, tndulguncoI (Ivl release 01 reconvey or cause 10 De mleased or rBconveyed al any 1.me al Lender's options any parcel porlian or all of the Properly
<br />(vi lake or telease any olhcr or addlllonal scelAnly lor any ahllgi'lllOn hf!feln mentioned or II/II makecomposlllons or olher .1,rangements with debtors In relahon
<br />thereto
<br />tel FOrMaranee by Lender Hol. W.I..." Any forbell/anee by lenOel In c.e,clsmg any IIghl ~J' IPrneOy hereunder or otherWise atlorded by appltcable
<br />law, shall nol be. wal-wor olaf proclude the Cltorc.lse 01 an)' suCh fight Of remedy The procuremenl 01 Insurance or the payment of laltos. orolher honsor charges
<br />by Lender shalt nol be a WllvtU 01 Lendor's flghtlO accelerate the matuflty of Ihe IOdeDtedne5s ser \.Ired by thiS Deed of Trust
<br />td) lucee.aOf'l and A.",n. Bound: Joint .nd Senr.' Lleblllt,: C.pllon.. The cowenants and agfeements hereIn conldlfled shall bind. and the ngh1s
<br />hereunder shall Inure 10. the respective successors and assigns 01 lender and Borrower sublecllo the proVISions of paragraph 8 (e) he real All covenants and
<br />agreel11ontsol Borro",er shall be 10lOt And sovelol The captions and headings cllhe paragraphs of thiS Deed 01 Trust are lorconl/enlence only and arc nof to h~
<br />used to Interprot or dollne tho prOYISIOnS hereol
<br />(e) Requn11orNoUc... The parties hereby request thai a copy of any nollce of detaull hereunder and a copy of any notice 01 sale hereunder be maIled to
<br />each party to this Deed 01 Trust at the ad dross set forth abo\le In lhe manner prescnbed by applicable law Ellcepllor any olher nollce rcqulfod under appltcablE'
<br />law 10 be given In another manner, any nohce prOVided for In th.s Deed 01 Trust shall be given by mailing such notIce by cerlltled mall addressed to the olhel
<br />parlles, at Ihe address sel forlh above
<br />Any notice provided tor In Ihls Doed 01 Trusl shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower or Lender when gll/en to the manner deSignated hereIn
<br />If) IntpecUon. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections ollhe Properly, pro'Wlded lhatlender shall give BorrOWEr
<br />notice prior 10 any such Inspection SpeCifYing reasonable cause therelor relaled 10 lender's IOlerestm Ihe PrOperly
<br />(g) R'tConnyanc.. Upon paymenl of all sum, secured by Ihls Deed ot Trust. lender shall request Truslee to rccon\ley lho Property and shall surrender
<br />Ihls Deed of Trusl and all notes 8-widencing Indeb1edness secured by thiS Deed 01 Tru!1 to Truslee Truslee shall reconvey Ihe Property wlthoul warranty and
<br />withoul charge to the person or persons legally enlllled thereto Such person or persons shaH pay all costs 01 recordallon. II any
<br />Ch) P.rsona.Property, Securltv Agr..rnenL As addlhonalsecunty for the pavment at the Nato all tllltures. eQulpmenl and other pe~onal propeny used
<br />In connec1ion with the real estate or Improvements localed thereon, and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a pari 01 the rdal oslato socured heroby, shall be
<br />sublect 108 security interest In 'avor ot the Lender undpr Ihe Nebraska Uniform CommerCial Code ThIS rnstrum~mt shall be construcdasa Secunty Agreement
<br />under said Code. nnd Ihe Lender shall have all the rights and remedlos 01 a secured ~ arly under said Code If1 addition to the rights and remedies created under
<br />and accorded the lender pursulnt to thiS Deed of TrUlt
<br />(i) 9"""'. tn lhe evenl thai any prOVISion of Ihls Deed of Trust contllcl With applrcable law or arE' doclared ,",",alld or otherWIse unenlorceable such
<br />conflict or Invalidity shall not aUect 1he other prOVISions 01 this Deed of Trust or the Nole which Clln be given ellecl wrlhoulthe confllcllng prOVISion and 10 thiS
<br />end the prOllitions ot the Deed or Trust and the Note are declared 10 be sc-werablc
<br />
<br />~.~.jk~
<br />YJJ~_L6~
<br />(M8rJo7ie-i... EssinkJ'o"ow,,,
<br />
<br />Borrower hat eXDCuted Ihis Deed 0' Trusllhe dale wrlllen abovo
<br />
<br />L
<br />