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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 104088 <br /> <br />.01l1l0WIIl.IlIACI THI. .11'0111 .IGNING: <br /> <br />Borrowers (Trultors) understand tha' the document that the Borrowersareabout 10 execute Is a Deed at Trult and nol a mortgage and thlllhe power a. sale provided <br />for in thl Deed of TrUll provide. substantially diNe rent rights and obligations to the Borrowera than. mortgage In the event of a default or breach 01 obligation under the <br />DIed or Trul'. Inclucllng. but not limited 10. the Lender's right to hive the Real Property sold by the Trultee without any judicial proceeding Of foreclosure. Borrowers <br />reprweent and warran' that thll.cknowl~dgernenl was ..ecuted by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust. <br /> <br /> <br />~.!l k~ <br /> <br />(Kenneth G. ESSI, Borrower <br /> <br />, ~ . ~.dA..I~b <br />~m Essln ) Borrowor <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLITE _ portion ONLY" 1M r..l...-IJ __ conllltl 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNID AGIlICUL TURAL LAND, <br />"oppI_. comp.... ONLY ONE "'he'. 8. or C: <br /> <br />IJ A, DIICLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Tho Borrower(t}acknowtedge that they are about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described thereln_ The Borrower(s), and each of them it <br />more thin one, do hereby disclaim Iheir right to designate 8 homes lead pursuanllherelo. No part 01 the homestead 01 ellher at the Borrower(s) is presently or will In the <br />future besnuated upon .ald nllll estate The Borrower(s) understand thai I' either8!itablishss B homeslead on any part 01 said real estate during the timethe Deed a. Trullt <br />remllnsunsallsfled and I lien upon said real 8stale, there shall be no righlto make a deSignation of homestead in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale with relpectto <br />Slid Deed of Trust <br /> <br />IJ B, WAIVER 01' RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The 8orrower(a) acknowledge that they areaboutto elltecute thefollowlng Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein The Borrower(s), and each of them if <br />mor-o than one. do hereby waive their right to designale a homestead pursuant therelo The Borrowerls) unlerstand thai they have the right 10 make a designation of <br />homestead and that byexKuling this waiver. they are waiving nghls olherwlso available tor Ihe purpose at aflordlOg them Ihe oppOrlunily to retain their homestead In the <br />event 0' a de'ault upon the Deed at Trult. <br /> <br />IJ C, DUlGNATlON 01' HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homealead Protection ActlSeCl10n 76-1901 el seQ ReVIsed Stalutes at the Slato or Nebraska). lhe!). do hereby designate the relll <br />property described In the "Dellgnalion 01 Homestead" attached hereto and Incorporated herOin by Ihls reference <br /> <br />BOHower <br /> <br />Borrowor <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST,'s made as o"he' J.uly 19 ,8,8 by .,no among lhe Trus'or Kenneth G. Essink <br />& Marjorie L....Eulnk.- ,husband and. wife. ..hose ma,hng,s RQ"te.. L J~gK.liO. Phillips. NE <br />68865-9733 (here'n'Borrower' 'ho Tlus'ee Willi1i\m.. G. .a.l~c:kl:ll,!rl1....~. roel!lber of .the NE State Bar Assoc., <br />whosemoilingadd,e..,. .P-.Q.,..J3,g,!!: n.!lll. Grand.Jsl!!r.'Id,. NE 6.8802-2280 ,.._lhore,n"T,u.tee-), <br />ond Ihe Beneficiary, ...flv~L~J[lt~...e~!1.k. <br />whose milling addre.. IS .....f..D.... Box.. 15..0 1. .. Grand,l.sJand. N E. 6.8802 - ~....- Ihorem "Lendo,") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Includtng the IOdobtedneS5 Idenlllled herem and lrusl herem crealed. Ihe recolpl 01 whIch 15 hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby irrevocably grants. Iransfers. conveys and assigns 10 Trustee. IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE lor lhe bonch! and secunt)' 01 Lender, under and subject to 1he <br />terms and conditions he'8lnllller set lonh. Ihe real properly. descnbed as follows <br /> <br />Lot Thirty (30), Westroads Estates Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />TOQethBr With all buildings. improvements. fllllure5, sl,eeI5. alleV5, passageways. easemenls, nghlS. privileges and appurtenances localed Ihereon or In anywise <br />pertaining thereto, and the rentl. lS!luet and prall Is reversions and remainders thereof~ Including. but n01 IImlled 10, healing and cooling equipment and such personal <br />property that Illttlched to the Improvements so as toconatlluto a fl.-ture; and (oge1her with the homestead or mantal ,"teresls, If any. which in1eras1s Bre hereby released <br />lod w8lVed; III a'whlch.lncluding rapllcements and addillons therelo, IS hereby declared 10 be a part of Ihe real esta1e secured by the lien cf thiS Deed of Trus1 and all 01 the <br />foregoing being re'erred to herein as the "property" <br /> <br />This Deed at TrUlt shllll aecure (a) the pllyment of the pnnclpal sum Bnd IOleresl eVIdenced by Borrower.s nolo and lor credIt agreement dated J~_ <br /> <br />1988 ,hevlng a maMlty dale of Auaust 1, 2003 ,n Iho o"gona' p"nclpa' amoun' 0' $.5,l,.Jl.!!Q.Jl.!L.._ and any ond all <br />modlfl~atlont. extensions and renewals Ihareo' or thereto IInd any and allluture advBnces Bnd readvances hereundm pursuanl10 ono or more promissory notes or credll <br />agreement. (herein caned "Nots"): (b) Ihe payment 01 other sums advanced by Lendor 10 protect the security ollhe Nolo. Ie 11hc performance all covenanls and agree men' <br />of 80rrowerset forth hereIn; and (d) aU indebtedness and obligations of Borrower 10 Lender whether direct IndIrect. absolute or contlOgenl and whclhef arising by noto. <br />gUlrlnlV. OYGrdraft or otherwise <br /> <br />Borrower. to protecl the security 0' Ih.s Deed of Trusl. covenants''''hd agrees With Lender a9 folloW!II <br /> <br />,. 'aynwnlo'~andln""lL Borrowershsll promplly pay when due Ihe pnnclpal 01 and Interesl on. and any loos or charges prOVIded In. the Nolcor In thiS <br />Deed at Trult. <br /> <br />2. T.... Borrower Is Ihe owner 0' the Property. has Ihe ughland authority to convey the Property. and warrants thollhe lien croaled horeby IS a first and prior 118n on <br />the Property, elllc.pla. may otherwise be set forth herein. and the exocutlon and dellvory of thiS Deed of TrUll does nolvlolalo an'll conlrncl or olher obligation to which <br />9orrOWllr is lub}ect <br /> <br />3. T..... AI......n... To pay when due .1I1..el. specialslleslmonll and all other charges against the Property And. upon wrltlen deml1nd by Londor to pny 10 <br />., Lender loch amount u may be sufficient to enable the Lender 10 PlY such 8sseSsmenllJ; or other charges as fhey become duC' <br /> <br />.,c. """rance. To keep Ihe Property inluntd aglllnst dllmage by fire. hazard! u:cluded within the term "e.tended coverage". and such other hlllBrds 85 Lender ma'r' <br />require. In amounta Ind *Ith companie,.cceptlble to lender. snd with loss payable 10 Ihe Lender In case or loss under such pohc1e!. the Loncfo' IS &uthoflled 10 adlusl <br />colleCt Indcomproml.., In claims thereunder and shall have the opllon or applYing all or pari of Ihe IOBurance proceeds (1)10 any lnd,.btednl!'!15 socurod horoLy and In such <br />order IS lender m&y determine. (ii) to the Borrower to be used for Ihe repair or restoratIon ollhe Properly or (III) for any other purpose or object satlSfaClorv to Lendt>r <br />wllhout affecttng the U.n 01 fhl' Deed 01 Trult lor tho full amounllocured hereb.,. bolore such paymen1 evor look placo An)' lIPpltcntHlI1 of ~lf{1C(1(lr1!. 10 mdoh1f1'dnC!l! shlltl <br />not eAland or postpone 'he due dAle of Iny payments under (he Nole. or cure tiny defllult 'hereunder or herounder <br /> <br />5 IIlIaIntenance ......In and Compliance with U.'. BOHowe' .hall litl!ltlp Ihe Property In good condlhon IInd ruplltf !Ih",11 prnmlll,~ IllPi'ill III '('pl.11I' nll~' <br />ImprOV8rT*nl whlcn m.y be dlm.ged or destroyed. ,hall not commlf or permU any waste or deterioration of the PropIH1y ,hllll nllll@mo\,p ,1nrnol ~.1111 ~ublll<lp'll1lt~ ~tlp, <br />Inyoflhe ImprOYlmen1,on U'e Properly: ahlll nolcommlt.lulfor or permit any acl to bedone lnor upon the ProPtl'1y In \/Iolallon Olltl1y IfI~ Ulfll1 ,1ll11~ 111 'f'\JulnIHH1 1111il <br />tihl.ll pay and promp11y ditchl.roe II Borrower', CDltllnde_Plffnae811Iilns. encumbrancet IInd charg(l!llelflcd Impf;'l~ll'd IV "'''!H'JIl~od "'O"Il.""!llI> f'1{lf'I"I~ III M'~ 1'J1lllh(HI"" <br />