<br />I
<br />
<br />7, Condemnation, In the event the Property, or any part thereof, sblll be taken by emInent domain, the .Mortgagee
<br />ia empowered to collect dIId receive III compensation which may be PBid felr any property taken or for l!amIIes to property
<br />not taken" and Mortpgee mall apply such compensation,. at ib opllon, either to a reduction of the Indebtedness acllllld
<br />hereby or to repair and restore the property so damqed.
<br />
<br />8: Perf~ce by Mortppe, Morigqee may, but mall baveno obliptlon, to do any act which the MO~lIllor
<br />hu .&(In!edbut'faitii to do, and Mortga&ee may also do any act Itdeellll Jleee..ry to protect the lien' bereof, Mortpaor
<br />~tO re(iay ~uP.On "emand,any suma BO expendildbythe MortiaIee .for th_l! a~e purposes, and any ~ma ioexPeJlded
<br />by th~:M~~:Jb8.lI. beadded.to the IndebtedriH,S ~...he~b.r,an~1MKiome SUbject to the Uen hereof. Mortpaee
<br />sliannot In~ any ~IlIOll11liahDlty beealise of ihytblne Itlllay do en: oinUto dobereunder,
<br />
<br />9. l)jfaidt;Alllpmeftt ofRenla. 'nme is of the _nee IIerMIf, and upon MortNor'. default In any covenant
<br />orqreenumtof thhiMcirtpee.ilIcJudlnll COftnanb to pay when due the IUDIIllleCumI by this Mortpp, the Mortppe abaIJ
<br />be eDtltled; at lb sole option ed without notice, to declare IIIIUD11 S8C11Jl!d by thlsMDrtpfe ,to be Immediately due and
<br />payable eDd maY. commence fo_IOBure of this Mortll8ll8 by judicial proceedlnp; and, provided further, that upon such
<br />default thll,MOrtllgee, or uecelve, appointed by a court, may at Ib option and Without reprd totbe adeqll4CY oUbe
<br />aecuritf, ~w upOn.nd take poueaIon of the Property and collect tho! renb, IMun and prong tbere(romand. apply.
<br />tint to. the COit of eOlleCtlon and opentlon of the Property and &heD upon the Ind.btedneaa aecur8clby this MortCijee;
<br />IlIid ~ts, iiaues and profits belnl ualllDed to the Mortcqee u further security for the payment of the Indebtednetia
<br />secured herebY.
<br />
<br />., 10, Tnnster of Property. ff III or any part of the Property Is sold or tnmferred Without the expn!ll W1'Itten con.
<br />sent of the Mortgagea, MortPllee may at its sole option, declare Illsuma.lleCured by this Mortpee to be Immediately due
<br />and payable.
<br />
<br />11, Future Advmces. Upon request of MortpllOr. Mortpgee may make additional and future adVUlC8ll to
<br />MortPllDr. Such advances, with Interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortpp when evidenced by promilsory notes
<br />statlnl that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shill the principII amount of the Indebtedness IIec1UIld by this
<br />Mol'tllllle, not including suma adyanced to protect the IeCUrity of thia Mortpp, exceed the ortpnaJ Note.
<br />
<br />12. Milcelilneous ProviliOllL
<br />
<br />(a) Any forebeUllllce In elUll'Cilinlany rillht or remedy shill not be a DYer therMIf,
<br />
<br />(b) All remedies provided herein are dlatinct and cumulative to any other rillht affOJded by law or equity,
<br />and may be exercised concunelltly, Independently or successively.
<br />
<br />(c) The covenanlll and agreements con~ned herein sbIll bind, and the righu Inure to, the respective
<br />SUccell5Ol'1 and IUlllgns "f the Murtp&or and the MortPIH.
<br />
<br />(d) All covenants and allfl!ements of the Mortp&or are joint and &event.
<br />
<br />(e) The beadinp of the puqraphs of thlA Mortpp U'I! for convenience only and shan not be used to inter-
<br />pret or define the proYislons bllftol.
<br />
<br />13. ReJea.. Upon payment of all suma IeCUred by thlA Mortpp, Mortppe ahIll cIIscIwte' thil Mortpp and
<br />aba1lexecute and deliver a saUsfactory release therefor.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MortPlor hu executed thll Mortpae on the.l.2..t.bday of
<br />
<br />Jllly
<br />
<br />,19.l1lL.
<br />
<br />j
<br />~
<br />~~~ ~
<br />~
<br />On this 12th day of July , 19~ before me, the undenllJlled, a Notary Public _ ~
<br />
<br />duly commissIoned and qualified for IlIid county, penonally came J. Kenneth Fischer and Betty J, FisC+ .~...
<br />
<br />Husband and Wife , to me bown to be the "1 '1'
<br />Identical penon(s) wbll6l! name(11 are lublcribed to the lorecoillllnstrumentand acknowlec!lled the eucuLlon thereof -1...\ '::'\ ~
<br />
<br />lobe, their voluntary act and deed. '~~~1
<br />
<br />date~~ my hand and noterlllsell '.t Gr~nd Island, Nebraska In taidcountr, the:j; ~.~
<br />
<br />
<br />.'........ My Commluionuplres: lJ:.. .: ..,. &'.Ut-. -f-'~' <thH.R..l\C\. 7Yl, J,+lh ,R,v...{ '~~j.
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