<br />88_104007
<br />
<br />
<br />,~ r,fllltpcels entered into between
<br />"ij,uSb.anll:!lrid \life
<br />
<br />J. Kenneth Fischer and Betty J, Fischer,
<br />
<br />. Pi-vePoints B~~k, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortpgor") IDd
<br />. (herein "Mortgape"),
<br />
<br />'; ,_~~r ls.indebtedtoMo~in the principal sum of $ 6.000,00 , evidenced by Mortgqor's note
<br />
<br />,~~: '.'i': ~~~,V12.1988;;(hireln "Note"} providing for paymelltaof prlncljlal~d Interest, wit/! the balance of the
<br />
<br />Indeb'~ei!!ii(~Oc lOOllerpa!d, due and payable on July 12, 1992
<br />
<br />: ':ro~'the Payment'ofthe Note, with interest AI provided therein, the. payment of all other SIUll&, with. interest,
<br />Idvan*by M()~;~1!r:v~'1~~~~I.~;~~;!h.JS &f,Ortpge, and the performance of the covenanta alld qreementa of
<br />the Mortgqor con~n~'li~~~.~.:,~~!!!;,~.~by::mortpge and convey to Mortgagee the, following described
<br />
<br />propelty IDeated In '~~~l:_' ,"'_":~' 'County,. Nabrulea:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Block One (I) Morris Addi tion to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />'J'oðer with all buUdinp,lmprovpments, fixtures, ,treets, alleys, pl56Bgl!ways, easemenls"rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenanc:eS IDeated thereon or in anywise pertainllll thereto, and the ren18, Issues and profiu, revenionund remalnden
<br />thvnOf; lndudinr, but not Umllvd to, heating and cooling equipment and luch penOll4l property that Is attadied)othe
<br />improvemenlllO II to constitute a fixture; all of which, Including replacements and additions thereto, ..hereby dedaied
<br />tu be a part of the realestateseeured by the lien ot thill Mortpee and all of.the foregoing beinlllllfenea to herel".. the
<br />"Property", '
<br />
<br />Mortcqor tunber oon,enanls mid 1I(/'IleI, with MortfaIee, u follows:
<br />
<br />1, PaymenL To pay the Indeblednl'5land the Interest thereon 8& provided In thla Mortgqe and the Nole.
<br />
<br />2. TlUt, MortpCor I. the olll'ller of the Property. hllll the rililt and authority to mortlllllV the Property. and
<br />wuranllUult tile lien crealed hereby Is a fint and prior lien on thtJ Property, except lIS may otherwise be ...t forth herein.
<br />
<br />di 'lbe Property ill subject toa Mortpae whervin Nebraska State Savinxs & Loan Association
<br />
<br />Ii tile Mo~, recorded at Book , Page ot the Mortgage Recorcb ot Hall County,
<br />N.b~.wbIcb Mortp&e Is alien prior to thl' lien created hereby.
<br />
<br />o other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />3, Tans, -'--mlH111. To pay when due all taxes, special UB<!ISRIents and all other chlfleupinst the Property
<br />and, upon written demand by Mortpgee, to add to the payments rvquired under the Nole secured hereby, lueh amount 1IlI
<br />iDey be sufllc:lent to enable the Mortpgee to pay IUch taxes, UBe5Bmenlll or, other chargei 8& they becOme due.
<br />
<br />4.IIIIUI'IIICe, To keep tile improvementa now or hereafler located on the real VItale described herein Insured
<br />~.~ by 11", and IIId1 other huards lIS Mortpcee may requi"" In amounts and with companies acceptable to the
<br />~. and. 1ritb,IOllJ!llyablt to-tbe Mortp&ee, In cue of 10811 under such poIlc1l!11 the. Mort(alee is authoriJed to
<br />I!f]ult. eo1Ieetan,d eompmll!!le,InJtI~t1911, au dahlll thef'!!undllr lit IlIlOle option, authOrizedtoeithenpply l/1v
<br />~~the. ~qf4~';~!ir ,u~ tbe inde~_ secured hereby, but paymenla hereunlleubau con,
<br />Cillae lUIW tI1ll'lUDlicJlicUi!lll ~.jlai4Inf1iU, '. . . . . , , . . '. .
<br />
<br />.... ' ' . .11. 0 t:Iaoj,for:faPi,aJUI.lDIuJanee, Notwlth.tandinganythlng COIItelned in paragrapm 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />coniary; "~'@.'p.yiO;tJjtiMortpaee at the t1lJ!8 of paYing the monthly Installments of pitilclptl and Interest,
<br />~,~f ~'telilY'~i'ai~eatS;hJz&rdl~ce'jlrwiuhlllll, and &rOllnd ren." (If any}whlell may attain a
<br />'PiI~OftiithklllOtWj'.lr.~estlnwed from ume totlme by the MorlCagee, 'lbe ainounbs 10 pald shall be
<br />~d;b1. ~.~, !:itl1OU\ In~ III,d iiPP.lltid to the payment ot the items in reepecl to which such amounlil wen!
<br />. ~II!L.. ,,",s.u- paid. toMDrtIIIH Mn!under are p1edaedll additlonalsecurity for the Indebtedness secumd by this
<br />Mort&iIit; MortpaorIlltl1 pey to MorttaIee Jheamount of any dencl.acy between the actual taxes, -nil, Insurance
<br />~ aii&t aioiUid mlli and the depm!la hereunder within 10 day. after demand I, madl! upon Mortpgor req\lelUnl
<br />lIAymtftt~
<br />
<br />6. Repalr,.MalnlAlllMcoad U.. To prompUy npalr, _to", or rebuild any bulldinp 0' Impl'O\'empnla DOW Dr
<br />1Ie..rter 011 thtI. Proptrty; to keep the Proptrtyln good roadlUon and "'pal', lrithoul wule, and free !'rom mechanic', Dr
<br />oilier I... noc espntlty .lUbordlutecl to thdltn IIenof; nol to 1IIIIb, iliff., or permit any nuill/lCOl to oxlst, nor 1.0 dlmin,
<br />lab or ia1pIir tht \'line of 1M Property b)' .,Bet or omllUOII to eet: IIId to comply lrith all requlmmenla or la" lritb
<br />I'IIplrCt &0 &lie Property,
<br />