<br />88- 103898
<br />
<br />J. Thai Borrower will pay the indebledness, as hereinbefore
<br />provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in part
<br />on any installment due date.
<br />
<br />Bono...n and lzadrr conaBIII aad 11m .. f...'1"..." more Ihan fifl""n OS) days in arrears to cover Ihe extra e.pense
<br />im'ol>ed in handling delinquenl paymems.
<br />
<br />2. ThaI, logethn with, and in addilion 10. th. momhlj'
<br />payments of principal and interest payable under the I.rms of ,h.
<br />not. secured he.by. the Borro....r will pal' to 'he lender, on ,he
<br />fim day of eaeh month untillh. said note is fully paid. Ihe
<br />foltowing SUlm:
<br />
<br />~k~~Anltkltill\1wK!ri
<br />~1drItprta- .. u ._..~~. UA.&d
<br />k~ ...1IIl....L...d"',. -.;._....~~~
<br />
<br />~~~~~
<br />
<br />l(~lllDDal!_XJilllIlIIlIIIlalall.....-.....ilJdD.j,......."
<br />~..~...do... I ~.;..-adiaDt1Mx
<br />liIlaIk~.._1I71uIo Iii. . -. -.."r...~1k
<br />1IIaaIIII:.~--r",jlI1 w""_"......s..~~
<br />1mIIlJlIII[.............1"'--,~_.- ;'~NAv.."'lCtllhvJcmo'n
<br />~..;... ...~.ittWlDi1llkJllllkWxx
<br />
<br />~~MlttoIIlJt~
<br />~II~~~--~
<br />-~~-~
<br />.-x. 1l!Ir...I~1r -....-U~~'""-,,~~
<br />.~~_.......JqaUc:..............~1dc1IlIef;
<br />1IIltIqC~~
<br />_~JlICJtIaIDi."~lCII:IlDIIIIX:llll..,.,....._
<br />~
<br />
<br />(a) JdlxA !turn equal to (he ground f('nll.!, II am. 11I:'l dul". pili" Iht'
<br />prC'mium!l thai 'AlII next btcomc due dnd pa~i.lhlt' \'n pl.llll.:Il.... 01
<br />rife' and other hlllard tn!lurancC' ".J\C'nng lh( rr,-'pL'Il'\.. rim l;"e"
<br />and a!l!t('!lo!lomenlifl nr\1 due on the properly (ull ih ",urn.IIC",) t,\ rh,.
<br />LendtrJ )C'ss. all flum!o already paid IhC'rl'for dl\ Idcd h\ lht. nurnnt'1
<br />of momhs to elap\e beforr onr (11 monl h pTlnr W I h(' J.llL' \\ ht."lI
<br />such Ifound rt'nl~. premium". l.:l\C~ and a''loC',..mcnh \\111 ~~lHnl~
<br />delinquent, such \urn., lu bC' hdd 0\ I t'ndcI In Irll\! III pa~ ,..uJ
<br />ground rent!!. prcmium\. tau'" and \pel,,'lal a"'t"..mC'nl... and
<br />
<br />Cq) II All pa,.'mt'nh filCnllllnN In lhl."' 1"0 pr("~'l'Jlt1P ..uh~\,'lhHl" 01
<br />this paragraph and all payment' III r.l."' mdde UllJ':1 fill."' fh'tIC
<br />!l<<urcd ht"rC'v.~ "hall hf added IOg,(,lhcr. and Ihe .tt::!1le~.tlC' iilThHlll1
<br />thereof !thaI! ~ paid b) the BOrTll\Hl L"JL"h ml.ll1lh In J; '111~k ril\
<br />me", 10 be applied b~ Ihe lender III Ihe' Il~lId'\ In~ 'Il'm.. UI th('
<br />order ~ct forth:
<br />
<br />1IX~~4olII.IlIrlCllllDCX:Ill<-.
<br />_&.......,cgiidlI.......~....j),;.....-JUU<~
<br />..._A~..-___......~.........-
<br />bIllx
<br />
<br />(1) )lU.ground rents. t~t:'\. a!ol'C'\'lffienf\. nrt' and Dlh~t haLuJ
<br />l11\urancc prar.llum!J;
<br />
<br />(I I) IlIX mlert'~1 on the nOlI: 'lot'l.:urcd hc:rt't,-,\,
<br />
<br />(III) lOUCamortiz.ation uf lhC' pfln~lral 01 ..alJ 11\1IL', anJ
<br />
<br />(IV) XXX lal< chJlge,
<br />
<br />Any dC'flcienc)i In the amounl of !lu~h aggregate' mOnlhh ra\
<br />menl shaH. unless made good by lhe IklrrO"Cr prH)1 I~} the JUl'
<br />date of the nC':xl ~uch pa)'mt'nt. constllutc an L"\.ent 01 ddaull
<br />under thi3 mort~a8e. Th~ Lender ma~ l,.'ollt"L.:t 3 "lalt' (harlIc" nlll
<br />10 ..eeed four cems (~I for .ach dollar (SIl of each pal'ment
<br />
<br />J. ThaI if lhe tOlal of ,he paymems made by lhe Borrower
<br />under tal of paragraph 2 preceding shall e.ceed lhe amount of
<br />paymems aClually made by Ihe lender for ground rents. Ia.e. and
<br />as~essm~nts or insurance premiums. as the Ca.CiC may be. such ex-
<br />cess, if th. Joan is curr.nt. al Ihe oplion of ,he Borrower. shall be
<br />,,:rc:dilcd b)' the lender on subsequent pa)'mcnts 10 be madt.o by the
<br />Borrower. or refunded 10 the Borrower. If, however, Ihe momhh'
<br />paymenl' made by ,he Borrower under la) of paragraph 2 .
<br />preceding shall nm be sufficien' '0 pay ground renlS. la.es and
<br />a!\~essmenlS or insurance premiums. a!<io Ihe case may he, when the
<br />!tame shall become due and pa)'ablc. I hen I he norrO\'llcr !\hall pa~
<br />It.l tht' Lender any amounl necessary to make up lhe del1dency, on
<br />m before (he dale: whc:n payment of such ground n:lll~. ta'\c!..
<br />a......C'..."menl!'l. or lIlMlranct' premiums shall be dUI:. If ill ~1I1~ IImL"
<br />tht.' 13oTTO'l\'Cr ",halllL"nder 10 the l.ender. in ;:h:cordan\,.'L" \\ 1111 Ihe
<br />provisiony" of Ihe nou," secured 11l~~rC'by, full paymcnI of Ihe cnt..e
<br />indC'brrdn~!i represcJih,"d then"hy. Ihe 1.1,.'I1dl."T ,hall. in l'ompuling
<br />the: amounl of 'ouch lndeblednl.."!tl!l. credit Il,l Ih~ accounl of the Bor-
<br />r(lwer~~~~
<br />rJ..h.o..jQ(JllllhiIllxIli1PllllUllfJtluolIllldlm_.."~JCa_".ouubc
<br />~~Il:anlbalan,ere.
<br />mainin(! in the.' ftlnd~ a~\"umlllall~d under ItU.' provi\ion.. or (8) of
<br />raragTilph ~ hCft.'\)1 II IhL'rt' ,hall he' OJ Jdault IIl1dL'r .111\ l)f Ihe
<br />rh)\I~I~lIh III 11m II1""UI11I.'1II I'l..\uhlll!l III ,I puhhL.: "aIL- Ill' IhL"
<br />f)1C'ml!rl(,~ l.'u\r:rnt hl'rdn, III II lhl' I emil'1 ~h:~ulre.. thl' prl.)pL"rt~
<br />\llhc'\\I\l' dlll'l JL'Iaull, thl' Il.'lu.1l'l ..hilll appl\. .11 II1L' 11111l' III Iht,
<br />,,\Hnmen~('mt'l\l Ilf ..ud, rrl.)":l.'~'Jln~~. ~ll ;it thl.' 111111.' th... plllrt"r1~ I"
<br />1,1I11:r\\1..1."' a":4lI1lt'd, IhL' h,II.Hh:L' IhL'[l ll'malllll1!? 11\ Ilh' lunJ.. ill.:-
<br />\,'ulI1ul.ltc..d unJl't lal l.l' riITa~larh ~ prt'\."l'JlIlg. ~I" ;1 ..'rl.'JII .lgillll..1
<br />llll" amount 01 prllll.."lpal 1111.'11 rl'I11Olll1ll1g unpilld undl"1 ..JIJ IlIltL".
<br />~~KkOOxlllxtlOOI'lX1dttol
<br />~RilaK
<br />
<br />4 fhal the; Bl.lrU1VoL'r \\ III ra~ ~1\J\lfld rcnh, I~"l.'''. a""~'''..IIIl.'nl''.
<br />....alet r.lIl.... am! tHhCf 1.'P\l'rrlflh,olltallH 1TI11l1ldl'ill lo:h.u}!l.... Illll....
<br />III Irllpll'olllnn... 1m "hldl f'TlI\I',llll1 hd.. flul tWl'11 lt1ilLk
<br />ht'f't'll1hL'lt1TC', ilnd III dt..tauh Ihl"rL"lll IhL" llolH.lt'1 l11a~ 1'.1\ lh~' ..,11111.'.
<br />,IIlJ Ih,ll fhl: BmrcH\C'r \\111 rlllfllpll\ dcll\l'f rhl' 11111-.'1.11 ft.,'\-l'll''''
<br />llwrl'11l1 III tht' I t'nJl'l
<br />
<br />~ fhe BlllhH\L'f ....lIll'a\ ,.11 1.1\\.... "tll,,'h fll.t\ hI.' 1,,'\IL'J ul'~lII
<br />Ihe' 1 L'nLicl" Inll.rC"1 111 ..Jld n:.llla'lall.' ~IIIJ ITlIPIP\l'l11l'11l". .tIll.!
<br />\\1111:11 111.a~ he J..,'\lt'J UPOIl ltu' In,lrllIflL.t11 III Ihl' Jdll "l'~'llrL'J
<br />hnd'\ IOUI LlIlh to tht' l''-I("flI Ih.ll ..\Kh I.. IIlH pf\lhtMIIL'J t,\ IJ\\
<br />J;uJ Ilflh Il' thl' t"'-I~1tf Ihal ,u\"h \\111 nul m.t~l' thl" hl.1II lI..tItltluq.
<br />hut L"\..IlJljltl~ ,fn~ lllt..'lmh' lit'-. ")l.tlt:' 1lI I t'\kr;11. Il11p\"'L'd lll)
<br />ll'IlJt'f. Jnd \\111 11lL" I he Illfl(lill IC(C1Pl ..lllm IIIV "Udl [1,'\l1\L'1I1
<br />I\IIh lht' I L"l1lh:r l.pf\fl \h)!.l1Il1n \'11111" undl'II.I~lIl~, llf 11 Ihl'
<br />lll)flll\\CI I" pH'hlMllrU h~ <lfI\ la\\ tlll\'l nr hL"rcatft'r t'\I...IlIl~' lfl'm
<br />p.l~ln!i' Ihl: \\hok III JIl} pmlllul of tht' .llllrc,aIJ f.l\~". 01 UplH\
<br />IhL' renJI"t1ng Lll ~Im ":i.lurl JL"I.'rt'1: pwhlhilln~ Ihe pa~rnL'nl b~ Iht.'
<br />IlnrfLl\\ct of am "IlKh t;.t\t'... 01 ,I' ,ud, 101\\ OT Ut'l:n'l' prl"idl:' IhOlI
<br />am iJrnount "0 paid tly Ihe Borro\\cr ,hall be ~rc:dllcd l)n Ihe d"'OI,
<br />lilt" I eUdl'f ..hall hil'l' Ihc l1~hl hI gl\t' IIlIll'l\ J.t~..' \HlIlt.*1l nO[II.:e
<br />11.' ThL" 1'"lll'l lIt 1;,C pn'IllI"!;"'" rL"4uuln~ thL' ra\ml'n1 \If Ihe Lh:bl
<br />II "IUdl IhHh:C bl: ~1't'lI. thL' "'iUJ Jd't ..h<lli hl'\,'Oll1t' JUt.'. piJ~.lbk
<br />and \,'I"IIlC'l.'llbk dr {hI' l'\pnal1tln 01 ",aId n1nl."'~ J.l~'
<br />
<br />fl. lhal 'lohould thl' BllTTO\\L'r tat! fU pay an~ ,urn or ~L"ep imy
<br />\,'O\cnant prO\ldc:d lor Ifl thl'" In!olrumenl. tht'n Ihe tender. al iI"
<br />upllon. ma\ pOl\ or pet form Ihr 'loamC'. and ill! c'\pL"ndllure'" ",
<br />
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<br />HUD.82143DT
<br />