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<br />Stale of N...ka <br /> <br />88- 10389B <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br /> <br />11111 u.. of TnIII. ("Security Insuumenl") is made on July IB 1 <br />19 88 . The Irullor is. Joseph A. Cochnar and Catherine A. Cochnar, husband and wife <br />jointlY and..JIlIlCb in their .own right ("Borrower"). The uustee is FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />~SOCL\TIUN OY LLNCDLN ' (..Trust....). The beneficiary is <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN , which is organized a~d exisling <br />under lhe IIIws or The United States of America ,Bnd whose address Is 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, <br />Nebrllska68508 ("Lender"). <br /> <br />WI~: That the Borrower in consideralion of the debt and uust described aod created. Bnd the sum of One Dollar <br />(II), 10 him In hand 1'Iid by the Trustee, the r"""ipt of which is hereby acknowled,ed, does by these presents arant. bargain and sell. <br />convey and confirm. unto Ihe Trustee, all of the following des<:ribed real eslBte, silualed lying and beina In Ihe Counly of <br />, and Slate of Nebraska, to wil: <br /> <br />Hall <br />Lot Two (2), Block Seventeen (17), in <br />Grand Is1and,Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Fairview Park Addition to the City of <br /> <br />which has ,he address or 909 West 10 Street <br /> <br />Grand Island <br />lell,l <br /> <br />Ndlraska <br /> <br />68801 <br /> <br />(" Property Addre.. "I; <br /> <br />.bfl"~1 <br /> <br />To Ha.. aIMI To HDId the premises abo.e des<:rtbed. with all ,he appurtenances thereunlo belonJin, and includina all healina. <br />plumbin, and fixlures and equipmenl no.. or hereafler anaehed 10 or uRCIln connection wllh .aid real e..ale unlo Ihe <br />TruSl.., and 10 ils ," and auian.. forever, The Borrower represcnn to. and co.en.nts wllh. Ihe TruSl.., ,hat Ihe Borrower <br />has load ri,hl 10 sell and con.ey Sllid premises; that ,hey are free from encumbrance; and Ihal ,he Borrower will warrant and defenll <br />the ,ame aaain51 the lawful claim. of all person. ..homllOCV~; and Ihe .ald hereby relinquilhn all riahn of homes.ead, and <br />all marilal rl&hts, ellher '" law ar in equilY, and all olher conlin&en, interesll of the Borrower in and to Ihe premises. <br />the Intenlion beina 10 convey hereby an .blOlu.e tllle. In ree simple. ,"cludin& all rl&hll of home..ead, and other rights and Inlere.l. <br />as aforesaid, <br /> <br />Pro...... AI.a,a. and these presrnts are e.ecu,ed and delivered unto the Trust.e, '" trust. however for ,he follow'"a purpo.e" <br /> <br />Wlwrnl. the Borrower on Ihe 18th. da) of July . 19 B8 . borrowed from the lender <br />.he sum of Twenty Four Thousand (he Il1ndred Fifty and "'0/100 <br />Dollars (5 211 150.00 l. for which <br />sum rhe Borrower hat. C'''C\.'"UIC'd and to rhe: l.ender Borrower"s promissory nole of C'ven dare. bearina <br />inlern. al Ihe rale of Eight and one haliB <.mum I 8.500 ""I per annu~on ,he unpaid bBlance uo!il paid. <br />The said prioeip;tl and in,ereu shill be payable ar the offic. of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOLN <br />in Lincoln, Nebraska . or I' such other place as ,he holder of Ihe nOle <br />may desianat. In wriling. in monlhly in'tallmenrs of (he !l1ndred Eighty Five and 70/1 00 <br />Dolla" (S 18 Ii. 70 r. colnmenclna on 'ho first day of tBmbar ' <br />1988' . and on the first day of .a.:h momh il,ere.fl.r unllllh. principal and inleres. arc fully paid. e.cept Iha'~ mmrplIVmem of <br />prinCIpal and inlernl. if nOI soone' paId. .hall be duo and payable on the filS! day of August . <br /> <br />201e **"5ee Adjustable Rate Rider" <br /> <br />Thll lorm Is used In conn~CllOn with mortgag~s insured und~r lhe one. 10 four,t.mily program. of th~ Nallonal Housing Act which pro. <br />wide '01 peuocUc. "'engage Insurance Premium payments <br /> <br />Page \,015 <br /> <br />Fo,", HUD.1I2,u-or ItO.87 Edmon) <br />2aCFR 203.17(0) <br />