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<br />) <br /> <br />:," '-, ~J V ) 1 <br />. 'I .1 -,' '- <br /> <br />103877 <br />88- <br /> <br />15 Thalli any action or proceeding be commenced 10 which action or procaedlng lh. MDrtgagotls mad. a party by rea50n ollhe ..ocullon ollhls Mo~gag. or lhe Obll. <br />gallonl which IIstcUr.., or In which Iht MDrtgaget dooms II ntct5sary 10 appear or anSWtlr In order 10 uphold th.lI.n ollhl5 Mo~gago or Ihl pllollly Ihlroof ur Ihl pos1t5' <br />sian ollht Pmnlsts, or _1010 proltcl lis inlornls or SOI:Unly hOrtIlnder, all sums paid or Incurred by tho Mo~glgoo for anornoys'loos and D1l1tr exponltsln such ae. <br />IIQ110rprDaltlllng shall be repaid I1y tilt MDrtvagor.togo\htrwllb thtreonlromdlttol paymenl by lb. Mortgagoo, al tho rat. 01 helve parcont (lL%) per <br />annum, and aU lOch IOrns and Ih.lnttmllhtrvon shall be Immediately duo and payable and Do addtd 10 and Dtcomta part 01 'hoObllgallons StcUred hollby In such manner <br />or onIor as MDrtgagoo may _re or dttomlIn.. and be secured hereby, having Ih. benefit 01 tho IIln hersby ero.led and at lis priOrIty, <br />16. That acctpIIl\Ct by Mortgagtt 01 ~ny sum In payment. or part payment of tho Obligations SlCUred hlreby, after tho same Is duo or 'aner lD!fC1osure procaedlngs are <br />filtd. shall nul conslltul' a wal..r ollho light 10 require plilIl1pt payment whOn dUI, at all othor obllgallons 60 secured. nor shall such aCCllp1anct cure orwatvt any remaining <br />dolau" or Inva;lda1t any fDItCloiUre prucetdlngs lor any such remaining dolault. or prejudlct any at thl IIghl5 01 Mortgagao uilller this Mortgage, <br />t 7 Tilt IInnl Mortgagor and Mortgagoo wh.rever used In Ihis Instrumenlshall be construed to Includl hllrs, legalot.. dllVlsots, .lltCullllS, administrators. SUCCll.SOrs <br />and uslgns whOre lho conttll may require or ponnll. and thO eon..nant. and agreements hOr.ln contained .hall bind and Inure to lho benefll at said Mortgagor and Mortga' <br />goo and Ihtlr respecllve hllrs. .XtcU10'S, administrators, SuCttSSDIS ana assigns, and tho lerms Mortgagor .nd Mongagoo .halllnclu~.lngular and plural, regardless 01 <br />gondtr. This Mortgage and lhe Obllgallons wnlth It socum are asslgnabl. by Mortgagot. bul not by Mortgagor. II applicable and ,II pormIlttd by law, Mo~lI"gor horoby <br />walvis and releases any and all IIgtlls and remtdits rolallng 10 homestead.. marshaling of lions and a5sel., red.mpllon. and statulss at IIm1latlon. Redompllon pormlUed by <br />law after lorlIcIOSuro sale IS expressly wa/vlld. II pennlntd by law' <br />IB, AddlliOnal T.rms: <br /> <br /> <br />IhlS InstrumenllS lIoculed and ..1I,"rod 10 Mortgagee by Mongagor IhlS ~ day ot ~ <br />i': <br />1~~~ <br />._-_P~t <br />---~ <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />.I~ <br /> <br />STATEOF~ <br />J .s <br />COUNTVDf ~ <br />Onthls~llaYof <br /> <br />INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br /> <br />, ,!8fL. belOl1 me.lhl underSlgntd notary public In and lor sa,d counly. personally <br />. , 10 me personally koown 10 be tho 'dent'elll <br />acknowiodge<llh' IlltcutlOfllhereo1 to be hIS tlbet!) VOluntary acl and dood. <br /> <br />In witness whereof I hereunto St!l my hand and nouna''''''' _ __Go~~ Nebraska <br /> <br />In YkI counlylhedlyandyelr last abovewrine". <br /> <br />bL -=::.....1 <br />"'....... 0It... _ <br /> <br />'~~ I ~~ ~ fl, lb_fJ~" YrM -nJ <br /> <br />~otary UOI~ <br /> <br />My ComrhIs.lOfl e.pires <br /> <br />October 3, 198.~___.__ <br /> <br />STATE OF_' <br />I '5 <br />COUNTY Of _ I <br /> <br />CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br />On thIS _, oay of t9_ belorl me Ihe unoerSlgneo notary pUblIC 1ft ano tor U'd counly. personally <br />came ~~._----- <br />01 ___~_______ __ _..___._____. _.__ ______..__ ,tomepersananyknawntabc <br />the ._________._._ and the Identical person whose name is affixed 10 the foregomg Instrument and <br />acknowledgelj the e'Aec.uhon thereat to be hiS vofuntary act and deed as such officer and the vOluntary act and deed 01 sail:! corporation by authority at lis Board of Directors <br />and thai lhe e_rol. sui of tilt .... COIjlOf81I01l was tlterelo allrx.. by os author,ly <br /> <br />In wdness whereof I hereunto set my haM and notanal seal al _____ ~- - -- - ,.---.. <br /> <br />_____ _. __ __ In sallj counly the day and year las1 abovewntten <br /> <br />Notary PubliC <br /> <br />lAy Commission expires <br />