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<br />88- 103877 <br /> <br />,< ). r' : : tI t <br /> <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHEsE PRESENTS ThaI Eldon w. re);p and E. Elaine rem. husband and wife ,Illndividuals, <br />lolnlly and severally, reSiding in Dawson Counly, Nebraska , and iI a corporallon or other business onllly, wllh 115 <br />principal place 01 business in County. , (herelnaller relerred 10 as "Mortgagor") in consldera. <br />lion of all Mortgagor's indeCllldness.llabilllles. alld DDllgallons 10 '!'h", r..ot-hpnhllTg StRte Bank and Trust ~"'\Y <br />of Dawson County. Slate of Nebraska '" Mortgagee",. now exlsllng or hereafler incurred. and other valuable conslderaflon In hand paid. <br />dOH hereby sell and conl'lly unlo Mort_lhe lollowlng described premises Sltualed In _ Hall County and Slate of Nebraska <br />lo-wi! <br />the Northeast Quarter (NEV of Section Ten (10) in Township Eleven (I1) North, <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian (P .M.) excepting <br />a tract: of land described on Attacment. <br /> <br />together with all ollhe ngnl. title, and Interest of Ihlt MOr1gagor In said property now awned or hereafter aCQuired and aU buildings. Improvements. and fixtures at any ty~ <br />now or hereafter placed on said real propeny and all easemer.ts fights, aPPUr1enances. renls royalties. 011 and gas rights and profils. water. water rights. and water stock, <br />and all rllrtUres now 01 hereafter <lttached 10 the 10r!golng desuloeCl property all of whIch including replacements and addltlons Ihereto, shall be deemed to be and remain <br />part at the property coveretJ by Ims Mortgage All at thtl 10ragolng property shall be collecllvely hereinafter relsHea 10 as Ihe . Premises <br />Tlus __IS W'"" to 'OW" a tel1iln pronuS5llf) nolO oa,,,, Ju 1 y 13. 1 988 In the pnn<:lpil sum 01 -Sixty <br />Thousand and nolI 00----------------- IloJlars 1s.61L 000.00 I. and In'Of1lsllhOfllOn according to the IIll111S of <br />UJd notland,any Jnd an e_lenslons. renewals mOdlfi~t1ons, Dr sunllltuOOI\5 lhereol aM each anO Mry oeDl. lIabilltv ana Obllgallon ot every type and oescriptlon, Including guaranlees or <br />~. which lhe MortglOOf rr\ily new or at any tlme hereafter owe or tie obllgaled on 10 lhe MortgaQee, whelhe' such debt liability, or obligation now exists or is orlN:y bed.lrect <br />or IMII1IC1. Our Of ID becOlnl!I .clue, abSoMe- or con1moem. onrr\ilry 01 S!ttlnDary, IiQurOiled'lr unllQullUteCl or IOtnl seve' a! , or 100nl ar,d several. all such debts. liabilities. and ObI_ons all <br />c.ollec:trvely herelll3ner relent'd m as 'Oblrgatlons <br /> <br />The lotal punClpa! amounl, exclushle (\1 mlerest at 1M Obllgallons tnCludmg any tulure deblS ddvanc:es llaOllllle!o or Obligations, nOllOcluding however any sums ad. <br /> <br />vanced lor the protectIOn 01 the Preml!.e!o or The Mongagee s tnter~st tn6rem snail not exceed The sum 01 --Sixty -TOO!..1Sand and nolI 00---. <br /> <br />__ __ ~_'~_._'_ Demars ls60.,JlQQ.....OO j provloed hOwever Iflal nolnmg con1ained tlerein shall constitute <br />.1 commitmenT 10 make ddClltlonal or luTurt loans or OIOvances m dny .!mounl <br /> <br />1ne MOrlOdQOf flef(lOy wdlldnl" !flat Ill!'. let' owner ollhe mortgaged real fjloperty Ihal 111'1111 oelencllhf! 11111' .1oam!!1 all clalmanls whomsoever and It relmQuishes all <br />tlghls 01 flomeSI8.Ja rn !i..auJ Pre-mlse~ ana covenants aM aglees Ihe Morlgagefl as lollows <br />1 1 0 pa~ Vlh!:n auf' all t4ue~ lien1 luagmenls or assessmenls wh,ch may De lawlullv assessl'O dQamsllht' P'emlses ;tno The rental Charges upon any leases assigneo <br />as aodltiOn~ secutlly lor 1M, Mort9.Jge <br />2 lOlOsure dn(] Hep tnsureo lne Premlse~ ano 0lh61 Improvements now on or whiCh ma" hereallf!1 tle placea on sa.a Preml!>C5 10 the !!atlslacllon of Ihe Mortgagee <br />Any paltey eVlorncmg !luc.f'l tn~Ufance S",,11 De enDorsea ",.Ih.a mortqagee IOs,!l payaDle clause dPPrav6Q' bl ana m lavor ot MOrlgalJee ana oepOSl1ea with trle Mortgagee ana <br />wllh any lOSS !hereunaer 10 oe payab;e' 10 Mortgagee Al the option ollhe Mortgagee sums SO receIved 0.. MOMQagrlr 01 Mortgago' may be use<] 10 pay lor reconstrucllon of <br />lhe destroye<! Plemlst'!l (It II nOI so dPorlf'(] may a-1 The optIOn ollhe MOt1oaoee oe appJleo In payment 01 an}> Obl1gal1om mdluretl a' unmalured secured -by thiS Mortgage <br />3 To Iteep all bUlldrngs OCCUPle(1 aM In gOOd repalr.lM 10 r!fralO lrom the commiSSion ol.any acts of lemoval Oemoltlton Of ImpalfTnenl olllle PremiSes nOl to cut Of <br />r!mOYtl. Of perrnlf 10 be cut or rernav.c! illl'f wood or ttmber from said rEal propet1\1 an(J nor 10 commit Dr permll any waste or rmpatlmer,t of tM value ollne secumy, 10 conlin. <br />uously practlCtt approved mf1noos of falmrng on SeliC! PremIses 10 prevent erosIon anU the spread 01 nouous ana camaQlOlJ weeas aM 10 preserve If'le fertility ot 1M SOlI <br />.; Thai aU money ana awalC!:. Da~ablt dS aamage\ 01 r.ompen~llOn lor Thll tak 109 01 lltlp TO or POSSllS!llon 01 01 IOf Oanlage 10 an, 1l0rl1on 01 !he Premises- Dy ,eason 01 <br />any conoemnauon flmHlflnl nomArn chaoQ" of DroletI' 0' 01tll!'f proclf!t>Cmo ..h~h 4illhf! OPh()1'\ 01 Ihto Uor1gA\)t!r bt' P,4111 In Inf! UOllgagt'e .ma SuCh moneys ana iwarcts are <br />hereby a5Slgned to Mortg.lJOft ana ludgment Iheret01 snaH be Mtered In fa..-or of Mortgagee .:In(] when palo shall be usea allts opllDfI tawarC ttle payment ol1he Obligations <br />secureo hereby 10 SUCh orOel or manner i!!l MortQagee mav deslfe (]I' Ottemune Or ..nail be useo at lis option 10r paymenl altaxes. assessmenl$..reJ)jn~.QI,Dthel nems for the <br />p,ayment 01 which ItllS MortgaQ~ I') grven ;1.5 security *n~lhel the same he IMn ctue or ~ol <1M 10 5uch Oloel 01 manner as MortgiQtfllNY OflDrmine. and Inr .amount not S!I <br />usee:! shill be release(] by IfIe Mortgagee to Ihe MongaQor SuCfl appttt.allon or lel!a~e 'inalt nol cure 0' waIve any aelaul1 Of loreclosure proceecUngs. ,In U'\e evenl MOT1gagMl <br />O!ems 11 nacess.1ly 10 appeil Of answer In coMemrqliO" .JIcltOn nearing or prouedlOg Mortoagol shall pay aU leIJal expenSe!! m connection tnerewllh, 'jncluClmg nut not Urn. <br />lted to anomeys lees ano Lourt c:osts ana unlrt so pJld SuCh e.oen5~ Ililln Inler!lsl,it lne rate of 12 percent stWl bI.acsded to thl Obhgilions secured hereby In <br />such mann!,r or ord!r as lJor1gau~ ma~ C1e-slff! or aell',mu'\t! Il4vlO~ Ttlt! aenelll 01 1Me hen crutl!O nerebv .as .l p.ar1 rllHe-of and oT r1s prlonty <br />~ m Ihe !!'~nl MortqagOl ta.l!:. '0 JaV Iflrfler aue an., lales lenw! Cf1.itlge~ l.'pon any leases asslgneo as adOthonal s.ecunty lor Ihls Mortgage. liens. ludgmenls. or <br />assessmen1s iawlult~ aS5e5sed agalOst Itle Preml5es or tails 10 11k11Otarn In>UldflCf d5 llerembelorft prO'W'ldel1 Mortgagee may such paymenl or Such msurance <br />andlhe amountls\ Dald Tl1erelor shall Oecome d pan 01 IT'le OO!lgdllOns >el:lJrf\<l "'fireD" Oue ana payable Immedlalel.... aM snail bea' Inlerest al Ihe 'ale ot _It_ perunt <br />pet annum hom ana .111 the tune Ihe Mor1gage-e makes SUCh payment <br />6 Thai'" the -evenT Mortgagol oetauUs In ltIe Pilyment 01 any 01 lhe DuhQAltons Of 01 an'llOlert':St thtlreon al1he time when the same snail be Cue or wlHl respecllD any <br />cavenanl or cooomon fIe,eol then .11 ltIe option of MOrlgJgef! tne entire- ODllgatlons s.eCulfQ ne'foy stlAlllorlnwllh !lec.omtl Oue ana Pdv.aO!e, an" the Mortgagee may 1m. <br />mediatltJV lorl!tlosl! Itlis Mortoaoe Of pUI-SUl! any OIhtr ivailable ~gallemedy In Ihe even1 01 anv actIOn bv Mortgagee 10 entorce collection 01 any ot the ObhgatlOns securetl <br />hereby, the Mortgagor agrees thaI anv e.pense tOCltJOtng wl1hout Ilmlla!lon anorneys lees ana cosls Incurred to connectlon thereWith or IOcurred 10 procure or exlend an <br />abstract of title snail. when Incuneo or palo t)~ Mortg.agee become a part 01 tn! Oblrgallons secureo ne,eoy ana snail De palO by Mortgagor logetner WIth all D1the taxable <br />costs of such action <br />7, That In the evenl any Jetlon IS brought 10 foreclose thiS MorlQi-ge lur all 01 an~ Dart of the OOllgallons secureCI hereoy fne Mortgagee shall De entitled to Imrne(liate <br />possession 01 tne mortgaged premIses anO the court or a judge II'lCIl!(J1 In vaC-<lhon may appolOt ana ttte Mortgagor herebV consents 10 lhe appolntmenl of a recewer to lake <br />POSsessJOn of said PremIS!-Sto collecl and receive renls and p'011l5 arrSIOQ Iherelro01 anC trom any moneys so collected, 10 pay taxes, proV'lde msurance, make needed reo <br />piirs 10 improvemllnts upon the PremIses and make anv otht' e_oenOltufes aulhOrlt&O Dr me cOurt dno apply any sum remaining after the payment 01 such ..uthoflled ex <br />pendltures upon the Obligations <br />8 ThZI tillure Of del.iy 01 MOr'lga~ to eIefCts.e any 01 tIS rights or prtvlleges 0/ 10 inSIST Upon slftcl penormance ot any covenants or agreemenls of Mortgagor contam- <br />Bd In thiS Mong,aol slUlI never be cons.truet:l as a waiver of anr reQulremenl or oOllgallon 01 Mortgagor or right or remeoy 01 Mortgagee conlaLOeCl In Of [JaseCl upon anV ot the <br />rarms, PTOViSIDft$. agreements or covenanls of IhlS Monpage or an. lulure detaulls <br />9 Thai In caSt 01 Oelaun In the payment of any 01 u\~ ObhlJallO~S or In c.a$-t' 01 payment Ov Mongagee 01 a1'\~' hen iuagmenl la' Insurance cosI or expense. sarO <br />Mortgagee shill have the Dmnlege, wllflOut declanng ttle whole lnoeb1ednes~ Oue aM p,ll'ilbU! to foreClose on acc.ounl 01 suc:TI speCIlIC Oelaulllor SuCh ObhoatlOns as are 10 <br />OIt.1un ,anO suCh toredosufP Proceet1mgs may be haCl ana the lana OMJ:T1Detl F'letcm may bt sold sublecl to Ihe UnoalO OD!loa1rons hateD.,. s.ecurea ana TntS MOr1gage shall <br />continue u a hen tor anV unpaid balance 01 the Obhgatlons <br />10. Mortgagor .iSslgns and dehverslo lhe Mor1g.agee all fl~hl title mtere!~ ana Oem3M '" aM 10 rents aM prohl5 0' Ine PremIses ana does assIgn to Mortg.1gee all <br />MIaSIS -of lhe Prem:ses now Of heruMer ~. wrlnen 01 Ol'il and coes emP\7We' Mortgagee 10 collect ana rKl!Ipt tOl all rents MOr1gagor (1IIec15 all lenants to pay ren1 Clue or <br />to blame- due to MorIg.JQIII! The telm of IhlS asslgnme01 IS until The Obllgallons are tully paid Tflrs asslgnmenl shall nol become operallve unless 1elaull IS made In t~ <br />COYenInls. terms.. ino conillttons of any 01 tne ObliQatlons Of Ih,lt, MUr1gage <br />, 1 If any p;ar1 01 tile Prem:ses ;Ire trinsfeneCI Of sOla wlthoullhe prior wnUen consent Of ttle Mongagee HIt' ObliQd1lont. ma~ d! lnt' DoltOn ollhe Mortgagee be OeclaretJ <br />ImmtClloJ1et>; Clue ana P3vaolfl a!'\O thIS Mortgage may De tor-ecl::lSetI as set tonTl In oaragraDM 6 aoo 7 01 Il'IrS MortgaQe <br /> <br />, 2 It\a1 fhe PrelTllses are tree itnd cl~r of all hens anO f'l1cumoranc:es whal$~ver elcet'll <br /> <br />13 ll"i the eN!!n1 l.tortOll'ill" Sh./lll *,IhOul me pliO! ..fltle". COfl!t~nl (}I Mortgage!' rncu1~.lg!! 0' ofl'\er\'r'!~l' I!n( urnt~' ltlf' P'~Hnl~e!l 0' O("lI'tut IT'll' Premises W De en <br />curr.t)ef'ed rn an.,. t.ilSruon ~t'\e" Uttrtga~ 'ntlt .II MOr1Qa?~ $ oOTlo" OI1'.!:I.trl! all OtlhOtlllOn!. 10 Dt' ,rnmf!:jl.illet~ OU!' lnr. DJ~atJlr .M LI' !.ul tl e\'f'1'I! Itus Mor1l;lag, nu~ tlt'tOll! <br />ciOS!lU n ~!!lI011tt :r. P-JftlO'.ilpM fl .If'lO ; crt lrltS M:)rtOi~ <br /> <br />,,, Tl'yl 11.n, ('ltt'Vr-.JO/'l\ tJelevl itl!N10 ~ "'!Old unf!ntc;r-tp.o'Itlll! IV .'"01C !f1~" ~url1 O?(N151<()"l shall b4' dro"Mi1'O "ecY'.iltTl~ "Or>" '''t 'i"rna''''''''C P'O\r'<;lon~ "na ..I'l.!l!ll~ n(l.d~ <br />,nett lPJ-e v;abC!t" of Ih:i!l UO"~Qf! <br /> <br />',;-"C,HJo;.t<' I <br />