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<br />o <br />~ <br />CX) <br />cY) <br />o <br />..... <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domain. lenoer IS hereby assigned all compensation. awards. damages and other payments or reliet (herslO8tter "Proceeds") in connecllon with <br />condemnation or oU,sr laking at Ihe Property or part thereof. or lorcon'ieyance in lieu or condemnation. Lender shall be entitled at Its option to commence. appear In and <br />prosecul. in its own name sny sellon or proceedings, and .hall s1s0 be enlitled 10 make any compromisll or selllemant In connection with such laking or demage, In the <br />event any porllon of the Properly Is so Isken or dsmaged. Lender snsll nave tne option, In its sole and absolute discretion, to apply all such Proceeds. alt.r deducllng <br />therefrom all co.t. and ex pen us incurred by it In connection with such proceeds. upon any Indebtedness secured hereby and h16uch order as Lender may determine. aria <br />apply all such Proceeds. .It.r such dedUCtiOns, to tile restoration of the Properly upon such condllions as Lender may determine, Any eppllcation of Proceeds 10 <br />mdeblednesl .hall not exlend or postpone the due date of Bny payments under the NOle. or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. <br />7, ,..rt_ b, Lencllr. In 01 Borrower'sl.lIure 10 perform any of the covenents herein or make .ny payments required hereby. or II any actlalaken or <br />legal proceeding commenced which malarlally .flects Lender's inlereat in Ihe Property, Lender mey in its own dlscrelion. bul without obllgelion todoso. and wlthoul nollce <br />to or demand upOft Borrower and wllhout rel.allng Borrower Irom any obligation, do any act which the Borrower has .greed but 'ails to do and may alsodoany otheracl il <br />deems necessary to proteclthe security h.reof Borrow.r Ih.II,lmmedlalely upon demand therelor by Lender, p.y to Lender ell costs and expense. Incurred and aums <br />expended byL.nd.r in connection with Ihee.ercile by Lend.rotlhe loregoing rights, togelher with Interest thereon allhe rate provided In Ihe Note, which shall be added 10 <br />the Ind.bledn....llfjCurecl hereby, Lander sh.1I nof incur any personat liability because ot .nylhlng It may do or omit 10 do hereunder, <br />8, 1_ of Del-. Tn. following ShAll conltilut. .n e1l6nt 01 def.ull under thl. Deed 01 Trual: <br />t.) Failure 10 pay any Inlt.llment or principal or Inleresl or any othe, .um secured hereby when due. or failure to pay when due any olher IndebtednllSllol <br />Borrower to Lender; <br />Cb) A breach 01 or del.ul1 under any prOVision contained In the Note. this Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Nole. and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property; <br />(c) A writ ol...cullon Dr attachment or any similar proceslshall be entered against Borrower whiCh shall bocome a lien on the Property or any porUon <br />1"._' or 1I"leresllheraln; <br />(d) There shall be filed by or against Borrower an achon under any present 01 future federal. state or other statute, law or reguJation rela1ing 10 <br />bankruplcV.lnsolvency oroth... relte' for debtors; or there shall be Ippom.ed any trustee. re~jveror liquidator of Borrower Dr of all Dr any part ot1heProperty. or <br />the rentl. Jlluel or proflls thereof, or Borrower shall mike any general assignment for the b~nefi1 a. credltora <br />(e) The- sale-. lranafe-r. laatgnment. conv.Vance or further encumbrance of all or any pan of or any InterBst In the Property, eilher voluntari.y or <br />inv~unt.flly. ..thout 'he ..xpress written conl8nt of Lender <br />(f) If Borrower I. nol an mdiY1dual. the ule, trllns'er aUIQnmenl. conveyance or encumbrance of more than .,___ percent 0' (it a corporation) itl <br />...ued and outstanding Itock Dr (It a partoersn'PI __._._ pcrct!'ot of partnership Interests <br />9 .......... AccI".~ Upon Datault. In the event of any Event 0' Default Lender may declare 0111 indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br /> lhall thereupon become due and payabte Without any presentment, demand. prolest or nollce of lIny kind. Thereafter Lender may <br />,at Demand 'hat Trultee e.erClU the POWER OF SALE granted hersln. and TrulleeahallthlHeafter cause Borrower'slnteres1 In Ihe Propef1yto be lold <br />and 1M proceed. to be dlstnbulOd. all 1M the manner Droy,d&d In the NebrBBka TruSI Deeda Act <br />fbJ EJtf1.r In Pltrwn or by agenl. W"'" or Wllhout bringing an.... Bcllon or proceeding. or by I rlftC81v8r appoln'ed by a court and Without reg.rdto ,.... <br />adequacy 0' ItlsecUftty. enler upon and take potleallon of 'he Properly. or Iny par11hereof. In its own name or In the name ofthe' Trultee. and do any.actl which <br />II d..m. nece...ry or dnlrabl. 10 pr858rve lh. \lllue. marketability or rentablhly of Ihe Propert)'. or part thereof or Internt therein. Increase the income <br />ther"rom or protect the security n.r~f Jlnd With Of Without laking pOlJiesslon of thf.' Property sue for or otherWise conect the rents. issues and profjts thereof. <br />IncluCIlf1Q 'hOle Pllt due IInd unpaid. and apply the ,ame, leu COlts and e.penses 0' operauon and collection including attomeys. fen. upon any Indebtedness <br />MCurwd hereby. IU to such order .. Lender mlY' oetermIM8 The sntsnnQ upon and laklno p05S8n1on oi the Propertv. the coll~tion ot such rents. <br />profita.nd the application th.rtlof., .foreuld Ihall not cure or waIve any default at nollce of de'ault hereunder or Invalldale any aC1 done In such <br />def.ult Of put'1IU&n1 to Sue" nohe. of default and notWithstanding the continuance In pouesslon of Ihe Prapenv or the cOllect.on. receipt and .ppl~on of <br />,enla. I....... 01 profitt.. or L.nCler ..hall b@l!Intlll&d 10 e_orCI" t!very rlghr ptovlded ror In any oltht! LOan Inst'uments or bV law upon oecureneeof any <br />....... of cM4auf1. II'tCludllng the n;nt to ...reIN ItIe of lale and <br />ec~ Commence an IcHon 10 torKID'" Ihll Deed at T rusl a, a mortgage apPolnll:l receiver 0' speCifically enforr.eo any at the, nereor. <br />No remed" he'.ln cont...,~ upon or ,".,wed 10 T 'Ult.. 0' l~nder IS Inlendedlo beo ".Clullv", ot an,; olher remedy herein or bV law prOVided or permitted. but each shall be <br />CUfftU..llwtt. aha!1 be In addlUon to .\I.ry oth4r remedy guv." ner..un~er Of now or hete.frer eK1Sl1rlQ 4t IBW or In eQu:ly Of bv st.tute and mly be e..erclHd concurrenU". <br />'~lIy Of .""""""'y <br />10 T.,.... The Tru.t.. 1'1'11)' r.,-on .1 In)' ltmft' wtlhoul ca~,." .nd L.~der m.y alany lime and wI1houl alIUst' appoint" successor Of subStitute T,uIlH TntIIH <br />....... not.. '.abIe 'Of' ."W' IOU 01 ClArn&ge un~1 d~ 10 Acllonable neglIgence 0' wllllul "'1&l:onOuct. an~ shall nol be reqUired 10 lake .any .ctlon In connection With the <br />.worcemen' of 1tI.1 0eecI of Trult un'"1 tn(1emnlheCf "I ,*ulIOQ tor all CO!tl. compenlSlltlon or lupenSl!'1 whlctl may be associated Iht1U!wlth In adOttaoo. Trustee may <br />beCome. purCf\aler.t an"..... of the P'ope1tr I,UOICIII", Uno." the' power ot lIal.., Qrlnted "el'e"o I pOltponr thl' sale of all or any porllon ot the property. a.ptovlcted by.... <br />Of Mil me PrOPllfty .. . whole or In ..perl" pare.'1 Of 10110 <br />t 1 ,...... ~ Upon r~ue.llJ' Borro.., Lllndtt' may ~t Ii. option m..e 8ddlllonallmd t~Jlur... advilncl'SlInd readv.nces to Borrower Sl;ch advances and <br />readv.nces. Wi.h In",", thereon. .hlll '"' te!:urlK1 by thll o..d al f'ult AI no time 'Ihallltte prinCIpII amount 01 the Indebtedness tecured by 11"11. Deed ot Trust. not in- <br />Cluding IUmw acJy_~10Pf"otK1 In. ~url'IY ot thll 0..0 of TrUll e_e.-ellh. otJIjj1lnal pflnClpal.mount ,I..'eo hefeoln 0' S BJ..JUlo...O.D___. Whachevef IS <br />11-* <br />12 ... ~ 1IIM..b-........... <br />e_, ..,......... .--... E..lentlon of the !1m. 'or parment Ot modlhcatlon 01 ImOrlllatlon Or the sums. ucu'ed by nUl Deed Dr Trust V'-"ted by <br />Lanclllr to any aucc;-.or In IOllIr..1 tit 80tfower Ihall nol optlr.te to fal..... In .ny manner 1he ...blllt.,. 01 tne Orl;1081 Borrower and Borrower's luccessors.n <br />Interest l.,., tl\tl1I not M r~U-lrftd to commtmc. ~"OC"d'n;1 aglllnll luctll'tuCcenor or rfl'L.l~ to e.1end 11m" tor parment or OIMfWtM modify amort~lon <br />Of "W luml tK:UfMJ by ItUI ~ of Twit br t...s.on 01 anl' ~m.ndl "'.d4lo bV thf!! Orlg,""l 80n()~r ~nd Bono...", 's,UCt:MiOtS 1M IOteteal <br />(b) ~.Powen. WrthoutaHechnq the "ability Df .'1'1 OI'If'''' ~'~n hab/tllo, 1'" p.ymenl ot anr obligation herem mltf1l1oned.and _lthOut .fftlC1mg <br />1M I.." or c"-r!Qe oft",. Deed '" Trust upon Any portion ot the P'opelrt,; nol (hen or ft1:e-retafor. u,llu.ed as seCU'ltv rOt 1he full.mount of all unpaid ObIt9AbOns. <br />Lencs.t may. 'rom tl"'" to 11mi' end .'lhout not:~. (II r....neany person.o habltt lllllulenellhe mlluflty or Jlltllt, anyo' 'hp.tflrm&ot 8t;y Such obhgaUOntdutl <br />grant other Indu'gene... ~I"'J r...... or recOl1vey or cause 10 De rele.YO or ,econ..ey.d alan" tlll'\(lIal Lendl!lf I optlon..ny parcel portion or 11110' ,he-Property. <br />(w)"or re..... an, oth.. or lJdd,t.onall4JCutlly '6' Iny Obligation her.*" mentioned, Ot lV11 m...e compOloltlons or other .rrang~menl1 With debtors In reIIttOn <br />- <br /> <br />I <br />00 <br />00 <br /> <br />(c) .........'" Lender Not . ........ An.,- b., Lend.,r In eaptCISfllQ .ny- nghl or remedy hereunoer or otherwise .rtoroeo Dy apphcab18 <br />.... shallI not be. ...,war of D' preclude the e..rClle of an., ..uch ,tghl Of remedy TI"II!l prO( ufftrnflnt of mSur..,\ce or the plyment of '._es or 0"'.' hen, or Char.. <br />by Lender ahatl not be . ..1"" of Lender', ught to accet.r.te IhfI ma1uflty 0' lhip Ifld..blednttU MCur~d b,; thl! Deed Of T ruSt <br /> <br />Cd) ~... AaIgnI-...c L....."; Captionl. The co...lmant. and agreements herem c.ontalned shall bind .nca,he not'll!. <br />he!'eundllt shall inure to. the rftPKh.... auccn.ors and 1"IQn.. of LencHIr Ind Borrowe' sublect to 1he prO..ISIOn'5 of paragraph 8 (e. nereo' All Covtmllnll and <br />agr-.menta018ofrow.r IhaIJ beolOtnt Ind Mve'al The Clpllon.and heldlng. at the paragraphl of Ih" Oped 01 Tfust .re tor convenience onlyand I'e n0110be <br />uMd to In1etpreI Of define It'le prOYt...on. her.ot <br /> <br />{.; .........,.,NoUoea. The par1rel httrltby requ..t Ihl' ,. copy 0' anV notIce 01 defaull h",r1!undf.'r and a copy of an, notice ot ute he11!under be malte(] to <br />nch """" to Ih.. Deed of TruII.t 'Ihe addrn.1Mt1 forth Ibo..flln Ihe> manner prl'lCrlbed by applicable I.", E.cepl 'or any alher nollce required un~r apphcab.. <br />... to belJlweft In .nother man.,.r. .oW' notice prDvnJed to, 10 Ihlll>eed 01 T ruat Ihall 'be gtven bv mlllllng luch notice by c:er1,tted mill addressed '0 1M other <br />~, a'l'" adcl_ 1181 fOfth .110.. <br /> <br />My ""'tee ptOWlCle<t for In !h'1 Do<<! of Truaf .hall De d..mttd 10 haw been g'v.n 10 Borrower or Lend.r ..hen gllfttft In tne mannet dntgnated hert!1n <br /> <br />(f) ~ Lender ma., make Of tau.. to be mad. r...onab.. flntfl.. upon an(llnspectlOnl Of the Propen)'. prOYld.., 'hat Laneser .h.n gwe BorrOW1M' <br />notICe lWiDr 10...,. lucIllnll*:Ucm IP8CII~'"\l r....,n.ble ,aUN ther.for r.I.led '0 Lander'1 ,nteresl,n the Properly <br /> <br />tV) A ,~. Upon ot III lums ..cured by thl' Dnd of Trull lltnd.f Ihell reQuel1 Tru.lee to reconvey the P'Op&nYlnd Ih.I1IU"'Itl'\Ctfor <br />,rMt o..d of TfUlt and .It nolo evidenCing lncJ6bleGn... ..cured by Ihll Deed at T ru.' to Tru'lee T rUllee '''111 ,econvtty the Property .IthOul .Irr."t~ -and <br />Wlttoout thet9t to the petton or peBOnllegally .nlll-.:1 Iher"1" Such per.on 0' ppr.on. shill ply III co,tl 01 f'lP'cordahon. I' any <br /> <br />fttt ...................curttw ~t. AI addltlonl' HtUfll~ 'or !tIt! payment or Ihe Notfllll t'.tU"~1 eQulpmenl. and other per.onal pr~r1y uled <br />fnCOnMCrlon wrth tftre ''''0ItI.. 0' ttnp'o~nt'IQrC.lted thereon. and not ofhtlnwl.e dltCllntd 0" dlNlmed to bf!. p.rt of In. rulell.te MCurecl hereby ,hall M <br />.ubfKt to. MlCu,tfy I""'''' .ntlvOf' 01 1M lender undH 1M Nebr..". Uniform CommerCial Cod. Thlllnllrumlltnl .hll' becan.trued.. _ Secuflty AgI"Mfnl8nt <br />uncler HiCI Coda, .nd 1'- LMder ifill" hlV. all the ",~ttl..nd remedl.. 01. _" rM! parf~ under '.'d Code In addltlon,o Ihft r1\lhtl.nCl "'modI" cr_*, undet <br />_ .ccordell lhe Lendef ""r....rn to tlHlI 0lIed 01 T r..., <br /> <br />e,) ......... In ..... -.n' that a", ptOVISlon of tn'l o..d of T ru&t t,onfhcI wllh .ppllclble I.w or Ire dflctlted '"'1fllld or otMrw,.. unen'Ofceebt@. luch <br />conhtt1Of IIt......dflrllh.U nut _Hlelln. 0""" ptO\llllont 0' tni, OMd ot T PUlt or the Noll whlth can t~ glVftf'l ef'flct "'Ithoul Ih. con'llcllng p"O'lilllon, .nd'o 'hll <br />_ Ihe lWOW_ of I". Deed of Tr.... .nd "'" NOle ar. to boI ...orabl. <br /> <br />8orpo.I1 flat ..acllf4ld "'it o..ct of 1 'uat the data ."t"n _bon- <br /> <br />-1#4~ <br />( 5 ,'I' . Adems) 80rro*"r <br />'-.....::..~,f' ) '/ ~. <br />:). '." L../ (/" <br />ILeUM. Ac.:';~j.';nrr~~1 <br /> <br />~.-.-. <br />