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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 103840 <br /> <br />lOIlROWIRI READ 1M1I IE'ORE IIONING: <br /> <br />8orrower. (Tru.tor.) und.r.tand that Ih.documenl lIIallh.Borrowers ar. aboulto..ecut.l.. O..d olTru.tand nola mortgag.and IhAlthO power 01.... provided <br />lor in lhe Deed of Tru.t provld.. .ub.lantlally dill.renl rlghl. and obllgallon.lo lhe Borrow.r.lh.n a mortgag.ln Iho of a d.'.ull Dr br.ach d' obllg.tlon und.rlll. <br />Deecl 01 Trus., Including. bu. nOlllml..d 10. th. Lander's righl to h.... the Real Prop"rIV .oid by Iho Tru.t.. wlthoul.ny ludlclal proceeding Dr foreclo.ur., Borrowers <br />repr....t and wa"anllha. thl. wa. ..llCuted by Ihom belorelha e.llCullon 01 Iho Deed ot Tru.t <br /> <br />i.; <br /> <br />I', <br />to <br /> <br />(fI:;f ~.._, <br />~,r' II /1~,)?Y-/ <br />(Leo M. Adams) Borrower <br /> <br />~:~i, <br />I:::: <br />t.}: <br />[,"1 <br />~1:; <br />~ <br />t~ <br />r,:) <br />t.':: <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMI'LETE ..... porfIon ONLY If IlIe ... properly -.rbed contl.fa ollNDIYIDUALL Y OWNED AORICUL TURAL LAND. <br />If ...,....., contplelo ONLY ONE .._ A. e, Of C: <br /> <br />~{ <br /> <br />o A DlICLo\lMER 0' RIOHT TO DEIIONATIt HOIIEllTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrowerl.lllCknowledgelhallh.y aruboullO ..ecut.lh. following Deed 01 Tru.t upon lhe ollale dBScrlbed therein, The Borrower(.). and eachollllem II <br />mor. tnan one. do hereby disclaim their right to dos'gn.te a t1ome.t..d pursuant Ihereto No part of the homesteld of either of the BorrowerCs, II presently or will in the <br /> situated upon ..Id rea'est.I.. The aolroWitr(l) under.tand Ihat II ellher eatablishe,II homestead on any part of ..aid '..1 ea'lte during the t1melheOeed ofTruat <br />rematn. unuti....d Ind.. hen upon said rea. estate. there.hlll b. no fight to mike a deslgnallon at homestead In the event of. foreclOlure or tru.tee...... with respect to <br />Mid Deed 01 T ,us, <br /> <br />o B WAlftfI Of' RIOHT TO DElIGNATE HOMUTItAD: <br /> <br />ThII Borrower(l}aeknow'-dge that they .re.bOut 10 execute the followeng Deed 01 Trust upon the rea! estate deKribed therein The Borrower{s). and .Ichof lhem af <br />more Ihan one. do hereby wllv.thelr nghllo designate a homestead pursuant Iherelo Th@ Borrowerls) lmderSllnd that they nave the right to make a designation of <br />homu,..d and IMl by ..Kullng tn.. waiver. they .re wllVlng rI~hl5 orherwlse a...allable for the purpose of affording them the oppOr1UOIty to rellln lhelr "omHlud in the <br />IYenI 0' . default upon the Oeect of Trust <br /> <br />o C DUlGMATION Of' HOIIElTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursulnt to the Falm Homestead Protection Acl (Section 7&- 190' at seQ Rew'tled Statutel of Ihe Stlte of Nebraska). the Borrower(sl. do hereby design.te.he real <br />propef1y deKrtbed tn ItMI "OesJvnahon at Ho",el'.ad~ Anached hereto ana Incorporated herein by Ihls ",Ierence <br /> <br />~~: <br />i~" <br />e, <br /> <br />Borrow"r <br /> <br />Borro..r <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEEO OF TRUST ,.m'~.4S0"h. 15th,yul J.uly ,988 byand.manglh.T.usta. Shirley H. Adams, <br />-LJIIarrled persan,_&..LeoM. Adams. her husband m.,"nQ 01212.0.... l$lLS_tJl9-~(;ILA~rand_ <br />Isla!:l~L.Jt~_Ji88~nhe'8m 80"0_' 1 Ih. Tru'lee WJlllam Ci. Blackburo# amember_oLthe..NE StJ!!tf!! Bar Assoc. <br />w""""maJljng.lldr".,._e.,-Q.,eQ~ ~,280. Cirand Island, NE 688D~-2280 _''_ (h<or8m-T'u"ee"l <br />ondlhe o.nelocoary, ..ElY.e.-Points Bank - ,--, ------- <br />""'OIOIm.,hng_....,. .15,07. Grand Island. NE 68802-150.7 -- the",m-Under"] <br /> <br />FOA YAlUABLE CONSIDER" liON locludlllg fht~ mdf1lJtrOneu Idf1'.'lhtlcd h(,,..m ..nd tro"" "tI,..,." trOlled thp ,ecelpt 01 which IS nerebv aCllnowl~oe<l. Borrower <br />"-'ebV 1".VOClbly 'Oran',. tr.nller" conveys ..nil aUlgns.1o TfU!lIt'l~ IN fRUS T WI T H POWER OF SALE lor the hpnfll'lllIn(J 86CUflly or lender under Ina SUbJeCl'O t!\e <br />lerms.nclI condl'lon. nerem.rlltl Nt fOl1h tI1e 'ell pruper'~ de&crlb~ U loIlO*f1 <br /> <br />Lot Six (6L Block One (1 L in Brentwood Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island. <br />Hall County, Nebraska, except a tract conveyed in Survivorship Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 87-106755. <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />Together With III bUilding. Imp,ov.menls. I,..tures. streets alley!! passageways ellemonta tlghtr.. prtlilloges and appurtltnances. located t....reon or In .nVW'1II <br />pertatl'lmg thefeto. and ,he rentl, Illue. and prohll. 'ever.lonl Ind" thereof including but not limited 10 heating and coohng eqUipment ..nd such person.wl <br />prooeny 1M1.. attached 10 tMlmp(o....m.nll.O a. to COnltltule. flatur", and togetner wllh tne homestead or marttal "ltcrests., ,t an.,., whlcn tntere"I.reftereby reltt..sed <br />and~; .not whH:h.lncluCItnO ,.plae.emenl. and ..ddlllOIHI Ih.'elo II nereny declared 10 be II part 01 the real cs1ate M!cured b.,.the hen ot thll 0ePd ot Trus' BOO..1I 0' IhtJ <br />lOfegOfng befna 'alefled to .....,n ..lIle "properly" <br />Thill Deed of TI~IIh.1I SKur. ta~ U,."' of Ihe pnnclpa' sum and mterest eVIUenced by Borrower 'S nOl" .andtor credit Igreement d.ted 07-15-8l <br />_____, hlvmg. m.lurrty dlteof _ 08-01-2004 ,_ '" 1M o"gmol p"nc.p.1 .moun' 01 s_8.ll._0JUl._OJ__ and any .nd.lI <br />rnocftftCaftOn.. .RIen"ons and reMWlf. therltO' Of U\eut10 and any ..nd all futur" .chane.. and ,eadlilnC8S herU'under purlulnt to OFJ8 0' morl! promi!l~ry n01es or crechl <br />119''''''''''' C"".'n ClUed "Hm."J. (b) th41 "..."..ntol Olt'\el lum.ldvanced by Lender 10 prolecllfle !lecurlty of the Note leI the per'ormance III cowenlntsInd agrMmen' <br />of eortowttf Nt torth her..n..nd fd'ltllndebledn... and obligation. of Sorrower 10 lend"r _helher dlrecl Indlteoct. flblolute or contlngenl find whether .rlSlng by nole <br />g....llftty. _1ltef1 or _.," <br />e""ower. ro Pf' NCU,ny ot ChJ'" Oetrd 01 TrUll, coven.nt. and .9'"' with lt~nder I. 'ollow~ <br />, ...-. ................1MIreIl. Borrow., .".11 pmmpll., paV wnen dUff the pnnclP.1 01 and IOlerlll' on, IInd Bny tee. Of chlroel prnv,deO In tne Note or In 'hi. <br />o.cI 01 ,. fUll <br />2 ~.I!IOfto.., ,"IheO.,,..r of Itw ,t.!".,ty. ".I.he noht and luthoul., '0 convey the Propert" and Ihlllln, lien crltaled httreby IS I tltlt IIndpflOf he" on <br />t.... Property. e.cepI" mly DlNrWI.. bIi HI 'orth I,.,..n, .nd the ....r.utlon and OfJllvery of thlt O..d ot Trult does Il0IVIOII't1 In.,. con,rect or O'her obliglllon 10 *h\ch <br />1Ior,_.. ~I <br />3 ,-..... U II ..., To ply when dueo all'a..I. ,peel.I.I.llment. Ind all ot"I' ch.,V'" aglln.' Ihe Property And upon .tllU," dftmAnO by lender '0 "8'V '0 <br />L~ tuCh ItmOUfti 115 1ft.." r... _uff,cl."IIO .nlb.. Ihe Lender to PAY .uch I..... ......menta m other charge' II they beCome dUfI <br />.' ~. to.wp ,n. Pro~rlr Ifl.ured 198mll darnlgtll by flrll. ".,l,,,,.,nch",*d wUhm In. '.rm "..'endeO coverage' In" such 0'''''' hlllnJa I. Ll(!lndf" mav <br />requ"e. In amount. and KceptlbJtt 10 lendtlr. .ud wllh lOll PI....b.. to ttw lender In calM 0' lOll uno.' luth pollCIS' the LIl'Ildl" " luthOrlled to .(flll!!1 <br />eotIitet _net C01f\11t01.,U", I" claim. ttter.untktl .,Id ,hill tt...." the option at .pptylhQ'U or p.rt 0' thlt" ot'ocltffd' 11.11) any mdt>btpdr"l'lu IJIIflC uft,d ht'rt~by lint} 1M 'Ut;t'I <br />old., .Il.ndt!f 111.'" cStu.,mtn.. 4tttlO tl\, B,or'o..' to be uMd for the ''''.11 0' ,.ltal.'Il:," of Ihe Prot)e1ty Of lllll for In" OU't!it purpotB nr obltt(" IUIt1IJIIIC1ol\"0 \ I'ndf'1 <br />..l1t\ou1.U~fln.go IhtI...,. of \~l, DHd ot 1 rutlt for Ihe rull amounl MC.urft(j htUllbv before auch PI.,.",,,,,t "liftl look pileD ,l\n~ appllcntlc"" of DrD("pfodll 'n 1Il{,,,tl,...d!\f~M fI.,,.1\ <br />t\(It ...tend Df pottD()nfr ,.... dUll diM 01 In, plyment' und.' thl NOli. or cur'" 1I0V d.r.ull Iht'f1!Illndn' 0' hflftl,mdl'l <br />S III l. U *,MM1 .....,. .... C......ene. ..... l.... OOHOW.,r .hlll ItHP thl! PrOl.lifHty In QOor.1 t o"rj,!fo" find ff'~~!'1t lJ"ttll l-ll"n\Il'I~ '1'"'''' I" .,."1,,,\ f' ""'t <br />lm.ruov......nt wh.en m.y be 01 del-lIo".d thlll not co,,,,nll or ""'rlmllll",!, WAflt, r,l d..ll&'IOlnllOn l)llhiP ""0(""'''- ,hlalllll"I"'''lfI~''' L1t\I'Hl'lll,t'.\l lI.\lt,,,I,,,"I..I'.. "!1m <br />I"., ot 'hi! tmpfDvetNtftt. on "'1. Properly .hlllt not com'oJ! lutte" t), Dft'trllt Iny n.el ta bedQf'li!' If' 0' uron Ihfll P'l"1pt:"'l' ," v.eI141.nn 1'11111"," '1'1"" .1/.I.n"'I\" ,.. 'l'lJt"l'I'ln" A"<l <br />'PlA"tJ., .f'ld ""I)""'"Ily ChttNrQfl.1 tJorrower I tOII."O ".pt,"'" ,lIll.'lt QnCurflbr.n[':ItI.",1 r.~'.fO"b Ift",'"' '."Il"1I"r1 ,'0' "~""''O:''I'''l.aUtJlrl.1 I"''' I"nll""~ nr It"" I'l'l' I Ihro.,o.,I <br />