<br />88- 103835
<br />
<br />DIED OF 'IUS' Kerry W. Andrews and Linda J.
<br />THIS DE~D OF TRUST, mode this 15th doyof Jul V , 19~ by ond among Andrews. husband and wife.
<br />whose mailing oddntss Is 2523 Jan St.. Grand Island. Nebr. 68802 ,
<br />(herlin "Trustor"h and filii tlAlIOIW..... & 1IUSI COMPA.' III AU_A, whosl mailing address is 1101 17th Strlet, Aurora, Nebraska
<br />68818. (herelll "Trust.... ond '1JeneflcIory"), 1
<br />FOR VALUABlE CONSIDERATION, including the indebtedness indentified herein and the trust herein creattld. tM receipt of whidlls hereby
<br />acknowleciged,Trustor ifTllVOcobly grunts. transfers. cOllVeys. ond ouivns to Trust.., IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and
<br />security of 8eneflclory, llIIdtr and subjed to the ttmlS ond conditions of this Deed of Trust. the real property dl$cribed as folio"',
<br />
<br />Lot Six (6), Block One (1), in Jenkinson Subdivision,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WitH. all rents. profits. royoll'ls, income and other benefits c1erind from tM reo! property, oIll""ses or 5ubleoses covering tM
<br />reol property or any portion thenof. now or hereoftll' .listlng or ",tered Into, and all rlQht. tltll and interest of Trustor therwunder: 011 in-
<br />terlsts. IStat. or other claims. both in low and in equily. whkh Trustor now has or may herloft.r acquir. in tM reol property: aU eosaments.
<br />rights-of,way. t"""""ts. hereditOllltllts and oppurtenonc:es thereof ond ther.to, all ail and vos righll and profits, water rights and water
<br />stack, all right, tit" ond inter.st of Trustor, now owned or herlOrtll' acquired. in and to any land lying within the right-ilf-woy of any strellt or
<br />highway odioininv the reo! property. any ond on buildings. Ii.tures. Improvements. and oppurt_'5 now I)( hereafter er.cted thereon or
<br />belonging ther.to. lherein referred to os "'mprovement" or "tmprovements"I, and any and 011 awards mode for the tolling by eminent domain
<br />or by any pracHdino I)( purdlosa in lieu IherlOf. of the whole or any port of the real property,
<br />AU of 1M forfllOing .stat.. property oneIlnterest hereby conv.yed to Trustee her.in collectiv.ty ref.rred to as the "Property".
<br />THIS elm OF TRUST 9lAll 5KUIlE I
<br />
<br />~~Yr~t..o~~~~~_~~~~-:~:~!~~~~!_~~e_a~!~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_s:':s ~~~~~~~~and and I.
<br />
<br />t.ther with Interest at the rot. or rot IS provided ther.in. (her.in. togelher with any and all r_wols. modifications, and Illlensions thereof.
<br />r.ferred to os 1M "Not.'" both principal oneI interest on the Note being payable in accordonc. with the terms set fl)(th t"".in, refll'll'lCI to
<br />which Is her~ mode. the fino! payment of principal and lnlerest. if not sooner paid and If no r_wols. modifications I)( .dll'lsians or. mode,
<br />due ond payable on __, August 1st, 2013 '___~"~~_ ' :
<br />Ibl The performonc. of 10th agreement and cov_t of Trustor herein contained; and
<br />(cl The poyment of any sum I)( sums of monItY with Intll'lSt thereon whkh may be hereafter poid or advanced under the terms of this Oe..d ot
<br />Trust.
<br />Idl The payment of ony future odvances necessary to protect the wcurlty or any fulure advance mode 01 the option of lhe porties, and
<br />III The performance of on obligation of any other person '*Md in this Tru5t Deed to 0 b_ficiory,
<br />I. ,.,....."........ ,-,,,,.t, Trustor sholl promptly pay when due tM principal of and Interllt on the indebtedness evidented by the
<br />Not.. and oil ather charges oneI fHs os provided in the NoI., and the principal of and Interest 0" any Futur. Advances wcured by this Deed of
<br />Trus' .
<br />2. ......, ..1ltIe. Trustor is Iowfully seized and poss.ssed of good and indefeasibl. title and estate to Ih. Property heRby conveyed and
<br />hat the right to grallt and convey the Property, the Property is free and clear of 011 liens and encumbronc"5 e.c\!flt tiens now of r.cord, oneI
<br />Trustor wiD -.ont oneI defend the title to the Property oguinst 011 cloims and demands,
<br />3. .....JIIIIU. .. C. 41..u wItIt In.. Trustor shall h.p the Property in Oood condition and repair and sholl not commit wast. I)( permit
<br />irnpoirlllln1 or deterioration of the Property and sholl cOllijily with the provisions of any Ilose if thi5 DHd of Trust is on 0 leo5ehold. No improve.
<br />IIIIn1 now I)( hereofter <<.c'ed upon the Property shall be altered. removed or demolished without the prior wrlll'" consent of &-fitiory
<br />Trustor IhoII comply with all lows. ordinoncll. reoulatlons. cavloont5. conditions and restrictions olf.ctlng the Property and not c_it. 5uffer,
<br />or permit IIIIy act to be done in or upon the Property In violation of any low, ordinance. reoulolion. cov.nant. condition or restriction TruJlor
<br />thoIf Compl.tl I)( restor. promptly and In OOod worlImonIik. manner ony Improvement on the Property which may be darnooed or dlStroyed nnd
<br />pay. when due. 011 cloims for Iobor perfl)(med and materials furnished ther.forl and fl)( any olterotions therlOf,
<br />., ....... Trus'or. at Its ..pense, will maintain with Insurors approv.d by Ben.flclary. Insuranc. with respect to the Improvements and
<br />pt!I'sonaI property. constituting the P"operfy. ooainst loss by fir.. Iighlning. tornado. and other perils and hazords covered by standard ..Iended
<br />coyer. endorsement. in CII1 amount equal to at Ieost one hundred perCII'lt of tho full replotlinent value thereof oneI insuranc. oootnsl such
<br />other hazards ond In such amounts os is customarily corrltd by o_s and operotl)(s of !imular properties or as Ilentfkiory may requlr. for ils
<br />prot.ction. Tru!tor will comply with such ot"" requir"","ts a! Beneficiary may from tlm. 10 time request for th. protection by insurance 01 lilt>
<br />1ntll';S" of the respt<tiv. portles, Ail InSlll'orlC' polid" maintained pursuont to thl5 Deed 01 TrU!t Jhall nome Truttar ond 8eneficiary 05 in
<br />surtds, OS ,heir r''PICtlv. interes" may oppel)(. and provld. that there shall be no canctllollon or mbJlflCIIllon withoul no Il!u 'han 1 ~ dny'
<br />prior _1"111 notification 10 8eMflclory, In the "en' OIly polity hereunder is nol ,enewed Of' or before I ~ dIJY5 prior 10 in e.plrohon do..
<br />lenelidory may procur. such I"Juranc.l" accl)(donce with the provisions of porooroph 1 hereof T,u,'or "1lI1i dellv., In 8.n.firiOlY thl! miQlIllll
<br />polic~s of l"turancelJnd r__ls thertal or memo copl.. of tuch policl" nOO ,"t'M1wul! th..r.n! fnillK' 'n 'IIIfli5h "Kh 1"""nl1<' by Ir",'m 01
<br />r_-" os requlrfld....1tUI'ldM ,holl, Dill.. oplion of &.tMflcio. y, cDrnll'"I. 0 dtPflJlJl.
<br />