<br />
<br />(I Year Tr.asury Ind.x-Ral. Caps)
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />103800
<br />
<br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER ismad.lhis 13 day of July ,19~,
<br />and is incorporaled imo and shall be deemed to amend and supplemem the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Sccurily Deed (the "Sccurity
<br />In.mument") of the same date given by Ihe undersigned (the "Borrowcr") to secure Borrower's Adjuslable Rale Note (Ihe "Nole") to HOME
<br />FEDERAL SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA (lhe "lender") of the same date and covering Ihe
<br />properly dacribcd in the Security Instrum.nt and located at:
<br />
<br />1740 South Ingalls, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />(Properly Addr.ss)
<br />
<br />TbIs ao'" eoalal. prorillona aDowlaa far ehaaaa la my la_I ra'" aad my mODlbly
<br />paYIIlCDls, This nole allo IImlls IIIe amnunl my Inle",,1 rale can ehaoae al anyone dme and
<br />aIJo IlIe mlnlJDam aad tile mulmum rale 1 mUll pay.
<br />
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS, In addition to [he covenanlS and agreemCJ11S made in the Security Instrum.m. Borrower and lender
<br />fUrl her covcnanl and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />Th. No[e provides For an initial inlerest rate of __ . '1'0, Scctlon 4 of th. Not. provides For ehanges in the interest ralc and m.,
<br />momhly paymenlS, as Follow~:
<br />
<br />IAI C..... Dalft
<br />Tht-interc:st rat. I will pay mar chang. on Ih. fi"l dar of AUqust , 19~, and on lhalday....ery
<br />tl,fCII ll,€t _~_ month!. thereafter. Each dale on which mv inleresl rate could change l~ caJled a "Chall8c Dale."
<br />
<br />1111 TIw lade,
<br />8qcinnins with [h.lilSl Change I>at., my mter..t rale will be bued on an Indo.. Th. "Ind.." is the ""celli)' aver... yidel on Uniled S1810
<br />Treasury ICCUntio adjuSled 10 a conSlanl maturilY of I year, as made avaHabl. by lbe Fedoral Roe",'. Board. ~ mosl recrnl Indo. filure
<br />available a. of Ihe dat. 4~ days beFon. .ach Chanl' Oal. i. called lhe "Currem Index,"
<br />If lbe Ind.. " no lonl" llv'ailable, Ihe NOI< Holder will chooM' a new indo. which ;. baJ<d upon comparable information. Th. NOle
<br />Holdor will ajy. me noUL" of Lhi> choice,
<br />
<br />10 Cakwlal!ool or c......
<br />BeFon. c:ach ClIaDI. Oale, lbe Note Holder will caleulat< my IlC'W inl....l ral. by addina twn .\ one/ha 1 f percml&l\C
<br />poinl'l~__~__'" to lheCurrenllndc. aDd roundinl 10 Ih. near..1 1/8th of I~" 'Ub)C:CIIO Ih. Iimils 5UUed in Section 4(D) bdow,
<br />Thi. rounded amount will be my ""' mlaesl ral. unlillbe nc~1 Chan.. Oal.,
<br />Tht- NaIr Holder ..ill lhen ck!orminc 11M: amounl of lh. monthly pa)'rtltnl Ihal would he .uffi...m 10 repay in full IIIe principal I un
<br />e.peeled 100"'" on Ihal Chana. Oal. in .ub.lanl~lIy equal paym.nt. II)' Ih. I08tunly dal. AI my nev; inlernl ral., Tbe resull of Ihis cakulalion
<br />""111 be lbe n... amount of my momhly "aym.nl,
<br />
<br />!OI Ualb 011 la_ RaIeChlltla
<br />TIle inlcral ral. I am r<Quired 10 ray at Ih. finl Otanae Oal. will nol bt 1f<'81a lhan 13.5 .. or Icis than
<br />"0. Tht:r.afta, my mlerot ral. WIll 0...... bt incr<'8>ed or decreaw:d on any llnaJe Cban.e Dat. II)' IIIOn tban h.lI'l p<>rr-pnt-
<br />hom Ih. rale of inter"l I h...e betn rayln. For Ih. prc:cedms 1...1.. monlbs. TIle minimum int.rcsl rale on lhi.loan willllC>'et' bt
<br />Ie.. Ihan _-.1....Q_ _ .._~.. and tht ma.umum Inl.,..1 ral. ",iIl"",,<r bt grc:alc1lhan _ 13.5 ..,
<br />
<br />'~f:9
<br />
<br />lEI t:tf<<lh~ na'" of Ozuaa
<br />My IIC'lIlI internl rut. 110',11 ba:om. .rrCIL11.. on tach Chans. Oalt I wtll pay th. amount of my new monlhlr paynterll besinnina on lbe finl
<br />monlhly paymenl date all.' lbe Otan.. Oat. until I"" &mounl 01 my' monlhly f'.I)mmt chanaa apin,
<br />
<br />It) Notb or ClIlu8n
<br />The Note Holck! ""ill mati or deli,., 10 In< a nOlle< btFor. c:ach Cban.. Oatt, The nouce will advi... m. of:
<br />III lbe ncw ml.res' nUt on my loan lU 01 lilt Chanle I>a[<;
<br />Iii) Ih. amounl of my monthly paymenl follmoin, tho Chan,. Oat<;
<br />liii) _ny additional mall.rs which lbe NOI. Holder" r<Qulled 10 diw:I"",; and
<br />(I") Iht addreu or flac as.wciation you could coman rq::ard1rll an) qUeillon. aboullhc iIIdjultmeru notiC%_
<br />
<br />.. CHARf;t1i; IJt:'liS
<br />Uniform CO..1Wl14 of Ih. s...'Ullly' In.lrumenl "am<nded 10 read lU folio..,
<br />
<br />4. a.r.n; UnI, Borm"'er ,halll'llY all la.", , "'....ment., and other chuso, noc., and imposiliolU anribul8b1t 10 Iht Property ...hich ma)'
<br />,"air:: a priorily o.er lhi. Seamly "utrument, and I....hold payment> of Jlfound ...nts, if any, in 11M: manner provided under parllraph 2 I..rrof
<br />or, if DOl paid In .uch manner, by Dorra",er mallm. JlII)'D1.nt, ...hen due, dir<Ctll. 10 th. ""yee tbereoF. Borro...er shall promptl)' Furnish ltnd<:r
<br />all notil:t> of amounts due und.. .hll par..,..ph, and in tbt ......nl Borrower ,hall mall. JlIIyment dir<Ctly. Borrower .haIl promptly Fuml,h 10
<br />Lender r~pt. tviden<:inS .uch paymenl'. BonOVoer .han promptly discharl. an)' Ii... ",'hleh hlU priorily o\.er thi~ 5<<urilY In.uumenl;
<br />howcvt:r. Borrower .hall not be '<quired to d''lChar.. an)' .ueh h.n 10 lonl as Borra""e1: (al shall ......, in wrililll 10 tbe pay1tlCfl1 of Ih.
<br />obtiption oocured by such lien in Ibt manner acceplabl.lo Lender: (bl >hall in ,oad Fallh mnltsl ,ueh li.n by, or ddmd .pinsl mforct'\J\ent or
<br />sud1lic:n in,lqaI proccedJna> which in the optnion of lendtr ope:rale 10 pr..mllbt .nF,,,crm.nl or Ih.lien or forfcilUrt of lbe I'roperly or anj
<br />parllhereor; OIl.' shall M'CUIt from the hokler of meh Ii.n an a,rttmenl In a fonn sAmlaClory to'L.nder ~ubordin.lina .uch Ii... 10 thl'
<br />Secvrlly IMUumenl,
<br />J( 1.cndcr dcttrminn Ihal all or any pan of lhe Prope:tly i. ,ubJect to a lim which mal altarn a priorilY Oyer Ihl' s..:urill. In>lnlln<l1l,
<br />1.mdeI' "'-II .."'e 1I0lrow<1 a nOlI<< IdentiFyin. mch Uen. Borrowa .Iulll ulisfy .uch lI.n or lalle on. or mort of th. a,'1lon, M't Forth ,00\',
<br />within 1m dlY' of the ,loin. or the ROtkr.
<br />
<br />(:, Nfmcr.
<br />Uniform CO\'i'IUlnt 14 ollbe s...:umy Inmumenl Is an~nded 10 read 11\ Follo..'s:
<br />
<br />14, ~,".ccrt lor IlllY "oU,,, '<Q.urtd under applicablt I... to bt .h'en In anal her mann.r, ro, any not".. to norfl1"''' p"wlded for m Ihl'
<br />s...:u.l1y IlKltUftlC'tlI '''IU lit ,hr'l b) d~lh..jn.11 or by mailln,,, b,' nISI cia.. mail 10 Ik.nower allh. "rnl'Cfl,' A,ddr.., or &1 ,,,,'h "Ihtr ..M.."
<br />a, HorfO'ltC1' rna,.lln:"rlI.Irr b" nllUL''f ro I,cndt:'r.., pruvtdr-d hrrnn. and rh) an.,. nolJl."t to ..(l1dn ,hall he- ':'''t'n ", fint .:11.\11 m.11 h\ I C'ude""
<br />aLklre1lJ 'lalrd hntjn (~ 10 '\Jc:h nlht. IcJd,C'" 11\ LrruJtt 1M,. dt.\i,fUIlr ~y onUtt 10 ItottllWrl At. pru\'uJrd he-u'tn .\rn I\UU~"t f111.1\1lh."...J ",' III tht...
<br />~u'iI, 'n\UUnXUI ,hAU nt J<<tnC"d lu h.".f' ht~n ~.\.nl'(1 KUft(nkC'f m I.fndrr aMn .,\C'O tn Ihe' ntannrl de\.,rllllrt.1 h(,'t"1II
<br />