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<br />103800 <br />T88- <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lendl!r further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Aeeeleradoo; RelMdiea. Leader sbal1 live aodce to Borrower prior to acceleration followinK Borrower's <br />breac:b of uy coveaaat or qreemeat fa this Security laltnuaeat (but DOt prior to acceleradoa under parqrlIpbl 13 ud 17 <br />uaI_ applicable law proYldea odlenrlle), ne notice sbal1 specify: (a) die default; (b) the actIoa required to cure the <br />default; (c) a date, not'" daaD 30 days from the date the nodce Isllftll to Borrower, by wbicb the default must be cured; <br />ud (d) tIuIt failure to are the defaalt 00 or llefore die date spedfted In the aoUce may renlt In acceleration of the SUDII <br />IetIInd by thII Secuity IllItnUIIeIlt aad sale of the Property. De aoUce sbal1 further laform Borrower of the ript to <br />nInItate after acceIeradoo IIId die ript to briq a coart actIoa to aaert the aoa-eldstence of . default or any other <br />defease of Borrower to acceJeratIoo IIId ale. If die defaa1t Is Dot a.1red on or before the date .peclfted In the DOtice. Leader <br />at hi _00 may ....-Ire lnulIediate pymeat Ia filii of all ..... secured by thII Security lIIItnuDeat without further <br />deruIItI ud ..y lavoke die power of ale ud an)' other remedies permUted by applicable "W, Leader sbal111e ..UtIed to <br />collect all ftIIeJIIII Iacarred la panulaK the I'CIIIedIea proYIded In thII parqrapb 19, lacludi.... but DOt limited to, <br />reuoab1e attomeys' feel ud COltS oIdtle eYIdeMe. <br />If the power Of ale Is "YOked, Truatee sbal1 record . notice 01 default In each county In wbich any part of the <br />Pro,erI)' 1s1ocatell ud ....11 mall co,Iea of IlIcb IIOtlce In the IUDIICI' preaaibed by applicable "W to Borrower ud to the <br />other ...... preICl'ibed by appIlcaItIe ..... After the time required by applicable Ja.., Trustee "'allllve public notice of <br />ale to the perIiIIIII ud ill die maaHI' prescribed by applicable ..... Truatee, without dellWld oa Borrower, shall sell the <br />Pro,erty at pablle: ncdoa to the blpest bidder at the tlllIe and p1ace &lid WIder the terIDI deslpated la the aotice of sale In <br />OM or .ore IIlIIftIa aad In auy order Truatee detenDJnes. Trustee may;MJltpoae ale of all or uy parcel of the Property by <br />paltUe 81111C1t1DCft1et at tile tlllle aad place of u)' prerio....y ICIleduled sale, Leader or Its deafpee may pardIase the <br />PI'O(IIrtJ at ..y sale. <br />U,. receipt of pIIymeat of the price bid. Trustee sbal1 deliver to the purdlaser Trustee's deed CODve)'iaa the <br />........,.. 11Ie redtall In the Trustee'. deed sball be prima fade eridence of tb~ trutb 01 the ltatemeats JD8de thereiII. <br />TI'IIItee....1I apply the proceeds of the sale in the follomK order: (a) to all eIl~ of the ule. iacludiq, but IIOt JiJDlted <br />to, TIWtee'. feel as penaitted by applicable "W IIId ~...., attorae)'I' fees; (b) to allllUlllll seeured by this Security <br />I~ uti (d..)' ellcell to tile perIOD or ~ lepI1y eatitlecl to It, <br />10. Leeder ill ~oa, Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of Ihe Property. Lender (in <br />penon. by .gent or by Judicially appointed rec:eiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, lake possession of and manage the <br />Propeny and 10 collec:t the rents of Ihe Property includinllthose past due. Any rents collec:led by Lender or the receiver <br />sh41l be applied lint 10 payman of the C05ts of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not <br />limited 10, feCe1ver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable anorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />21. a-ft)'UCL Upon payment of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Secunty Instrumenl and all notes evidencinK debt secured by this Security <br />Instrument 10 Trustee, Truslee shall rec:onvey Ihe Property withoul warranty and wilhoUI charge to Ihe penon or persons <br />Jqally entitled to it. Such penon or persons shall pay any recordation costs, <br />n. s.MdbIte Tnsaee. Lender, at ilJi option, may from time to lime remove Trustee and appoint a succeuor truStee <br />10 any Tl1lttee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which Ihis SecurilY Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conweyancc 0( the Property. the $U4;CCIIOI' trustee ~I succeed to "I the htle, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable Jaw, <br />D. ....... ,., Nodcea. Borrower reqUCltl that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent 10 Borrower's <br />addreM whICh is the Property AddreM, <br />J4. ..... to ~ SlnrttJ ......... If one or more ridcn are ellccuted by Borrower and recorded toaetha' with <br />thIS Secunly h.lrumtJlt. Ihe covenanu and qreementr< 0( each r.uch rider .haIl be Incorporated into and shall amend and <br />wJll*mmt the ccwawtts and qrecmcnu, of this Security Instrumenl as if Ihe nder(s) were a pan of this SecurilY <br />IlIICrumnll. (Cbeclr. applicable boll(a)) <br />c:! Adjustable R.te Rider [J Condominium Rider 0 2-' Family Rider <br /> <br />::J Graduated Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unit Dadopment Rider <br /> <br />z= Other(s) [specify) Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SIGNING Bnow, Borrower aa:epts and ~ to the terms and covenants conwned In thIS Secunty <br />='wm_Y_.'__..~_w~...........~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'................. ..:tTl.o....d:lQ.." .~,_..".,~~,......,....,...........(Seal) <br />lYlarsha K. Trc.:ell ....ear- <br /> <br />S1 A 11: OF NEBlASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />COUnly 55: <br /> <br />On this 13 day of July ,19 88. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified forsald county, personally came James H. Truell and lYlaI'sha K. Truell <br />Husband and Wi fe ' 10 me known 10 be the <br />identical penon,s) whose name{s) are ~ub5Cribfd 10 the foregoinl inslrum~nt and acknowledled Ihe t',ecution <br />thereof to be thei r voluntary act and deed, <br />Witnn, my hand and notarial !It'al at Grand ls land, Nebraska in said COUnly, the <br />dlte ar oresaid, <br /> <br />My Commi :en <br />WIlli.... L MCLfUAN <br />, , '. W, I."",,. U~ ."t 12. <br /> <br />......./" '" <br /> <br />,0i:(~:~,'.~.,(1ZXP~ <br />Notl" f'ut'lhl. <br />EST FOR RECONVEY ANCE . <br /> <br />To Tal;su,F;' <br />Tht undtnl.ntd 1\ Iht holder or Ihe nOle Ilr not(', '('cured 11)' Ih" Decd nr Tr"" 'illld nnlc '" 11I>lC' , llI~c'hcl <br />wllh all "Ihel Indtbledn('" \clured by Ihh Dt'ed "I TIlUI, ha'c "un ('lIld In filII ""Ll atr hCIl"" dorc",'d II' .1111",1 'iIld <br />nol(' 0' note<l and Ihl' l>l~('d 01 1,u\1. which IIrc d('I1'(',ed hcrcl..., IInd In IrU'n\"" \\111"'"1 \\ all all 1\ , "lIlhr r'lalr <br />nOl" held b~ you undt' ,1m Ikt'd or T,u,1 10 Ihe ('CI\OIl 01 ('CI\Ont Ic~all\ rlltlllCl.i lhctCIlI. <br /> <br />(JIIC <br />