<br />'.
<br />
<br />103737
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condilion of making the luan secured by this Security In-
<br />strument, Borrower shall pay rhe premiums required ro maintain the insurance in effecr until such time as a requirement for
<br />rhe insurance terminares in accordance with Burrower's and Lender's wrinen agreement or applicable law,
<br />8. Inspection. lender ur irs agent may make reasonable enrries upon and inspectiuns of the Property, Lender shall
<br />give Borrower norice ar the time of ur prior [() an inspection specifying rl';ls'lOable cause for rhe inspection,
<br />9. Condemnation, The proc.,.,c.ls uf any award ur claim for damages, direcr or cunsl'quential. in cunnectiun with allY
<br />cundemnarion or urher taking "f any part of rhe Pruperry, or for wnve}'ance in Ioeu of wndemnariun, arc hereby assigned and
<br />shall be paid [() Lender,
<br />In rhe l'vem of a roral taking of rhe Pruperry, Ihe proceeJs shall bt' ,'pplied 111 the sums seL'ured by rhis Sewrity
<br />Inslrument, whether llf nUl then due. wirh any excess paid ro Borrower. In tlu'l'vl.nt of a parriallakin~ of rhe ProperlY, unless
<br />Borrower and Lender lItherwise agree in wriring. rhl' sums ,,"('ureJ by Ihis Sewrlry Insrrument shall be reduced by rhe amoum
<br />of rhe procecds multiplied by rhe fullowinglranllln: (a) Ihe roral ..moum ot rhl' SUI11S sel'ured immediarel)' before taking,
<br />divided b)' ib) rhe lair markcr \'aluc of Ihe Properry immediarr:ly bt,lorl' rhl' lakmg, ^ny balance shall be paid ro BorrO\\er,
<br />If the ProperlY is abandoned b}' Borrower, or Ii, aller nollll' by 1.l'nde, 111 Borrower Ihar tlu' uIlldemnoroffers ro make
<br />an award or serrlc a claim for Jamages, Borrowl'r tads ro ,espond 10 1.l'ndl-' wllhm ~u days alrer rhe dale Ihe nurice is gi\'en,
<br />Lcndcr is aurhurizcd ru colleCl and apply Ihe pllKeeJ5,.1I liS opllon, '-Irh<cr 10 r"S1or,lt"lO or repair of the ProperlY or 10 rhe
<br />sums st'wred by rhis Securily Inslrumelll, whetlwr or no' Ihell du,'
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower orherwlS" ag[(,"(' In Wlllln~, anI' applllal"lll ot pllK,'eds ru principal shall nor exrend or
<br />poslpone rhe due Jalc of rhe momhly payments rderr,-d III "' par.l~raphs I and 2 or l'hange rhe amuum of such payments,
<br />Ill. Borrower NO! Releued. Forbearance By l.en,ler NUl a Wai\'er. EXlension of Ihe time for paymem or
<br />modiflCaliunof amurrizatiun uf Ihe sums secured by Ih" Selullt)' Instrullll:nt granlt:J by 1.1'mler rll any successor in inter",1 ul
<br />Burru..'er shall nor operall' to rell.'ase Iht'liablllty ul rh,' ""J(lnal norrower lIr nurruwer's SUlcessurs 111 interesr,l.ender shall
<br />nut be required IOcumlllence p",ceedlllgs against ally 'UL(e""r Ill'nterl'stlll relusl: 10 eXll'nd IIIlle lor pa}'ment ororhenl,ise
<br />m<.l<lify amurrizutiun 1I1rhe sums secured by I his x,urny In51 r\lment by reaslln of any demand f11ade by I he ori~inal Burruwcr
<br />or Borrower', succcssuro in imerest, ^ny lorbearante bl' I..'nder 1ll,'xerci'llI~ .,nl' lIghr lIr remeJ~' ,hall nllr be a wai\'er uf or
<br />pteclude the ellrrciK lIi any riKhl or remedy,
<br />II. Succeuon and Auigns Bound; Joint and Se\'cral Liabilily; Co-~ignen, Thl' coverlants and agrl't'll1enrsul rhis
<br />Security InSlrumelll ,hall bind and Ix'ndlt Ihe suneSSlllS and asSl~'lS oll...-nder and nurruwer, subJl'lt 10 rhe pru\'lsion. ul
<br />paUKraph 17 Borruwer'. ,uvenanlS and a~ll'l'mellls ,hall be 1"IIIl and 5<:\'eral ^ny Bt.rwwl'r whll co'''~n. ,his Sc,nu't}'
<br />Instrumenl bur ducs nul exenlle Ih,' Nule' I a) IS W'S1~n'n/ot rhlS Sewruy In'truf11elll unl) [CJ murr!:a~e, gr a III and ulOvey Ihat
<br />Burtower's ItHer",' in Ihe I'ruperry unJer the Il'rms ul rh" SewlIty In.lrum"Ill, (bl "nul pero"nally "bli!:ared lu pay the
<br />sums se,:ured by thts Securltl' InSlrumelll_ and IC I a~rcrs Ihal I..-nd,', ..nJ any "lh"II~urruwer llIal' a~rl't. hI ex lend, mudlfy,
<br />forbc:-ar ur maKr any a((uI11m.xJallun51 with rr:l(arJ lu rJu' l(."rnl., nt rtlJ~ St"lurlf)' Ins1runu."nr or .he Nuu: lWuhnur lh~t
<br />Bt.rru,,"'er', (\In'lt'llI
<br />12_ Loan Charges. II Ihe luan st.'wred by 1111' Stlulll)' lnsrrullll'nr " 'Uh)ell rll .1 la.. wlllth ~Is 1I131lllnUm I\lan
<br />,harges. and Ihallaw IS llIlall~' IIlrerprered '0 Ihat Ihe .Ille"..' or olher loan Lharlotl"H"IlCllt'<1 or ," bt'wllened in wnnl-ctllln
<br />wilh Ihc loanexn,ed Ihe perm It Il,J limits, r1ll'n (a) any such 11Ian d.arlote .hall he reduled hI' ,hl" af11l1ulll nen'sSOlf}' IU redule
<br />thc charge tu Ihe permltlcd 1,"111, and c b) allY .um. alr.-ady wlll'lIed lrum Btltwwer wllldll'Xll'l'\lt.J pernllll'..J IlImrs ..,ill be
<br />rdunJeclru 8orro..'cr lenJer may ""'O'lt' to make ,h" rdund hy ll.dulllllot Ihl: p'llIl1pal u"'l'd und.-, Ih,' Noteor b~' makrnj.:a
<br />dllecr payml'nlro B."IOWI'1 If a rdund reduccs pllntlpal.the redulIll1ll "'III bt. trt'aled as a parllall'repa}'lllent "'llhUUI an)'
<br />prcpolymem charse under the NUll'
<br />1.\. LeSislation A/fcctin8 Lender's Righu, If en.lCllllem." ~.pllal,unul appltLable law. has ,he dlecl "I rendenn~
<br />any pro\'isionof Ihe Nole "r rhlS St1.'Urtr}' Instrumelll unl'nllllleable allordll1~ rul" 'l'rms,lxndel, al II' opllun, moll' require
<br />Immnhale payment In iull uf .111 sums Sl'LUred b}' thIS SecurllY Instrunll'lIt and may Il1soke any rem...J,cs pernlllled by
<br />pauguph 1911 LenJer e~erci,es rhos optllln. u'ndl'r shall tak<' tlu' _rl:ps spt,<,foed ,n ,h., Sl'lUnd pJralotlolph ul para~raph 17
<br />14. NOlices_ ^ny nOlice HI 0, .rruwer pruv.ded 10' on thIS Sewruy Instrumelll .hall be 1:'\'I'n b)' Jclivcrlng il or b)'
<br />mailing It by lirst class ma.l unless applicable I..., rl'<lUlles U\(' 0/ anorhl"r ml"thuJ 1'h" n'''"e ,hall be dlrefled ru Ihc Property
<br />Address or any other .dJres. B.,rruwer JeSlgnHes by nollle 10 l.end,-r ^ny nollce I.J Lend,'r ,hall be g,,'en by .,r't class mail
<br />IU Leoder's address slated herein ur any uther aJdress Lendct des.~nales by nOli'" 10 Uorro,.'er ^n~' nut"e prn\',ded for In
<br />this SecurilY Instrument shall bc:dec:med HI havc bfton Iot"'en h' Bt.rr""'1:1 or I.t'nder wh,'n Iot"'en as prllv"jed In rh" paragraph,
<br />15_ GoVffning Law; Severability, This Serum}' Instrument shall be go.'''rned by !1.Jeral law and Ihe law of the
<br />lurisdlCliun in ...hich rhe Pruperry is Ioc:aled In ,he cvel1l rhar all)' provisll," or dallS<" uf ,his X(UrIlY lustrum"l1I or th" Note
<br />(onflicts Wilh appliuble b..,. such "mllter shall nol alien ur hl'r prm' "ions 01 rhis Securuy Insrrumelll tit rhl: Nore ,,'hlCh ...an
<br />bc: gi\'en eHeet wirhuut rhe conlltcllng prm'i.ion Tu Ihos end the prn\'lSlollS 01 rhlS St-cunl)' InSlrumclll and lhe NOle ar"
<br />declared to be K'verable
<br />16, Borrowe,s Copy. Borrower shall be gl\'en one uJ[\lorm,-d COP)' 01 the Nute anJ ullhis St-curil}' Inslrument
<br />17, Transfer of the Propeny or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower, If all ur any part 1.11 Ihe Prnperr}' or any
<br />Illtereu in ir is ."M ur transferred (or II a bcneliflal intl'resl in Borruwer IS suld tit transierred and Borrnwer is nota nalur al
<br />penon. wirhoul Lendct's prior wrllren cun.cnt, I...-nder may. ar Irs opllon. rl'qulle immediale pal'ment 10 lull "I all 5<11115
<br />!lC.'(:ured by Ihi. Security Insrrument Huwcver. rhlsopllon shaJlnu' be l'xeruSl.J by Lender ill'xerci", is prnhihill-d b)' fedefJl
<br />la... as of lhe- dale 01 this Securiry loslrumelll
<br />II uoder elletc;ses thiS opllon, lendel shall gIve Borluwer nollle 1.11 aCl'e1erar ,un The noli", shall pm""l" a pc.'riod 1.11
<br />not It'SIlhan ;0 days from I hI' dale Ihe nullce IS delivernl or malleJ wlllun ...,h.dl nmrtlwl'r must pal' all ,ums 5ecun..J by Ib"
<br />Securiry Inslrumenl, If Borr"wer fa,.s to pay IhcSt' sums pnur ru till' expllallon 1.11 tillS peril..!, I.,'nd,'r l11al' Ill\,..ke an)'
<br />remedies permilled by IhlS Security Instrurnr:1lI w'thout lurther nUrl(e ur demand '"1 Burmw,',
<br />18. Borrower', Right to Reinsulte_ If Kt.rruwl'r 1ll''t'I, (ertam mnJll,uns, Burrower .hall h.vc the rl~hr In have
<br />en/orcemenl of Ihis Securiry Instrul11enr dl5tlllllmued 01 any lime plOOl rll ,he l"arlll'r 01 I,,) ~ .loll" lor Slllh lIrher pt.lO"..! a>
<br />.pl'licablt I.. may ~peci'y lur r('.nstalemel1l) belure \Il11: ..llhe Prupcrty pursuanr W"ll}' p"""l'r ot sail' L"l1fall1....lltl ,h" St,
<br />ttJrily In.rrument. ul lb) entry..1 a 'llllllllll"lIf cnfurcmllllol~ St'CIIlIlY Il1\llUmenr Thns" 1lI11.llrllllls arl' ,hat!\nulIWt'l la)
<br />piy.l.elldl'T all 'UIlI\ ...h,d, Ihl'n .....uld I>t' due u,,,It'r Ih" SeeulIly Imlrum('nr an.! rh,' N...e hold 11" .1<,,'1"."1"'11 .I<curr....i, I h I
<br />CUlel any .!tolault ..I .111' .., ht'l mllVI'n.",s 01 ajrtlt't'menn, (, ) pJl" ,Ill exp<''''I'S 111< UIl,...t IIll'l1tortll1J: r}", StUll HI I I1SlrUI1l"I1f,
<br />fI'khpjUI~. but nut Itnlllt'.j It), u....\-undblc illturnt1'~: Il,(~'. and IC.b tdklO' 'tilt h .IL I loll .1\ 1.(~nJ('r 111.1\ IT."lIn.lhl}' n.'~U1t(. h_ "..
<br />'Ufe' tlu. tht" lien ut .h., St-f.tuu)' In\trurnt"ru. 1..("I1<.1("r, f1.'thn in rtll' Pfl)p<<.~rt~ .1Ihll\.lllruVli('"t.. nbla~ll1hll\ hi p." tlu "Ifll\
<br />'iC'1.utNt hy Ihl\ St(uruy ltu.rrul1wnr "Mil tllntlnUt' UI1\h;ln~e\t CpOfl rC:'ln\f.11f'1lH'1l1 h~' t\41rrllWrt Itll' ~['\\JllI\ 11""11111('11'
<br />..nd rhl' 4Ibl.,.:.r.un'. ,c-\uft'ill.1('fl.h~ ,1.0111 't'ln~111 full)" t-fft.c..tl'\'l'...." It 11(1 .ludC-fJtltl!1 Iud It.4.llllrt...1 It.,\\t<,n thl'> rl~ht II'
<br />fI."U',Ule ,holll nut "'ppl" In rJu~ lilt.(" of dt.u.Jrfltflun un..)rr poUJ.Jttilph, I ~ IIf I'
<br />