<br />88-
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<br />103737
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<br />VNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and lender covenanr and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promprly pay when due rhe
<br />principal of and inreresr on lhe debr evidenced by rhe Nore and any prepaymenr and lare charges due under the Nore,
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subjecr ro applicable law or ro a written waiver by lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br />lender on the day momhly paymenrs are due under the Note, unril the NOll.' is paid in full, a sum ('Funds'') equal to
<br />one-rwelfth of: (a) yearly raxesand assessmenrs which may allain prioriry over Ihis Securily Instrumenr; (b) yearly leasehold
<br />payments or ground renrs on rhe Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly morrgage insurance
<br />premiums, if any. These irems are called "escrow irems," Lender may esrimare Ihe Funds due on rhe basis of current data and
<br />reasonable estimates of future escrow items,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution Ihe deposils or accounrs of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including lender if Lender is such an instilution), I..ender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow ilems,lender
<br />may not charge for holding and applying rhe Funds, analyzing rhe accoum or verifying the escrow irems, unless lender pays
<br />Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permils lender III make such a charge, Borrower and lender may agree in
<br />wriring that interest shall be paid on rhe Funds, Vnless an agreemenr is made or aprlicable law requires interest to be paid,
<br />lender shall nor be required to pay Borrower any interest ur earning. un Ihe Funds, lender shall give to Borrower, without
<br />charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debils to Ihe Funds and Ihe purpose for which each debil ro rhe
<br />Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for the sum. secured b)' Ihis Securiry Insrrumenr,
<br />If rhe amounr of lhe Funds held by lender, togerher wirh rhe fu:ure monrhly payments of Funds payable prior to rhe
<br />due dares of rhe escrow ilems, shall exceed Ihe amount required to pat' Ihe l.'scmw ilems when due, Ihe excess shall be, al
<br />Borrower's oplion, either promptly repaid tu Borrower or creditt-d to Bc.rrower on monrhly paymenrs of Funds, If [he
<br />amounr of the Funds held by Lender is nor sufficienr ro pay Ihe esCrow ilems when due, Borrower shall pay to I..ender any
<br />amounr nec"ssuy 10 make up the defiCIency in one (If more payments as required by lender,
<br />Vpon payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis SecurilY Inslrument.lender shall promprly refund ro Borrower any
<br />Funds held by lender If under paragraph ]<) rhe Pruperly is sold or acquired by lender. under shall apply, no laler lhan
<br />immedialely prior III Ihe saleof lhe Property or ils acquisilion by lender, any Funds held by I..ender allhe limeof applicalion
<br />as II credil againsl Ihe sums s<<ured by Ihis Securiry Instrumem.
<br />3. Applicacion of Pay menu. Unless applICable law pro,',des ulherwlse. all pa)'ments r<<eived b)' lender ,,,,Jer
<br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: firsl, 10 latl.' charges due under rhe Note; second. to prepaymem charges due under the
<br />Note; third, 10 amoums payable under paragraph 2; fourth. to mlerest due. and last, III prinCIpal due
<br />4. Charges; Lienl. Borrower shall pay all laxes. aSK'Ssmems. charges, hnes and imposllllms attributable to Ihe
<br />Properry which may alia in priority over Ihis SecunlY InslrUlnenr. and leasehold pa)'ments or ground rem., if any. Borrower
<br />shall pay IheH" obligalioll5 10 Ihe manner pwvlded 10 paragraph 2.or il nOI paId 10 Ihal mannl.'r. Borrower shall pay Ihemon
<br />lime direl:lly 10 the person owed pa)'mem Borrower shall promp' Iy furnISh IU Lender all nHl,ces 01 amounts IU be paid under
<br />Ihi'. paragraph. If Borro,,'er makes Ihese paymems dlrf:nly. 80rmwer shall promprl)' furnISh lU Lender r<<elpls evidencing
<br />Ihe paymems,
<br />Borrower shall promplly discharge any lien whICh ha. pflurllY ll\'er th.. s....."ril)' Inslrument unless Borro..'er: (al
<br />agrec:s in writing tu Ihe payment of Ihe obh/!al,on """rN by thl.' hen III a manner accl.'plable In Lender. I bl comens 10 good
<br />failh Ihe lien b)', or defends asalOsl enforcemt'nr of Iht' lien Ill. legal proeeNIO,IlS which in Ihe Lender'. oplOlUn operilte 10
<br />prevem the t'nforcement of Ihe lien ur forfeiture uf any pan of Ihe Prupen)'. ur Ic) secures from rhe holder 01 the hen an
<br />agrec:menl sarisfar;lo!)' w lendt'r subordinallng Ihe hen 'orh.. s.....'lJrllY Inslrumem If lenderderermlllt'S that any pan of Ihe
<br />Propeny is sub,eCl 10 a lien which may allain priorny over rillS Securn}' Inslrumenr. Lender may g,,'e Borro,,'er a nOIla-
<br />idenrifying Ihe lien Borrower shall salldy the lirn or lakl.' ont' or mOIl.' 01 Ihe aCllons sel forlh abm'e wilhin 10 days uf Ihl.'
<br />giving of nurlCe,
<br />5. Huud Inlurance. Burru"'er shall krt"p rhe Iml'ru\'emeIllS nuw e.osllng ur hert"aher erected on Ihe Property
<br />insurN aglinslloss by fire. hazards meluded w.lllIn rhe lerm "exrended coveragr" and any lllher huards lor ",hICh Lender
<br />rcquirn in.urance This insuranr;e shall be maintalOed III rhr amHunrs and lor Iht' penuds Ihal Lender requires, The
<br />insurance carrier pro\.jdtng Ihe insurance shall Dr chosen by Borruwer sub,"'1 lu l.ender's appro\'al whICh shall nol be
<br />unreasonably ",ilhhdd
<br />AII'll5urance poh"". and n,newals shall be- ac,eplable 10 Leoder aod .hall,odude a "aodard mungage dau5e.I.eR<kr
<br />shall havt' rhr nghllO hold Ihe poliCIes and ....-newab. If under rnjurrt'S, 8orr....'rr ,hall prumprl)' gl\'t'1II Lender all receipts
<br />of paid p....-miurns and rrnewal nOllces. In lite event uf 10... Burr.......r .hall ~Ive prumpt n""le 10lhe lO,uranee cuner and
<br />l.enolel leR<kr may mak.. prlM,f uf loss II not made prumptly b)' !\orrm.'rr
<br />Unleslr l.ender and Burru..'er uthe""'"lre agree 10 WIIIlIlg. ,nsuran,.. pruccnls .hall br applied 111 reSlOrallun ur r<,pair
<br />of lhe Prupeny damalCed. If Ihe re.turalion or repal! IS <<ooumllall)' feaSible and I...nder, ......"rlly lS nol It'ssenc-d. If Ihe
<br />resWrall,," "r lepalr IS nut enmomically feulble or Lend..(_ ,e<Ullf)' wuuld Dr le'\enN, ,he tnsuranCr pmc."....Js shall be
<br />applied lO Ihe sum_ secured by IhlS s....."nl)' Inslrumelll. whelher or nol Iheo du... wllh any exces, paid lO Burruwe. If
<br />Borrowel abandon_ the Property, ur due. nOI answer ,"'lIhlO ,U .1,,1" a nullle trum I...'nder Ihal Ihr insuranCe' carner has
<br />uffered lu sell Ie a c1alm.lhen lendt'r may collect rhe tnsuran'''l'lIlcl:(....!' under tnay use fhe proceed. III repair ,Ir restort' Ihe
<br />Propert)' or 10 pay sums secured by Ihis Sec:uruy Inslrumrnr. whelher or nOllhell due The \(I.Ja)' penod ""ill beglO when tht"
<br />notlet' is Illven
<br />Vnleslr Lender and norm..'er olhen'i1se ;lltree tn "'1II1O/!. an)' apphcallun of prucr-ed. 10 pllnClpal shall nl1ll.'xlend or
<br />poslpune Ihe due dale of rhe munrhl)' paymenr_ relrrn.J 10111 paragraph. I and 2 or chan".. rhe amounr of Ihe pal'ments II
<br />under pnagraph 19 Ihe Property IS acquired b}' Lender. Burrowl.'rs IIglll It, allY tnsuranu' pultCle. alld pro..."....ls It'Sulrtn,,
<br />hum damaRe 10 lhe I'rupell)' prltlf to the acqulSlllon shall pass ,ol..enderltllhe <:atent of Iht" sum. s..... u red by rh" s.-.'uru)
<br />InstrulllC'nl immcd'ar..J~ p!lur to lhe acqulSltlun
<br />6. Preservation and Maintenancr of Propeny; leasrholds. !\urruwrr ,hall not dt".lruy. Jamal/'" ..r ,ub"aollall~'
<br />change rhe I'rope-rty, allow Ihe Proper!)' 10 deleriurale ur 'hmmil wa.": II rh" s.-.'urn)' '",trunwnt " un .. leasl.'h..,d.
<br />B"rr"wer shall cumply wllh the rro\'I\lum uf rhe leasl:'. and if Burm..'..r acqUIre. f..... 1II1l: "'Ih.. !'ropen)'. rill' I....".h..ld alld
<br />fee mil:' shall olll mer~ unless lender allrer:s 10 rhe lJll:'r~r III "'lIlinl'
<br />7. Protection of Lender'. Rights in the Pru~ny; Mong.lnsuralKt.'. If Borrower fa.l. to p..'rturl11lhe ""'enam'
<br />and allreemenu containeJ in this Set"I,ry Inslrumenr. ur Ihele is a "'/olal pru.eedllll' thai mal' "1l'llhcaml)' aft"'l I.,'nder,
<br />IIghl'llllhr Property blKh a. a proceeding in bankruprq'. prubale. lor mndemnallun ur toenlur.....la...s or reltulalltlOSI,lhen
<br />l.ender may dlllnd ply for whllever is necessary In protect the VIIUI...I the Prnpt'rt)' and Ll'llder \ !lllhlS IIllhe I'I'ol'Nt)'
<br />l.ender', anions may illC'lude paying any sums sC't'Ured by a hen ",t"ch has pr '"11IY ,wer this St.'I:UlIl}' ImlrUOlent. appe-orlOlllll
<br />court. P_y'"l! rUIOl\Jblt' allutney!' f~s and rnlerin/ollln rhe I'ruperry III makt' rl.'palfS Ahhollllh Lendrr mil' lak.. .nilln
<br />under Ihis PllllCUph 7. l.endt'r doe5 not havl:' III du SII
<br />Any unounn disbursed by l.ender und('r 111.5 "..agroph " shall bt:t','rn.. addulllnal d..lll ..t B..r"'......r '('\\'r..,l b) rh"
<br />5cTulrlJ Intlrumt:'nr Unlns Borr"wt'llnd I.rrnlt'llllrn- III "Iher terms III pa}'mcllt, I he-\!' JIllIIUIlI\ \lulll'l('.llIIllI'll'\llrulll
<br />theda.t' III dlsburH'rnenl I' the !\1m" ra.e and dull be ,..)'abll'. ....Ilh 11111'1<'<1, u,...n "..Ill.' Irll'" II'ndl" In II.., '"'" rt r<'qIl""IO"
<br />paYllWlII
<br />