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<br />88~O:l5fi7 <br /> <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as lollows. <br /> <br />l. That Borrower will pay the Indebtedness, as herelnbelore provid- <br />ed. Privilege Is reserved to pay the debt In whole or In part on any in- <br />stallment due date, <br /> <br />.f <br /> <br />2. That, together wllh, and In addition to, Ihe monthly payments <br />01 prlneipal and Inlerest payable under Ihe lerms 01 the note seeured <br />hereby. the Borrower will pay to the Lender. on the lint day 01 each <br />month until the said note Is lully paid, the lollowlng sums. <br /> <br />(a) Amount sulllclenl to provide the holder hereof with lunds 10 <br />pay tbe next mortgage Insurance premium If this Instrument and Ihe <br />nOle secured hereby are insured. or a monthly charge ('n /leu aJ a <br /> IlIIor..nce premlom) II they are held by Ihe Secretary 01 <br />Housing and Urban Development, as lollows. <br /> <br />(I) If and 50 long as said note 01 even date and this Imtrument <br />are lllsured or are reinsured under Ihe provisions 01 the National <br />!lousing Act. an amount sutrlclenl to accumulate In the hands 01 Ihe <br />holder one (I) monlh prior to Its due date the annual morlgage In. <br />surance premium In order 10 provide such holder wllh lunds to pay <br />such premium to lhe Secrelary 01 lIousing and Urban Developmenl <br />punuaol to the N.tlonal Housing Act, as amended. and applicable <br />Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />(11) If and so long.. said note 01 even d.te and this Inslrumenl <br />.re held by the Secretary of Housing and Urhan Developmenl. a <br />monthly charge (In lieu oj a mortgage I.....rance premlom) which shall <br />be In an amounl equal to one-twellth (1/12) 01 one.hall (1/2) per cen. <br />turn 01 the outst.ndlng balance due on the note com pUled <br />. wllhout I.klng Inlo account delinquencies or prepayments; <br /> <br />(b) A sum equal 10 Ihe ground renls. II any, nell due. plus Ihe <br />premiums that will ne.1 become due and payable on policies 01 lire <br />and other hazard Insurance covering the property, plus and <br />aaeaments ne.t due on Ihe properly (all a. ",tlmated by the Lend...) <br />less all sums already paid therelor divided by the number 01 monlhs <br />to e1.pse belore one (I) month prior to Ihe date when such ground <br />rents, premiums, tues and _ments will become delinquent, such <br />sums 10 be held by Lender In trostto pay said ground rents, <br />premiums, I.... and special assc:wnents; and <br /> <br />(e) All payments mentioned In Ihe two preceding suboecUons 01 this <br /> .nd all payments 10 be under Ihe note secured <br />hereby shall be added t....ther. and the aggregate amount thereol <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month In a single payment to be <br />.pplled by lhe Lender 10 lhe lallowlngltems In the order set lorth. <br /> <br />(I) premium ch.rges under the conlracl 01 Insur.nce with Ihe <br />Secret.ry 01 !lousInl .nd Urban Developmenl, or monlhly charge (In <br />,.... oj martgap I.....r..nce prem'um), as lhe case may he; <br /> <br />(Ill around rents. I..... .......ments. lire .nd olher hazard In. <br />wr.nee premiums, <br /> <br />(III) Interest on Ihe note ICCUred, hereby, <br /> <br />(IV) .mortlzallon 01 Ihe prlnclp.1 01 said nol.; and <br /> <br />(V) I.te ch.rges, <br /> <br />I <br />.. <br /> <br />Any delleiency In the amount 01 such a&&rePte monthly paymenl <br />shaI1. unl.. made ...... by the Borrower prior ta Ihe due dale 01 the <br />nat IUCh paymenl. conatltule .n event 01 del.u1t under this mort- <br />.p. Tbe Lender m.y coIlocl a "I.te charp" not to emeed four cents <br />(t.) for each doIl.r ($') of each paymenl more than 1iI1cen (IS) iI.ys <br />In .r....n to cover lhe ..pense Involved In handling dellnquenl <br />payments, <br /> <br />3, That II the total 01 the p.yments by the Burrower under <br />(b) 01 ,,",r.paph 2 precedlnl shall esceed lhe amount 01 p.ym.nts .c- <br />lually made by tbel Lender lor &round rents. la... and _menlS or <br />lnIlII'.nce premlun.., as lhe cue n.ay be. such excell, Illhe loan Is <br />current. .t the option of lhe Borrower, shall he credited by the <br />Lender on IUbtequent p.ymenls to be by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to 1M Borrower. U. however, the monthly payments <br />by 11M Borrower under (b) of II precedlnl sh.1I not be sulll. <br />cIeIlllo pay around rents, I.... And _ments or Insurance <br />premlumI. as Ihe cue m.y be. when Ihe .h.1I becon.. due .nd <br />payable. Ihen lhe Borrowar ....11 p.y 10 the lAnder .ny .mounl <br />._ry 10 mab up Iha dellclency. on or belora Ihe d.te when pay, <br />ment 01 auch .round rentl, .....rnen'.. or inaurlnce premium. <br />sh.1I be due, If .t .ny lima Ihe Borrower ,hall lender In the I.cnder, <br />In &eCOrd.""" wllh 1M provisions 01 1M nole _ured h.,oby, lull pay, <br />menlof lhe enllre Indebtedn... ....."_nt..lth.rehy. the 1A'...ler ,hall. <br /> <br />In computing the amounl 01 such Indebtedness. credit to the account <br />of the Borrower all paymenls made under lhe provisions of (al of <br />paragraph 2 hereol which the Lender has not become obllg.ted to pay <br />to the Seeretary 01 !lousing and Urban Development and any balance <br />remaining In the lunds accumulated under the provisions 01 (b) of <br />parMgraph 2 hereof, If there shall be a d.fault under any of the provi. <br />sions 01 this Instrument resulting In a public sale 01 Ihe premises <br />covered hereby. or If the Lender acqulrestbe property otherwise after <br />delaull, the Lender shall apply, althe time of the commencement of <br />such proceedlnll'. or at the Ume the property Is otherwise acquired. <br />the balance then remaining In the funds accumulated under (h) 01 <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit agalmt the amounl of principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said note, and shall properly adjust any <br />payments which shall have been under (a) 01 par.graph 2, <br /> <br />4. That the Burrower will pay ground rents, tues, assessments. <br />watel rales. and other governmental or munloipal charges, riots, or <br />Imposltiom, lor which provision has not been ,made hereinbefore, and <br />In delault thereol the Lender may pay the same; and that the Bor. <br />rower will promptly deliver the olllclal receipts therefor 10 the <br />Lender, <br /> <br />5, The Burrower wlll pay all taxes which may be levied upon the <br />Lender's Interest in said real estale and Improvements. and wblch m.y <br />b. levied upon this Inslrument or Ih. debt secured hereby (bul only 10 <br />Ihe e.lent thai such Is not prohibited by law and only to the _I <br />Ihat such will not make this luan usurious). but ucludlng ...y Income <br />ta.. State or Federal, Imposed on Lender, and will file the oftlclal <br />receipt showing such payment wllh Ihe Lender, Upon ..ioIalIoo 01 this <br />underlaklng. or If the Burrower Is prohlbiled by any I.w now or <br />h.roaft.r existing Irom paylnglhe whole or any portion of the <br />aloresald taxes, or upon the rendering 01 any court decree prohlblUng <br />the payment by the Borrower 01 any such 1.les. or II such I.w or <br />decree provides Ihal any .mount so paid by the Borrower shall be <br />credited on the debt. the Lender shall have the right 10 give ninety <br />days' written notice to the owner 01 Ihe premises, requlrioa the pay- <br />ment 01 Ihe debt. If such noUce be given, the said debt sbaII become <br />due. payable and collecUble al Ihe expiration 01 said nlldy days, <br /> <br />6, That should the Borrower fall 10 pay any sum or keep aay c0ve- <br />nant provided lor In Ihls lnatrumenl. Ihen Ihe LendeJ-, at its option, <br />may payor perform Ihe same. and all expenditures so made sbalI be <br />added to the principal sum owing on lhe above note. shaI1 be -.Ired <br />hereby. and shall bear Interest al Ihe hlle set lorth In lhe said -. <br />until paid, <br /> <br />7. That Ihe Borrower hereby assigns. Ir.nsfen and sets over 10 the <br />Lender. 10 be applied loward the p.ymenl 01 the note and aIlllUlllS <br />.....ured hereby in cue 01 . default In Ihe perlormance of .DY of tbe <br />lerms .nd conditions 01 Ihls Instrumenl or lhe said note. all the rents. <br />revenues and income 10 he derived from Ihe said premlsm durloa such <br />Ume as Ih. Indebledness shall remain unp.ld. and the Lender shaI1 <br /> power 10 .ppoint any agenl or .Il"nts It m.y desire for lhe pur. <br />pose 01 rq,alrh'll said premises and 01 renUog the same and co1locllnl <br />Ih. rents, revenues .nd Income, and It m.y payout 01 said Incomes <br />.11 CSpel1lCl 01 repairing said premlsm and necessary commissions .nd <br />elpelllCS Incurred In renUng .nd man.ging the same .nd of co1lectloa <br />rentals Iherelrom; the balance rem.lnlng, II any, 10 be .pp11ed toward <br />the dlscharllll 01 said indebtedness, <br /> <br />8, Th.t th. Borrowcr will keep tha Improvements now exlstlD& or <br />herealler erected on the property, Insured as m.y be required from <br />Ume 10 Ume by Ihe Lender againat Iou by lire .nd other hazards. <br />casu.IU.. and contlngencl.. In such .mounts .nd for such periods u <br />m.y be required by th. Lender .nd will p.y promptly, when due, <br />any premluml on such Insur.nce provision lor I..ymenl of whleb h.. <br />nol been hereinbefore, All insurance sh.1I be carrJeclln com. <br />p.nles approved by th. I.ender and Ihe policies .nd renewals lhereof <br />sh.11 be held by Ihe !.emler and h.v. au.ched Ihereto loa pooy.b1e <br />cl.u... In lavor 01 and In form accepl.ble 10 Ihe I.ender, In event 01 <br />Iou Borrow.r will give Immedl.te noUce by m.llto lhe Lender. who <br />m.y make prool 0110.. " not mad. promptly by Borrower. and each <br />Insurance company concerned Is hereby .uthorlud .nd directed to <br />make paymenl lur .uch I.... dh""tly to Ihe Lender Instead of t.. tbe <br />Borrower and Ihe Lender jolnlly, .nd Ihe Insurance, or .ny <br />p.rt th.reol, m.y be al,plled by Ihe Lender .1 Its opUun ellher to th. <br />reduction 01 Ihe Indebtedn... hereby IClCUred or 10 the r..lor.lIon or <br />repair ollhe 1"..tlCrly damaKed, In event 01 I..retlosure 01 Ihls Instru- <br />menl or other Ir.nsler of UUe 10 Ih. "IUrtg.ll'od 1""llCrty In ..u.....ish. <br />ment 01 lhe Indebledneu """ured, all rlllht, 1111. .nd Inlerest 01 <br />the Borrow.r In and to any Insur.nce IlOllcles Ihen In 10..... sh.1I 1'_ <br />10 Ihe purchaser or ~r.nlce, <br /> <br />9, '11.1 a' .ddltlonal ."d coll.teral _urlly fur Ih.. 1'.ym",,1 or th. <br />note dmcrlb,,". Ind alllums to bt."I(.'(JlhC dur under 11th. hUlrunlCul, Ih.. <br />narrower hereby IlIislRIU to I he.' Lender .n I1ro'Us, n'\lCnUl'S, rn)'lhil\t.. <br /> <br />P8QII , 04 4 <br /> <br />HUD,9~'43DT <br />