<br />.c- <,
<br />
<br />i ,II
<br />
<br />88-:-10a55'(,
<br />I FIlACao'~," '.' ...'"
<br />321-1253512-703
<br />
<br />.~ ~ ~
<br />
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />This Dee.hf Tro..t, ("Security, Instrument") Is made on July ]
<br />to 88. The trustor Is John L. Schrier and Lor is. Schrier, Hus.band and Wi fe
<br />, , ("Borrower"). The trustee Is
<br />Firstier Bank. NatioJ;lal Association. Omaha, NE
<br />Occidental/Nebraska Federal Savings,'Bank
<br />under the I.ws..of Nebraska ' and whose address is
<br />
<br />) .1704Wes t Center R,oad Omaha. NE 68114 ("Lender").
<br />
<br />Witnesseth: Thai the Borrower In conslderallon of Ihe debt .nd trusl hereinafter d...,rlbed and crealed, and Ihesum of One Dollar ($t). 10
<br />him In h.ndpald by tha Trustee, the ~Ipt of which Ia h,",by acknowledged, does by these presents grallt, bargain and sell. ""ovey and eon.
<br />firm, unto the Trustee, forever, all of Ihe following described' real ""Iale, slluated lying and befngln the Counly of
<br />Ha 11 . and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />("Trustee")..11te,beneflclary !s
<br />, whleb is organized and existing
<br />
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />NEBRASKA .
<br />
<br />which hu the add... of
<br />
<br />2324 Gateway Avenue
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />t..~)
<br />
<br />Idl.l
<br />
<br />Nebr....
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />("'Properly Addr...):
<br />
<br />,lIpc..ltl
<br />
<br />To Have and To Hold the premises above described, with all Ihe appurlenanreo Ihereunlo belonging and Including all healing, plumbing and
<br />IIpUnl flstum and equipment now or hereafter allached 10 or used In connecllon wflh said real ""late unto Ihe Tnutee, and to Its SU<:CeDOtS
<br />and Ulil!ll. forever. The Borrower represents 10, alld covenlnll wllh, Ihe Trullee, that Ihe Borrower has good rlghl to sell and convey said
<br />premiss; that they are free from encumbrance; and thai the Borrower will WArrant and deFend the ume alalnsl the lawful elalms of all per-
<br />_ whon_ver; and tM ..kI Borrower hereby rellnqu....... all rlghb of hommtead, and all marllal ripb, either In law or In equity, and all
<br />other eonllnpnllnterelt.l 01 the Borrower In and to the ahove-dlllCl'lbed premlles, the Intention belnl to convey hereby an absolule tltJe, In fee
<br />simple, Includlnl .11 rlahb of homestead. and olher rlghb and Interesb as doreuld.
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />I'rovJcJed A1wa,.., and t"- pr_b are elllCllted and delivered unlo the TrUltee, In trull, however For Ihe following purpmea:
<br />
<br />WMrMs, the Borrower on the J 5 t . day of Ju 1 y , 10 88 . borrowed from the Lender
<br />~.wnol Forty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100--------------------------------
<br />, Dollar. (t 47,500.00 1. ror which
<br />, _tha Borrower hQ.ltIeCIIled _nd delivered 10 tho Lender Borrower'l prom"'ry nolo 01 even dAY, bearlnglnteresl al the ralo or Eigh t and
<br />N1nety-Eig~t One-Hundredths per centum ( 8.980 ") per annum on Iho unpaid balance until paid,
<br />The..1d prlnclpal.nd Interest shall be pay.ble ellhe office or Oce identa l/Nebraskll Federal Savings Bank
<br />
<br />In 11704 West Center Road Omaha, NE 68114 ,or II luch oth.r place';' the hold.r oltho notr
<br />may d.lptela wrlllnl. In monthly IIIlItallmelll101 Th ree-Hundred S ixty-l11 ree and 84/100---------------
<br />______________ Dolla,. ($ 363.84 ), eommenclnl olllh. nm day or August
<br />19 88 . end on lhe nm day of each month lhereafter nnllllh, principII and (nterm are rully paid, escept thll the nnal paymenl of rrln.
<br />e1pal and Inlerest, If not IOOner Plld. shall be due Ind payable on Ihe nflt day or Ju 1 y
<br />if) 18,
<br />
<br />ThlI form II uMd In COllIl4IOtIon with rnort".ci.. IlIIurad under 1111 on. 10 lour.lamlly programl ollh. Nallonal Boulln" Acl which provide 101
<br />PtIIodlo Mort". I"aur.nee Pr.mlum paymanll.
<br />
<br />p. 1 of.
<br />
<br />FOlm Imo .2143 OT 1'0,81 Edition)
<br />24crR 203'7111
<br />