<br />DEED OF TRUST 88- 103229
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<br />r
<br />
<br />THISDEEDOFTRUST,m.dethll 17th dayot June ,18~,byandamona Eldon L. Kroeger and
<br />Peggy
<br />Husband and Wife. whoae mailing address II (Street) RR #2 Box 187 (City) Doniphan.
<br />(State and Zip) NE 68832 (herein "Trutttor"); and Bank of Doniphan
<br />mailing addre'l Ie (Street) P. o. Box B (City) Doniphan (SteleandZlp) HE
<br />Bank of D()niph~n
<br />
<br />J. Kroeger,
<br />
<br />whoae
<br />
<br />(Herein "Trult..''): .nd
<br />
<br />68832
<br />, whOle mailing address II (Street) P.O. Box B
<br />
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />Doniphan
<br />
<br />(State and Zip)
<br />
<br />NE 68832
<br />
<br />,(herein "Beneficiary").
<br />
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Including the Indebledneas Identified herein and Ihe Irusl herein created,lhe recelpl 01 which Is hereby
<br />acknowledged, Trustor Irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys, and alslgns to Trultee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for Ihe benefit and secur-
<br />Ity of Beneficiary, under and .ubJect to the1erma and condltlona of this Deed of TrusI, Ihe reel property described as followa: '
<br />
<br />The West Half of the Northwest Quarter (WINWi) of Section Thirty-Four (34). Township Ten (10).
<br />
<br />North. Range Nine (9). West of the 6th P.M., excepting therefrom portions conveyed to the
<br />
<br />State of Nebraska by Warranty Deeds recorded in Book 75 at Page 402 of the Deed Records of
<br />
<br />Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH, all rents, proflta, royaltlel, income and olher benefits derived from Ihe real property; all leases or subleases covering the real
<br />property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter exlatlng or enlered Into, and all righi, title and Intereat of Trustor Ihereunder; elllnlerestl. eslate or
<br />Ollt.,. Clalma, both In law and In equity, which Trullor now haa or may nereafter acquire In Ihe real property; all easementl, rights-of-way, lene-
<br />ments, hereditament I and appurten.nces thereof .nd Iherelo; all 011 .nd g.a rights and profits. water rights and waler stocK; all right, title and
<br />Interesl of Trultor. now owned or hereafter acquired. in and to any land lying within the rlght.of-way of any street or highway adjoining the real
<br />property, any and all buildings. fixtures.. Improvements, and appurtenance8 now or hereatler erecled thereo,; or belonging Ihereto. (herein
<br />refetred to.. "Improvem.nt" or Improvements''); and .ny and a" award8 made for the taking by eminent domain. or by any proceeding or pur-
<br />eft... In lieu th.reof, of the whole or .ny part of the relll property,
<br />All of the foregoing ..I.te, property and Internt hereby conveyed 10 Trustee herein collectlyely rei erred to aa Ihe "Property".
<br />(II) D~~l of lndebtednea .....Idenced by Tru810r's nol. of even dale herewith In Ihe principle aum of OnE! hundred ff ft:een And
<br />
<br />DoI~ ($ 115 . 000.00 ), together with Intereat a' Ihe rate or reles proylded therein, (herein, together with any and all
<br />renewal.. modlflca1~. and extenalonl thereof, "terred 10 a. the "Note'" both principal and Inleresl on Ihe Nole tIelng payable in accordance
<br />wIttt the term. Nt fonh therein, reference to which la hereby made, lhe final payment 01 prlnclpel and Interelt. If not sooner paid and If no
<br />ranewala, modlflcatlonl or extension8 are made, due and pay.ble on May 1. .&..299 ,
<br />
<br />(b) The perfgrmanc:e of each agreement and co....n.nl 01 Trultor herein conlalned; and
<br />
<br />(c) The p.yment of any oum or 8uma ot money with Inlerest Ihereon which may be hereafter palel or advanced under I"e terml 01 Ihil Deed of
<br />Truat.
<br />
<br />(el) The payment of any future advancn nece8sary to protectlhe 8ecurlty or any luture adyance made at the option of the partlea; and
<br />
<br />(e) The performance of an obIlQ.Uon 01 any other paraon n.med In this Trust Deed to. beneficiary.
<br />1. ''''''' of PdItcIpal and ~L Trualor Ih.1I promptly pay when due Ihe prlncJpal 01 and Intereal on the indebtedn..a .....Idenc:ed by the
<br />Note, and all ottw CihatgeI and reee.. pwvlded In the NOle, and lhe principal 01 and interest on IIny Future Advances 88Cured by this Deed of Trust
<br />2.. ......, oITIIIa. Trustor illawfully MIz8d and po.....ed 01 good and Indef..llble title and eltate to the Property hereby conveyed and has
<br />the right to grant and conway 1he Property. lhe Property II fr.. and clNr 01 all lien. and encumbrances except liens now of record: and Tru810r
<br />will warrant and defend the title to the Property agaln.I all claims .nd demandl.
<br />3, ............ and ~noe with...... TrUllor .hall keep the Property In good condition end repair and ahall nol commit waIte or permit
<br />Imp.lrment or dMertoratlon of the Property and Ihall comply with the prOYlllonl of any le8se if this Deed of Trust Is on a leaHhold, No Improve-
<br />ment, now or helWaftef erected upon the Propef1y shall be alterecl. removed or demolished without the prior wrllten consent 01 BenefiCiary, Trustor
<br />Ihall comply Wit" ell l.ws. ordinance., regvlatlonl, covenanl., condition I .nd restrictions affecting the Property and not commit, suffer. or per.
<br />mlt .nyact 10 be done In or upon the Property In vlol.tlon 01 any law. ordinance. regulation. covenant. condition or restriction. Trul\or .hall com-
<br />plat. or restore promptly.nd In good workmanlike manner any Improvement on Ihe Property which may be damaged or dellroyedand pay. when
<br />due, a1t clalml for labor performed and materiala lurnllhed therefore and lor any alterations thereof.
<br />
<br />............... Trustor,.t illlXpenM, will maintain with Inaurora apprOyed by Beneficiary. Inlurance with reapect to thelmprO\l8m8nI. and per_
<br />sonal property, conatltuttng the Property, a"alnlt 1018 by fire. lightning, tornado. and other perlll and hazards coyered by atand.rd extended
<br />coverage endortement. in an amount equ.1 to at leaal one hundred percent of Ihe full replacemenl value thereof and Inaurance I"alnll auch
<br />ottler hazard. anclln .uch alTlOl.lnll.sla customarily carried by owners and oper.torr. olalmUar properti.s or as Beneficiary may require for !f.
<br />protec1lon, Truator will comply wlttt sueh other requiremenla III Senellclary m~y Irom lime 10 lime request for the prolecllon by Insurance or the
<br />inter.... of tlte rMPllCfIY8 p.rtl.,. Alllnlurance pollclel m.lnt.lned pur.uanl to thil Deed 01 Trust Ih.1I nllme Truslor and Beneficiary .lln.
<br />luredl. al thelt r..pectlwe inter..t. may appeal, and proylde thaI there Ihall be no caneellallL,n or modification wlthoul any lell than 15 d.YI
<br />prIOr Wf'ltlen notification to Tru.l.. iInd Beneflciery. In the .....ent .ny policy hereunder Is not renewed on or before 15 daYI prior to It. Illplrallon
<br />dale, Tru.t.. or BenefiCiary may procur. IUch lnlur.nc. In .ccordance with Ihe provisions 01 paragraph 7 hereof. Trulltor Ih.1I deliver 10
<br />Beneficiary the orlglna' pollclel of Inlurance and renewal I th.reol or memo coplel of such policies and flIPewals thereof, Failure 10 fumilh
<br />such Inlur.nce by Trultor. or renewal.a. required h.reunder shill. at the option 01 Beneficiary, constllute a delault,
<br />5, T..... A............, .nd CIlarglll. Tru.tor IIhall pay allla.el, alsellsmenls and olher ch.rges, Including. wlthoul IImltallon. IIn.. and 1m,
<br />po.llJOn. allrlbut~ 10 the Property, and INl8h0ld paym.nt. or ground rent.. II any. belor. Ihe .ame become dellQuenl. Trustor Ihall promplly
<br />fumillllo 8Inellclaryall notices of amounts due under Ihle par.graph, Ind In Ihe ....ent TI ultor shall make payment dlreclly. Trustor shall promp..
<br />:r.,:n'-h to s.n.I!cI.ry receipt. eyldenclng .uc:h payment I. TruSlor Ihall pay all lues and .aaessmeonls which may bll levied upon
<br />Iclary'. Inler..1 hateln or upon thll DMcl of Trull wlthoul regard 10 IIny law that m.... be enacted 1m pOling payment 01 the wholt! or lIny
<br />pert 1'*lIOt upon lhe 8eneflcl.ry.
<br />
<br />to'
<br />...
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