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<br />~ <br />C;! <br />C'l":l <br />o <br />~ <br />, <br />= <br /> <br />(a). A Slim equal tQ the gl'OlIl!d rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable~n <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurani:e covering the properly, plus taxes and assessments next due on the property (all <br />as estimoled by theLenderJlessa!1 sums already: paid therefor divided ~y the number of months to elapse before one (1) <br />mQIl~:priQ(f~O.J.r~~.~~ when such groundrents~,pri:miums. taxes and assessments ~i11 become delinquent, such sums to <br />~. tieI4~by'1ilildeJ;,in;UIist:lopiy" said.gro\lnd,..en~~;p~i\llT!s, tal\~ lIt\d speciall\SSCSSffients; and <br /> <br />",;"~":; '-, ',"~ c.:;.....i' :'_' , .;;,: .,~.,~'\~;f:i-.~..:';.,>. ,.~.','., u ,"',' . ,,' '.. . <br />, (b)Al1payR1Cllts mentionedinlhe'prec:edingsubscction of this paragraph and all payments to be made under the note <br />sCc:ul'Cd,fu:rebr,shall'~':~cp'Plie~r.and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a <br />singl~ payQlCgl to ,be IIppli,ed by: itl1enLender; :.ID,thci ;f(JUQ",ill&:itemr. ,in JI!e' oryler set fonh: <br /> <br /> <br />" :I" ,,(f):srol!ll4 r,oots,. taxcm,: llS&CSsmc!lIS~:!.fjre .1IIUl.~ther hazard insurance premiums; <br />,(B)'interest on rllKl note sec"'re~lchllreby;~ <br /> <br />;-'~-' ;~~: " " -", \ " <br />i .I.'i" (In) amo~tion of the principal of said .note. <br />\- """;' ":'. ";:~:,(," < ~ ' , 'i . . <br />Any ~f.i~iencyill th~ amount of s~h aggregate'niontJilypay~ent'Sbijl'i wilcss made good by,dle Borrower prior.1O <br />dle duediitCOf the riext such payment, constitute an event.of~efali1Umder dlismo!'Jgage. Thc Lender may collect a "late <br />c.hargcY.IIO\;tO'exceed four cents (4\:) for each dollar ($1) or~h paYment more th8nfifteei1 (IS) days in arrears ID cover <br />the Clitia Cllpensc. involved in handling delinquent payments. <br /> <br />3. Tbat if the total of the payments made by Ihe Borrower under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount <br />of payments actually made by the Lerider for ground rentS~ \axes and assessments or insurance pooums, as the cue may <br />be. such CIlCCSS, if the loan is current. al the option of the Borrower. shall be credited by the Lender on subsequent payments <br />10 be.1IIIIde by the Borrower, or refunded to Ihe Borrower, If, however, thc monthly payments made by thc Borrower under <br />(a) of parq,raph 2 preceding ihall not be sufficient 10 pay ground rcnts. taxcs and assessments or insurance premiums. as <br />die Clise may be, when the r.ame shall bcoome due and payable, then the Borrower shall pay 10 the Lender any amowu nece5SlII')' <br />ID make up the deficiency. on or before the dale when payment of liUCh ground rents. taxes, 1IS5CW\lCItlS. or ill5llllUlCl: premiums <br /> due. If BlIDY time the Borrower shall tendet 10 the Lender, in accordance with the provisi(lQS of the aoce 5tlClIRd <br />hereby. full payment of the entire indebtedne!iS represented thercby, thc Lender shall, in:~utiJIg the amowIl ohucb in- <br />deb<<dness, credillD the account of the Borrower any blllance remaining in the fund5llXU1l11l1aled under the provisions of <br />(a) of pllfl8l'llpb2 hereof. If there sltaJl be a default under any of the provisions of this instrument rcsu1ting in a public lilI!c <br />of the pn:miIeI covered hereby, or if the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default, the Lender Ihall apply. al <br />the time of the WllUIlCllCCIIlCnt of such procccding~. or at the lime the propeny is otherwise acquired. the baIaacc IheIl reo <br />maining ;n the funds ~ulaled under (a) of paragraph 2 pra:eding. a~ a credil against the amount of principallhell remain- <br />ing unpaid under said note, <br /> <br />4, 11Iat the Borrower will pay ground rents. lallCl>. as~~ments. water rale!i. and other govemmellllll or municipal cI1argo. <br />fillC5, or illlp05ilions, for which provision ha~ not been made hereinbefore, and in defaull thereof the Lender may pay the <br />same: lIIId thai the Borrower will promptly deliver thc oiHeial receipts therefor 10 the Lender, <br /> <br />S, 1be Borrower will pay alltDlles which may be levied upon Ihe Lender's illleresl in said real esUlIc and improvemenuo. <br />llIId whiett may be levicd upon this instrumenl or the debt se;;urcd herehy (but only 10 tbe elltentthat such is 110( prohibited <br />by law and only to the elllent that such will not makc this loan usurious!. but excluding any in~'Ome tall. SIlU: or Federal. <br />impoted on Lender, and will file the official receipl showing such paymenl with the Lender. Upon violation of this undert.ak. <br />ing. or if the Borrower is prohibited hyany law now or hereafter ellisling fn)m paying the whole or any pntion of the aforesaid <br />taxes. or upon t~ rendering of any court decree prohibiting the paymenl by the Borrower of any ~d1 taxes. or is sucb law <br />or decree provide!lthat any amount so paid by the Borrower shall be crediled on the debt. the Lender shall ha\'e the right <br />10 give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premillCs, requiring the payment of the debt, If such notice be gi\'en. <br />the said debt mall become due. payable and collectible al Ihe e~prialion of said ninei)' days, <br /> <br />6, TIIat should lhe Borrower faHlo pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this instrument. then the Lender. <br />at its aplion. may payor perform the I>lInJC. and all e~pcnditures so made shall be added to the principal sum o""ing on the <br />above note, shall be se;;ured hereby, and shall bear inlerest al the rate sel forth in the !illid nOle. unlil paid, <br /> <br />7. null the Borrower hereby 8.\signs. Ir.lIlsfers and sets over to the Lender. 10 be applied loward the payment of lhe <br />note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the pcrfonnance of any of the lernls and conditions of this inslrumenl <br />or l~ said nole, all the rents, revenues and income 10 be derivcd from the said premises during such time as the indebtedness <br />shall remain unpaid. and thc Lender shall ha\'e power 10. appoint any agent or agents it may dCl>ire fur the purprnie 0.1' repairing <br />said premises and of renling the same and collecting ihe rents, revenues and in~"Omc. and it may payout of !MIid incomes <br />all e~pm!lCll of tepIIiring said premises and necessary commissions and e~pcnses incurred in renting and l11anagin, the same <br />and of colleCtinS'rentals thCTefrom; the balance remaining. if any, tobe'applled toward the discharge of said indebtedness. <br /> <br />I', <br />,"\ <br /> <br />, 8., 'J'!1at.the Borrower will keep the improvements no.w existing, or hereafter crected on the property, inliUred as RIay <br />hercquiljd from, tlmetO lime by theLcndcr agail\5tloss by fire and other haurds. casualties and coDtiqenciCli in .1iUdI <br />~.. ~ Jor 'sUl:hPerjocb .lU~y be required by Ihe Lender and will pay prontplly. when due. any premiutnl Qllluch <br />i,"ut~p~~jon for pay,..:nt uf which haa Dot been made hereinbefore. All in.\urance shall be cwied in companies lip- <br />proYed by the Lender iuia tIie policiCll and renewals thereof shall be held by the lender and have allached therein luss payable <br />claulCS in flYO!' ohnd in form ac:cCJ*lble 10 Ihe Lender, In evenl of 1055 Borrower will give immediate notk"f by mail to <br />the Lender ,who may make proof of lOllS If not mllde pmnlpllyby 'Borrower ,and e.tI:h instlrance compan)' concerned is hereby <br />audioii7.ed aiId ciireciedtomake paymenl for such loss direcdy to the Lerider In5lead of 10 the Borrower and the Lender <br />joii!dy,'lnd h inSUrance proceeds'; or any pall thereof. may be applied by Ihe Lender al its' optiun either to the reduclion <br />dnile lndeb1ed1aeu IImby secutedor 10 the mtoratiun t,r repair IIf thc property damaged. In event o.f foreclosure of thiS <br />IlIttrument or (Icher \rlta.fer of title 1(1 lhe mOFtgalrd properlY in elltlnguishmenl of the indebtedness SCI:unod herehy. all riJolhl. <br />1It1C! ~ ilite!!lIt,oflhe l1ot~er in and 10 any Insurance politics then in force shall JlU!l1O the pun'haser nr gramt'<.' <br /> <br />I), T1lal as addltloolll and collaleral S('~urll)' ffir the paymenl uf tbe..1ICIlc dellCl'ibcd. and all ~UIllS 10 l'<<tllllC due und<~r <br />Ihis iNotrunwiftt. the horrower hereby assilln. In Ihe Lender all prnfii,: reven~. royalties. righh and benelils accfUIIIg III <br />the OM_u uadef .."y a/lI.l all all and lias lel.n un iIIid rrenli.teM. ....Ith the. rillhl In rL-.:cis'o and receirt'thr thl' "-1mc nnd <br /> <br />piiiij'i'Oi....~-...__.._._--_... .... ....'-",,,,- ....---..,.........-.....-.......- ....-"--.......,..,..... _.,...__.F"o.-=m-MuO::tif..j:DfAiI.-~jM till', <br />