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<br />i' <br /> <br />State of Nebru" <br />22060073a <br />i':\ - \1~.;, ',l.1.r(l'.:-' <br /> <br />DEED OF ,TRUST <br />:, :,))'88"'; _' ':' 1':"0"" 3~"'2'2' I) <br />_,... ~i: .,',,: _,.,,_~i, ,'.' ' t _ ...:.1,," '.' - ,,... """ <br /> <br />FHA CIIlC No. <br />321-12516~~-703 <br /> <br />THIS;DEED:qr.,TRPST (','Se<;uritYln8tnirnCntt~riiunadeon, . '. JUNE 17 <br />l' '. 88' """"'!:"o""WAYDE'E. YOR1C'::~rI'CANDY K.YO!UC HUShND AND WIFE <br />,.!:!, .: . The: t!:IIS~r.Jli"":/,,. ", . ,....';'j'!'::'",;"", i' .,ii,:',''' ' <br />,. ,,". ,:~,' . ...., " . ' (','Borrower"). l'hli trUstee is <br />OCCID~AL~~KAFEDERALSAVD,IGS BANK ".., ' , <br />':qC~~~~:~NE~~~~Sl\V~~S BANK ...'~. .',,: i.' <br />,\Incler,lIJe:l4\wsj)f:""""" . ,,' . ", , , and whOscadd~ills <br />" '" ':,' 1170."'CBN'l'ERRI.l0MAHA,NEBRASKA:' .'....,' <br />: "e'G' ' ",1' ','",.<> "i\,':';' '", <br />" -"",' -,' ' ',', ' ' , <br />:'::..';.~i~thc;8Q~;er in considerilii~n of lhc debt~d trUst hereinaftllr:described and c~,Wthe sum <br />of~j~~f,(~~)~~,#,i~ hanflpaid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby8cknowledged, doesb)o,thCse'P~~ <br />gra,nt'~i~lIdl, ~lIv~ an~ confi~, unt~lhe, Trustee, forever. all of ~e following described~~. situated <br />lying and.beingin 1I\C,Cc)unty of HALL . and State of NebraSka, 10 wit: . <br /> <br />THE EAST TEN. (10) PEET OF LOT TWO (2) AND THE WEST FIFTY EIGHT (58) PEE'!' OF LOT <br />THRD(3), 'BLOCK 'l'No (2), PLEASANT VIEW ADDITION '1'0 THE CITY OF GRAND ISWD, HALL <br />COUNTY, NBBRASKA. ' ' <br /> <br />, <br />"/ <br /> <br />("Trus\CC' ~)~The' bene~c~ ,ill <br />. whichis organizetli~~~g <br /> <br />"-.Y"1." .,:.,.' <br />'" '("i.e~r;~). <br /> <br />which has the address of 815 EAST BISMAJUt <br /> <br />IS.....' <br /> <br />GlWID ISLAND <br />lCiI)'l <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />68801 <br />(Zip Codel <br /> <br />("Property Add,cu"); <br /> <br />To ....e ..... To IIaIIlthe premilCl above described, with all the appurtenanccllborewUo beJonaina and iDcludiD& all <br />bellina, plwnbina and ligbliDa fixtures and equipment now or hereafter atlal:hed 10 or used in c:ollDCCtioll with said rea1 esc.te <br />unto the TnIIICC. and 10 its IU<<CIIOrs aad lIIisos. forever. The Borrowerrepn:sadlfO, aad ~ widt. the TnIIICC. <br />thalthe Borrower his good riahc to ael1 and f;OIIVCY said premiles; that !hey are free from ellCUIIIbrInce; and dtIt the Bor- <br />rower w.iU .,UTIIIt and delead the lime apinst the lawful claitnl of all persoIII wb~;and the laid Borrower bcIdJy <br />re1eaquilllelallrip of bomcslad. and all marital rip, either in law or in equity. and all oiber c:onlingCllt intaaIa of <br />the BorroWer ill aad 10 the above-dercribecl premiscs. the inlCncion beina 10 convey hereby an absolute tide. in fee simple. <br />includinl all rip of hornest.ead, and oilier riJhts and interests iii aforesaid, <br /> <br />,. <br />I <br /> <br />Pro'fided Ahra,., and IhcIe presents are ellccutcd and delivered unlO lhe Trustee, in trUst. however for the followina <br />pIIrpote1: <br /> <br />WIIereeI. the Borrower on the 17TH . day of JUNE . 1988 ,borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of, I1'ORTYNlRE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDIlBD EIGHTY EIGII'l' MJD 00/100------------------ <br />DoIIaR'(S 49,788.00 I. for which sum the Borrower Iw executed and delivered co the Lender <br />Borrower', PJY!!I~ noce of even date. bearing' intemt ai lhe fate of TEN <br />per,cen&um( 10 .O~O.~) per anIIUI'II ondte ul\flllid balance until paid. The said principal and intCn:5t shall be payable al <br />the off"~~IDBlft'AL NEBRASKA ncgllAL SAVINGS SANK-11704 W CENTER RD <br />in.. ,,' 1tI8RASItIl, ' or at N1Ch other place iii the holder of the note Illll)' <br />deti...... la wrhin in monlhly illlllallments of POUR HUNDRED THIR'l'Y SIX AND 93/100--------------- <br />DoI1an(f,' .,,4~~.93 ).,~inl~n the fintday of AUGUST .1988, <br />and on tile first day of each montltthereafle, until the principal and interesot are fully paid, ellcept Ihal the final paymenl <br />or principii and ,in&crell,il not lIOORIr.pald,sba11 be due and payable on the firsl day of JULY 2018 <br /> <br />...oM...... ......~... ...... ........1 <br /> <br />I <br />t <br /> <br />;1 . <br />i. <br />, <br />r,-~ <br />j~~' <br />r <br /> <br />,.'".4 <br /> <br />J. ,'Ibac~ wiD JllIY 1ho,1~"', p~fore provided. Pr\vilqe is reserved 10 pay the debt in whole <br />,,~ , or in ....""ilft)' huaallmmt due Cjate. <br /> <br />2, TIIat, tOJdher with. snd in ~tion 10, the monlhly JllIymenl5 of principal and interesl payable under Ihe terms or <br />the 1IO$e, MCUred.~. the Borrow. will 'JllIY 10 the, Lender. on the firsl day of each monlh until the said note is fully <br />ptld.lhe folluwiDlll\lllUl: <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />-------------- <br /> <br />,... HlI .. <br />"."7l1li <br /> <br />P'oom HlJD.NtU.oT "IN, I/I8IlPl <br />240m 1!03,17(a) <br />