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<br />103086 <br /> <br />81t~Aasignor hereby covenantB and warral.ts to the Assignee thut (a) Aa6ignor has nut executed any prior UBsign' <br />ment of the Lease or of itB right. title and interest therein or the rentals to accrue thereunder; (bl Assignor hUB not performed <br />any act or executed any instrument which might prevent' he Aasignee from operuting under uny of the terms and conditions <br />hereof. or which would limit the A88ignee in 8uch operation; (cl Aasignor has not apcept<.-d rent under the Lease for any period <br />subsequent to the current period for which rent has already become due and payable; td) there is no default now existing under <br />the Lease, and (I'I Aasignor hUB not executed or granted any modification or amendment whatever ofthe LeUBe either orally or <br />in writting except UB set forth in Schedule B. and that the Lease is in full force and effect. <br /> <br />B, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED WITH RESPECT TO EACH LEASE THAT: <br /> <br />1. Aasignl'c hereby grantB permission to Aa9ignor to collect upon, but not prior to accrual, all rentB, issues, depositB <br />and profitB from the said Premises and to retain. and use and enjoy the some. but reserves the right to revoke such penni88ion <br />nt any time, with 0: without cause. by r.otice in writing to Assignor by certified mail sent to the address hereinafter prescribed <br />for 8.mding noticels. In llIIY event, such permission to Ausignor shull be uu~maticlly revoked upon default, by Assignor in the <br />payment of any of the Obligations secured hereby or in the performance of any obligation. convenant, agreement herein, in <br />suid mortgage 07 deed of trust. in the Le88e or in uny of the Obligations secured hereby, or in any securing document given in <br />connection therewith, (all of which will be referro<i to herein 1UI "Default"), In the event that the Auignee should revoke Buch <br />permUlsion or after the occurrence of a Default. the AssignL'l', may ul itB option, ufter notification tD Assignor, by certified mail, <br />to the addrells hereinafter prescribed fur sending l' otices. direct any ur all oethe tenantB of the Premises to pay to Assignee, its <br />allentll or it.ll attorneys. such rentB. illllues. profits, revenues. deposits, rights and benefitB as may now be due or shall hereinafter <br />become due, and Assignee may collect the same, The affidrwit or written statement of an officpr. agent, or attorney of Assignee <br />stuting that there has been a Default shall constitute l'onclusi \'1' evid,'nce therl'Of, and any tenant or other persons is aulhorized <br />llIId directed to rely thereon, The ASIlJgnor further agrees. that in Ihe event the permUlsion to usP and retain the rents, income. <br />Issues. deposita and profits. should be LPrminated ur upon the Ol','uranPl' of a Default. to immediately turn over to Astilgnee,at <br />the time and in the manner requested by Asaignec. ullsl,<,urity d,'poHI\.8 urother monieu deposited by Lesseesofthp Premise6 in <br />u!'cordance with the provisions of the LeIlllCll. <br /> <br />'l. Notwithstanding th~ prOVIsions of parngruph I hen'lnuhov~, upnn or al an~' tlm~ afu-r a Uefault, as dpfined her<'- <br />mllbove. the Assignee. at its rlptiOn, may declnre all OtlillatlOns secur..o hen'by Immediately due and payable. and may, at it.s <br />optIOn. without notice. and if any such Obligations be se!'ured by d..ed of trust Irrespective ofwhelher a declaration of default <br />under said deed of trust has been delivered to Trustee thereunder, t'xerL"\se 011 nghtB and rpmedies contalned In swd mort,gagp <br />or deed of truot and without regnrd for the adequacy of security for the (lbhguuon8 hereby 8ecured, eithpr in pel'1lOn or by agpnt <br />with or without bringing any action or proceeding. or hy a receiver tD ht; appointed by 0 ..ourt, enter upon, takt: poUf'slOn of. <br />manaKP and operate said PremiaeH or any part thereof, milke, enfo~ce. mndlfy, and nC'cept the surrender of 1....Bl!letl,obtain and <br />evict tenants. fill or modify rents, and do any ods which the Aasillnee deo'ms proper to prolt>C't the secunty hpreof. and eitht'r <br />with or without taking possession oethe Premise... In its own nome. Hue for or otherwisp collect and n-ceivt' all rt'nt.ll.1UuellllDd <br />profits. including those pasl due and .mpaid,and apply the same.le~.. co..t andexpensl!lJ ofnperauon and collection, including, <br /> <br />but not limited to. paymenta for W8g018 and payroll tllxes, eompensRtion of managing agt'nt and other managt'menl <'Olltlland <br />ellpenaes. real eetate tallell and all8ef}8mpnt.., wllter, Hewer, and similar charl[e8. insurance and workmen'a C't.mpoonllation <br />pl'1!miurllll. ground renLa. custDmary real estate commiB81On, and reallonable attorney's fees nnd court <'Ostll. upon on)' Oblilita <br />tions secured he",by, and in Buch order n. the Allslgnee mny determine. The enterinll upon and talunll polJ3eSllion of the }>nom. <br />1....8. the collection of lIuch rente, .ssue8 and profitll und the application thereof all afore.ald. shall not run' OT W81ve any default <br />or waive, modify. or affect notice of default under said mortgage or deed of truat or invalidate any act done !luTlluanl to.uch <br />n"tlce. Assignor hereby relea8eB allY and all dalm8 wh,..h II hu~ or mIght have ag.unst As.lIg"....ansmll outoClluch rollrct.ion. <br />manallement operation and mallltenl1n,'.,. ellccl.ttnll tbe lIabihty of AtlIIignpe t.o account Cor amoun1.8 rollected and .,,,prndf'll <br />by It <br /> <br />a, The Asslllnee shull not be obhIl014.d t" Pl.nonn ur dlal'hartll', nor does It unden.ake to perform ord1llchlU1re, <br />any oblillation. duty or hllbility under the LeftsI', or under or by reollOn nf thIS Assignment. Assignor shall ftnd does hereby <br />all1'ee to indemnify the Aasilfntoe Ollatnlllond huld II hurmlcsa from any and all liability, 108s or damage which it ma~' or might <br />Incur under the I..cWle or under or by reason of IhlB A..illnmtmt and of and from any and all chums and demand whataol!ver <br />which may be osserted allainHt it by reallon of lIny all ell 00 oblilllltion or undertokll1ll on its part to perform or in thediachlU1le <br />"f any of the terms. L.....pnantB or nllret'mepUlI'OnlalOl-d in the 1""W1p; should the Aaaillnee incur any Buch liability,lOlIB OT <br />damftge under the Lease or under or by rellllOn of thiS AlIMillnmcnt. or In thp defense llgainst any such claims or demands. the <br />amount thereof, includinll cosls!, eltpenlles and reasonable attorney's f~. tDgelher with inten'fll thereon at tht' highCllt ratr Bt't <br />forth in any of the Obligations secured hereby. shall be BOCUred hereby and by tllt'said mortllalll'or de<<l "fuusl ond Assignur <br />.hall relmburlll! tht. Auillnee therefor Immlodlately upon demand, ond upon the fmluTPof As~IKnor solo do the Asllignl't' may <br />declare all Obligntionllllecured hereby immL><liotely due nnd po)'able. <br /> <br />C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br /> <br />I. lInttl the ObliKations sl"CUr,'d hereby shall hove been prod 10 full, ASSIgnor l'o\'enantB and O,,",,'S to k....p It'B>lNl <br />at a good and Hufficlent rent,J the Premisl'fI and upon demand t.o transfer and nssllln t.t) th.. ASSlllllt'C any lInd 811 suhsrqupnt <br />I..t'alletl upon 011 "r lIny purt of Iluch Premllles upon the 811mI' or llub8tantlally t.he 8ame It'rmll and l'tlndlllUne as on'hprelO ('on. <br />tainl'rl, and to make. t'1lt'.'Ut.P, IInd delivcr to the Assillnoo. upon demond. any and all in8trumt'nts thot moy be nl't."t'888rYordll8lT' <br />able t.he-reforn. but the terms olld l.ruvi.ion8 oHhill Asslllnml'nt Hhull apply to ony BUl'h Huhsl'lluent L,'Bee or Iol'nel'ft wht'lh..rnr <br />not Sll o."igned and transferro,d, <br /> <br />2. Assillnor shall. upon requpst of A8Sllln..e. furnish It IIl'0Rlplete hst as of lh,' dllt~ of lhe requeel of alll..<'l1s"" ond <br />"thllT tennncir..8 of the Pr..milleH 10 Buch rensonable delail as moy hI' requll8ted by AssillnL..., Forth..r, If requeslt'd. A8Hlgnor <br />shoU deliver to A...ignet' ellecllted or certified COpll'" of 011 1..'.'OS"8 lInd nthpr wnt\.('n IItn'l't'R1''Dts, l'or"""p<1I1drnN', and mt'mo <br />rondo bet,,"oon A..illnor und I....Ho....8 alld ..ther !t'nont.H Il..UIOK forth th.. l'untrtlt'luIII nrrnlllCo'lI\l'nta Iwtwl'l'n thrm Su{'h <br />rl!(IUelltll moy he modI' I!t lIny rpnllonnbll' tUlle <br /> <br />:1, The fllllorr tll 1I8t nny .pectfic L...IIH.... llr.dnr !-khrdul..1l Iwrrlll, ..hull nllt Invuhdat.. or "ffo"-\II\ lIll~' InRllno'r, th., <br />l{..nnrnl nllHll!nment nf rl'ntll IlIId len."" "rnvidl'~ (or hllrlJln <br /> <br />'. 11~.U~l lhp pnYlnt1nlln full u( nil ()hHwnllnn'" ftN'urf'l(i h('r...h,'. u" f'Vht...,Ctl(j h\" ttw rl"'....\nhntl or fd'll~ tlf 1111\ H,..tru <br />,"ent IIr Hatudort","", filII reh'081."f "RId Inllrltlall" or d....d of trust. unlt'He lh...'.. .holl hn,'!' tN"'1l r.....lnil'd III"" h... Il1nT1lCu.... '" <br />,II....d "ftru.t 10 fnvnr of Ih.. Allnllllll'l'mvrrlllK Hit' wl...ln... unv flllrt "fll", 1"881'd I'n'lnIHI'., thlM A""IlInm""l Mhull ""'~'In" ""II <br />nnd void Brul uf nil rf1t'C.t <br />