<br />88- 103086
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS ASSIGNMENT, made this
<br />
<br />lOth
<br />
<br />nay of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />19..aa.....
<br />
<br />by Alan L. Gruwell and ~ebecca R. Gruwell, husband and wife
<br />
<br />residing at or having an office at
<br />
<br />432 East Dodge
<br />
<br />Grand Island. NF. hRAnl
<br />
<br />(herein called "Assignor"). 1.0 FirsTiei- Bank, National Association. Omaha NF.
<br />its principal office at Omaha, Nebraaka (nerein called "As8i~nee"),
<br />
<br />having
<br />
<br />
<br />FOa VALUE RECEIVED. Assignor hereby grantB. transfel'll and aJl8igIlll to the Aaaignee all of the right, title
<br />and interest of Au:lgnor in and 1.0 any and allleRsell and other tenancies now or hereafter made on or with respect 1.0 the real
<br />
<br />e8tate located in Hall Countv. Nebrask,~, and more particularly described
<br />in Schedule A hereof, which real estate 8hall be referred 1.0 hereinafter 1UI "Premiae8". including, but not limited to that certain
<br />Leue or th08e certain Leaaee, with modifications, if aDY. dL'lIcribed in Schedule B hereof, covering the PremiJe8; together with,
<br />(1) any and all extellllioDII or renewalll therenf, (2) any and all guarantees of the Leuee'II obligatioDII under any thereof and
<br />under any and all extenllion. or renllwal. of any thereof, 8Jld (3) all renta. iuuell, profita, revenUe8, depoaiu, eamect money
<br />payments, righta and benefiu now or J- r,reafter aming from 8uch lean and tenanciea or for the UBe and occupancy of the
<br />Premi8etl, and any and all exten8ionll and renewals thereof, Raid le8llell and tenancies or other uae of the Premiee8 together
<br />with any and all guarant.eea, modificationll. extensions, and renewal. thereof 8hall be 80metiml!!8 hereinaft.errefered to 88 the
<br />"Leue" or .tLeaaelltl;
<br />
<br />
<br />ONE: Payment and perfonnance of each and every debt, liability and obligation of every type and deKription
<br />which Aaaignor may now or anytime hereafter owe to Aaaianee, including, but not limited to. the indebtedness of Auignor
<br />secured by that certain mortgage or deed of trust made by the Auignor to the Auignee dated June 10 19~
<br />and recorded or to be recorded at or prior 1.0 the recording oi thi. Aoignment, or any other mortgage or deed of tnIat hereafter
<br />coverinll the whole or any part of the Premie., (whether such debt, liability, or obligation no... Emu or i.I hereafter created or
<br />incurred and whethEl it ia or may be direct or indirect, due or kl become due, aNolute or continaent, primary or MCOnda.r)'.
<br />liquidated or unliquidated, or joint, IIeveral, or joinL and .everal, all such debta,liabilitiea Rnd obligatioDII being herein coU~,
<br />tively referred 1.0 IIOmetimes as the "Obliaation."); and
<br />
<br />TWO: Performance Ilnd discharge of each and every obligatIon, covenant and agreemenL of Ml5lgnor Ctlotained
<br />herein or in any .uch mortgage or deed of trust or Rny note or bond lleCured thereby, or in lUly obligation or any Illocuring
<br />document given in connection with any of the OblillatiolUllNlCUred hereby.
<br />
<br />
<br />L To faithfully abide by, perfonn and discharlle each and every obligation, covenant and agreement of the Leue
<br />by Leuor 1.0 be perfonned, 1.0 give prompt notice 1.0 the Anillnee of any notice of default on the part of Au~orwith reapect to
<br />the Lease received fTom Lea.ee or guaran t.or. together with on accurate and complete copy of any .uch notice; at the .ole cost
<br />and expene of Auignor. to enforce or lIeCure the perfonnancc of each and every oblillation. covenant, condition and agn!ll!!ll1t!lnt
<br />of the Lealie by the Le..re 1.0 be perfonned; not 1.0 modify or in any way alter the tenn. of the Lean; not to terminate the term of
<br />the Lease and not Lo accept a surrender ofthr renta thereunder or to wah'e, e:s:cu.e. condone or in any mannerreleueordis-
<br />chlUle the LeNee thereunder from the obligation., convenanta, conditions and agreementA by the r- to be perfonned,
<br />including the obliiation to pay the rent&! called for thereunder in the manner and at Lhe place and time specified therein, and
<br />Auianor doetl by thMe prlltll!Du expre.aly rele8lle. rellnqui.lh and surrender unt.o the Assignee all Auignor'. riiht, po....er and
<br />authority 1.0 modify or In any way Illter the tenns or provisions of the Leae. or 1.0 terminate the term or occt'pla IUrTendert.heftL
<br />of, and ony nt....mpt on Lh., part of the Anillnor to e:s:cercise nny such right without Lhe written authority and conRnl oftht'
<br />A1I8illnee ther..t.o be'nj IinL hod and obtained shall N>nstltllte a Default of tht' terms h,'reof,m. defined hert'inafter. t'ntithnll
<br />the AIIslllnee Lo doclnr.. nil sums Iiocun>d h"reby Immediately due nnd pnyable
<br />
<br />2, At AlI8ignor's BOle co.t and e:s:penl'lt' to oppear 10 anti defend any action nr proceedinll ari.ing under, il"O"'..nll out
<br />of or in any manner connected 'JVith the Least' or theobligationll. duLie. or liabilitil!8 of Lessor, Leeeeeorgullrantorthe",undt'l'.
<br />and to pay all costa nnd e:s:pen.C11 of the Assignee. inclul1.nll attorney's fees in a feOllonobl..sum, in any Buch action or proceed-
<br />109 in which the AIIsilfl1etl may oppenr,
<br />
<br />:1, That shoulrl Aaaillnor foil IAJ make any pnymenlor 1.0 do any acl no heretn providl'd. thl'n the A8llllignt'l!, but
<br />without obligation so to do nnd withoul notice kl or d..mond on A..ignor, and without I'l'leastnj Assignor from any obligotion
<br />heTt!Of, may moke or do the .ame in such manner and W 8uch extent o. the Auignee may deem nClcc..ar)' to protoct tht' lIt"Curit)-
<br />hmoof, includinllllpecUlcally. withouL limiting il.llllenernl powers. the right to appear in and defend an)' Rction or Proe..ooinll
<br />purporting to afflICt the .ocuriLy hereof or Lhe rillhLs or I)"wen of the AuignllC, and 01.0 the rillht but not tht' dUL)' to perform
<br />IInd di.chlSl'II" "Bch ISnd every obligation. covenant nnd ol(1'OOment 01 Leeaor in the Lenii': C<.)nl&lnN; and In l'llf'I'<.'\lllnll 61\)'
<br />BUl'h power. 1.0 poy nocC8sary coslll nnd "II pense.., employ l'ouns..1 bnd incur nnd pay ron.onnble nttorney's f.....
<br />
<br />4, To poy immrdint.rly upon demand nllium, ellllfmded by th.. AssillDee und..r tht' nuthnnlY h..n>nf. toll..th..r .....th
<br />lRterollt Lhl'r....n oL the hi/lhesl row seL forth in nny ?fth.. Ohllgntions s....urrd heTf'by, Rnd th.. Bnme .hnll hI' nddrd In thr Obit
<br />/lntion. nnd ahall h.. lIlecurrd herehy find by Lh.. oold mort/loj{" nr dl'f'd of lruat
<br />
<br />r., 11\oL Aa.lllnor will not tranaCer ur 1"lOvey tn th.. l.....ee Lhe fl'C title to Lht' rI..mIIllNII''''Il\\Il''., lIr 1\1\) 1'0<1 th....",r.
<br />unle.1 Lhe 1A'IUIIlflIlllSUm"s in writinl/ nnd n/lre". to pny the doht securro her..by In I\l'l'ordl1lwe ...,Ith th.. t..nna, .""WN'l\nlA nnd
<br />...",rllLwns IIf tht' AOld not.. or hond .el'u....l hy sold mortl/I\/I" IIr dl'f'd of trult
<br />