<br />ti Eminenl Domain. Lenl1el IS he'eby itSSlgnod all compensahon awald:. damages and otrler pa)'ITlt!f1I!:. tH lehE'1 .ne-Iemattel Plo.:.eec1s J I" connec~.or. Wltn
<br />concJemnallon or olher 18klng ollne Plope,ty or pari thereol or fo, conveyance tn Ilt~u at condemnation Lender snail be eo"lled alii!'; opllon to com 'lence appeal In ana
<br />prOSeLu1Et m lis o*n name any achon 01 proceedings and shall al50 be entllled to make any compromIse 01 se11lement In Ct.onect,on With S~c.t1 Lar.log or aamag2 in Ule
<br />event bny pauloo 0' the Property I!I so lakEIlI Dr damaged Lemler shall have 1he ophon 10 liS sole and ansolute chSt'e-ll0n 10 apply all suCh ProceeClS eHer deduc1lng
<br />Iherefrom all cosls and expenses Incur,ed by It In connecllon With SUCh proceeds, upon Bny Indebleaness secured hereby and'" suetl ol(]er as, Lendet maydetennlne .:'If to
<br />apply all SuCh Proceeds. after such dcducllOn5 to Ihe ,esto,allon 01 the P'opertv upon sucn con{].lJons as Lender ma)' Oelp,m.nf> An~ appilcatlon ot ProceeCis 1v
<br />tndebtednes5 shall not extend Of postpone the aue Osle 01 an')' pavmen15 under Ihe Nole or CurB any detaull theleunder or t.ereunOE'r
<br />
<br />7 hrformanceby Lender. In theevenl at Bonowe'.s 'allUle to perlorm any olme cowenents he,e,n or majP,e an)' payments lof'QuueO tlereOy ,r.' an)'.8ct Istalr..en 0'
<br />logal prOCeeding commenced which mfltenally affects Lender S tnleres! m Ihe Property Lende. may In liS own c!ISCIp.lI0n bull/'l'11houl OOh9a1l0n to de so. and Without -notiCE'
<br />loor demand upon Borrowe, and WIthout releaSing Borrower 1rom any obllga'lOn do any act Ylhlcn the Bono*e, ha$ Bgfeeo bul ~adstodoanQ may ats.o doan)' other act It
<br />deems. necessary 10 protoct lhe securlly hereof Borrowe, shall Immediately upon demand Ine'efo' bv Lende. pay to lendel all costs anCl ea.penses InC-UfTet! anti sums
<br />expended by Lendel 10 connection with Ihe exelClse by lenderot the loregolng tights togNher ",lth Inlaleslthe'eon at the uUe prc...oec II" the-Note wt'uchsnallbeaddeOto
<br />the tndebl&dness seClIred hereby Lende' shall not Incu' any personal hablllly becau5~ 01 anyttllng It may 00 01 omit 10 00 nereunCer
<br />
<br />E..nlaol DefaulL The fOllowmg shall constltule an event of default unOl"r tt.., Deeo 01 T'uSl
<br />
<br />lal Fallule to pay any Installment of pflnc.lpal or lulelest nr .lJnV aI/leI Sum secwel1 heleby ..her. Clue 0' failure \0 pa~ when (]ul"anr other mdetlteoness 01
<br />Borrowe, to Londer
<br />
<br />I.Q
<br />~
<br /><:)
<br />CQ
<br /><:)
<br />.....
<br />,
<br />CO
<br />CO
<br />
<br />(b) A breach 01 or delaul1 un(1er an" prOVISion contained In the Nole thiS Of"e'eJ 0' Tlust P.1l)' Cocvmenl wnlch secures the Note ane! At")r othe'
<br />enClImb,ance upon Ihe P,opelly
<br />
<br />(Cl A Wilt at 81(ecuhon or aUaChmanl or anv Slmlla' process shall be pnlell"a 4ga,nsl R"rrower ..hlcn shall becomE' a lien 0" 'the P'open)' or an~ pOntor,
<br />lhereot or Into rest therein
<br />
<br />((JI There &1'\811 be hied by or IIgllln!i1 Bonower IIn aChon unOer any P'e'$Cnt 0' fut\.lre' leeefal 5tate Of Olnel stlUute lB. or regulBtlon reUl1lOg to
<br />bankruptcy Insolvency or other ,ellef lor deb10rs 0' Itle,e ~hlJll be apPolntea any tl u51.,... 'f"('e'IW("1 tJf ItQuICl8!O' af BOfT D.eo! 0' or .all or ano/ pan ol1:he Proper.ly. aT
<br />the rents. I"U~S or pIoltl" Inereot, or Borrower "nail make Bny general 6ss"~n".,eni lor IflP Denef,1 0' CIPOll015
<br />
<br />Ie) r"e sale Iranslel. asslgnment_ con~evance 0' fu,'hef enr:umbranct" 01 all Of an__ par' Of 0' any lnte'~1 In !1\e Prope"" ellT'lef vOluntClTIt)' OT
<br />InvOluntBrtly wllhout the express Wfl1len con!l8nt 0' Lendor
<br />
<br />III It BOllower I!. not an IndIVidual Ihe sale t'iln~r~t dS51gnmprlt c.o"~e../lIn(-f!ll}' ,.n( u,,",f'\'anl..if' 0' mo..... trlan
<br />
<br />~If"rc.f"nt 01 (I' b corporation} ,.ts>
<br />
<br />IUued and outstanding sloe'" or (.f a pafln"'~hlpl
<br />
<br />~rCe-nl 0' ~)4"nfo'~""D ,nle'~h
<br />
<br />9 R.metIIew; A~leratJon Upon De'ault- In me e'W'enl 01 4ny E..enT of ()r.lault l e.-.de, ma. cjf"{"I.'r "If ,"Ol"bllfOon..s~ ~e{",...reO tlere-b)' '0 t"f' c~ line pay-atilt! Bno 1he
<br />same shall thereupon becon'lG! aue and paYlIDle Wlmou, Bny prosenlment Oem and plote~' 01 nollCP o' II....' "I.-.a T~..rf"lIn('1 Lt"naer mal'
<br />
<br />lal Demena thl!ll rruS1ee 8JlerCIsethe POWER OF SALE granle-a he'e,n anl] 1 I u'Sfl"f" fl""'ltl'I~.~4fT..., (~_~ BOIIO.,1!>' '!> .'l'f"l~' In tf"-f' p" pertlltO:>>eSOIO
<br />Bnd rhe p,oceedS to be dlslnbulecl all In Ihe manner pro....lded In 'tle l\ieDras.a T, us, Dp~$ Ac'
<br />
<br />(bl Either In person 01 by agonl Wllh or ....lIhout bllnQ,ng !lny act.on (1' p'ocpp-a'''Q ,,, t'o. .. 't"'\."',.~, ap!,.:>,nlf'"(l t., !lI ,ou"1 and ...tnoul regalo 'te ~hr
<br />adequacy of Its a.ecunly flIller \.Ivan and take poss.eS!llon 011he Propen." u' .t"~ pit" It'lP',"C" of' "" ,...." .,.n.f' ", ,,, 1he ....a,........'" 'tf'1~ 'I' fuS.1~ i!ln::! 00 ant aen. Vo'f'tIC'f1
<br />.t aeems necess.ry 0' dpsl'aDI~ 10 pte4ierv~ 1he 'W'lt1U8 m.l!l'lI.el.l!lbllll'V Of '..nldf),t"~ ", 1I1~ 1-""1.""". c,. 1_',)"1"''''.01 " .....It-I~l mte"ft'-In ,~.('ea:>e the l.ncorT\olt
<br />Ihefehom 0' plt.doc1 'he $-ocunt.,. f1eleo' and w.th 0' w.lhoul13ktng po'SseS$III" ~Ilt\t" P. JP"'., '.J" I". CH 'JUll......,.r ((1l1t"<:'1 ttLe- ~if"I"l'5 I,.~",e~ ,l\nO prC"ltsmereo1
<br />Including "'IOU past due and unpa,d and apoly Ine ,amE" I~S Cosls and e.Pt..v!tt"~ .1' 'I"'"' ""u" .!l""': "I'N 1"_,,, ."t.1uCl.n:;; iIIt1ol........" t~ ..;:lO;T1 an\, ,1n-eetl1t!10ne$5
<br />se'Cu'l!td heleby all ,n lIuch alder 5s.le'10e~ may c1t-telmlno The enlerlng upon ."0 1.1. '-'9 po~_.~" '" "I I"" P.upp,ll 11"1f" (OIIe-Cl'O'" 01:!o~ rent:f:i, 1551Je~.an.O
<br />protrlS and the 4Pphcahol\ Ihf!"@()'asafO'O'SJlllj "nail nol CU''P 01 waive 4lIny O(O'''lJlI .J' n;"'l 11>' ,I :1f"I.,,11 "t'r",,,,,:.1~' t:., .".al,~,ut' ll"l 4'-1 oo~ If'I '~onse'O:!>\Jct".
<br />de'allll 01 pursuant 10 Douch nohce 01 delault ar;c1 nol....'!tl~lanCh"g tM eorl,n.J""Cf' ." pO''''',"''''l' .1 I..... ,..,.,t_'~t ,.. ,....It' (C.ll4'>t1.o'" ff"{.'iPt,pl a1l0a;:rp~'C8tIO" 0'
<br />renfa, Issues 0' o,oht, Trustee 0' Lendp, ,han bP l"ollU,..d 10 t>ato'l',\6 t'...P' ~ ',qn1 p.,..,~f"" ".. .. "", of I...... I .... "'l'ol ',,""It'''1' lJ' :~. Ie.. ..pJ1 Occ.urf"Oce 0' .on"
<br />event ot dell!lull ,"cludlng; l1\e 'll;lhf to ~ue'cI'!tt" The po"",,'r III ...llp lint'
<br />
<br />leI Comtnel"tce an Bchollto tOfl!'Clo!l.p 11''h'\ DfoNJ ,-I' <','''''''''~ 1<'1)rl'J"l)" ,.['1
<br />
<br />" \'''.1 t" ...,. ton'n" I' Jl"l _II IT... l O...:tK\iln1s. TloPrao'
<br />
<br />No rlamedy"efelnconleueCl uponor I@"l'fwl!'dlo 1 '\J"t~o. L I.nl]pr ," ,nhfnrJf"I.l'~ bp".r ',,'i...~n' "". ,"....r.. .......,... 1. .,..,.... ., f"'. '... ;,.,,_'O:)~::l L-O pt!"~''!'l","e tl..r.e.L"'f"I\i'1allbr-
<br />cumulllllve IIhu'j beln:sddltlon 10 ....II,y otn..., ....med., Q,..pn hl'!'''un(Jt."1 ," ".:,.... O' ~'......all(.. ".'~f.'-.,.. It' .i_ '.' . "'J.J.I. '. t., !o''''''t1p II'''. ~.t t>t-"."'l ,~O COfl(....Hl"r"ntllJ
<br />Independently or 5~Ce$.,~e-Iv
<br />
<br />10 ,r--.. Tl'ie Trutlt"e fT"Iay r.....on al an., I.",to ",,"r'lr'lJI I au!." .If'., Lr",--'pl ",.1. "' <1". '....,f' ",',." .......,.." ...._ ,I;~. ",.. It ~",-, f'~"i.-" _" "..L'~1'~U'f''' 'uSl:er TTust"".
<br />,hall no~ be hat'rle 10' _ny lOS' 01 daml19t' un'''''' Que 10 <lC'Il')l1a[lIn "IlQl<q'""(e oJ' "".nllJl ,., 'lo': "''',A' ,,",1 "',.It" '. " rw' "..:' ',"j' ',s... ~"" iII(1","" ,,,, Con"~r'ltttn Wltl't 1f'1f"
<br />entorcemenl at nllS Oeeo or TruST unl!!'" lodtl'mnltlt'l<J ,n ..I,t.ng lur .11' l "~'Ill '. 1"11"'" ~..."...al.. ,r> 0' ,..t~r'!of'!l ",..>! ,. ",a. ~_ .'Io'!.- ~ ,.!....-, '"""",F..,,., Ii'. ..0011.('1'1 1, ustftt- r7\IIt
<br />tJet:orne aPUrChas.er.1 anl' Ule ol1h(l Properly IJUaltl41 n. "n{)el Ir-.,. t'OWltlr o~ \nl,.. t;I'Jlr.lt!o"'I""'" J.'0\;lt'11"" trll' '!l-...... .). .t' " "". " .., "." O".,t' 1)'lIPPI'!1 1li:!o!l'OVIOt'lO't>" l8l1rl
<br />or llell the PropertY.$ a '*hofe 01 In ~pAr..le pore"",, Of I'.'~
<br />
<br />11 Fu....~ Upof'\ fl!<Qut's.l of Bor,o'\llll"" L rond,., ....,.... .1 ""I ..pt,o" "01." .IfJ,j'1'Of\JI1ana 'u'u." "".."'A"'-"" .".:l '....,'...1"'1(.." 1;:_ ~'"""'o_ ~l.n:-t. ba,j,.II,....~b..~
<br />leaOy&ncea. with Inlernt thef~an &halJ be aeculea by I",,, D~IJ '.11 , 'u!ll At "0 TIm" \l"1.tlllt'f:< P'lnc 'pAl 8""0<1"" <1"~ .nd..tl'~''''''u, Wit. u'''O t-, ~h,', ::"fCIl.:l 0' ':' ru1.1 rlDl',n
<br />
<br />CIlId'"g 5um.adv.nCed to plolKt t"e ...c.unl., o! 1'11. tklftt:J 0' "IJ!l1 l\'.Ctr"" Ihl:! o"~,Plal p' .r.c ,p.l amour.f st.'.r..1N.'p.,., -.J' ~
<br />gr..tel
<br />12 ~.............
<br />I.) Borrower Not R....t.eCS EIIll"lilon 0111\1:' 'Ir"" to' Pl'y,,,pnl {I' m(..1It,cal.o," o'am{1oll'lA" ',f' r"!' ''If' ..".... .....l ,,""" t'l' ,"'." c:w..., ~J , 'ut.' C..r:It.o t..
<br />Lende,lo Iny luccel.$.Of 1f11t'\le'~" ot BOffOIlllD' ~Jl..I,ll "(Ill)p~U,lHP.' Iu 'il'!'IP"" ,n an, m.."nf"r 1"(< I...t..t." .', '."t" ''''J.''fI' B'-1"'",..... ......,., B[~.L'....., . "",11 ('(""LioO.--" "
<br />,nte,,,sl Lend,,' ,hall no' ~ rrtqu".,.d to {" o"'mi!'nc.lf' (1'0(" "'tl"oJ,n~'l "'J.!l,n~, '"U( t'1 !l...<.(P"',,"V' 1" ,..t"",.. I., "'.Ico'>''"' .,.....,. '". p...."op#'l ". t"'''''''~'''ior ......1..,.1... "'''''r''',;-Ill,-::'l'
<br />ollhe s.um$lC!'Culed br IhlS [)e.eod of 1'Ulif tl, re.$;On 'I' a.ny ,:h""'.."r.lHi I'lade tl, Ihp u",~''1al R0"""'~" .n,' B..,.o.... \ '10....1' ,.,."u'" .r ."".,,,,,,,
<br />
<br />Q6.BOO.OO
<br />
<br />.vt'Hcfl1ow" Ill!
<br />
<br />lbl ~'~o..r.. Wlll"lout tt1P{,.ng tht" I,abll,t, 01 all., vltlt!ol [)l""LUI ,..ttllfl 'II' ttH. :..!I, ......." .,1 ."~ '''t'''9*1..'' ~.....",. .. ,....~.r'.~ "..e .,nlr>I'111!1"1;1.~~,
<br />the hen 0' cha'gte at Ifus 04!<nd 01 T 'u!i' upon .tiny pOllIO" -,II'It" P.,j",,"Hy "1>1 "'\,.,, 01 thelt'lc't...t" .......ltlo..".... _I.. u' ,1. .~. ,....... ',,' ..n..,:ou-" !'<" "1- 01","'",a Ohhgft1'oPlt
<br />Londel ma. trom time to 'Ime l!If'la ..,'thoul nol,,- (I "I 1t"lto.I!.(' .".. p.,..nn 'II l,abll1' '". ....1,.'''1 ,....... '"'41.... ..) .. 1\".... .'-'. ;.' ..~. ,.... m." ~" "'-'1 ,,,_.~'t_ ot\h~A~'(l'l'lo I."
<br />Q,.n, Olh4!l1InduIQ~Ctt" t '.1 relea$.e Q',1e'( O"hf"'., lJ' (ftull"lot>... 'f"'It"l"I~"lJ d' Irco.........,.~-: 4~ .II". . .~.. It' l ....."'... ',. .".",;"" .", "....(~. (>..-:->.,-:.,1 ..." 81, Cf'I,,....' P.Clprr1,
<br />(vi t8kll' 0' 'ele."e any othef or .Odlllon., "rot UI.'. '01 a", ,t!'\I'Qitl.un P'lf""'" ,n...nt'.-lr...", _" .. ..,..... "..'1"'....', ," .. ."..... .....n;;t'f"""".."'l ..,1' CJto!'\Ie>.-tr..r. ""IU1.n<
<br />lhefelo
<br />
<br />tel Forw....ncelly ~Not.W....r Anl 1,"Tl""'i1r.,,, t" . '..'.1....... ,....., '!>.".;o II", ,..;,'"" ," '....,.,..:. .............,.... ,,' ,.,._..,,,.. ..":....,..c: t'l 1I1,.,..ta!'I",
<br />I.. SI'l.11 not be. "&IV@'ctOlprtI'C1\.Idethel!'al"'t..!u" of an, loUl r., '9'" ','1 ''''''1'(1) '...." l",... .,.,.,.,...nl ~"l' '''So..' a"l'" .1 !."" ;~l.~.~. ',;' ....p... " ,...,--".. ''',.'''~ i" ('t\.'~M
<br />by Len.,.r S!'\all not be a ..Iwe, .,llendtt, S 1I0nl Iu lecrl"'.'" Ir,e mdlh.' ,t~ u' 'h" .n(]('tltPa......'u if"C (I''''''' ~, ""\ n~:: 1,1 T. ..,,1
<br />
<br />(01 ~.-d........ IIIounIt. Jotnl and s....,at LJablllt,. C.puona !,,~ '~.""""'10 an,:,: "Q'__"_'"'~" .....p,.. , I:''''~a''''f'l-d ....,.fl. 1,.4.~ II....~',.... 'y"'"
<br />he,wn-c:t., IIhalllnu'1!I10 Ihl!' respech'W'lI !tuCCe1lSo0'1l oint" .a~~'lJ"" LI' l~"(ll"' "n" BL-,r,..>...P" \..,~,,~ f'O '.....IV'...".(..,! ,"I,,,,'aG'8f''''' ~ lip .""'r',"'; .., : c.......\~....h. IIInr:
<br />agleem.ntDo' Bonowe" &hall bf'IOlnt and WWf!'lal Thf' (4pl<0".. ....,...."d,....g~ fl' ".~ '''.I....r..''...... 'T'""!! r~: .,' ....1.. 4\..... " r !~n",t".....I"'"'' -,I',~ ....c fI'" .,~.~ l[.t"
<br />",Me 10 tnte'prel 01 delr"'f! 'he p'oYI~on, her pol
<br />
<br />let R....,..ltor NokM. The partl.' hf!',pby It"QLlP.1 ''''<11 II l np.. o. Anl "'.11.( f" ,,1 ,'rf,l.J'l '"'.....,~".,f!. ""'11. , ,~", ,,' ...... ..'c'"" .. ,-,' '1<11' '.1.....'1..,""", hi" .,.,,,,1""'1
<br />each PAn. 10 nUl D4Je.d ot T 'uallt Ih&lIdd'l!!'SS 1I0! 10"'" 4tIO..... ,I" 'f'lt!' "'lIn'l(" P''''(' ,f)f".1 t'. ,It ("'i-lIto'.. ,,,.. (.t ""f'~ ',-" II"', (."'''' ....,"r... '''G, ,.".,~ ,.~".,.... 1ll"f1h( "':"ll,.
<br />la.lo De given IrI anothe' ""anne' anV noltco p'o..,<Jf"O 10' ,... ,....,!I Dpf>{1 ,".1 ., .,,,1 ""ltl. "... Q..... I'. "'A'I""'\J '\\J.'. .- .,!',.. 1. F"""r,~ '~.I'I ~ ~ ."'1ob,"'Cl 1r, ~"'. pT'",.
<br />part18!. al1he .delre.. s.1 torth abort
<br />
<br />A.ny nolrc-e p'O'f'IOed tOl In Ihl' Deed 01 T,u.' ,nail ~ O~mfP(] 10 tlRvr OOl'n Q'''''''' '0 60..1'...... . LrnQ,.. ..t',....... \~'...... ..' I~... ..,."'~.I". ar.....;;....31....~ ',,,,,",,,'"
<br />
<br />I') t.,.,.c1kNL Lena' may make 0' C.lu'" to Dt' m,ad" '(lIt1oc)ntlDlll'@nlllfl'lupon ,n" ,M!lf'P( t.onli n' It'I('I PloPflrt. C'. 1~"'~P1'l''''.' . "'"!';Ip' .......1' w........ [\.......(,...,..
<br />nol~e pllor to an, lIUC" IOlIpochon 1pe<:lty;no rtta.onabli& ......JlU' Ih,,'e'o' '1IIalf!'d to t fI......,... .. .MllfO.""' In If'lfO Pn'P(WIt1.
<br />
<br />10) RecMN,MC.. Upon p..,mflnl of allluml ,ectJ,.,a by th,s Ot'.d Of T lul' l ''''I'IH "'"111 '''Qu.'' 1 . "...,..... tl' '.... ~-..._" ,....... P.nr_'1, .....,~ 11+'11' 'f",..,...tt...
<br />rrlls Deed o' TrUll and all f\Ofeaevld.nclng Indebllld""I' 'e<u,ft(1 h., 1hll OPf'ld 1,\11.,.,,1 h' 'I' 'u"pf" TIU'lIPft ..."Al. ''''1''''''.'. n,.. 1'.(,.....,.. "',1"1',,.' ..,tr...."~ 'I":"
<br />Wlt1'\OUt cn.rge to It\t!I oeraon 0' perlonl It.-oally I!nht'f10 fht,l,elo Suf'h 1M"'lon t.'1 P"',",lM" "'.....11 ~~..__ ,... (0"" ,,' .,.., ,""."P" . "",
<br />
<br />1"'1 t'efMNlalfJropeftJ.lec:urtl, .lreeMeftl A., adOlllonal 'a(.lJllt, tu' 1ht' ell'ly"'.'" fl' T"" Noh~ 1111 f.11 ,,'f''' r\J ..'1'''''''''' . ,.", .. ..,...' ,wo.,. .-,,, P' .'\fl,,'l.. lit."':'
<br />In conllKllon "'llh IhO rllall'lll.,. 0' Imp,oyemenl,locBtod Ihereon Ina nol ot"I"""'UP t1f1CljJ'''f1 11' ""''''(1(11" t'f'" ~'..-', . ,...", ."'.. ,."Ia'" U'. '_'''''~ ~\."",.t'. , '.1111, 1....
<br />'ubJ~1 toa MCUllty .nUtr-l'l1ln t.~O' 0' tn. lend.' undf't Ihe N",b'''IIII Un,'Ofn' CommPI("I.' (Ill'. 1'", ,....t."......,' ""." t-.o ,....,.., '"I''''' "10 . '....., . ,. ,~ ...O.......~.....1!
<br />unde, ,.'d Cod4l' .nd 'he Lend"I IhtllI have all 'h. "ohtl8nd r.mro(1IPI 01. "t!'Cl/r"Ptj PlIrt., "",~... ".'11 C 1-""" ... ..~"....,. '. ",.",. .~..." .",.1 ...-.....-"1.,." , .....'..~ 1''-'"''''
<br />.nd accolde!1the L.nd... Du'~ual\l to 'hla 0Md 01 Tru't
<br />
<br />lit ..........,. In "'" hent lhat any pt01nt.!o()t'l ollhl" O"fl'(j of T 'ull {"l)nllrt.'..,'h IIt)!'!.t ~blp I... ... "'." .,..., ,.....! . _.. .., .. "......'...'.... .......t._ \ .."t"t- I'''.''
<br />c:o"'hct 0' In..ltd.'v "h.1I no' .th'tllh. othe-. prowl lion. 01 I"'" Onft,1 oIl fU.' ('11th. ~,~I" .t'I.c' , .~ to.. 0...... r".., . ... LJ'l' "'.., . 1 I...C;" ~ 'I.
<br />end ,"- D'o-.r'''lon. of (h. O...d 01 T'ulland me Nol", a'. ("J('O{"la,1"'d 10 bfI YII"ablfl / /_"'... ~
<br />
<br />Bu"DWe' r.... "O<ul.'" 'hot O"'d 01 '''''' Ih. ".10 """.0 .M,. ~ ) " ~ / < ~it,t '<. L,,'
<br />
<br />
<br />w. ~ch~&~~'
<br />'(!.L ~,..<, f' (r: "kA ~6~ ..:~_J ~_
<br />'---' (Carol ^. Schroedl!f'l)'''''..
<br />
<br />