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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />BORROWDlI READ THIS DEfORE SIGNtNG: <br /> <br />88- 103045 <br /> <br />BorrOW8r$ (T rustors) unQ13ratanO tn.llne document1"...he Borrow8'fl&rr _bOot to e.altCule'l ~ Deed 01 T ru~l anti. nal.a mortgage ~ Ih.I tn"e power 01 saLe pr~Oed <br />'Ot in lhe Deed 0' Tru5l provlde.lubstanUaUy dlllerenl nghll and obhg.hona to the Borro rs than. an the even1 01. defaun Of bt A1ch 01 ~hg.\JOf1 una., the <br />Daed ot Trust. IncludlOO. but nol limited Iu. the lender', IIghl to tta'lll UUt &1 Properly 10 by the Tr tee Without an proceeo.l JiI or lorec:tosure SorrtnlWl"S <br />rOplV4ent.and warrant lhalthis acknowledgement was e..eculed by them Ihe eo.. Ion of lhl 01 Tru$1 <br /> <br /> <br />./ <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TAUST <br /> <br />COWLETl! _ -""" ONL' " IIIe .... ~ _ _ of INOMDUALL' OWNED ll.GIlJCULnJltAL UJolD, <br />II~.~OHUONE_""......C <br /> <br />o A D1SCI.ll.IIIEJIl Of RIGHT TO OESlGlIll.n HO_S'TUD: <br /> <br />The,acknowtedge 'haIU'II!, .reanoul to eaKute the IOllo_mg 0C'e'0 ot T 'u$1upon t!'\t- real!I Oe1ocn[)eO t!V":i"eJn -~"!"50r-roweq"l ..~ eactl o'l tnem 11 <br />more:~ one do hereby dllClalm thett nght to deslgnlllt!' a tlomesl".d pUI'Suartt lher-e10 No part of rr.e r'lomes:",ac o'crt1"aef 0' rhtl Bono..-erl&.f dl p~tly O1"'III.ln!lltir <br />lulu", be SJIu.ated upon said re.' e-:stale The B01"ro-.&rls' uw--O.,,"'tllnd f9i41,t t!',ther t'st,atJl,stln. ,",omlP"S1eaCl Of"l an, pAn 0' U.e ,...1 e&Ul.te GunTlg!tle tlmettle Detro 01 ""rUSl <br />remains un=atr.fte'd .n(l a l.en upot'l sas<:l real estate mere &han tie no no'" to m.oilr . dC~~Nt'on 01 t.vl'l.f-.~ae.~."'l't,e.~' ,,'..ICfi"C~O~ or tr~" UIJlIlr1ttl.:tIl:!lPDO'lO <br />u.d Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />o B WJlI'4II Of RIQHT TO DE$lGKATf HOIIUnAD <br /> <br />The Borrower..,),vledge fha' the\, I't!' aboulia IIl.Mute I"e 'OliO.'''\; Dt"IPCI 0' ~'uS,1 ...pon In.!' rra! f!sl.&te t1PV ,-meo merel" "'hIt8orrDweq~1 .an:::l ea..'"'t\ Of rrtlem ~ I <br />more than one do hereby ...Ite lhell flgM1 In dM1Q".tf! il "om,.~tpa(] PU'''l..'"' 1~'t"lC 'neo 60"D-.e'I-&1 unO~1a"'Cl tn..t the"y fa..,. the ngr'l1!10 fnIt"''' . oeslgnll.hon :0'1 <br />hOmesteatlancrhat by eaecuhng ,h'5 ".'VIH tnll'Y .'t" "'I,,,..'HJ "G"'1Io o~"'t."'.'M' d1..iI,l.t'llIl 10' '~pu'pc.-~p 0' melT: ,~o::r?01":",r.\lt". ~o \TtII.1'I'11tTle1f nOrnc'$teao t'f'1 lht- <br />rwenf ot . default UPQft [he Deed of T lust <br /> <br />o C DOIGIIATIOII 01' nDmElnAO- <br /> <br />Pun-usnt l:J the F.rm Homntead P'otl!Ctlon AcT ,Sp(.I.on r6 190' pI'Q Reo..,w-t:! Stafv'P'S 0" Tt"'It!' SUit. 01 ~P!.'11.S-".! thft B.onO~IJ,J .~, f'l81eD" Of!:S.I~'lliU"tT1l" mill <br />prope'l1y described In lhe'l 01 HofTMKt.,." .11&(' hl!l't1 f"ofl"PfC An.., If'\( O'P'O' alil!'O nt-"f!"'f'l ~r t"'l!$ ,p1f'i'pnc-1I!' <br /> <br />b~1I10"'" <br /> <br />ft:or't"'~ <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />'''''S DEED Of 'RUS' "m..O... o' .".10tho., ,,' June '.88 t, ,." ,-,,'"'."" ",.",..,. Jahn W. Schroeder <br />aml Carol A, Schroeder. husband and wife ft'''.. ""'''. m'm. .25 Campbell Ave.. ~"mick Acres. <br />o.onlphan. NE 688U,.," Bo"o_' .".1.".._ William G. Blackburn. a member of the Nf State Bar Assoc., <br />""",..,m_","'Ii"""''''''' P.O. Box 2280, Grand l:oland, NE 58802-2280 '......... ,'.......' <br />ano tI,t! Benel.,,,.., Five Points Bank <br />""""",...,,,n;.oo....', P.O. BOJl 1507. Grand Island, NE 68802-1507 <br /> <br />'..II.......,. l..n~I.. <br /> <br />Lot Seventeen (17). R & B Second Subdivision, Hall County. Nebraska <br /> <br />,: OR VALUABLE CO"'SIDf UA ~ 10'.,j ....( ,.....,....';1 Ir-.... "0.1.'..,).....'" .:r-' t.I ..~': .,.....,." .I~,.: ,. ,.~. ,......... ........ ~ ,. t" 'of'"t. t-,P! ."' ..,...1'~" M~II. -,,''''''0;;1'''0 [-I,.HOWl" <br />""',pbJ '''.lfO(.&t:JI., 9'."I!o l'a",!.I..... (0"_," a'od ....!lIQl'l'!l I.. ' . .,,,'...... ". ~ H,.'" 0'1.:.... ~., \\'\It I~ .1 .....4. f' "',," ~""""r.,., " .......: '!or' .,' "', :;-t'. .......:Or. v".(tr. ,""~ 1>-.f!:UII"C' h 'fh, <br />t!tl~ ,and <:01\0.'1101'1 f"of"r,na"'" '-t'O~ '<....,'" Ih<r 'r.1 ". 0''''''' 1""" .1"'..1 ..~ 1,-,." ..... <br /> <br />TOQ'Pt"-' ..,,, 1111 b\JI1o.n(;111o .rnp,o",,~nl" ',.~...,rp, ",.~,. .".,..,1 1'.'...iJ....,~ "'."......... " ."J.... ; ....I"'QM ..,.,~ d1......,.~r'....""'" 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(."1""'( 'p.Io' "..fO", ""~ ..,('O....,! ....'.,..""..~ t.~ (\,,,,. .....' . .."t.. .a": r.' '. ....;1'. "'...N~"""''''' 1:':11''','' June 110.. <br />l!lJli, " ."lu"l. Oa" 01 July 1. 2008., ,',""..>... I"'''' "" .~,,,,,,,,, I 116.800.00 ."" .", .nn.' <br />~lt,1Catron.. ".'on1l'.on. and ''''''tt'.al. '''fI''.-o' 0' aOlod .n..- ant' all '~tl.J'. ".'_ant'" 11"01:' ....!l.'....l r-, .,...........,... ,. ,..,..~..". n...." I" ...."'... ,......1".",1;.("., ...('I'1M. ro' 1'''''(''1'' <br />~,MfnOt'I"(""f.'n Lall..., Note , IDlfhflp.aJm~1 0' o~~, "um,lIlI"'"."tet1 f>, L","r)I"'0 "'I'~"" ...."'....... ..' " ",' ....If' "",,.,. , I'... rw",~"",,,,,,,,,n(.' lfl" c ":..........,,...,''"IlI''~ IICf'l'Olf'lfTl>f"'l' <br />of Borro..-r..' lor1~ "-feln eflJd fc!l all '''CI..1I1'''''ne.... A"O obh~.1'n". 01 OOf'~' 1[1 l ,.....<1... .,..,....,....... " '~I' "",,'r..' ah1\.c.."lf"~" ,~>....t.,,~..... ......" ,.,.....,...... '."It.'''tl 't'!- ......,t., <br />Qulrln1, ~,,'.f'r or O1""'rwrM <br /> <br />1\0"0-.' 10 protM.t tho ..-c-\lfI', 01 ,t". o..c,d Of l.u.., ~O"r'', ....d .;a'''' .',1'. ,n''!l'" ., .{,{,,'.... <br />0l9l:! ~ T:r...w1C1'~....tft.."..l DorIO."" ,h.aIJ P'O"''''''' I'a... .flen,!'h,... fh. r"...., ."... pI ..,(1 ...,'1.......' (,I" ......,., ...." ~f'"C'" ("I' ("'Ia.O'....... p.l..... ."I4":'l " ~". ~n'", r~' ,~"/''''" <br /> <br />p '2 ,..., O()l'rl~' tatheo_n.. ot Itw PrDPl',t, ...... lhorl ..;"1 ""0 .v~o,'I, '" (~.,,_, ,...... "',or-'ll ."a .....,.....~, 1'...,'...... 11,.... (.....1iF"d ~...t", ,10 . '..". ..p,.:, ;'~'ro' ....... <br />;;:.=::rt-\;~'.I m'f oth4!l'.'''' b.....' 'Of'" hll,..n ."d t',. ..e<utH,n .nn ~"I,~'f'" c' "'" [\rorJt~ ['., "\J.' <1,-~' '"(".1 ".{'1l.'" ...., {,....,..." ro-- ,"!'~"" "'''''''CJI'''''' I, ...." <br /> <br />) '.....A~ Tl"lf"" .h4!o'" (Sue I" '-1'..' ..[M"('.'.lI>H.."'f't",......" _'I ~,..". '.'.'Uf" -IIo.......t "1'" P'llClfl"'f\- ...." ,,['(lor .. <br />l~I1." 1lf..llC..h .meuM IIII't'I.IIJ r. "u'hteflnl to .n.\JI/9 1~ lpnatu 10 Pol., tuttI la.",... ......Il'I"....,."I\ C.' ott.". <: ~"'Ol"t In ''''P~ ~............ .~'" <br /> <br />. ~ To lICtC1f,l fhft Propopt1J ''''''u'l''' eg.!;l''''t "lm..O'~>> '"'" ".l.'da '"I 'lJt),..(1 .""1Il '"'' If''''' ,..t."",f>11 (("<......'01. ....,.. '"_" ~ <br />'..,.......'. ,... ......-n"",,, t~nd .-,It. ('()l"f't'HIft'II" .Ct-IIVtAb-tO '0 L .t\lJ.' Inn .,dh 10'" pay.tol'" In ,,~'" \ ."'1111" I'" ,..,. (,I 'M" ll~' ......... ,......,,-. .,,., "'to c r_'>'" <br />t ".Al+ft Iti'~ (('tt'lprO"'II.... all (.t.,tt'O.'''''''.l.lnd.' .".o."aU h.v.. Ih. opt,Ol1o' Irt,I,'''Q ." 0' pi'. 01 I""'" .-"su'."c. r.CIooII.........,... , . ~. ~ ......t '''''''~ .... ..,.. <br />r"'~. ... I ...ot!I., ""., d.-I..,..."",.. '1011(1 '''18 80"'0".' 10 he u...., '0' the ..p." 0' '...,,.,, If,;,,, 01,,,,, ,.....,:'...,, ,.-. p.- . ',~, III~, ,.,..... 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