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<br />l <br />f-~ <br />~. <br />~; <br />. <br />t' <br /> <br />88..... 102972 <br /> <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agrrt' as rollows: <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />I. That Borrower will pay lhe indebtedness. as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in parr <br />on any installment due date. <br /> <br />2, That, together with, and in addi!ion 10. the monthly <br />payments of principal and interest payable under lhe lenm of lhe <br />nOle secured hereb}, Ihe Borro\\cr will pay III th(~ lender, on the <br />firsl day of each month unlil the said 11m;:, is fully paid, Ihe <br />following sums: <br /> <br />~ulfiDr~~ <br />~~""'"~ <br />xKool_JtlllU~~~.uilidl~~mcx <br />jQ(~~Xxx~~.iDtJ:IJc <br />>&~Dda~~ <br /> <br />II:kJtfcDdcXKImIICIEDllJUllleXX~ <br />:lD:ll!I:t !!: <br />:lCic1a1KiC1IlIlIiIIIxw.xXIIXJIIIIDlXXiXifidc'Jl1tKUt.lIl"~ IInbI:x <br />~klImcllllXXWt~lt.~~~ <br />)g_~XlnqaxHXlnlinDtiaxlttr)(.~ <br />~:ltJIJ~ <br />>blI.1lJOl!lnbl~xB~lItmIJtIIpc:b%nJt <br />~JQlPtk1lblr;"IIDbOOD~lbn~ <br /> <br />JCidXxftxlllkJD{k:Q:DJ:iI((b.~JOtxxorKliam::uDcJtJatIlDllJa)f <br />)(Hmt~~.k~15t <br />~1OC1OaI!X . ~ <br />~"XACUmallHIDIIqlIXZla>OCll:UCMU]!:~x <br />~~~-~.....-,.~ <br />M1UtKIllIOCBIIllIIDtl3IDIIlIIJ<::U:OlI!CXK~~~ <br />>qX~---- <br /> <br />(a) IDI A ~UI11 eLlual III lb,' ~r,lLlllij ll~Il", It il[1\, II<"-! Ju,', rill, Ihe <br />rnemlum, Ih.1l \\111 n,'\1 bt','ome JlH~ and pa,al">k .111 1'"II,lc' "I <br />fm.' and "ther halard In'uran.:e '-">\ellni! Ihe pl,'pern. plu, Iii'\." <br />and a.SClsmC'ml nnl ,jue Oil Ihe pll'P('rtl (,,1/ ,f> ,'\lllll.lIt'tf /'1 rhe <br />Lendeflless all sunn aht'adl piud Iherdor ,jllldeLl ", Ihe numb.'r <br />of months [0 elapse bel,'re one (II lTHlmh prh'r rl' Ihr. d,lIe \\I1I:n <br />su.:h ground rCml, prenlluml, 1U"c, and a,..."'menr, '\III t'",omL' <br />dehnquelll. ~uch ..urn, !(\ be hdd t'r, I t'lldcr III rru,! 1,1 p.l' 'iud <br />~round rent., premium,. la\C' and ,pc':l:ll ,j\,..."ml.'lll,. :lnd <br /> <br />(b) 1I.Al1I pa\mellh mel1ll'Hl(~J III Ihc tIlO I'rC,t'JIIl~ 'Ur.'....:llOn' "I <br />tlm para~raph and illi p.lyrnt'llh III I:>e made undl'Y Iln- 11<'[e <br />"':lIlcd herdl) ,hall he added lO~l'l her. .tnd I h,' a).t~rel'a!t: ,lllh'llfll <br />thcn:of ,hall he paId b) the Bmr(mer cadI nH,'mh In d "ll~lc pa) <br />rnt.'nt t('t be applied hI thl.' t. t:odt:r w the I "IlL'" In~ IIt'm, Ul tll(' <br />(llder set fonh: <br /> <br />~XJmiInCUXIlllXJalCKDIlllClI2lDX1CK1\( <br />Jdld~lIJlIi:JbdIxK~IC'D(:XlXlIl1OEDItJtJt <br />~~~~ <br />>ta: <br /> <br />(I) _ground rent', la"-e', .l',c"mcm" fire and other ha/ard <br />Imurance premIums: <br /> <br />(I I) _ IntC're\! on Ihe n,'le ,e,lIred IIt"ct", <br /> <br />(I I I) _ amortization o! Ihe rrrn':lpal ,,' ,all.! n,'~e, .llld <br /> <br />( I V) .. late charge, <br /> <br />An)' deficiency III the amount ot su,h ag~rt'gal'" mom hI, piJl <br />ment shall. unless made good b, lhe Borroll er pliO! In the due <br />date of the ne"l such payment, ;:OIlSWUle an e",:nt oi deiauh <br />under this mortgage, The Lellder ilia) wllec! a "late charge" 1101 <br />10 e:l:ceed four eC'm. {4C:I for each dollar ('; 1\ of ea..:h pal'ment <br /> <br />more Ihan fifteen (IS) days in arrears 10 \.'over lh\.' C'In! cxpcnse <br />involved in handling delinQuenl pa~'men!s, <br /> <br />3. Thai if the lotal of the paymcnls made by (he Borruwer <br />under(a)of paragraph:! preceding shall exceed Ihe amount of <br />payments actually made b~' Ihe Lender for ground rents, laxes and <br />assl.'ssmenls or insurance premiums, as lhe case may be, such ex- <br />cess, if the loan is current. al the option of the Borrower, shall be <br />credited by Ihe Lender on subsequent paymellls 10 be made by thl' <br />Borrower, or refunded to the Borrower. If, however. lhe monlhly <br />payments made by (he Borrower under (a)of paragraph 2 <br />pn:ceding shall I1fll be sufficient 10 pay !!round rellls, taxcs and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, <IS Ihe ca~t' Illay be, whe.. th\.' <br />same shall become due and payable. then [he Borrol\er shall pa) <br />to the lender any amoun! necessary 10 make up lhc deficlenC), on <br />or llefore the dale when paymen! of such ground renls, taxes, <br />asse~smeJ1ls, or insurance premiums shall be due, If '-'I any time <br />Ihe Borrower shall lender 10 Ihe lender, in accordance with Ihe <br />pro\lSlOm of the note secured hereby. full pavnll:lll of the cr.,..: <br />IIldebledn(.'ss rcpr\.'sented thcreby, Illl' I \~lIder shall. III compUting <br />tht' amoulll of SUdl IIldebtedncs~, .:redll 10 the ac,ount of Ihe Bor- <br />rowcr ](I&:.folA)II_WDl"IlIU1db.JlIJdDUbl:~xKx~~ <br />~~~~ <br />Jf!c~~xat any balance rl" <br />m;lIllmll III the funds <lcculllulat...d under rh,' rro' "inns 01'( a) 01 <br />pal iJ~rilrh 2 hereof If tht'l.. shall b,' ,I Jt'''1lI11 ulldt:r all) of Ihe <br />pll" l'lons of thl\ mstHIlllellt I,"ulong III a Jluhlt, ,ak Ill' the <br />Jlr('I1lI~e, covered hereh~. llf II I he I endel a.:qll\rl:~ lhe proper!) <br />,'lher\\lse aftt'!' der.wll. lhc l.end,'r ,hall appl). OIl Ihe tII11e ,,1' 111,' <br /><'Olllmen.:t'l1lcnt llt sud! pf(\,:t'edlll!!~. or at the 1II111.' Ihe proper!) I' <br />llrher\\ 1St' acqlllred. Ihl.' balancc thell r...mallllllg In rh,' lunds ac, <br />,'umularl.'d undt'r (a)ol parilgraph ~ prect'ding, ao; iJ ,redit a.:11I1 0; I <br />111>" illlWlllll of rnm:1pal th\,'n rern.lInin. unpaId under ,.lId nl'le,. <br />~~K>>IiJroI:K9tDIW;~ <br />~~..lIPhdt;x <br /> <br />4 TIMI Ih(' Borr,"','r IIdl pal gl(lllnJ rent-, 1.1\e'. as\e,'!llelll', <br />11011...1 latt'o;, i1nJ other j:''It'rnrnenl,il,'r f1lllf1I<'lpa! ,har!!,", fme,. <br />,'r Illlpll,UlUOS, for II tu..:h P[\lI 1'lnl1 !"I' 11\11 t'cen mink <br />hl'f ('Hlbefore , and III delault lht'rent Ihe Il'nJ"1 mal pill lhe ,a Ill,', <br />,IIlJ I Ihe BOlT""...r ,\III Pl(ll11 pi II J,'I" <'I .I,,' "tf,,'lal le<'\.'lpl' <br />Iht'rel,)! III Ihe It:ndel <br /> <br />rhe B,"rO\\el 1\111 1'.11 ,1111,1\," ,dl"h l11.1l h,' kll,'d up\1ll <br />IIH' I L'nder" IIllele,1 III "lid (.'t.II,' illld Il11pll1\l'ml'lll', and <br />"Iudl mil\ be k\lcJ IIJlun 1111' m,IIUIl1.'1I1 "I Ih,' lIdll ,,',urt'd <br />herd" (hut on1) 1.\ rht' e\l\'nl Ihal ,",h " n,'1 l'I,'lul>ncd 1">, la\\ <br />,1110 ()nl~ to Ihe e\lelll Ih,11 ,lIdl 1\111 Illll 111 a 1.<' Ih" I,'all IISllll,l!h., <br />l'UI e\duJUlI' ;Hl\ 111."'111,' 1.1\, "1,11(' or Inkr,d, Imp,hl'J iln <br />Il.'nLl<,r. :llld \\IB Ill.. Ihe nlll\I:1I ,,',"11'1 ,h'''''I1~ ,,,.:h P,I'Ill,'n! <br />\\llh rhe Ll.'nder L pml '"ll,lIll1n ,'I 111I' IlnJl'n;l~Il'tJl. ,'l .1 rile <br />B,'rr(l\lCr ro; prohlblleJ tn anI 1;1\\ Ill'l\\ ,>r hl'lCiJller c\I'IIIlJl frlll11 <br />paving lht' whole or an~' porrllln of thl' ;Itme,ald ta\,',. Ill' uJX)1l <br />Ihe rerldenng of an} coun decre., prohll'l1l1l~ tilt' payment I">y lhe <br />B,'rroller \,1 an) ~uch I<I\C" "l II ,u<,h la\\ or decrl.'e rro' Id...~ thaI <br />alll amount ;0 paid b) 111\' Borro"l.'r ,hall bl' .:redlled ,lll Ih,. dl'l'I, <br />Ihc l t'ndl.'r ,hall hale Ihe rl~hl III gIll.' Illlletl Ja'" IHlllen nOlle,' <br />1>' 1 he 0\\ ner of r h~ rr,'rnl'l'~, ll'qUJrlI\~ ; hl' l'a} menr ,If t he' de!:>l <br />II luch 1l01l,e be !!lll.'n. Ihl' "lid dt'l'1 ,hall !:>....:')mt. Jilt:. p:I';lbl... <br />and collectible JI the npllalH1I1 \'1 ,aid mn"'ll dan, <br /> <br />11. That should I he Borro\\er fall 1\1 pa) an~ 'urn ,II ~,'ep ,un <br />(o\(,'n<1111 pro'lded lor m tt\l' lllslrurnelll. then Ihe Il'n.!l"r, <11 11' <br />npllon, ma) P;ll or perform the same, ;Jlld all t'\pl'ndIlUlI" .;(, <br /> <br />Page 2 at 5 <br /> <br />HUO.92'430" <br />